Paragon Elonian armor

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Paragon Elonian armor
Profession Paragon Paragon-tango-icon-20.png
Campaigns Nightfall
Eye of the North
PvP Elonian
Paragon Elonian armor f.jpg Paragon Elonian armor m.jpg
Female gallery Male gallery

Paragon Elonian armor is an art type available in the Nightfall campaign as collector armor for the region of Istan and as regular crafted armor. It is also available in the Eye of the North expansion.

The crests that can be crafted at most armor crafters in Nightfall are named Elonian crests and are therefore considered part of this armor set.

There is no prestige version of Elonian armor.

Location Armorer AR Cost Crest Raiment Armguards Leggings Sandals   Total cost
Kamadan Mehinu 35 20 Gold 1 Pile(s) of Glittering Dust      
Jokanur Diggings Pasu 50 75 Gold 2 Pile(s) of Glittering Dust
Blacktide Den Sulee 65 200 Gold 6 Pile(s) of Glittering Dust
Consulate Docks Vatundo 80 1 Platinum 25 Pile(s) of Glittering Dust 75 Iron Ingot(s)
12 Leather Square(s)
25 Iron Ingot(s)
4 Leather Square(s)
50 Iron Ingot(s)
8 Leather Square(s)
25 Iron Ingot(s)
4 Leather Square(s)
5 Platinum 25 Pile(s) of Glittering Dust
175 Iron Ingot(s)
28 Leather Square(s)
Command Post Burreh
Bone Palace Palmod    
Throne of Secrets Keeper of Armor
Eye of the North
Boreal Station Jolvor Stoneforge 80 1 Platinum 25 Pile(s) of Glittering Dust 75 Iron Ingot(s)
12 Leather Square(s)
25 Iron Ingot(s)
4 Leather Square(s)
50 Iron Ingot(s)
8 Leather Square(s)
25 Iron Ingot(s)
4 Leather Square(s)
  5 Platinum 25 Pile(s) of Glittering Dust
175 Iron Ingot(s)
28 Leather Square(s)
Trading - Nightfall [edit]
Region AR Spear Elonian Crest Elonian Raiment Elonian Armguards Elonian Leggings Elonian Sandals
Spear Mastery +1
Zehlon Reach 50 1 Mandragor Swamproot
Cliffs of Dohjok 50 3 Copper Shillings 1 Rinkhal Talon 3 Fledgling Skree Wings
The Astralarium 50 3 Skale Teeth
Lahtenda Bog 65 3 Copper Shillings 3 Silver Bullion Coins 3 Insect Appendages 2 Mandragor Swamproots 3 Fledgling Skree Wings


  • The raiment tends to clip with most long hairstyles while running and some while standing.
  • Most of the female armor, except the grey-white sparkly part of the leggings, disappears underwater, leaving the character with large gaps, as her skin does not appear instead.
  • The leggings on the male armor disappear underwater, leaving the character with gaps where no skin is visible.

Paragon Paragon armor art
Standard: IstaniSunspearElonian
Prestige: Elite SunspearVabbianAncientPrimeval
Winged RaimentSashed LeggingsBanded Sandals