Icon | Name | Description |  |  |  |  | | Campaign |
Assassin's Promise |
Elite Hex Spell. (5...13...15 seconds.) You gain 5...17...20 Energy and all your skills recharge if target foe dies. |
0 |
055  |
00.750.75¾  |
04545  |
| Factions |
Assassin's Remedy |
Enchantment Spell. (30 seconds.) Your next 1...8...10 attack skills each remove one condition. |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
02020  |
| Nightfall |
Assassin's Remedy (PvP) |
Enchantment Spell. (30 seconds.) Your next 1...8...10 attack skills each remove one condition. |
0 |
1010  |
01.001  |
02020  |
| Nightfall |
Assault Enchantments |
Elite Skill. Removes all enchantments. Must follow a dual attack. |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
0088  |
| Nightfall |
Augury of Death |
Half Range Hex Spell. (5...29...35 seconds.) Inflict Deep Wound condition (5...17...20 seconds) and Shadow Step to target foe the next time damage would drop this foe's Health below 50%. |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
02020  |
| Nightfall |
Aura of Displacement |
Elite Enchantment Spell. Shadow Step to target foe. End effect: return to your original location. |
-1  |
1010  |
00.250.25¼  |
02020  |
| Factions |
Beguiling Haze |
Elite Spell. You Shadow Step to this foe. Inflicts Dazed condition (3...8...9 seconds). |
0 |
1515  |
00.250.25¼  |
02020  |
| Factions |
Black Lotus Strike |
Lead Attack. Deals +10...27...31 damage. You gain 5...11...13 Energy if target foe is hexed. |
0 |
1010  |
0 |
0066  |
| Factions |
Black Mantis Thrust |
Lead Attack. Deals +8...18...20 damage. Inflicts Crippled condition (3...13...15 seconds) if target foe is hexed. |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
0066  |
| Factions |
Black Spider Strike |
Off-Hand Attack. Deals +5...17...20 damage. Inflicts Poisoned condition (5...17...20 seconds). Must strike a hexed foe. |
0 |
1010  |
0 |
01212  |
| Nightfall |
Blades of Steel |
Dual Attack. Deals +5...14...16 damage (maximum 60) for each recharging dagger attack. Must follow an off-hand attack. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
0088  |
| Factions |
Blinding Powder |
Spell. Inflicts Blindness condition (3...13...15 seconds) on target and adjacent foes. Must follow an off-hand attack. |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
02020  |
 | Factions |
Caltrops |
Half Range Spell. Inflicts Crippled condition (5...13...15 seconds) on target and adjacent foes. |
0 |
1010  |
00.250.25¼  |
01010  |
 | Factions |
Crippling Dagger |
Half Range Spell. Projectile: deals 15...51...60 earth damage. Inflicts Crippled condition (3...13...15 seconds) if target foe is moving. |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
0055  |
| Factions |
Critical Agility |
Enchantment Spell. (4 seconds plus 1 second for each rank of Critical Strikes.) You attack 33% faster and gain +15...25 armor. Renewal: every time you land a critical hit. |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
03030  |
| Nightfall |
Critical Defenses |
Enchantment Spell. (4...9...10 seconds.) You have a 75% chance to block. Renewal: every time you land a critical hit. |
0 |
1010  |
01.001  |
03030  |
| Factions |
Critical Eye |
Skill. (10...30...35 seconds.) You have +3...13...15% chance to land a critical hit. You gain 1 Energy whenever you land a critical hit. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
03030  |
 | Factions |
Critical Strike |
Dual Attack. Deals +10...26...30 damage. Automatic critical hit. You gain 1...3...3 Energy. Must follow an off-hand attack. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
0066  |
| Factions |
Dancing Daggers |
Half Range Spell. Three projectiles: each deals 5...29...35 earth damage. Counts as a lead attack. |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
0055  |
 | Factions |
Dark Apostasy |
