Talk:Game updates/Archive 6
Mindless Interrupts
Anet said in one of the updates a long time ago that they wanted to better balance interrupts. For a game that is supposed to be based on skill, this aint one of them. Once again, this is primarily about Rangers. It is about their mindless spamming of interrupts without drawbacks. When Mesmers do it, at least the skill may have to be a spell and has a modest recharge but even then your finger will hit that button once you see a skill icon pop up under your target. When Rangers do it, they can interrupt anything and can do it again since they have a very low recharge. That's right, that means spamming. That also means it takes no skill to interrupt and I will get to a great explanation in a moment (rather than the obvious). Anet also said they make some skills have longer activation/cast times so they can have the fear of interruption. Hmm. Ok. I can see that but, now, what about the interrupter? What do they have to fear? Nothing. They can spam interrupts all day without consequence. This thread is about the act of interrupting. I'm not talking about blinding the Ranger because that happens before hand. I'm not talking about dazing the Mesmer because that happens before hand. I am talking about the consequence of each member when an interrupt happens. When the interrupter is successful, he moves on or waits to do it again right away; meanwhile, the interrutped loses the skill and cost associated with it.
When a skill takes 2 seconds to activate...too easy when an interrupt takes a fraction time. When a skill takes 1 second to activate...easy when an interrupt takes a fraction time. When a skill takes a fraction to activate it gets a little harder so now you have to rely on anticipation (I believe he will>>interrupt).
Well, maybe you will interrupt that fraction cast time and maybe you wont. It sure keeps the pressure off the Monks since they can do what Mesmers have to invest points in to do (Fast Casting). Ah, but that's ok because you can spam them anyway in the hopes that you may interrupt something. No skill required since there are no drawbacks. Hell, I have seen Rangers try to interrupt me while I'm running (haha) and that is precisely my point. Interrupters will try to interrupt in the hopes of interrupting something. If it does then great. If it don't then no sweat because they can do it again will little cost and no drawback. So what do I mean by all this? Anet was on the right track with Persistence of Memory but that would require: this enchantment, being a Mes primary or secondary, using a spell and using the fast casting att. Let me further explain:
Give some skills the inherent ability to benefit from an interruption. When you do, then and only then will it take skill to interrupt because now you have to pay attention to what you interrupt. I will use an Elementalist as an example since they are suffering from those long ass cast times, armor affects their so-called damage and peeps can side-step the aoe:
- Fireball
- 10 cost / 2 cast / 7 recharge
- Spell. Projectile: deals 7...91...112 fire damage to target and adjacent foes. Elemenatalist primary only: Each time this spell is interrupted, cast time is reduced by half (minimum .25 second) and area of effect is increased to next radius (maximum Earshot).
- Flare
- 5 cost / 1 cast / 0 recharge
- Spell. Projectile: deals 20...56...65 fire damage. Elementalist primary only: If this spell is interrupted, it gains the ability ignores armor and you are healed 5...20...25 with each successful hit.
- Phoenix
- 15 cost / 2 cast / 10
- Spell. A fiery phoenix rises at your location, striking adjacent foes for 7...91...112 fire damage, and flies out to your target, exploding on impact. This explosion strikes for an additional 15...75...90 fire damage. Elementalist primary only: If this spell is interrupted, it gains the ability to heal adjacent allies for 20...80...100 health and resurrect adjacent allies with half health and half energy but all of your non-elementalist skills are disabled.
- Churning Earth
- 15 cost/ 3 cast / 30 recharge
- Spell. Deals 10...34...40 earth damage each second (5 seconds). Hits foes near target's initial location. Causes knock-down to foes moving faster than normal. Elementalist primary only: Each time this spell is interrupted, energy cost is reduced by 5 (min 5), cast time is reduced by 1 (min 1 sec) and recharge is reduced by 10 seconds (min 10 seconds).
- Invoke Lightning
- 10 cost / 2 cast / 15 recharge
- Elite Spell. Deals 10...82...100 lightning damage. Hits two foes near target. 25% armor penetration. You are Exhausted if not enchanted. Elementalist primary only: Each time this spell is interrupted, cast time is reduced by 1 (min .25 sec) and an additional foe is struck near your target (max 5).
I used Churning Earth since you don't see this thing in pvp so something like this will give it some playability. Invoke Lightning isnt used due to the 2 second cast on an elite and the max 5 includes the 2 foes hit near target. For those questioning Phoenix about rezzing, it wont do any good (once interrupted) unless you have a target foe to cast this spell and your rez sig wont do any good since it disabled all non-elementalist skills. I'm not saying these would be functinal but these are very simple examples and just examples for Anet folks.
Notice I made the additional effect for Elementalist primary only. I used Fireball since this thing is hardly used due to the cast time,very prone to interrupts and is a lame skill overall just like flare. If it gets interruted, the cast time will now be 1 second and the radius will be nearby. If it gets interrutped again, the cast time will be .5 seconds and the radius is in the area. If it gets interrupted again, it reaches its limit and cast time is .25 seconds and radius is withing earshot. This skill may never see the limit since it will get harder to interrupt due to a faster cast time. Now you can yell at the Ranger (or any interrupter) and call him a noob for not watching what he interrupts. Now you have to be careful of keeping Daze on him because that can really help him reach the limit.
