User:Jade Star xx
This user plays all GW campaigns: Core, Prophecies, Factions, Nightfall, Eye of the North, and Beyond. |
OMG I'm a gamer chick! |
This user is a Tyrian at heart! |
Power Flux is Iv Torn My Dress's favorite elite skill. |
Unyielding Aura is Angel Lj's favorite elite skill. |
Crystal Star xx My Paragon/Warrior, completed Nightfall and Eye of the North, I think she is fab but people tend to have hang ups still about Para's which is a shame lols :)
Iv Torn My Dress Mesmer/Necro, completed Factions and halfway through the rest of campaigns.
Angel Lj Monk/Mesmer, My first ever character, completed Proph but agsin most way through the rest of campaigns, trying to race her through EotN now so I can do Slavers Exile as no one seems to take my Paragon on for it :(
Morning Star xx Rit... Never use, got her to LvL 20 but aint even got an elite yet LoL
Beelzebubs Kiss New Necro, figured I should make one sooner or later... still like LvL 3 though as had a date with a Cap Sig.... RoJ for my Monk.
Tiny Archer Elf Ranger... obvious lols, still roaming around the Shiverpeaks somewhere.
- Users in a Kurzick alliance
- Users who play all Guild Wars games
- Users who play the Prophecies campaign
- Users who play the Factions campaign
- Users who play the Nightfall campaign
- Users who play the Eye of the North expansion
- Users who live in the United Kingdoms
- Users who are female
- Users that are Gamer Chicks
- Users who favor Tyria
- Users who Hate assassins