Tihark Orchard/Guide
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Recommended builds[edit]
- This is a solo mission, so you might need to bring some Self-healing skills.
- Although the mission can be completed without damage-dealing skills, it goes more quickly if you bring a few.
- A spirit spammer can easily win all the fights, including the mini-games (you can typically create the spirits and proceed to the next game while these spirits kill any foes).
- Speed boosts help you move quickly between the mini-games, which are spread far apart. You can also use shadow steps to jump between floors.
List of mini-games[edit]
- Teach Mehtu's relative to dance
- Female characters speak to Dende; male characters talk to Mina.
- Agree to dance and then use the /dance emote
- Drinking contest
(This contest is repeatable.)
Beat Zilo the Drunkard in a drinking contest.
- You need to steal 12 drinks from festival guests before Zilo finishes drinking his keg. You have plenty of time.
- You can nab drinks from any NPC except children (including Dende and Mina), Royal Servants, and any of the guards. The Great Zehtuka will become hostile if you steal his drink.
- These drinks do not contribute to the Drunkard title. However, they will trigger the conditions for various PvE-only skills, such as Drunken Master.
- There are enough NPCs near the steps leading to the princes to complete the contest.
- Some players prefer to turn off post-processing effects in the game's graphic options menu to make it easier to see.
- After the last drink, you sober up instantly.
- Mime duel
(This contest is repeatable.)
Defeat Lumo the Mime in a mime duel
- Copy each of Lumo's next 10 emotes within 2-3 seconds.
- If you succeed, he will show you the next emote (sometimes the same as previous).
- If you do not, keep retrying until he does or the time limit runs out.
- If you lose, Lumo will /taunt you and say, "You move with the grace of a baboon! I warned you that you stood no chance! Be gone from my sight." (don't confuse this with his "normal" /taunt emote, which you need to copy).
Lumo uses only the following emotes:
- /beg — He falls to his knees.
- /boo — He raises both hands abruptly and thrusts his head and arms forward, towards the player. (You can also use /scare.)
- /bored — He shrugs his shoulders forward with arms at side.
- /breath — He bows forward, breathing heavily. (Also: /catchbreath)
- /cheer — He stretches both arms in the air.
- /dance — He does the male ranger "breakdance".
- /doubletake — He thrusts his head towards the player twice.
- /drum — A complicated gesture where he crouches slightly while hitting with his hands over his head, then to his right and then to his left, finishing with two slow strikes to both his sides at the same time.
- /flute — He stands on one leg, while holding one hand at his mouth and another out to his left.
- /guitar — He holds his left arm out to the side while strumming with his right hand over his stomach.
- /violin — He holds his left arm out while moving his right arm left-and-right repeatedly.
- /excited — He claps his hands.
- /flex — He does a classic Greek pose with one arm towards the ground and one behind his head.
- /goteam — He puts his hand towards you and bows and stands.
- /laugh — You can see his chest shaking.
- /pickme — He points towards himself with both arms.
- /point — He points towards the player with one arm.
- /ponder — He puts his hand towards his chin.
- /roar — He stretches one fist in the air.
- /shoo — He waves both hands in front of his chest, towards the player.
- /taunt — He waves both hands beside his face and shakes his head.
- /wave — He waves with his left arm.
- Re-enact the Battle of Jahai
- Speak to Duel Master Lumbo and take part in a reenactment of Turai Ossa's victory over Palawa Joko.
- "Palawa Joko" is a level 20 Necromancer who uses Life Siphon, Blood of the Aggressor, and Dark Pact.
- You can start this activity and leave, allowing the harpies and/or the guards to win the fight for you. You will get credit for the bonus as long as he dies before the last harpy is killed.
- Obtain a rare vase from Jejumba
Jejumba is located on the bottom level in the far east. She provides the player with a vase to give as a gift to Prince Bokka the Magnificent, which serves as an alternative to paying the 5 bribe. Obtaining the vase counts as participating in one of the festival activities (bonus updates when the player gives the vase to Royal Finance Minister Oluda). There are several ways to obtain the vase:
- Kill Jejumba and take the item.
- Pay 4
for the item.
- Trade her a Golden Phoenix Feather for the vase. This requires killing the Royal Guard Captain (toward the east end of the garden).
- Undocumented alternative
An undocumented sixth festival activity lets you bypass one of the others.
- Give the vase to Royal Finance Minister Oluda,
- Speak to him again and bribe him. He will take 5
from your inventory which will count as festival activity.