So there you have it. A solution for Anet. As it stands now, there is no incentive to stop spamming interrupts so if something like this is applied then, and only then, can an interrupter brag about skills. Now, if you try to interrupt me, you better pay attention to what you are interrupting or else you will pay for your mistakes. 21:09, 26 November 2008 (UTC)
- tl;dr. J/K. :P
- Every build has it's drawbacks. To shutdown an interrupter Ranger, either get their line of sight blocked (by getting behind a wall) or make sure they'll miss their arrow (inflicting blindness usually does the trick; or you could try some stance that has a % chance of blocking incoming projectiles).
- Also, there are some skills that prevent interrupts: Glyph of Concentration, Mantra of Concentration, Mantra of Resolve, Pious Concentration, Song of Concentration and Tranquil Was Tanasen. If you know you'll fight against interrupters, you might want to add some of them to your build. --NIN37 21:30, 26 November 2008 (UTC)
- In my opinion, as a TA/GvG'er, ranger interrupts are more powerful than many mesmer interrupts. This is largely because savage shot does regular attack damage, dshot disables, and both inflict conditions from apply poison or barbed. Savage shot costs 10 energy, but it is still used without drawback as a spammable spike and/or pressure because of Expertise. Dshot is easily one of the best non-elites in the game, it does not need attributes allocated to work and it has a 10 second recharge (See what they did with DLunge? That was a step in the right direction to curb interrupt spam). My guild often jokes that we should just run Dshot on our monks for self defense, and use it on any warrior that runs into adjacent range. I think the simplest solution is increase the recharge on these two widely used skills so that the ranger needs to actually use them intelligently -- so that Savage is not spammed for damage and "luck interrupt," and so that Dshot's recharge matches its own disable. Magebane, being elite, is fine as it stands. As for other ranger interrupts, well, they aren't really used.
- I'm not going to nitpick your suggestion because its clear you just wanted to present a broad idea that could be done to improve the interrupt meta and are just putting it forwards as one possible solution. I think interrupts by themselves are a fine and working mechanic of the game and no "workaround" like that is necessary (I say workaround because they would have to redesign a lot of mechanics, not only skills, to make your suggestion work), but what is also needed are some buffs to the existing counter skills to interrupts that NEVER get used because of how underpowered, situational, and costly they are, not to mention some have their own downsides. Persistance of Memory, Mantra of Concentration/Resolve, Pious Concentration, to name some. Many players prefer to cancel skills or fake out an interrupter over using an actual anti-interrupt skill, so if anti-interrupt skills were buffed then maybe they might actually be something worth considering but still not be an end-all solution to interrupts (Because obstruction/blocking/cancelling would still be in play), which is what we would like.
- My two cents on the topic. 03:51, 27 November 2008 (UTC)
maybe ur just not a good player cause dealing with interupts is part of being a well rounded player. oh and fyi any moron ranger that spams interupts is a noob. Silvermoon --The preceding unsigned comment was added by User: (talk).
- Woah chill man. Interrupting is a huge part of the game and any HM-er better have a BHA ranger around when facing Ele bosses and such. Sure, interrupts are powerful shtufs, but BSurge and the rest can cripple an interrupter. The sooner you realize that there are advantages and disadvantages to builds/teams, the better. The whole point is to exploit another party's weakness while minimizing your own. Welcome to gameplay 101. -elviondale (tahlk) 02:26, 29 November 2008 (UTC)
None of you fools understand what he is saying, let alone read his whole post. Rangers have the ability to spam interrupts with no drawbacks and it leads to crappy gameplay. Yes, you can shutdown anything in the game, we all know this. However only about 25% of us can actually read and only about 20% of all rangers actually interrupt well. Anyway, the combination of the current skill setups and the lack of a penalty for a ranger who basically turns into a dps with interrupts flying at the rate insults are spat on X-box live from the little heathens. Key phrase, "No Drawbacks" imagine if you can what would happen if mesmers did basic wand damage (lets say it was also akin to bow damage in all respects) with each interrupt in conjunction to the normal skills abilities. Thats what its like, only reduce the recharge times and energy costs. If that doesn't make any sense then please stop posting and go play the game. 23:18, 30 November 2008 (UTC)
- I understand the "now drawbacks" part... but isn't it a drawback to have low DPS just because you either didn't bring skills for DPS or you're not using them? --
Alaris 01:20, 1 December 2008 (UTC)
- Rangers used to have no dps. Unfortunately, without thinking about the consequences as per usual, ANet has given rangers plenty of damage skills that, when used with something like Flail or Lightning Reflexes, can pump out a very very impressive amount of damage. The balance to ranger interrupts used to be that they had to skill interrupt something until it degened out - now that isn't a concern. You spam attack skills, do a billion damage, spam interrupts, do a billion damage + prevent random skills from getting off, and voila, you win. Ranger interrupts are a serious problem. I'd suggest double recharge on all of them - they'd still all recharge faster than mesmer interrupts, yet still be potent for a skilled ranger. -Auron 01:48, 1 December 2008 (UTC)
- only decrease the mindless damage they deal now, easy poison/bleeding/interrupts are great as long as they can't deal loads of damage at the same time. their interrupts require line of sight and can be blocked, that sort of balance out that they cost nothing and recharge in a few sec. maybe some tweaks... but i don't think izzy would touch those skills. --Cursed Angel
02:05, 1 December 2008 (UTC)
- You are limited to 1 stance, 1 preparation... And then time spent spamming skills is time spent not spamming interrupts. So the argument reduces againt to how well can they interrupt *AND* DPS at the same time, and is that better than other professions? --
Alaris 02:37, 1 December 2008 (UTC)
- Have you ever GvG'd, Alaris? Savage Shot is both a damage and interrupt skill, so they don't have to stop pumping damage out to knock off skills every 5 seconds. They spend 2 of every 20 or so seconds putting up a preparation, the rest is mindless interrupt spam. When all interrupts are on recharge (which is a very narrow window of time tbh, seeing as ranger interrupts recharge near instantly), they get a chance to fire off one or two damage skills (hitting for 80/90 damage each plus conditions) before going back to spamming interrupts.
