Talk:Seed of Life

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20 Health per party member per opponent hitting 1 ally is actually a pretty dang balanced skill. Shinjinbukai User Shinjinbukai.jpg 23:54, 15 June 2007 (UTC)

one monk whit this skill and echo, the other 55hp, 100% invincible build on any agro load.. good job anet :) I was allways wondering when we get skill that heal fix amount when getting hit --Bob 12:39, 16 June 2007 (UTC)

Being sarcastic or joking. This skill has extreme abuse potential. Making PvE family friendly, they are making it by far too easy. --Longasc 15:22, 16 June 2007 (UTC)

Dump it on the bonder. Bond the entire party. Then it's guaranteed to make life stupidly easy. Pandya 13:56, 17 June 2007 (UTC)

Tried using a Hero to bond all 7 other party members and putting Seed of Life on them.. works like a charm.. unless the whole party takes a lot of damage - the party does fine until the bonder dies from damage through Life Bond. :) Me55enger 14:38, 19 June 2007 (UTC)

55 Bonder then :~) (Absolut 12:12, 20 June 2007 (UTC))

Makes Healing Seed pretty useless. Healing Prayers in general takes a hit as well, combining this with ZB allows pure Prot. monk to spike heal and heal party relatively well, while having access to high attribute Prot. spells. Maybe duration should be tied to healing prayers somehow?(Tilde 02:57, 13 August 2007 (UTC))

Getting the skill[edit]

ive checked with all the hero skill trainers but none of them seem to have this skill, or any sunspear skills for that matter. do you have to have anything specific before being able to get these skills?

R1 sunspear. Not sure about level. - BeX 01:39, 22 June 2007 (UTC)

I have R6 sunspear rank but the skill just isnt there. if someone can find out whats wrong please tell --The preceding unsigned comment was added by User: .

You need to be level 20, you can only get it from the listed skill trainers on the main page, you need at least one skill point and 1 plat or 1 hero skill point, and you must have the appropriate profession set as either primary or secondary I believe. That's all I know. Do you meet all the requirements? --File:VallenIconwhitesmall.JPG Vallen Frostweaver 11:44, 22 June 2007 (UTC)
The level 20 req is only for Faction skills. Also it doesn't matter what profession you are, you can buy any of them. The Sunspear skills should be found under its own menu item on the Hero Skill trainer rather than sorted by profession. — User Kyrasantae Fin sig.gif kyrasantae 13:15, 22 June 2007 (UTC)
You are right. I forgot and got things mixed up. I'll strike the above that was incorrect to make sure I don't confuse others with my inaccurate comments. I had noticed that it was under a new button too and forgot about that. It's not under a profession at all. My bad. --File:VallenIconwhitesmall.JPG Vallen Frostweaver 13:44, 22 June 2007 (UTC)
This skill and any skill of sunspears can only be obtained after having done the Secondary Profession quest (for Nightfall characters)


Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! :(--Pablo24 02:31, 31 August 2007 (UTC)

This skill was over-nerfed. I suggest at least a decrease to 5 energy... 02:32, 31 August 2007 (UTC)
This skill was soo cool for vanquishing.. take 6 obsidian flesh eles, 1 bonder monk, 1 monk with this skill and the elite glyph for an invinci group with infinite aggro possibility... guess we will need 4 monks now--Pablo24 02:36, 31 August 2007 (UTC)
and its a pve only skill... plz un-nerf it--Pablo24 02:37, 31 August 2007 (UTC)
Absolutely. Was this skill REALLY overpowered? It looks like a "Panic Nerf" to me.--Curin Derwin 02:38, 31 August 2007 (UTC)
Yes, this skill was grossly overpowered. As stated above, playing a monk with a bonding hero, with Arcane Echo you could keep this skill up for 40 seconds with only a 6 second down time; during that time everyone gets healed 32 points anytime anyone takes damage. 120 point fire-ball hit 3 of your folks? Even without armor that's 60 points damage after bonds, but you get healed 96 (3x32). Your only consern is the bonder dieing. Even when they strip enchantments it still works well until they knock off all the Bonds in a single battle. With Echo-Arcane-Echo you could keep it up indefinately. After the nerf this skill is comperable to many of the other new pve skills. 04:26, 1 September 2007 (UTC)
+ they already nerfed pve skills so u can only equip 3--Pablo24 02:43, 31 August 2007 (UTC)

Definitely overnerfed...It was definitely a powerful skill but not overly powerful imo. If they were concerned with the healing via life bond effect of it, maybe make it only trigger upon actual damage (not zero as most dmg is with life bond). 02:47, 31 August 2007 (UTC)

OMg lol overkill amirite? Anti Oath 02:49, 31 August 2007 (UTC)
holy shi.. rofl now it's useless. nerf recharge and duration? Logic anet? logic? Izzy all this nerfing makes me sad :(. --Lou-SaydusUser Lou-Saydus Hail Storm.jpg 03:35, 31 August 2007 (UTC)
What is the point of this, to drive monks away from the game? If that's it, you're going to be successful soon enough. Monking Hard Mode is difficult enough without some lame nerf that essentially kills the skill for all usefulness.

