ArenaNet:Guild Wars 2 suggestions/Extra Graphic Packages

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Guild Wars 2 Suggestions


Allow people with larger hard drives and powerful graphic cards to download extra graphical content. Things that could be included in the package(s) would be like more tree/fauna skins more variety in tree shape/structures, different skins for enemies, extra types of terrain, ponds, waterfalls, extra animals (snakes, birds, butterflies, things that cant be selected), diverse material looks (all the stairs in GW1 look the same).

Over time these packages can be updated as graphic cards become more powerful. You can add extra packages depicting what graphic cards can handle it.

Why this is a good idea
  • Better Game Graphics
  • Removes generic looks
Why it may not work out
  • Extra content to make (may be subsided by allowing user made content to be added, with Anet approval of course)
  • May require more server bandwidth (Can be lowered by uploading the package(s) via Torrent distribution)
  • Excuse me? There's this lil' slider on graphical options that has a "Low Quality" on one side, and a "High Quality" on the other, ya know! (Plus it'd make the servers laggy as heck for the people who use it, so it would become unused, and... well, whats the point then?)

This package wont "lag" the server because the client computer will assign the object, like it does in GW1, and that Low Quality to High Quality is to increase the sharpness of the texture, not add other random structures, this package is to add more realism with more variety in structures and objects, instead of using the same object over and over (like trees in GW1).

If you actually LOOK at GW1, tree's and rocks are very varied in appearance. Basically, this extra graphics package siphons money from gameplay toward a cosmetic effect that no-one needs.

Do we actually need guild wars? the whole point of the game is to entertain you. and I think that some areas could use more detail (the trees are awesome though)