User:Raine Valen/Class/Summoner

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The concept art for the Summoner

Because sitting down while your summoned creatures kick ass and take names is epic FTW.

I'll think of something catchy to say here later.


Summoning Arts (primary)[edit]

For each rank in Summoning Arts, your summoned creatures gain +2 armor, you gain +2 energy while controlling a creature, and your Summoning Rituals activate 4% faster and are disabled 4% shorter. Additionally, each rank of Summoning Arts lowers the minimum heath at which a creature can be dismissed (for the purposes of halving the disabled period) by 2%. Skills that deal with controlling and managing your creatures become more effective with higher ranks of Summoning Arts.

Arts of Valor[edit]

Arts of Valor deal with increasing the Summoner's effectiveness in hand-to-hand combat and with summoning Dryhten that specialize in melee engagement.

Arts of Wisdom[edit]

Each rank in Arts of Wisdom grants the Summoner a 1% chance to halve the casting time of spells, a 1% chance to halve the recharge time of spells, and +1 energy. Arts of Wisdom deal with increasing the Summoner's spellcasting aptitude and with summoning Dryhten that specialize in the mastery of powerful magic.

Arts of Preservation[edit]

For each rank in Arts of Preservation, whenever you cast a spell that targets an ally, that ally gains 2 Health. Arts of Preservation deal with the Summoners' ability to heal themselves and allies and with summoning Dryhten that specialize in healing and protecting allies.



The weapons for the Summoner include the Dagger (single, as opposed to the dual daggers used by Assassins) and the Staff.


Summoner armor provides up to 60 base armor and an additional 10 armor against either elemental or physical damage, up to 2 additional pips of Energy Regeneration, and up to 10 additional Energy. Additionally, there are insignias that a Summoner can use to further modify their armor:

  • Chivalrous Insignia: Armor +5 (requires 6 Arts of Valor). Armor +5 (requires 8 Arts of Valor). Armor +5 (requires 10 Arts of Valor). Armor +10 (requires 13 Arts of Valor).
  • Lonely Insignia: Armor +15 while you are not maintaining a Summoning Ritual.
  • Master's Insignia: Armor -10 while you are not maintaining a Summoning Ritual. Armor +15 while you are maintaining a Summoning Ritual.
  • Rapid Summoning Insignia: Halves activation time of rituals (Non-Stacking). Your rituals are easily interrupted.

Summoners may also equip Braces as an off-hand item, which grant as much as 10 additional armor against either elemental or physical damage and an up to 8 additional Energy.



  • Area effects similar to wards or wells.
  • Can be targeted on allies or foes.


Summoning and Dismissing[edit]

  • A Summoning Ritual will create a Dryhten of the specified level, which will remain active until it is either dismissed by the Summoner or killed by the Summoner's foes (when its health reaches zero as the result of an attack, spell, degeneration, or sacrifice).
  • Summoning Rituals that call forth more powerful Dryhten typically have a higher cost associated with maintaining them.
  • After a Summoning Ritual ends, it will go into a (generally long) disabled period, similar to a Dervish Avatar, except that it will not begin to recharge until the Dryhten is dismissed or killed.
    • Dismissing a Dryhten with more than 50% Health (or lower, with higher ranks of Summoning Arts) halves the disabled period.
    • As such, it may be advisable to dismiss a Dryhten that isn't being utilized in the situation, as the shortened recharge increases the likelihood that it will again be usable when the need for it arises, as opposed to it being killed in an engagement for which it isn't suited.
  • Dryhten can be dismissed at any time, like maintained Enchantments, by double-clicking their upkeep icon. Alternatively, they can be dismissed with skills, which often provide other benefits.

Passive Effects[edit]

  • Summoning Rituals will often place a positive or negative effect on the Summoner maintaining the ritual.
    • Example: "While Spellbind is active, you have +10...30...35 Energy."
    • Example: "While Ruin is active, your maximum health is reduced by 60...20...10% and you suffer -10...4...3 Health degeneration."
  • Many Dryhten also have environmental effects similar to those of Ritualist spirits and Nature Spirits.
    • Example: "While Silence is active, all spells, shouts, and chants used in earshot fail."
  • Different Dryhten effects have different ranges, from Adjacent to Spirit Range.

Active Skills[edit]

  • When a Dryhten is summoned, a window similar to the pet control window will open, except that it will display the Dryhten's set of skills.
    • Like Heroes, these skills can be queued by the Summoner at any time.
    • Also, unlike heroes or pets, each Dryhten has its own nature and as such will "Fight", "Guard", or "Avoid Combat" inherently, rather than as decreed by the Summoner.
  • The costs for Dryhtens' skills comes from the Drythen itself, unlike pet skills.
    • Skill costs can come from from the Dryhten's own Health, Energy, or Adrenaline.
  • Typically, more powerful skills have a higher cost and recharge associated with them.
    • For example, Bite requires a mere 5 Energy, while Armageddon requires 25 energy and causes Exhaustion.
    • Some of the more powerful skills even have a failure chance associated with low attribute levels.
    • Remember, even while some powerful skills may seem to have a relatively low cost in and of themselves, more powerful Summoning Rituals usually have a higher upkeep cost associated with them.

Other Notes[edit]

  • A Summoner may only have one Summoning Ritual active at a time, though there is no limit to how many Summoning Rituals a player may have on their bar at a time.