Talk:Psychic Instability (PvP)
12? It was fine at 10. -~=Ϛρѧякγ
(τѧιк) 03:28, 23 May 2010 (UTC)
- The fact that it knocks down target noob for an extra second, doesn't really make a differnce. However, I did like it being 10 second recharge. →[ »Halogod
(talk)« ]← 03:30, 23 May 2010 (UTC)
Well, compared to Gust, they should have just left the recharge alone. Both conditional (Gust even has an easier condition to meet and can be used on demand), both with extra effects (Gust's is unconditional damage, PI's is conditional small area KD). -~=Ϛρѧякγ (τѧιк) 03:39, 23 May 2010 (UTC)
You people are missing an important fact: the knockdown is an Area of Effect. I use it with the new AoE on Wastrel's Worry along with Chaos Storm to actually cap shrines in The Jade Quarry without much difficulty. And occasionally it allows me to knockdown a smite monk's allies when I use it to interrupt Ray of Judgement. In conclusion, this skill pwns JQ! 06:15, 24 May 2010 (UTC)
- Yeah, I've been throwing my Mesmer weight around JQ, myself - Those casters in the quarries go down like a game of Jenga with those 2-sec casting times. Also, if you're any kinda good at 'rupting you can totally ruin a PS sin's knocklock chain. That amuses me to no end. MESMERS REVOLT!--Ph03n1x 20:24, 24 May 2010 (UTC)
Anyone else getting the vibe that it's not really adjacent? By that, I mean it seems larger. My first guess would be it's nearby like the PvE version (being an oversight), but it's pretty big. -~=Ϛρѧякγ (τѧιк) 01:27, 4 June 2010 (UTC)
- Well lets just say that while it still affects adjacent foes, it might even be affecting those 'adjacent' foes with half a foot inside the adjacent circle. I agree it seems slightly larger than adjacent, but it could still be correct. Anyway, you won't see me complaining. ^_^ -- 08:41, 16 June 2010 (UTC)
Discrepancy between normal and concise descriptions[edit]
Normal: Elite Spell. Interrupts the target foe's action. If that action is a skill, that foe and all adjacent foes are knocked down for 2...3...3 seconds. (50% failure chance with Fast Casting 4 or less.)
Concise: Elite Spell. Interrupts an action. Interruption effect: if the action is a skill, cause knockdown for 2...3...3 seconds on target foe and all adjacent foes 50% failure chance unless Fast Casting 4 or higher.
The normal description implies a failure chance with FC≤4.
The concise description implies a failure chance with FC<4.
Which is correct? Or is the description on the wiki simply incorrect, miscopied from in-game? --Gah_ 20:28, 11 October 2010 (UTC)
- The concise description was miscopied. --Irgendwer 21:07, 11 October 2010 (UTC)