Main Character
Andran Steel
Other Characters
Veswana Verentis
Lavinia Dalens
Lileath Denaris
Jesana Spiritmaster
Andran Maximus
Andran Lamatis
Campaign Access
- Prophecies
- Factions
- Nightfall
- Eye of the North
Guild: Phoenicia Astris [APhx]
Notable Titles: I Have Many Leather-Bound Books, Legendary Vanquisher, Legendary Skill Hunter, Legendary Cartographer, Protector of Tyria/Cantha/Elona, Guardian of Cantha/Elona
About Me: I'm generally a PvE specialist, but also play some AB and competitive missions. I've done most things to do in GW to some extent, so if anyone wants any advice, feel free to contact me in-game (usually as Andran Steel).
News: With the imminent release of Guild Wars Forever...sorry...Guild Wars 2, I'm back playing again after a couple of years out. Some interesting stuff has happened, so I guess I'll need to catch up!
This user plays within the United Kingdom.
This user plays the 1st Guild Wars campaign: Prophecies.
This user plays the 3rd Guild Wars campaign: Nightfall.
This user has spent 2259 hours in Guild Wars in 60 months (1.2 h/day).
This user is a Tyrian at heart!
This user believes Shadow Form is a weak way to tank.
This user feels that Perma's are destroying GW's economy and compromising the Warrior's role as tank.
My PvE build is designed to cause massive AoE physical damage in conjunction with Order of Pain, Mark of Pain, Strength of Honour and other physical support, as well as a fair amount of "Save Yourselves!" spam. Works great for most high-end areas and hard mode.