Login screen announcements

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The following is a list of the current Guild Wars announcements, known as Messages of the Day by ArenaNet,[1], 2, 3 published via the login screen of the game client.

Current announcements[edit]

Wintersday in July

With most of Tyria bathed in sun, it's time to break from the heat and slug it out in Snowball Arena! Also, holiday items will start dropping across the land starting at Noon Pacific (-7 GMT) on July 24th. Wintersday in July ends at Noon Pacific on July 31st, so don't wait. For more information, visit http://www.guildwars.com/.

Zaishen Vanquishing Bonus

More coins for combat! The Zaishen are offering double copper Zaishen Coin rewards for Zaishen vanquishes this week. Visit Embark Beach today and see what's posted. Weekly bonuses last until 3 PM GMT on Monday.

Competitive Mission Bonus

Luxon and Kurzick supporters are called to arms this week! Double Balthazar and Imperial faction are offered to all who participate in the Jade Quarry and Fort Aspenwood competitive missions. Weekly bonuses last until 3 PM GMT on Monday.

I Have a New Key[edit]

If you've just purchased a Guild Wars product, click on the 'Create Account or Add Access Key' link in the login dialog to add your new access key.


  • I Have a New Key message might not be displayed to all users for reasons unknown.

See also[edit]