Reset Indent. Well... this skill is totally useless... I just play tested it. Considering the recharge, umm...yeh, it is doomed. If they wanted to make it less effective, change it to something like Spirit Bond, where after 10-20 attacks, it auto ends... in its current state, it just needs to be put into a coffin, just like Armor of Unfeeling such a "great skill" LordSojar 04:14, 31 August 2007 (UTC)

Can we please have the 5 energy cost then? I think too, that the nerfbat wielder had a temporary burst of aggression and this skill got hit too hard :( - IronHeart 05:57, 31 August 2007 (UTC)
This nerf is to hard, i maxed my sunspear title for this skill just so it would last 12 seconds because it was such a nice skill, I spend 2 entire days killing stuff with junundu wurms to get that title. Seriously 5 seconds duration 25 recharge. This skill will never be used again like this, not by me atleast. Its PvE only, noboddy cares if its a bit strong, thats why its a PvE skill. Seriously monk in hard-mode have it hard enough allready, now u just took a skill on every good monk his bar that was willign to spend some time getting his title up. Life-seed at 9 healing is almost better then this skill, and yes i'm aware seed of life has a much larger healing range, but atleast it doesn 't end before you can cast your next spell. I totaly disaprove of this GIGANTIC nerf and fail to see the point why it had to be nerfed this bad. Okay it needed a slight nerf, like 8 seconds duration. or a 30 seconds recharge. But this skill is now officialy one skill that will never be seen again on skillbars if it remains like this. 13:20, 31 August 2007 (UTC)
This skill seriously needed a nerf. When you get bored in DoA hard mode with a 2 monk backline as the healer there has to be something wrong. But you made the same mistake as with intensity again. Drastically altering both duration AND recast lead to an overnerf that killed intensity and possibly this skill too (not tested yet, have to see if it is still worth a skill slot). The SF approach (nerfing a little, see if it is enough, nerfing some more) would have been wiser here. Although i see that time was pressing on this one if you do not want to get GW:EN finished in the first day :). 13:48, 31 August 2007 (UTC)

Seed of Life was broken, but I think the duration was nerfed a little too harshly. Maybe an 8 second duration with 10 energy cost, 1 second cast, and 25 or even 30 second recharge would be a better balance. As it is now, I can't justify giving up a slot on my bar for this skill. --Rururrur 06:27, 4 September 2007 (UTC)

Bull Shit[edit]

What's the point of PvE Only skills if they skills are made so weak and so worthless that nobody will play them because the regular skills are better? Seed of Life was decent before, but only if you knew just when to throw it because of the incredibly short duration and long recharge... but now it's just been made completely useless. How idiotic. If they regret putting PvE skills into the game that badly, then why not remove them instead of making them so undesirable that they won't get used? ~ J.Kougar UserJKougar sig.gif 04:11, 31 August 2007 (UTC)