- You can't do anything against it. They spam interrupts on your water mes until they interrupt glyph immo and you're fucked - you can't blind anything, so they interrupt everything without fail. They spam dshot on your monks until they hit woh and you lose the game. What can you do? Back when bsurge was a huge problem, everyone said "omg just divert it you noobs" and left it at that - which was an okay tactic seeing as eles couldn't INTERRUPT YOUR DIVERSION RIGHT BACK. Rangers can. You can't do anything to shut down their shutdown, and that, from a balance perspective, is simply not okay.
- Oh, and mesmers have one more huge balancing factor that everyone seems to forget - you can just kill them whenever you want to. They have 60 armor and no feasible block stances. Rangers, on the other hand, have all the armor in the world and more block stances than your warrior can shake a sword at. Even the whole "just kill them lol" argument doesn't work in favor of ranger interrupts. -Auron 05:51, 1 December 2008 (UTC)
- You are limited to 1 stance, 1 preparation... And then time spent spamming skills is time spent not spamming interrupts. So the argument reduces againt to how well can they interrupt *AND* DPS at the same time, and is that better than other professions? --
- only decrease the mindless damage they deal now, easy poison/bleeding/interrupts are great as long as they can't deal loads of damage at the same time. their interrupts require line of sight and can be blocked, that sort of balance out that they cost nothing and recharge in a few sec. maybe some tweaks... but i don't think izzy would touch those skills. --Cursed Angel
- Rangers used to have no dps. Unfortunately, without thinking about the consequences as per usual, ANet has given rangers plenty of damage skills that, when used with something like Flail or Lightning Reflexes, can pump out a very very impressive amount of damage. The balance to ranger interrupts used to be that they had to skill interrupt something until it degened out - now that isn't a concern. You spam attack skills, do a billion damage, spam interrupts, do a billion damage + prevent random skills from getting off, and voila, you win. Ranger interrupts are a serious problem. I'd suggest double recharge on all of them - they'd still all recharge faster than mesmer interrupts, yet still be potent for a skilled ranger. -Auron 01:48, 1 December 2008 (UTC)
don't forget though, you need to be able to actually HIT them with the arrow, when factoring in flight time it gets MUCH harder to interupt shorter cast time skills. the interupts are NOT reliable like mesmer interupts are so thus, they are more spammible and potent. 06:01, 1 December 2008 (UTC)
- so i herd recurve bow/Read the Wind makes arrows hard to dodge. Who cares if you miss anyway, it's ready again in 5/10 seconds, nevermind if you're using something like Serpent's Quickness (yes, outdated skill is outdated, but you get my point). And you only need to hit once to make a huge effect on the opponent. WoH gone for 20 seconds = gg, /rank. WoH cancelled and take 100 damage/lose 20 energy/disable for lol3secs/no negative effect to caster etc etc.? Who cares... Vili
06:08, 1 December 2008 (UTC)
- Nothing is wrong with Ranger interrupts. We are the only thing keeping casters from running the game. Along with skills like Protective Spirit, Savage and Distracting have been part of the bedrock of PvP for 3 years. If you haven't accustomed yourselves to it by now, give up. (Note: As a deeply biased Ranger fanatic, I am impervious to reasoned counterarguments.) Arshay Duskbrow 06:45, 1 December 2008 (UTC)
- Ranger is my main, but that doesn't prevent me admitting my favorite tools are imbalanced, and I don't even play (real) PvP. Perhaps it's because I take pity on Dolyaks or something. Vili
06:59, 1 December 2008 (UTC)
- Everything is wrong with ranger interrupts. Savage and distracting have been a part of the bedrock of PvP, which was fine until rangers got heavily damaging bow attacks. The second that happened, their interrupts combined with ranged face-exploding made them too powerful. Monks have things like Prot Spirit, but I haven't noticed them getting instant-party-full-heals (the equivalent of huge damage on a ranger). Monk power creep gets chained in, while absolutely ridiculous ranger skills are allowed to flourish - on top of uncounerable shutdown. -Auron 07:30, 1 December 2008 (UTC)
- Impervious, I say! Anyway, if that's the position, you should be arguing for a power reduction of those damage skills, not the two most fundamental Ranger tools. You may just get your wish. They've already greased Expert's Dexterity, and well, even I would be willing to admit that buffing BA was madness... Arshay Duskbrow 11:25, 1 December 2008 (UTC)
- If they removed Burning Arrow, Sloth Hunter, Expert's, and Read the Wind entirely...well, no, they would never remove Read the Wind. (15e 12sec duration is still usable! RtW spike ftw!) But if they removed the high-damage attacks, then Ranger interrupts would still be overpowered, just not as totally game-breaking. :\ Or people would go back to PS/CG rangers. Vili
11:31, 1 December 2008 (UTC)
- Leave my RtW alone, I need that. >:( Arshay Duskbrow 11:35, 1 December 2008 (UTC)
- If rangers do too much damage, that's what needs nerfing, not the interrupts. Nerfing D-shot/Savage Shot is like nerfing RoF and Prot Spirit. They're core to what a ranger does and core to the interrupt part of the game. 16:42, 5 December 2008 (UTC)
- Bow attacks do not need any more nerfs. Ranger interrupts quickly drain your energy, take time to interrupt (unlike mesmer interrupts which are instant), require a bow(which is the worst weapon), and can be blocked/miss. They're balanced. Don't like it? Use blocking skills. Blind the ranger, forcing him to waste time using antidote signet. Use skills that cause foes to miss, like Blurred Vision. Stop QQing and learn to make good builds that actually have more than damage.
