ArenaNet:Guild Wars 2 suggestions/Guild Experience

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Guild Wars 2 Suggestions

On Guild Experience (Discussion)

Say a group of friends get together and decide to form a guild. Now they have already gotten their charter or whatever they need to form the guild. Now, the friends decide that they want to do a mostly PvE focused aspect of gameplay. So they are out killing baddies together, having a great time and one of them looks at the guild page and says,"Hey look! We got some PvE XP!". Now they are all jumping up and down happy at this feat and then one asks, "Wait a minute, what does this do for our guild?" Well for one thing, it contributes to something called Guild Titles, which can be displayed in the guild hall and shown to guests and admired by guild mates. It also serves as a gauge of how active your guild is. One explains this to the other and the other says,"Ok, but how did we get this XP anyway?". Simple; you get it by participating in all of the PvE aspects of the game. This includes quests, missions, killing guys, killing bosses, and everything else. Now, this XP will not deplete like the Guild Faction did in GW1. XP stays throughout the guilds prosperous life.

Ok, lets go to another guild. Same as the first, except they prefer a more PvP play style. Now these guys will still get XP, just like the other guild, but it is a different kind of XP: PvP XP. This kind of Guild Experience comes from the PvP portions of the game. This includes; World-V-World, Instanced PvP, and other aspects of the PvP world.

New guild. It decides to, with much consideration, focus on all aspects of gameplay. This generates PvX XP. This kind of XP is harder to get, but you get it just by playing the game. It obtains XP from PvE and PvP gameplay.

This is more for prestiege then anything else, although, you could tack bonus' on to the Guild Titles for each differend aspect of play. The Guild Titles would come with additions to the guild hall, like trophies, and up to carvings and monuments, maybe even special NPC's and buildings.

Why this is a good idea
  •   Helps Guilds show off and recruit, without having "Guild Levels" that make smaller guilds look bad.
  •   Gives Guilds a sense of goals and accomplishments.
  •   May reduce "average joe" guilds.
  •   Sounds Good as an extra feature
Why it may not work out
  •   Keep it simple (Pve exp only, and forget the other exp options. PvP exp = rating/rank)