No, Seed of life was OP. Glyph of renewal+blessed aura=100% uptime. 04:12, 31 August 2007 (UTC)
Yeh if you run a special build just to spam that, but for the normal healers who could use it as a nice addition to the skill bar (it's nice to have a respite from healing once in a while), it's completely and totally useless now. 04:22, 31 August 2007 (UTC)
Yea, but not every one is going to run a Mo/E in PvE with those skills, actually most people aren't. It's boring, limiting, and besides that it's not over powered when the monsters can have more life, attribute points, and levels than you do, and are generally in larger groups. Apparently they want to force people into idiotic gimmick builds, as the combo you mentioned is the only way the skill will still be at all useful with this nerf, and for the other 90% of people who used the skill before, it's just another worthless skill to take off their bar. ~ J.Kougar UserJKougar sig.gif 04:22, 31 August 2007 (UTC)
The real bullshit, pardon my french, is that people seem to contest the proper balancing of skills. And to think, when people get this disheartened when ANet puts a ridiculously powerful skill into line. I mean honestly, if Migraine we're a 30 second duration with -12 health regeneration, you'd want it nerfed. Obviously Seed of Life wasn't like that, but it did allow for the PvE aspect of the game to be generally abused. I mean, come on, it was god mode. Please stop whining about the adjustments, and go use some of the, how many, like, 800+ skills we have now? -File:Drago-sig.gif Drago 04:35, 31 August 2007 (UTC)
Seed of Life was "god mode" ? LOL Yea... sure, you should play with the skills and know a little more about them before making statements like that. Even if the skill was Godly, which it wasn't, it's now about equivalent to a mentally handicapped Chihuahua with a cocaine addiction. Nobody's going to touch it. ~ J.Kougar UserJKougar sig.gif 04:52, 31 August 2007 (UTC)
I suppose that you consider Seed of Life in it's current form a proper rebalance of the skill? Are you just trolling here are can you give me an actual reason for such a drastic cut of this skills abilities? 04:43, 31 August 2007 (UTC)
It was too unbalancing in the higher end areas of the game. And they scaled it back so that monks had to do more than spam it to keep their parties alive. - File:Drago-sig.gif Drago 04:49, 31 August 2007 (UTC)
By far over-nerfed. I agree that making it similar to Spirit Bond would be a good compromise. I used to run this skill in both healer and prot builds, but it'll never see my skill bar again in this state. It's sad to see it go--it was the only of the PvE skills I found worthwhile on my monk. Furthermore the sneak-peek at GWEN skills had little (if anything) beneficial for a monk. While the frontline folks overflow with new, practical, and valuable PvE skills us backliners don't have much to look forward to. Maybe the Asura will give at least one skill that can work on a monk. Crikee 04:57, 31 August 2007 (UTC)
In a balanced group of friends and guildies coming up with a perfect build to handle aggro, protect the party, heal everyone successfully, and make sure all casters have energy, etc. is pretty easy. In cases like that, the nerf to Seed of Life and similar past nerfs are somewhat understandable. It's when you have a monk who's in a PUG and is trying to be prepared for anything that you see the real shame of this nerf. Skill balancing is great and all that but seriously, what and/or who was this skill hurting? PvE only...right? 05:07, 31 August 2007 (UTC)
this skill was god mode as was so eliquently put. when monks in the deep are shying away from heal party and taking thier elite to keep it up infinatly it was a little retarded. i dont however belive that it was 'balanced' as such, all these ppl are right, there is no way ill use that skill again, maybe if it was 5 energy i might use it in a prot buid or two but not like this.
Seed of Life was "god mode" ? LOL Yea... sure, you should play with the skills and know a little more about them before making statements like that. Even if the skill was Godly, which it wasn't, it's now about equivalent to a mentally handicapped Chihuahua with a cocaine addiction. Nobody's going to touch it. Also, I didn't know any self-respecting monk used Heal Party anymore, unless they just had a lack of skill options. Besides, most people don't use gimmick builds, the majority of players aren't that 'in-the-know' with the latest gimmicks, and they are the ones hurt by poorly thought out knee-jerk reaction nerfs like this one, when someone tells Izzy that a hand full of people are using it in some silly gimmick build. ~ J.Kougar UserJKougar sig.gif 06:52, 31 August 2007 (UTC)

5 sec is too jsut too short. maybe if the heal it gave was reduced in such a way that with devine at like 13 it healed for 15 or somthing. then it would stil be good but not god mode. also maybe if the max duration was reduced to say 8 secs with lev 9 at like 6 it would be good, this would engorage ppl to further thier title and also the skill would be usuable and reasonable at the same time. but for the record the skill was NEVER a reasonable skill it was always redicuilos. 06:39, 31 August 2007 (UTC)

Uhh, yes, it was. You DO know how the skill interacts with Life Bond, right? Perma SoL really was invincibility. I used it once in Eternal Grove HM. Anytime anyone was hit, the party was healed for like, 30. There was no need for strategy - no one could die. ~ Kailianna Firesoul 09:37, 31 August 2007 (UTC)
Suggestion: let it be "active" skill - 10e, 1c, 10r, spell last for 1..4s like now, heals for 1..3 health per divine favor. This way it isn't "fire and forget spell" and probably will have some uses in "stress situations". 5 sec with 25 recharge is... well , overnerfed :( Thorel 09:28, 31 August 2007 (UTC)

This attempt to soften the nerf is still useless. Lowering the health benefits? Increase the energy cost? But 5 energy and 1/4 cast with 25 second recharge is still a useless skill. How many more skills do they need to make useless? 02:10, 1 September 2007 (UTC)

Exactly. It doesn't solve the problem, I didn't see anyone complain about the cost or activation time. The skill is useless because it doesn't last long enough for crap unless you use some gimmick build, and most people aren't going to use some stupid gimmick just to make the skill viable for use. This was just a pathetic attempt to fix what they broke. ~ J.Kougar UserJKougar sig.gif 02:16, 1 September 2007 (UTC)

I have a better suggestion for the balancing, make it only trigger on actual damage. No more life bond abuse of the skill as most of the time life bond is dealing a bunch of zeroes. 02:14, 1 September 2007 (UTC)

Stop complaining! So you got an overpowered skill and it got nerfed to regular PvE skill, so what?