- Interrupts are OP. That is simply because of Savage Shot causing great damage and being highly spammable. D-shot is okay, but it is still a bit too spammable (recharge 12?). Disrupting Shot is simply crap (and anyone with it on their bar sucks). Thus, simple solution is to tone down damage on savage, so that if they decide to spam interrupts, they do shitty damage. Other bow attacks don't need nerf because you basically have to devote your entire build to doing the same damage as a warrior without any spiking potential, so its still pretty balanced. The only real problem is the fact Savage Shot is dmg+interrupt+no recharge.Crimmastermind 20:12, 5 December 2008 (UTC)
- Bow attacks do not need any more nerfs. Ranger interrupts quickly drain your energy, take time to interrupt (unlike mesmer interrupts which are instant), require a bow(which is the worst weapon), and can be blocked/miss. They're balanced. Don't like it? Use blocking skills. Blind the ranger, forcing him to waste time using antidote signet. Use skills that cause foes to miss, like Blurred Vision. Stop QQing and learn to make good builds that actually have more than damage.
- If rangers do too much damage, that's what needs nerfing, not the interrupts. Nerfing D-shot/Savage Shot is like nerfing RoF and Prot Spirit. They're core to what a ranger does and core to the interrupt part of the game. 16:42, 5 December 2008 (UTC)
- Leave my RtW alone, I need that. >:( Arshay Duskbrow 11:35, 1 December 2008 (UTC)
- If they removed Burning Arrow, Sloth Hunter, Expert's, and Read the Wind entirely...well, no, they would never remove Read the Wind. (15e 12sec duration is still usable! RtW spike ftw!) But if they removed the high-damage attacks, then Ranger interrupts would still be overpowered, just not as totally game-breaking. :\ Or people would go back to PS/CG rangers. Vili
- Impervious, I say! Anyway, if that's the position, you should be arguing for a power reduction of those damage skills, not the two most fundamental Ranger tools. You may just get your wish. They've already greased Expert's Dexterity, and well, even I would be willing to admit that buffing BA was madness... Arshay Duskbrow 11:25, 1 December 2008 (UTC)
- Ranger is my main, but that doesn't prevent me admitting my favorite tools are imbalanced, and I don't even play (real) PvP. Perhaps it's because I take pity on Dolyaks or something. Vili
- Nothing is wrong with Ranger interrupts. We are the only thing keeping casters from running the game. Along with skills like Protective Spirit, Savage and Distracting have been part of the bedrock of PvP for 3 years. If you haven't accustomed yourselves to it by now, give up. (Note: As a deeply biased Ranger fanatic, I am impervious to reasoned counterarguments.) Arshay Duskbrow 06:45, 1 December 2008 (UTC)
I didn't read past the second sentence, and I can already tell your argument is bad. — Skakid 20:25, 5 December 2008 (UTC)
Interupts are easy to avoid, and skewing interrupts for skills by adding omega benefits, is adding an ACTUAL issue. Nikdanbro 23:22, 7 December 2008 (UTC)
- I had to laugh at those suggestions. Changing Churning Earth (which is actually balanced) into THIS will probably cause eles to bring Headbutt. --The preceding unsigned comment was added by User:Koda Kumi (talk).
- Seems like people are just bitching about a meta that sucks to begin with. 04:13, 9 December 2008 (UTC)
Interrupts are really the only viable caster counter, and with anet upping caster damage that is important. The increase in damage from sources outside of melee in general is a problem, but rangers especially should either get utility or damage, not massive amounts of both. 04:05, 12 December 2008 (UTC) Backfire and Wail of Doom are viable caster counters too. So is knock-down, tons of mesmer hexes and just about any damage dealer, because casters have the armor of a 4-year old. That's not a problem though. 22:16, 14 December 2008 (UTC)
Look, I'm not saying anet should remove interrupts from the game. I'm not saying to reduce damage. I'm not even saying give every class the ability to benefit from interrupts. For those that cant comprehend, what I said was interrupts (particularly Rangers) need balancing so give some (crappy) skills the ability to benefit from interrupts. The Ele comes to mind. Why? Elemental damage is affected by armor, slow casting, high costs, long recharges, relies on attunements too much (if stripped you may as well resign because you are now useless to the team) and anyone can run out of the aoe. Well, dam that sounds so appealing. If an interrupter is camping you then you may as well uninstall and go play WoW.
