Guild:The Disciples Of Kashga/Story

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Info-Logo.png Note: This is a page on the resurrection of the Disciples of Kashga and is NOT official lore relating to the Guild Wars universe.

Story Part 1 'The Discovery'

Part 1

The time is 1078 AE.

'These damned Charr just keep on coming' thought Sarith as he looked out from Fort Ranik. 'And we can't stop them'. Fort Ranik was now the furthest northern settlement that still belonged to the Ascalonians, Ascalon City had been overun weeks before. The few settlements remaining were Ranik and Ebonhawke. Sarith looked out at the horizon and could see a small beacon of light coming out of a hill. He stepped out from the fort turret and ran to Lord Darrin II of Ranik. Sarith saluted Lord Darrin and blurted out "My lord! I have seen a beacon of light in the distance! I'm not sure whether it's a Charr camp, a human patrol or something else. Permission to look?" "Permission granted Captain Daemonblood".

As Sarith and 4 soldiers under his division crept out of the gate and silently walked towards the light, they could hear grunting noises. Seconds later, a Charr jumped out from a ledge and landed on a soldier. The man fell to the ground and began to scream as the Charr tore at his neck. His voice began to gurgle with blood and his face was unidentifiable from the wounds and blood. "Gods damn it! Men, take down that Charr!" cried out Sarith as he charged towards the rabid beast. The 4 men attacked the Charr and pierced its flesh. The Charr let out a wail and collapsed to the floor. "Sergeant Marshall Richards, Corporal Wilton Payce, carry Ben Wolfson back to the Fort. Lieutenant Ciglo, you do what you can to stop the bleeding and try to get rid of any infections. When you get back, tell Darrin that I've gone on ahead...

Part 2

As Sarith walked on his own down the cracked path towards the beacon of light, he fondly remembered killing Vatlaaw Doomtooth along this very road. As he approached the light, he raised out his hand to touch the hole from where the light protruded from. Suddenly, he heard a monstrous roar and the ground cracked open. As Sarith gulped, shrugged, said "what the hell" and climbed in. Several metres down, his feet touched warm, damp soil and he waved his arms to check for walls. A ball of fire flickered in his hands as he tapped into his daemon heritage and looked around. All he could see on the wall in front of him were runes, hundreds of them. He tried to remember his Ascalon Academy education and decipher the runes, but then he corrected himself. 'Why would I have taken a course in runes when I was also taking a test in sparring?' Then he went back to another memory, a more recent one, and he looked at the runes again. And he knew exactly who could decipher them...

Sarith sprinted back to the gates of Ranik and ran to Lord Darrin II. "My lord. I must leave as soon as possible out of Ascalon. It's on urgent business". "But why so sudden Sarith? You have been the best fighter in Ranik for 5 years! Without you, I'm pretty sure our defenses will be worsened. Not to mention winter is coming and thus the Charr will have the cover of night. You must stay!" "I'm sorry my lord, but when I found the light, there was a cave. I went in it and I found hundreds of undecipherable runes. I know only one creature who has any chance of deciphering these. I have a feeling that these runes are important and you never know, they could help us against the Charr." "Then Captain Sarith Daemonblood of the Ascalon Vanguard, go forth and find this creature, gods speed you".

Part 3

As Sarith sailed out of Lions Arch with his newly purchased boat, he got out his map of the world and looked at the right. The Desolation Coast. That's where he was going. As the boat docked into the seemingly empty keep, Sarith got out the side and jumped onto the port. As he looked around, all he heard was the occasional crow squawking overhead. 'Hmm. No one here. That's odd. He's usually here.' Then Sarith remembered the 'migration' pattern his ally took every year. "Well, back to the boat" he said grimly to himself.

When Sarith landed in Bejunkan Pier, he dashed out of the boat and ran into Kaineng Centre. After talking to several guards, he went on his way to Maatu Keep and then to the foot of Mount Qinkai. Several hours and many snowstorms later, Sarith reached the top of the mountain and saw what he was looking for. He touched the lump of snow and tapped into his daemonic heritage. His hands glowed red and the thick snow oozed into water. Beneath he saw what he had travelled the world for. A creature in human form, created by Grenth himself to bring hatred and detestation upon the world. A creature with pure black skin. A creature with no love, the Anti Valentine. For three days, Sarith waited at the summit for the AV to come out of meditation, until finally, at midnight on the first day of Winter, the Prince of Hate came out of meditation and turned towards Sarith and said "What seems to be your problem Daemonblood?"