If you want to realy see a useless skill then take a look at the warrior's pve-only skills, belive me Seed of Life will look overpowered again, after you take a glymps at them. The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs) 09:57, 1 September 2007 (UTC).

Joke? Save Yourselves is easily in the top few pve skills. The SS one...not so much. But save yourselves makes up for that. 00:39, 2 September 2007 (UTC)

Suggestion. Increase the energy cost to 15 or 20. Return it to the original duration. Decrease the health benefit. keep the current recharge time. You can also make it like the Avatar and have it disabled for 25 seconds. Or make it a skill and not an enchantment to rid the increased duration with blessed aura and 20% enchantment weapons. 15:24, 1 September 2007 (UTC)

And if it wan't an enchantment, what would it be? A long lasting spell o.O? Readem Promote My Ban Here 06:29, 4 September 2007 (UTC)

Was this good? Never used it, wouldn't know. Readem Promote My Ban Here 00:49, 2 September 2007 (UTC)

Suggestion. Make Seed of Life a skill and not a spell. Which will allow not allow you to use Arcane Echo or Glyph of Renewal. Increase energy to 10. Increase casting time to 2 seconds. Keep current recharge time. 00:12, 6 September 2007 (UTC)

PvE only skills should be over powered. That is why they are PvE Only. 4-5 Seconds is a total waste for a 25 second recharge skill. Reduce the recharge to 15 seconds. Asya 14:25, 27 September 2007 (UTC)

It is overpowered, for PvP. But before it was overpowered in a PvE sense.

anet care about pve just as much as there pvp...but to have this much of a nerf? they enploy WOW players? to be sereus, energy cost can be covered with Balthazar's Spirit on the what i say is 10 cost/2sec cast/35recharge(5-15heal/10sec last)...thats not to over what do you say about that?-- 21:07, 27 November 2007 (UTC)

With Glyph of Renewal it is perfectly possible to keep this skill up 50% of the time, 5seconds on, 5 seconds off. Or for a 10 second burst, followed by 15 seconds downtime. Add +20% enchants to this and you increase this to 6sec on 4sec off. This is still an insanely viable skill, especially for a bonder as previously mentioned-- 18:14, 5 December 2007 (UTC)


Lives up the abbreviation now. --Lou-SaydusHow dare you put that damned dirty thing on me! 16:16, 16 January 2008 (UTC)

made me lol
Hardy harr 03:09, 14 September 2011 (UTC)

Not actually bad[edit]

I'm not quite sure what you're all whining about, as I've used this with a three-second duration, and with good timing and tiny bit of luck, this skill has saved the lives of all my party members at once. Maybe you should try applying intelligence to your usage of skills? Monk-tango-icon-20.pngCrystal Myr 23:30, 18 February 2008 (UTC)

I don't get why this skill is good. I have Rank 8 Sunspear, too. O_o -- 21:06, 24 July 2008 (UTC)
Best when used when a party member is taking a lot of any-damage hits, best-used in situations like DoA and Snowman's Lair. --Elven Chaos Elven's Talk Page 21:18, 24 July 2008 (UTC)
Dude, if you use this on some dying dude that's taking like 5,000 24's, it gives the whole party +999999 Health regen for 7 seconds. =] 03:17, 7 November 2009 (UTC)

While I'm deathleveling and bored, I think I'll stop by and revive old rants and arguments. And I must say I'm with Crystal Myr on this one. This skill is full of awesome actually, if you don't think so you probably don't know much about playing monks - VileLasagna 16:12, 15 March 2010 (UTC)

It also helps significantly to have basic knowledge of protting, and application of it. Although, lol prots in pve are so hard. (Look, that war's being hit by over 9000 enemies, I wonder if I should drop SoL on him?):3 User Ryuu R.jpg Ryuu - talk 16:15, 15 March 2010 (UTC)
My guild uses it on our monks in Urgoz all the time. Tanks take many packets of damage but little damage overall so this gives quite a bit of healing. I love watching 26's fly from every party member. --Kyoshi (Talk) User Kyoshi sig.png 16:37, 15 March 2010 (UTC)

Saccing and OoU[edit]

Does SoL heal when you sac or take dmg from OoU?