This game is supposed to be about balance but when it comes to (interrupt) Rangers, that aint the case. I was waiting to see if someone would use the, "arrows are projectiles so you can dodge them and obstacle obstruct them" excuse. How many times do you see a Ranger just stand there and not go after your ass or not move around the obstacle? That's what I thought. If a Mesmer puts you under the Migraine build, you are screwed but at least he has to use several skills to hinder you BUT at the same time you cant do a fkn thing and that brings me back to my point. A Ranger can just walk right up to you and what do you do? You back off or hide because you know he can spam interrupts without any drawbacks.
How do you counter that? A Monk has all kinds of possibilities but all classes are not Monks and all classes dont have stances. And just because there is a counter that still dont make it balanced. Even if they did, it still doesnt solve the problem of mindless spamming of interrupts. They dont have drawbacks!!! Take a caster and let some interrupt Ranger camp your ass then come back and say that shit is balanced. Reverse that role and take an interrupt Ranger and camp a caster. You see a lot of that crap in Team Arenas. The interrupt Ranger doesn't target the Monk...oh no...he targets the caster to keep him off his Monk. So now that caster is just standing there helpless. A Mesmer has a decent chance to kill him (ignores armor and casts fast). A Necro has a decent chance to kill him too (bypasses armor and steals health). An Ele is just a fkn joke. Oh, wait, let me guess...come only as a blinding ele. Right? Is that what you want me to do? Blind him but not kill him? I see, I see. Forget about the build I want to use or the element I want to use, huh? Thanks for the advice. Anyway, I use a Ranger and Mesmer but I know that Ranger interrupts are bullshit. Everyone knows this wont change because Guild Wars is Izzy's little play thing so screw the community. Anything that would hurt his precious Ranger and Necro wont see any kind of balance. I can shut you down and you cant do a dam thing about it. That is not balance.
WoW, I didn't notice the time. I am going to sleep now. I hope I don't get interrupted. 04:38, 30 January 2009 (UTC)
- In some ways it's like rock, paper, scissors. Ele beats lots of stuff, interrupt ranger beats ele, many things can kill interrupt rangers. Most builds have their strengths and weaknesses. So you have to rely on your team to take over when that happens. --
Alaris 15:28, 30 January 2009 (UTC)
- A beats B, B beats C, C beats A... it's the basis of any balanced game. Anyone asking to make 1vs1 scrimmages balanced would ask for something senseless in GW. Not all members should be able to beat all situations, they should be specialized, that way, every single member is needed for something. Mith
Talk 19:04, 30 January 2009 (UTC)
- This would be a correct assessment except that eles don't beat a lot of stuff, not many things can kill Rangers, and...yeah. Guild Wars isn't balanced around 1v1 and never has been/should be. Vili
21:37, 30 January 2009 (UTC)
- Onoes Mending is OP'ed! Nerf it to -3 degen if you cast it on yourself for too long! It wreaks havok on me! No fair! >.> Ya'll are weak if you think rangers and their interrupts are OP'd. If Anet continues to listen to these bad players, everything will be nerfed to the point where no one will ever interrupt anything, no one will be able to die quickly, match-ups will last hours instead of minutes and everyone playing Guild Wars will simultaneously rage-quit, causing a server-wide collapse that opens up a rift into Dimension X! --Ulterion 02:28, 13 February 2009 (UTC)
- Terrible player is terrible. BA is balanced because arrows can be dodged. Vili
03:38, 13 February 2009 (UTC)
- Terrible player is terrible. BA is balanced because arrows can be dodged. Vili
- This would be a correct assessment except that eles don't beat a lot of stuff, not many things can kill Rangers, and...yeah. Guild Wars isn't balanced around 1v1 and never has been/should be. Vili
- A beats B, B beats C, C beats A... it's the basis of any balanced game. Anyone asking to make 1vs1 scrimmages balanced would ask for something senseless in GW. Not all members should be able to beat all situations, they should be specialized, that way, every single member is needed for something. Mith
Jade Quarry Cinematic
I don't think the ending cinematic for the Jade Quarry plays any more? 05:29, 29 November 2008 (UTC)
- Ignore that, I just got it. I thought they removed it like they did to the Fort Aspenwood one. 05:39, 29 November 2008 (UTC)
- Removing it would be a good idea, btw. --Xeeron 10:59, 29 November 2008 (UTC)
- I agree its annoying --
Wild 05:56, 1 December 2008 (UTC)
- Thirded. After playing for 15 minutes with a leecher, we get one final kick in the groin as we have to watch the entire cinematic. -Auron 06:01, 1 December 2008 (UTC)
- Fourthed. Who watches cinematics more than once, anyway? I bet that over the course of bonus weekends, this cinematic alone is responsible for thousands of lost faction worldwide. (I'm only being slightly sarcastic there.) Vili
09:15, 1 December 2008 (UTC)
- Most people won't see it and use the Character change to leave. It should just be available at the NPC once you win in that side. And not played every time you play there. Although a competitive mission, it's made repeatedly like arenas, and so, there should not be any hindrance in playing it. Mith
Talk 16:15, 1 December 2008 (UTC)
- I'm one of those ppl who enjoy wstch cinematics once in a while. While I certainly do understand the reason for wanting to remove it, I'd appreciate it if Anet could figure out how to remove it and still have players be able to view it if they want to. A special NPC would be fine with me. –
Barinthus 05:25, 4 December 2008 (UTC)
- That is the way they made it in Nightfall. --Xeeron 13:57, 4 December 2008 (UTC)
- I'm one of those ppl who enjoy wstch cinematics once in a while. While I certainly do understand the reason for wanting to remove it, I'd appreciate it if Anet could figure out how to remove it and still have players be able to view it if they want to. A special NPC would be fine with me. –
- Most people won't see it and use the Character change to leave. It should just be available at the NPC once you win in that side. And not played every time you play there. Although a competitive mission, it's made repeatedly like arenas, and so, there should not be any hindrance in playing it. Mith
- Fourthed. Who watches cinematics more than once, anyway? I bet that over the course of bonus weekends, this cinematic alone is responsible for thousands of lost faction worldwide. (I'm only being slightly sarcastic there.) Vili
- Thirded. After playing for 15 minutes with a leecher, we get one final kick in the groin as we have to watch the entire cinematic. -Auron 06:01, 1 December 2008 (UTC)
- I agree its annoying --
- Removing it would be a good idea, btw. --Xeeron 10:59, 29 November 2008 (UTC)
What was the update then?
