- Profession: NA
- Sex: Male
- Birthplace: The Battle Isles
- Experience: N/A
- Faction: Zaishen
- Armor: Krytan/Canthan mix atm.
- Armor: PvP weapons
- Pet: His HA team won't allow him to carry an animal companion while nuking, unfortunately.
- Minipet:
- None that he won't lose while randomly being remade.
- Acolyte Sousuke, Acolyte Jin
- To one day take Halls
- To one day defeat a certain Monk in a certain team..
- To learn how to nuke more effectively
- To participate in some hard-core GvG
- Has been recognized in public as "that Heather Leathernoob"
- Has set foot in Halls
- Heather Leatherman is a PvP character
- His name was found while browsing through lists of fans of popular celebrities and products on Facebook.
- Despite popular belief, Heather's name is appropriate for a male character; the masculinity is just subtle. Heather LeatherMAN.
- His pants are indisputably the coolest article of clothing in the Guild Wars world.