Steel Broadsword

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Steel Broadsword
Steel Broadsword.jpg
Type Sword
Campaign Eye of the North
Damage type(s) Slashing damage
PvP reward class Fancy
8 Silver Zaishen Coin
Common salvage Iron Ingots
Rare salvage Steel Ingots
Inventory icon Steel Broadsword.png

The Steel Broadsword is the "soldier" version of the Platinum Broadsword. It is made of gray steel with a brownish red picture of two mixed Darkwing Defenders with a Salient Sword between them. The shape of the sword and the cutting part of the blade suggests that is has been forged by Norn blacksmiths as it is very similar to the Norn Swords.


Eye of the North

Drop research is ongoing and can be found here.


Dye affects the entire sword. The pommel and etching will dye to the color specified while the blade will become lighter or darker. The default color can be closely replicated using yellow dye.

Steel Broadsword (full view) dye chart.jpg
Steel Broadsword dye chart.jpg