There was an update last night as I logged on but it's not on the wiki yet, i'm just wondering what it was. :P Ty.-- 18:25, 6 December 2008 (UTC)
- There have been a few updates without notes recently. I'm still wondering what they all are myself, even if the answer is just "fixed a rare crash bug". --Goteki-45 20:30, 6 December 2008 (UTC)
- Probably preparations for chrissy event. — DarKNeSS (Contribs) 20:40, 6 December 2008 (UTC)
- The idea is that they upload smaller pieces of a larger update in advance to reduce stress on the servers when the update is announced publicly. They did something similar before EotN was released. And jesus christ, christmas isn't that hard to spell out. --
Mafaraxas 20:43, 6 December 2008 (UTC)
- It is equally easy to use CAPS for Jesus Christ and Christmas ;p ( 20:49, 6 December 2008 (UTC))
- It's an stealth update. As you should already know, they are meant to raise rumors and paranoia within the community... or just a quick fix that will get an update note in the next update. Whichever you like most. Mith
Talk 21:11, 6 December 2008 (UTC)
- Those three are not worthy of capitalization. --
Mafaraxas 21:29, 6 December 2008 (UTC)
- Usually, when anet slides in content updates for an event beforehand, that event has to 1: Not already be in the dat; and 2: Has to be quite large. Wintersday is small, and with the exception of one item, is already in the dat. ~Shard
22:22, 6 December 2008 (UTC)
- Depending on how much they're changing, it could be both the HoM update and the Zaishen tourney reward points. --
Mafaraxas 22:41, 6 December 2008 (UTC)
- Depending on how much they're changing, it could be both the HoM update and the Zaishen tourney reward points. --
- Usually, when anet slides in content updates for an event beforehand, that event has to 1: Not already be in the dat; and 2: Has to be quite large. Wintersday is small, and with the exception of one item, is already in the dat. ~Shard
- Lol! Not worthy of Capitalization? Christmas is the epitome of Capitalism, with a Capital C! (Ralmon the Gen 09:22, 7 December 2008 (UTC))
- Jesus Christ should be written with a capital letter because its a name just like you need to write George Bush with a capital letter despite you and everyone else thinks hes an idiot.Christmas however is something that is bound to religion and respect so I dont think you HAVE to write it with a capital letter Lilondra
- In the begining there were furry animals chasing bigger fury animals with pointed sticks. And then those furry animals said "Let God be", and God there was. Yseron - 12:01, 7 December 2008 (UTC)
- You think, I think this is still a Game Update page, not some holy shit stuff :) — DarKNeSS (Contribs) 12:25, 7 December 2008 (UTC)
- You don't capitalize "Christmas" if you're lazy to press shift. I wonder what the monthy tonic will be. --8765 18:38, 7 December 2008 (UTC)
- I'm sure glad you all took me seriously. --
Mafaraxas 00:51, 8 December 2008 (UTC)
- I CAPITALIZE EVERYTHING WHEN CAPS LOCK IS ON. otherwise i cba, holding shift is like exercise to me. anymore, Crissy is a proper name, too. oh, and the new tonic will be... Lolitonic. feel free to lob heavy objects at me now. Vili
00:58, 8 December 2008 (UTC)
- fapfapfap --
Mafaraxas 02:41, 8 December 2008 (UTC)
- fapfapfap --
- I CAPITALIZE EVERYTHING WHEN CAPS LOCK IS ON. otherwise i cba, holding shift is like exercise to me. anymore, Crissy is a proper name, too. oh, and the new tonic will be... Lolitonic. feel free to lob heavy objects at me now. Vili
- I'm sure glad you all took me seriously. --
- You don't capitalize "Christmas" if you're lazy to press shift. I wonder what the monthy tonic will be. --8765 18:38, 7 December 2008 (UTC)
- You think, I think this is still a Game Update page, not some holy shit stuff :) — DarKNeSS (Contribs) 12:25, 7 December 2008 (UTC)
- In the begining there were furry animals chasing bigger fury animals with pointed sticks. And then those furry animals said "Let God be", and God there was. Yseron - 12:01, 7 December 2008 (UTC)
- Jesus Christ should be written with a capital letter because its a name just like you need to write George Bush with a capital letter despite you and everyone else thinks hes an idiot.Christmas however is something that is bound to religion and respect so I dont think you HAVE to write it with a capital letter Lilondra
- It's an stealth update. As you should already know, they are meant to raise rumors and paranoia within the community... or just a quick fix that will get an update note in the next update. Whichever you like most. Mith
- It is equally easy to use CAPS for Jesus Christ and Christmas ;p ( 20:49, 6 December 2008 (UTC))
- ...What does Christmas have to do with Guild Wars? We're waiting for Wintersday to come along, which should be coming along within a week or so... ( 23:21, 9 December 2008 (UTC))
Mafaraxas 07:39, 10 December 2008 (UTC)
Your examples are more of a pagan origin than a christmas one. Evergreens = pagan origin, Snowmen can't be made without snow and the celebration of the winter solstice, is also pagan. You can't have christmas as it is today without all the pagan aspects it's adopted. Not to mention that christmas as it is today was started out of commercialism, and that's even more apparent today. Now go buy your kid a wii and pretend it's about your religion alone, but in reality, it's really not about your religion at all, you've just tried to hijack it. --The preceding unsigned comment was added by User: (talk).