Elite Enchantment Spell. (3...14...17 seconds.) Your critical hits remove an enchantment. Removal cost: lose 10...5...4 Energy or Dark Apostasy ends. |
0 |
1010  |
00.250.25¼  |
01515  |
| Factions |
Dark Escape |
Stance. (5...13...15 seconds.) You move 25% faster and take half damage. Ends if you hit with an attack. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
03030  |
| Factions |
Dark Prison |
Hex Spell. Shadow Step to target foe. This foe moves 33% slower (1...5...6 seconds). |
0 |
1010  |
00.250.25¼  |
03030  |
| Factions |
Dash |
Stance. (3 seconds.) You move 50% faster. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
0088  |
| Factions |
Deadly Haste |
Enchantment Spell. (10...30...35 seconds.) Your half-ranged spells cast 5...41...50% faster and recharge 5...41...50% faster. |
0 |
1010  |
01.001  |
02020  |
| Nightfall |
Deadly Paradox |
Stance. (5...13...15 seconds.) Your Assassin skills activate and recharge 33% faster. Disables your attack skills (10 seconds). |
0 |
1515  |
0 |
01010  |
| Nightfall |
Death Blossom |
Dual Attack. Deals +20...40...45 damage. Also affects foes adjacent to target foe. Must follow an off-hand attack. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
0022  |
| Factions |
Death Blossom (PvP) |
Dual Attack. Deals +20...40...45 damage. Also affects foes adjacent to target foe. Must follow an off-hand attack. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
0066  |
| Factions |
Death's Charge |
Spell. You Shadow Step to target foe. You are healed for 65...173...200 if this foe has more Health than you. |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
03030  |
 | Factions |
Death's Retreat |
Spell. Gain 40...112...130 Health if you have less Health than target ally. Initial effect: Shadow Step to this ally. Cannot self-target. |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
02020  |
| Nightfall |
Desperate Strike |
Lead Attack. Deals +15...51...60 damage if you have less than 50...74...80% Health. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
0066  |
| Factions |
Disrupting Dagger |
Half Range Spell. Projectile: deals 10...30...35 earth damage. Interrupts a skill. |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
01010  |
| Nightfall |
Disrupting Stab |
Lead Attack. Interrupts an action. If the interrupted action was a spell, it is disabled (3...9...10 seconds). |
0 |
055  |
0 |
01010  |
| Factions |
Enduring Toxin |
Hex Spell. (5 seconds.) Causes -1...4...5 Health degeneration. Renewal: if the target foe is moving when this hex ends. |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
01010  |
| Factions |
Entangling Asp |
Spell. Causes knock-down. Inflicts Poisoned condition (5...17...20 seconds). Must follow a lead attack. |
0 |
1010  |
01.001  |
02020  |
| Factions |
Exhausting Assault |
Dual Attack. Interrupts an action. Inflicts 10 Overcast if the interrupted action was a spell. Must follow a lead attack. |
0 |
055  |
00.500.5½  |
0088  |
| Factions |
Expose Defenses |
Hex Spell. (1...9...11 second[s].) Target foe cannot block your attacks. |
0 |
1010  |
01.001  |
02525  |
| Factions |
Expunge Enchantments |
Touch Skill. Removes one enchantment for each non-attack skill you have. All your non-attack skills are disabled (10...6...5 seconds). |
0 |
1010  |
00.750.75¾  |
03030  |
 | Factions |
Falling Lotus Strike |
Off-Hand Attack. Deals +15...31...35 damage; you gain 1...10...12 Energy. No effect unless target foe is knocked-down. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
01212  |
| Eye of the North |
Falling Spider |
Off-Hand Attack. Deals +15...31...35 damage. Inflicts Poisoned condition (5...17...20 seconds). No effect unless target foe is knocked-down. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
0088  |
| Factions |
Feigned Neutrality |
