User:Master s

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Miniature Whiptail Devourer.pngWhiptail Devourer

Miniature Ghostly Hero.png This user collects miniatures.

Campaign and guildwars[edit]

User Lensor ElonaMissionIcon.png This user is an Elonian at heart!
Ranger-tango-icon-200.png This user is a Ranger by nature.
PvX This user enjoys both PvE and PvP.

Guild East Indian Guild Box.png This user is a member of the East Indian Guild.
Elementalist-tango-icon-200.png This user is an Elementalist by nature.
This User is a member of the Luxon alliance.

About me[edit]

User Lensor gw2.jpg This user plans to buy Guild Wars 2
User Lensor gwen.jpg This user plans to buy the Eye of the North expansion
User Lensor ElonaMissionIcon.png This user plays the 3rd Guild Wars campaign: Nightfall.
European flag.png This user plays in the
European territory.
nl-N This user is a native speaker of Dutch.