User:Oewumi/Builds/Raging Glass Cannon

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Raging Glass Cannon is a Player versus Environment build that works mostly well with assassin primary professions along with monk as a secondary profession. It was made to be strictly a buff-only build for assassins looking to deal great amounts of damage over time. Keep in mind that the purpose of this build is to effectively deal damage not tank (noting the Glass for assassins being fragile). This build consists of the following skills:

Golden Phoenix Strike.jpg
Golden Phoenix Strike
Death Blossom.jpg
Death Blossom
Locust's Fury.jpg
Locust's Fury
Strength of Honor.jpg
Strength of Honor
Critical Defenses.jpg
Critical Defenses
Critical Agility.jpg
Critical Agility
"I Am The Strongest!".jpg
"I Am The Strongest!"
"Dodge This!".jpg
"Dodge This!"
1. Golden Phoenix Strike
2. Death Blossom
3. Locust's Fury
4. Strength of Honor
5. Critical Defenses
6. Critical Agility
7. "I Am The Strongest!"
8. "Dodge This!"

Smiting Prayers      6     
Dagger Mastery      11    +3 Superior Dagger Mastery
Critical Strikes    12    +1 Headpiece (bonus 3 energy per critical hit)
Remainder            5

This build has been improved and tested to give the highest constant damage-per-second possible for melee. If anyone able to improve this build's dps without hexes or foe-targetted spells, please feel free to share your thoughts with the community.

Pros: Low energy cost, but very high damage melee build and constant. The build's damage is mainly armor ignoring and can shred down any 1 foe very fast. Estimated around 100 damage average by master of damage over time of 10 - 38 seconds (while skill 3 is up). Skill 1 and 2 are mainly for area of effect dps to combo with splinter weapon from a necro/ritualist hero. Skill 6 gives bonus armor if u do get hit even while skill 5 is up and also lasts through out the fight as long as it is not stripped. End majority of battles with over 75% energy or full and ready to go right back into the next fight.

Cons: Mesmers, Incubus' and Necromancers tend to ruin the fun with strips. Touch-strip skills will also rend your enchantments. Skill 7 has a 20 second recharge time and is used up in about 2 seconds even with max title. Skill 5 has a 30 second cooldown, but can last forever (make it count).

Tips: For people that like to squeeze out extra damage, try out a vampiric dagger of 20% enchanting with + damage inscriptions and customized. The second you enter a new explorable area, remember to keep Skill 4 maintained. Activate Skill 3, 6, and 5 right before entering battle. Only activate Skill 5 right before you aggro a strong foe or more than two moderate attack damage foes. Utilize Skill 1 and 2 continuously as they are available (if attributes are set up properly, you will not have any mana problems at all). Keep your Skill 8 highlighted by cursor (or your finger if you switched order around) as it will be ready every 1.5 to 2 seconds and tap away on it once you are attacking.

----------------------------------Fun Challenges--------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                Destruction's Depths (Hardmode)
                4 Chilling Wisps (kill them without a monk before they kill you; Hardmode)
                2+ Fist of the Titans/Hand of the Titans (Hardmode)
                Master of Damage (beat 201 for best damage in single second or average 105 in 32 seconds)

The times given are based on level 6 for Norn Rank and a helm +1 Dagger Mastery with other irrelevant runes. Ps - Some sort of resurrection is advisable in place of critical defenses, depending on your team's line-up.

~Any crisp contributions would be greatly appreciated!

All rights and interests of materials, characters, and skills utilized here are property of ArenaNet or NCsoft.