- I bow to the leetness of allcaps. I have no idea what he said, but I agree because it's in all caps. --
Alaris 15:50, 10 December 2008 (UTC)
- He was speaking of the impacts of the recent economic troubles, especially their relation to availability of breakfast cereals. ¬ «Ðêjh» (talk) 22:09, 10 December 2008 (UTC)
- OK that's enough now ppl, this isn't a forum. We don't need more useless spam... We aren't getting an update because they're most likely holding out for Wintersday to come, and that usually lasts for a week or two... and then it's another while yet before we get another update, so try not to expect too much to come at once. ( 00:50, 11 December 2008 (UTC))
- He was speaking of the impacts of the recent economic troubles, especially their relation to availability of breakfast cereals. ¬ «Ðêjh» (talk) 22:09, 10 December 2008 (UTC)
- I bow to the leetness of allcaps. I have no idea what he said, but I agree because it's in all caps. --
I'm expecting a nerf to the new meteor. OP shit imo. 10:25, 11 December 2008 (UTC)
- Churning Earth would benefit from a 2 seconds casting time just to make it a little more practical though. 11:29, 11 December 2008 (UTC)
- Please tell me how you think meteor is overpowered and Warmonger's Weapon is balanced. Koda Kumi
talk 11:38, 11 December 2008 (UTC)
- Please tell me how you think meteor is overpowered and Warmonger's Weapon is balanced. Koda Kumi
- WS becomes balanced as soon as you figure out that DW is overhyped, and that it's only powerful because it's on a scythe. 09:33, 13 December 2008 (UTC)
- Perhaps you need to go into TA/RA/HA first before you make such baseless claims. Koda Kumi
talk 11:26, 13 December 2008 (UTC)
- Eviscerate says hi. I wonder why every axe bar without Eviscerate takes Dismember - even though that has no bonus damage whatsoever. Deep Wound sure sucks, huh?... Vili
06:03, 14 December 2008 (UTC)
- Eviscerate says hi. I wonder why every axe bar without Eviscerate takes Dismember - even though that has no bonus damage whatsoever. Deep Wound sure sucks, huh?... Vili
- Perhaps you need to go into TA/RA/HA first before you make such baseless claims. Koda Kumi
- They're not baseless claims, but I seriously doubt I could convince you so I won't try. Deep Wound is overhyped, that's why you see it on every bar. What people fail to realize is that deep wound by itself does nothing. 22:15, 14 December 2008 (UTC)
- That's why peopl bring a follow-up attack like Execuntioner's Strike and Mystic Sweep. Fox007
22:18, 14 December 2008 (UTC)
- Free Defile Flesh and instant unstoppable +~100 damage makes for a great spike in PvP. Please, do try to convince me, I'd like to know why every good (frontliner) PvP bar since...since the beta release has had a Deep Wound on it. Vili
09:59, 15 December 2008 (UTC)
- Besides that all players have around 600hp in PvP and therefore a deep wound causes around 120 health loss + damage from a attack skill. Fox007
11:05, 15 December 2008 (UTC)
- Besides that all players have around 600hp in PvP and therefore a deep wound causes around 120 health loss + damage from a attack skill. Fox007
- Free Defile Flesh and instant unstoppable +~100 damage makes for a great spike in PvP. Please, do try to convince me, I'd like to know why every good (frontliner) PvP bar since...since the beta release has had a Deep Wound on it. Vili
- That's why peopl bring a follow-up attack like Execuntioner's Strike and Mystic Sweep. Fox007
- That's exactly what I mean Fox. You never researched for yourself what makes Deep Wound so great, or how it works. You just saw it on other people's bars and copied it. A lot of players do that on a regular basis, which is why the argument "iz gud cus evrybdy runz it" doesn't apply in Guild Wars. 16:01, 16 December 2008 (UTC)
- Just 'cause everyone runs it doesn't make it bad. I'm more of the opinion that since good players use it, and use it well, other people start picking it up. But really, healing reduction and health loss all in one little condition? I think it's pretty strong. --JonTheMon 16:26, 16 December 2008 (UTC)
- I have nothing against Deep Wound. I have nothing against people using it. I do have a bone to pick with the rediculous argument that something is automatically good because everybody uses. The above example shows why. Some people give Frenzy to heroes because top GvG players use it so well. 21:07, 29 December 2008 (UTC)
- That's a bad comparison, because no AI in the game knows how to adrenalspike -> cancelstance. Vili
22:14, 29 December 2008 (UTC)
- That's a bad comparison, because no AI in the game knows how to adrenalspike -> cancelstance. Vili
- I have nothing against Deep Wound. I have nothing against people using it. I do have a bone to pick with the rediculous argument that something is automatically good because everybody uses. The above example shows why. Some people give Frenzy to heroes because top GvG players use it so well. 21:07, 29 December 2008 (UTC)