Enchantment Spell. (4...9...10 seconds.) You have +7 Health regeneration and +80 armor. Ends if you hit with an attack or use a skill. |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
02525  |
| Nightfall |
Flashing Blades |
Elite Stance. (5...25...30 seconds.) You have 75% chance to block while attacking. Block effect: 5...17...20 damage to your attacker. |
0 |
1010  |
0 |
03030  |
| Factions |
Fox Fangs |
Off-Hand Attack. Deals +10...30...35 damage. Unblockable. Must follow a lead attack. |
0 |
055  |
00.500.5½  |
0033  |
 | Factions |
Fox Fangs (PvP) |
Off-Hand Attack. Deals +10...22...25 damage. Unblockable. Must follow a lead attack. |
0 |
055  |
00.500.5½  |
0066  |
| Factions |
Fox's Promise |
Elite Enchantment Spell. (5...17...20 seconds.) Your dagger attacks are unblockable. Ends the next time you fail to hit. |
0 |
1010  |
01.001  |
02020  |
| Nightfall |
Golden Fang Strike |
Off-Hand Attack. Inflicts Deep Wound condition (5...17...20 seconds) if you are enchanted. Must follow a lead attack. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
0044  |
| Eye of the North |
Golden Fox Strike |
Lead Attack. Deals +10...26...30 damage. Unblockable if you are Enchanted. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
0044  |
| Nightfall |
Golden Lotus Strike |
Lead Attack. Deals +5...17...20 damage. You gain 5...7...8 Energy if you are enchanted. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
0055  |
| Factions |
Golden Phoenix Strike |
Off-Hand Attack. Deals +10...26...30 damage to target and deals 10...26...30 damage to adjacent foes. Fails if you are not enchanted. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
0088  |
| Factions |
Golden Skull Strike |
Elite Off-Hand Attack. Inflicts Dazed condition (1...4...5 seconds). No effect unless you are enchanted. |
0 |
1010  |
0 |
01515  |
| Nightfall |
Heart of Shadow |
Spell. You are healed for 30...126...150 and you Shadow Step to a nearby location directly away from your target. |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
01515  |
| Factions |
Hidden Caltrops |
Elite Hex Spell. (1...8...10 seconds.) Causes 50% slower movement. End effect: inflicts Crippled condition (1...12...15 seconds). Your non-Assassin skills are disabled (10 seconds.) |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
01212  |
| Nightfall |
Horns of the Ox |
Dual Attack. Deals +1...9...11 damage. Causes knock-down if the target foe is not adjacent to any of its allies. Must follow an off-hand attack. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
01212  |
| Factions |
Impale |
Skill. Deals 25...85...100 earth damage. Inflicts Deep Wound condition (5...17...20 seconds). Must follow a dual attack. |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
01515  |
| Factions |
Iron Palm |
Touch Skill. Deals 5...41...50 damage. Causes knock-down if target foe is hexed or has a condition. Counts as a lead attack. |
0 |
055  |
00.750.75¾  |
02020  |
| Factions |
Jagged Strike |
Lead Attack. Inflicts Bleeding condition (5...17...20 seconds). |
0 |
055  |
00.500.5½  |
0011  |
| Factions |
Jungle Strike |
Off-Hand Attack. Deals +10...22...25 damage. Deals +1...25...31 damage to target and adjacent foes if target foe is Crippled. Must follow a lead attack. |
0 |
055  |
00.500.5½  |
01010  |
| Factions |
Leaping Mantis Sting |
Lead Attack. Deals +5...13...15 damage. Inflicts Crippled condition (3...13...15 seconds) if target foe is moving. |
0 |
055  |
00.500.5½  |
0088  |
| Factions |
Lift Enchantment |
Touch Skill. Removes one enchantment.No [sic] effect unless target foe is knocked-down. |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
01010  |
| Nightfall |
Locust's Fury |
Elite Enchantment Spell. (10...30...35 seconds.) You have +50% chance to double strike. No effect unless you are wielding daggers. |
0 |
1010  |
01.001  |
01010  |
| Factions |
Lotus Strike |
Off-Hand Attack. Deals +10...22...25 damage; you gain 5...17...20 Energy. Must follow a lead attack. |