OoU is considered life loss not damage or saccing so prolly not.-- 18:02, 12 September 2008 (UTC)

Related Skills[edit]

Healing ribbon is not really related to this... at all... I'm removing it. --User Gah My Name Cant Fi Vow of Silence Gah Sig.jpg Gah 00:57, 20 December 2008 (UTC)

Usage on NPC-Allies[edit]

Place NPCs Behaviour Healing effect User
Dzagonur Bastion 3 Vabbian Guards (center bombard) ? Yes all 3 of them get healed CiaraAndraste 17:27, 19 August 2009 (UTC)
A Gate Too Far Norn allies they dont agro as one group No only target gets healed CiaraAndraste 17:27, 19 August 2009 (UTC)
Traveler's Vale 4 Caravan guards (patrolling from Yaks Bend) they agro as one group Yes all 4 of them get healed CiaraAndraste 17:27, 19 August 2009 (UTC)
Melandru's Hope 4 Kurzick Shrine NPCs (outside Jade Flats) ? No only target gets haled CiaraAndraste 17:27, 19 August 2009 (UTC)
Ettins Back Shining Blade Allies (Quest) they move together Yes the group gets healed CiaraAndraste 16:53, 20 August 2009 (UTC)
Gates of Kryta White Mantle allies (who follow into the Swamp) they agro as group Yes the group gets healed CiaraAndraste 09:30, 5 September 2009 (UTC)
anywhere minions under the control of a single minion master Yes all minions get healed –~=Ϛρѧякγ AHHH! (τѧιк) ←♥– 21:24, 13 November 2010 (UTC)

When I was using SoL on a Vabbian Guard in the Dzagonur Bastion Mission (on one of the 3 guys in the center) it healed all of them and not only one. So the note about it healing only the target is wrong in this case. So far I m thinking it heals all allies that are in the same agro-group as the target. CiaraAndraste 21:03, 7 August 2009 (UTC)

Using Seed of Life on one of the Am Fah Recruit allies will only heal the target. So probably not all allies are in I guess parties or groups. Sadly...--Bive 06:07, 8 August 2009 (UTC)
Maybe add to the notes that it heals a group of allies or just the target.--Bive 06:10, 8 August 2009 (UTC)
When I get my Comp back working (hdd crash), I 'll try to find some Npcs, who use skills with partywide effects. Would be great to have one of them cast Aegis and see who gets enchanted by it. I would like to confirm it again before posting it anywhere on a page. CiaraAndraste 08:44, 10 August 2009 (UTC)
It would have to be allies and not enemies since enemies are always in groups.--Bive 17:22, 10 August 2009 (UTC)
OK got my comp back working and was able to test some more places. See the table (would also be happy if someone could tell me how to make it more pretty)CiaraAndraste 17:27, 19 August 2009 (UTC)

In combination with Smiting Prayers[edit]

Seed of Life makes up for the lack of healing in Smiting Prayers line, allowing Smiters to go full 12/12 on Divine Favor and Smiting Prayers. However, Smiting Prayers still needs the buff it's been waiting for so long. Smiting Prayers is my favorite line, but sometimes it gets tough when most of my spells are recharging. Gotta love RoJ though ^^ --Teisei 「ページ」 「会話」 19:53, 18 August 2010 (UTC)

Scourge healing/Soul bind[edit]

Someone should check this, but I'm pretty sure that seed of life doesn't trigger either scourge healing or soul bind. If that's the case the note on the page needs to be changed.--TahiriVeila 05:45, 25 April 2011 (UTC)

Umm, I'm the one who added that note since it I killed my survivor monk because of it last year so I'm pretty sure. Not sure about now but I'll test go it in about 5 mins and post up a screenie if you wish. ZencowUser Ox rider Sig.png 12:01, 1 June 2011 (UTC)
Ok, no longer works, seed of life running out just as I screenied here with Scourge Healing still on Koss. Removing notes about it. ZencowUser Ox rider Sig.png 12:46, 1 June 2011 (UTC)

Getting to 42?[edit]

Heard it was possible but it has never worked for me. With grail of might, lunar blessing, golden egg, candy corn, and divine favor +1 20% mod, it's always 40.

Have tested all 3 mods +1 20% (staff wrapping of divine favor, staff wrapping of mastery, and "master of my domain"). None of them ever proc. How do people get to 42 then?