Wild Blow/Skill history

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Historic content.png This page contains information about a Guild Wars skill that has been updated since its introduction. Some of the information on this page no longer applies to the game as it currently exists. For the current version of this skill, see Wild Blow.

March 2, 2006[edit]

June 8, 2005[edit]

  • Fixed skill Wild Blow so that it correctly ignores attempts to Block or Evade.

June 1, 2005[edit]

Melee Attack. Lose all adrenaline. If it hits, this attack will be a critical hit. If Wild Blow hits any Stance being used by your target ends. This attack cannot be blocked or evaded.

Melee Attack. Lose all adrenaline. If it hits, this attack will be a critical hit. If Wild Blow hits any Stance being used by your target ends. This attack cannot be blocked or evaded.


Melee Attack. Lose all adrenaline. If it hits, this attack will be a critical hit. If blocked or evaded, any Stance being used by your target ends.

Melee Attack. Lose all adrenaline. If it hits, this attack will be a critical hit. If blocked or evaded, any Stance being used by your target ends.