0 |
1010  |
0 |
01212  |
| Eye of the North |
Malicious Strike |
Melee Attack. If target foe has a condition, this attack deals +10...26...30 damage and is a critical hit. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
0066  |
| Nightfall |
Mantis Touch |
Spell. Inflicts Crippled condition (5...17...20 seconds). This skill counts as an off-hand attack. Must follow a lead attack. |
0 |
055  |
00.750.75¾  |
01515  |
| Factions |
Mark of Death |
Hex Spell. (4...9...10 seconds.) Target foe receives 33% less from healing. |
0 |
1010  |
00.250.25¼  |
02020  |
| Factions |
Mark of Insecurity |
Elite Hex Spell. (5...21...25 seconds.) Causes 1...3...3 Health degeneration. Enchantments and stances expire 30...70...80% faster on target foe. Disables your non-Assassin skills (10 seconds). |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
01010  |
| Nightfall |
Mark of Instability |
Hex Spell. (20 seconds.) Causes knock-down the next time you hit target foe with a dual attack. |
0 |
1010  |
00.250.25¼  |
02020  |
| Factions |
Mirrored Stance |
Hex Spell. (10...30...35 seconds.) You enter any stance used by target foe. |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
01515  |
| Factions |
Moebius Strike |
Elite Off-Hand Attack. Deals +10...30...35 damage. Recharges all your other attack skills if target foe's Health is below 50%. Must follow a dual attack. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
0022  |
| Factions |
Nine Tail Strike |
Dual Attack. Deals +15...35...40 damage. Unblockable. Must follow an off-hand attack. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
0088  |
| Factions |
Palm Strike |
Elite Touch Skill. Deals 10...54...65 damage and inflicts Crippled condition (1...4...5 second[s]). This skill counts as an off-hand attack. |
0 |
055  |
00.750.75¾  |
0077  |
| Factions |
Recall |
Enchantment Spell. End effect: Shadow Step to target ally. Cannot self-target and disables all of your skills for 10 seconds when it ends. |
-1  |
1515  |
01.001  |
01010  |
| Factions |
Repeating Strike |
Off-Hand Attack. Deals +10...26...30 damage. This skill has +15 second recharge time if it misses. Must follow an off-hand attack. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
0 |
| Factions |
Return |
Spell. Inflicts Crippled condition (3...7...8 seconds) on all foes adjacent to you. You Shadow Step to target ally's location. Cannot self-target. |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
01515  |
| Factions |
Sadist's Signet |
Signet. You gain 10...34...40 Health for each condition on target foe. |
0 |
0 |
01.001  |
0088  |
| Eye of the North |
Scorpion Wire |
Half Range Hex Spell. (8...18...20 seconds.) Shadow Step to target foe and cause knock-down the next time this foe is more than 100' away from you. |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
01010  |
| Factions |
Seeping Wound |
Elite Half Range Hex Spell. (1...6...7 second[s].) Target foe moves 33% slower. This foe takes 5...21...25 damage each second while suffering from a condition. |
0 |
1515  |
00.250.25¼  |
01212  |
| Factions |
Shadow Fang |
Hex Spell. Shadow Step to target foe. End effect after 10 seconds: inflicts Deep Wound condition (5...17...20 seconds); you return to your original location. |
0 |
1010  |
00.250.25¼  |
04545  |
| Eye of the North |
Shadow Form |
Elite Enchantment Spell. (5...18...21 seconds.) Enemy spells cannot target you. Gain 5 damage reduction for each Assassin enchantment on you. You cannot deal more than 5...21...25 damage with a single skill or attack. |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
03030  |
| Factions |
Shadow Form (PvP) |
Elite Enchantment Spell. (5...13...15 seconds.) Hostile spells targeting you fail, and attacks against you miss. End effect: lose all but 5...41...50 Health. |
0 |
1010  |