- Just 'cause everyone runs it doesn't make it bad. I'm more of the opinion that since good players use it, and use it well, other people start picking it up. But really, healing reduction and health loss all in one little condition? I think it's pretty strong. --JonTheMon 16:26, 16 December 2008 (UTC)
- It's not about the hero, it's about the reason the player's using Frenzy on his hero, and yes, I know they're out there. My point was, that some people use something because everybody uses it instead of because they know how it works and decided for themselves that it's good. That's why I don't agree that 'everybody uses it' is a valid reason. Every top player uses it might be a better reason, though I'd still rather learn WHY they use it than IF they use it. 08:53, 30 December 2008 (UTC)
- OK, it's true that lots of people are baed and will blindly follow whatever they think "everyone" does. I blame PvX and obs mode not restricting nubs. But I've always liked Deep Wound, ever since I was introduced to the "Holy Combo" of Sever Artery + Gash somewhere in Pre-Searing. Even though I didn't know at the time that the deep wound wasn't at its full power, that 1/5 of the bar greyed out was pretty impressive. By the time foes were leve 20, it was operating at pretty much full efficiency, and so to me it only got better. When I chanced upon PvP or watched the pros at work, Deep Wound was the order of the couldn't make a serious build without Deep Wound, and if for some reason you elected not to take it, you had to have a really good reason. The little bit of PvP I did back in those days showed me that yes, Deep Wound was quite effective on players. I've never had doubts about it since.
- I use Deep Wound because uncounterable +~100damage to my target(s), as well as 20% heal reduction, is pretty nifty. I can't really think of a better way to spike a target down. I know that my effectiveness drops significantly if I leave out Deep Wound on, say, Warrior build...not taking Dismember or Eviscerate, for example. It doesn't matter as much with an Assassin since their damage is largely uncounterable +bonus damage anyway, but still a nice way to finish someone off if your combo doesn't. Dervish lets you spam Deep Wound forever, so you can "spike from full health" and otherwise just mess with the healers with faked spikes...(PvP only...why use Derv in PvE?). Finally, there's the Paragon (or Ranger, I guess I could say), with Deep Wound at range. That removes kiting from the equation.
- I've played on every profession for quite some time, and I never find myself the worse for taking Deep Wound along. I know that it's not God-mode uber spike omg material (though it works best in PvP), but I find it to be pretty good, and almost always worthy of a skill slot. Vili
09:22, 30 December 2008 (UTC)
Exept DW is also important on sins youre right.Deep wound and knockdowns are what makes things go boom (well it should be atm its VoR and MoI) Lilondra *gale* 17:56, 30 December 2008 (UTC)
- You'd be suprised how many Dervish players just spam Wounding Strike on the recharge, wheter that target will be spiked or has deep wound already or not. At least with the new Reaper's Sweep, when you spam it on the recharge, it always does something useful. 10:56, 6 January 2009 (UTC)
Dec 14 2008
Guild wide, people have been getting disconnected from Guild wars, getting code 007, 013, 013, and 040...-- 20:21, 14 December 2008 (UTC)
- Alot of other servers aren't working properly though (EA server, Crysis Server) so i doubt it is just guild wars having these problems. Fox007
20:31, 14 December 2008 (UTC)
- If you look on Gaile Grays talk page, you see that it is a problemm with the provider from GW. Gaile say a couple of minutes ago that they try to solve it now ^^ |Cyan Light
Snowflakes...| 20:37, 14 December 2008 (UTC)
- just saw :P Fox007
20:39, 14 December 2008 (UTC)
- Ok then =P |Cyan Light
Snowflakes...| 20:40, 14 December 2008 (UTC)
- Ok then =P |Cyan Light
- just saw :P Fox007
- If you look on Gaile Grays talk page, you see that it is a problemm with the provider from GW. Gaile say a couple of minutes ago that they try to solve it now ^^ |Cyan Light
I can't even run my GW anymore since the update. It freezes my entire computer as soon as I open the program. As soon as I close the program, the problem goes away. It's not a system problem; I can run Fallout 3 at maximum level of detail at 40 fps or so. 03:25, 15 December 2008 (UTC)
- That sounds like a matter to take to PlayNC Support. If anyone can talk you through getting Guild Wars back up and running, those are the people. -- WarBlade 04:49, 15 December 2008 (UTC)