Part 4

Sarith entered the gates of Ranik exactly one month after he left, and when he came into the courtyard, he turned and saw Lord Darrin standing several feet away. "Came back empty handed did we Captain?" asked Lord Darrin. "No sir." "Oh? Really?" "He's behind you sir." Lord Darrin turned around slowly with his eyes closed in fear of what he would see. The Captain didn't necessarily say what species this 'friend' would be. When he opened his eyes, he immediately regretted it. He saw a tall, pitch black demonic figure with inscriptions carved into him and horns and a cloth across his eyes. The 'thing snarled at him and said in a deep, rough voice "My lord, I have come from across the great ocean to aid you in this 'trouble' you have." "Oh, well, err, great. Fantastic, best not distract you. I have some... lording to do. Bye." As Lord Darrin II ran off behind a building, Sarith walked up to the AV and said to him "I think he's scared of you." "Yes, well, I doubt many Ascalonians have seen a creature created by Grenth with pure black skin that was animated solely for the reason to crush love and happiness wherever I may find it." "... It was funnier before you explained why" said Sarith glumly.

Part 5

Sarith climbed down the cavern with AV following behind him. As Sarith created the ball of fire in his hands, the Anti Valentine gasped in amazement. "These runes are remarkable. They aren't written in any language that I've seen to date. These caverns and runes must've been here before Ascalon. That's well over a century before the Exodus of the Gods." "Can you understand any of it?" questioned Sarith nervously. "Some of it, most of the runes have either faded due to erosion or have been etched off. Someone obviously didn't want us to see these. All I can read are these words. 'Lord, Reign, Contact, Chaos, Born, Avatar and Kashga. Kashga... that's something I haven't heard of before. I have a strange feeling about this...

Part 6

As the two adventurers turned away from the runes, the AV suddenly collapsed. As his vision faded, he saw Sarith clutching at his shoulders shouting what was wrong. Then everything went black. Then a figure appeared. This figure was quite unlike anything the Anti Valentine had seen before. This figure wore cloud white robes and had a scythe made of bone. It floated above the ground and the bottom of its robes dragged along the floor. It had a helmet with a slit much like the helms of the White Mantle, only it had a jagged pattern on top and the space behind the slit was empty, as if the creature had no face or soul. The creature came ever more closer to the AV in the enveloping blackness and said... "I am Kashga. I was a being created by the magic surrounding Orr. However, I was designated for significant deeds. I was created to lead. You see, the runes you saw were etched off by early followers of the Old Gods. They saw the runes and counted them as heresy, and anyone who read them would be corrupted. That's why no one has ever heard of me until now. You, Anti Valentine, are the first creature to have heard my name in over 1000 years. The time in which I was created was much different to yours, the Gods still walked amongst man, this library was just being created. You probably know the story of the Exodus of the Gods? "Who doesn't?" replied the Anti Valentine. Kashga went on, "Your Gods created me at the same time as the serpents stepped out onto the soil of Tyria. My siblings and I helped the Forgotten shepherd the younger creatures until the time of the Exodus. I was expected to leave so Glint could take my places. Unfortunately, this would not be. What with the wars of Magic among all the intelligent creatures and Abbadon, Menzies and Dhuum, the Gods created the Bloodstones and thought that would be the end of their problems. When I was about to step into the Rift with the Old 5, they closed the portal before I could enter. Shocked, I turned and headed for Cantha where I hibernated in the Echovald Forest for another 1000 years or so. When the Jade Wind struck Cantha, I was fortunately high up enough for it not to petrify me, but I still lost some of my power and I become bound to the stone of the mountain. I was awakened when your friend Sarith Daemonblood cast his fiery palms on the snow , the daemonic energy was enough to release me from my prison, and to get you off the mountain. I need your help Anti Valentine, convert any who will listen to you and teach them to worship me. Make them disciples to my cause, and I will regain my power. This is vital, for you see, an evil that rivals the powers of the 5 Old Gods themselves put together is looming over Tyria. Without me you will fail. And you, and your Disciple brethren will be greatly rewarded beyond your wildest dreams. Now go forth and recruit the smartest, the bravest, do not hesitate to rally thousands." "Yes, my master." replied the Anti Valentine. As the figure faded the Anti Valentine shouted "Wait! Where will I take these Disciples to worship?" "Do not worry Anti Valentine. You shall know soon enough..."

Part 7

Sarith knelt down and said "What happened?" "I think I was created for something bigger than wiping love off the face of the world. We need to leave." "What is it?" "This Kashga, he spoke to me in my unconsciousness. He said I must tell the world of his arrival and that I must gather a following to him. I must leave Ascalon." As he stood up, he felt a hand clasp on his shoulder and he turned around and saw Sarith staring at him. "Do you think I'm going to let my most trusted ally shape one of the biggest events in Tyrian history to date by himself? You gotta be joking me." "But what about Ascalon, your peo-" "What can one man do? The Charr are relentless. They want Ascalon. They outnumber us 3 to 1. I think I'm fighting a losing battle." "Then let's leave this hell-stricken place and head to Kryta. From there we shall travel the world." Anti Valentine scrambled out of the cavern and turned to face the silhouette of the Great Northern Wall. All he could see was red sky, burnt rock and the huge purple crystals that dotted the land. Anti Valentine had an urge to change all this. Anti Valentine wanted to make a difference. Anti Valentine stood up and shouted towards the setting sun, "For Kashga!!!"