01.001  |
06060  |
| Factions |
Shadow Meld |
Elite Enchantment Spell. Shadow Step to target ally. End effect: return to your original location. Cannot self-target. |
-1  |
1010  |
00.250.25¼  |
02020  |
| Nightfall |
Shadow Prison |
Elite Hex Spell. Shadow Step to target foe. This foe moves 66% slower (1...6...7 seconds). |
0 |
1010  |
00.250.25¼  |
02525  |
| Nightfall |
Shadow Refuge |
Enchantment Spell. (6 seconds.) You have +5...9...10 Health regeneration. End effect: heals you for 40...88...100 if you are attacking. |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
0088  |
 | Factions |
Shadow Sanctuary |
Enchantment Spell. (10 seconds.) You gain +7...10 Health regeneration and +40 armor. You are Blind (5 seconds). |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
03030  |
| Factions |
Shadow Shroud |
Elite Hex Spell. (3...8...9 seconds.) Target foe cannot be the target of enchantments. |
0 |
1010  |
01.001  |
02020  |
| Factions |
Shadow Theft |
Elite Skill. Shadow Step to target foe. For 5...17...20 seconds that foe's attributes are reduced by 1...4...5 and your attributes are increased by 1...4...5. Counts as a Lead Attack. PvE Skill |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
02020  |
| Core |
Shadow Walk |
Stance. (15 seconds.) Shadow Step to target foe. End effect: return to your original location. Disables your attack skills for 1 second. Disables your stances and enchantments for 10 seconds. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
03030  |
| Nightfall |
Shadow of Haste |
Stance. (10...34...40 seconds.) You move 15% faster. End effect: return to your original location. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
04545  |
| Factions |
Shadowy Burden |
Hex Spell. (3...13...15 seconds.) Target foe moves 25% slower and has 20 less armor against your attacks. Armor reduction only affects this foe while it has no other hexes. |
0 |
1010  |
00.250.25¼  |
01515  |
| Factions |
Shameful Fear |
Hex Spell. (10 seconds.) Target foe takes 5...17...20 damage each second while moving, but moves 10% faster. |
0 |
1010  |
02.002  |
01010  |
| Factions |
Sharpen Daggers |
Enchantment Spell. (5...25...30 seconds.) Your dagger attacks inflict the Bleeding condition (5...13...15 seconds). |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
02020  |
| Factions |
Shattering Assault |
Elite Dual Attack. Deals 5...41...50 damage. Removes one enchantment. Unblockable. Must follow an off-hand attack. |
0 |
1010  |
0 |
0066  |
| Nightfall |
Shroud of Distress |
Enchantment Spell. (30...54...60 seconds.) You have 3...7...8 health regeneration and a 75% chance to block. No effect unless your Health is below 50%. |
0 |
1010  |
01.001  |
04545  |
 | Factions |
Shroud of Distress (PvP) |
Enchantment Spell. (30...54...60 seconds.) You have 75% chance to block. No effect unless your Health is below 50%. |
0 |
1010  |
01.001  |
04545  |
| Factions |
Shroud of Silence |
Elite Touch Hex Spell. (1...3...3 second[s].) Target foe cannot cast spells. Your spells are disabled for 15 seconds. |
0 |
1010  |
00.750.75¾  |
03030  |
| Factions |
Side Step |
Skill. Shadow Step to a random location in the area. You gain 250 Health. |
0 |
0 |
0 |
02525  |
| Factions |
Signet of Deadly Corruption |
Signet. Deals 5...29...35 damage (maximum 130) for each condition on target foe. |
0 |
0 |
01.001  |
01212  |
| Eye of the North |
Signet of Deadly Corruption (PvP) |
Signet. Deals 5...29...35 damage (maximum 130) for each condition on target foe. Must follow a dual attack. |
0 |
0 |
01.001  |
01212  |
| Eye of the North |
Signet of Malice |
Signet. You lose one condition for each condition on target foe. |
0 |
0 |
00.250.25¼  |
0055  |
| Factions |
Signet of Shadows |
Signet. Deals 5...29...35 damage. Deals 15...51...60 more damage if target foe is Blinded. |
0 |
0 |
01.001  |
03030  |
| Factions |
