Game updates/20080710
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Update - Thursday, July 10, 2008[edit]
Updated Zaishen Rewards[edit]
- Updated the Zaishen Chest drops to replace the Automatonic with a new tonic for the month of July. More information on Zaishen Rewards can be found here. Added the Boreal Tonic.
Automated Tournaments[edit]
- Updated Automated Tournament map rotations.
Skill Updates[edit]
For more information on these changes, please see the Developer Updates page.
PvE and PvP[edit]
Aura of Displacement: now has a .75 aftercast.
Dark Prison: now has a .75 aftercast.
Death's Charge: now has a .75 aftercast.
Shadow Prison: now has a .75 aftercast.
Shadow Walk: now disables your attack skills for 1 second.
Signet of Mystic Speed: increased recharge to 20 seconds.
Mantra of Inscriptions: now affects only those signets that you successfully activate. Interrupted and disabled signets no longer benefit from this skill.
PvP Changes[edit]
Chilling Victory (PvP): this skill is now in the Wind Prayers attribute line.
Signet of Judgment (PvP): decreased damage to 5..50; decreased range to half.
Enfeebling Blood (PvP): increased health sacrifice to 17%; decreased duration to 1..16.
- Chant and shout effects are no longer applied to allied Guild Battle NPCs.
Bug Fixes[edit]
- Fixed a bug with the Ranger skill Conflagration that made it not affect the ranged attacks of monsters.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Mhenlo to display the same dialogue option twice in the Consulate Docks outpost.
- Fixed a bug in the Factions quest "Night Raiders" that could prevent players from completing it.
- Fixed a graphical bug that occurred when Gwen was equipped with the Deldrimor Armor in a PvP arena.
- Fixed a graphical bug on the Elementalist's Elite Flameforged armor that showed the wrong texture on the character's neck.
- Fixed a bug with the monster skill Twisting Jaws that allowed monsters to instantly cast it.
- The Xunlai Tournament House NPC now offers prizes for the June tournament and can be found in the Great Temple of Balthazar, Lion's Arch, Kaineng Center, and Kamadan.
Guild Wars Wiki notes[edit]
- Dragon Festival decorations were removed from Shing Jea Monastery and Kaineng Center.