Signet of Toxic Shock |
Signet. Deals 10...82...100 damage. No effect unless target foe is Poisoned |
0 |
0 |
01.001  |
01515  |
| Nightfall |
Signet of Twilight |
Signet. Removes one enchantment for each hex on target foe. |
0 |
0 |
02.002  |
02020  |
| Nightfall |
Siphon Speed |
Half Range Hex Spell. (5...13...15 seconds.) Target foe moves 33% slower and you move 33% faster. Recharges 50% faster if cast on a moving foe. |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
03030  |
| Factions |
Siphon Strength |
Elite Hex Spell. (5...17...20 seconds.) Target foe deals -5...41...50 attack damage. You have +33% chance to land a critical hit on this foe. |
0 |
1010  |
01.001  |
01010  |
| Factions |
Smoke Powder Defense |
Stance. (8 seconds.) The next time you are struck, you take half damage and inflict Blindness condition (2...5...6 seconds) on adjacent foes. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
02020  |
| Eye of the North |
Spirit Walk |
Spell. Shadow Step to target Spirit. [sic] |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
0088  |
| Factions |
Star Strike |
Skill. (10 seconds.) Party-wide effect. Every successful attack summons a level 20 celestial attacker (maximum of 6). |
0 |
0 |
01.001  |
morale boostmorale boost  |
| Factions |
Swap |
Spell. You and target summoned creature Shadow Step to each other's locations. |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
01010  |
| Nightfall |
Temple Strike |
Elite Off-Hand Attack. Interrupts a spell. Inflicts Dazed and Blindness conditions (1...8...10 seconds). Must follow a lead attack. |
0 |
1515  |
0 |
02020  |
| Factions |
Trampling Ox |
Dual Attack. Deals +5...17...20 damage; causes knock-down if target foe is Crippled. Must follow an off-hand attack. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
0088  |
| Eye of the North |
Twisting Fangs |
Dual Attack. Deals +10...18...20 damage. Inflicts Bleeding and Deep Wound conditions (5...17...20 seconds). Must follow an off-hand attack. |
0 |
1010  |
0 |
01515  |
 | Factions |
Unseen Fury |
Stance. Inflicts Blindness condition on adjacent foes (3...9...10). You cannot be blocked by Blinded foes for 10...26...30 seconds. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
02020  |
| Factions |
Unseen Fury (PvP) |
Stance. (15...51...60 seconds.) You cannot be blocked by Blinded foes. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
04545  |
| Factions |
Unsuspecting Strike |
Lead Attack. Deals +19...29...31 damage. Deals 15...63...75 more damage if target foe's Health is above 90%. |
0 |
1010  |
0 |
0022  |
 | Factions |
Vampiric Assault |
Dual Attack. Steals 10...34...40 Health if this attack hits. Must follow an off-hand attack. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
0088  |
| Eye of the North |
Viper's Defense |
Spell. Inflict Poisoned condition (5...17...20 seconds) on all adjacent foes and Shadow Step to a nearby location directly away from your target. |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
01010  |
| Factions |
Wastrel's Collapse |
Elite Skill. Shadow Step to target foe. Causes knock-down if target foe is not using a skill. Disables your non-dagger attack skills (10 seconds). |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
02020  |
| Nightfall |
Way of Perfection |
Enchantment Spell. (60 seconds.) Your critical hits heal you for 10...34...40. |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
03030  |
 | Factions |
Way of the Assassin |
Elite Stance. (20 seconds.) While wielding daggers, you attack 5...17...20% faster and have +5...29...35% chance to land a critical hit. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
01212  |
| Nightfall |
Way of the Empty Palm |
Elite Enchantment Spell. (5...17...20 seconds.) Your off-hand and dual attacks cost no Energy. |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
01010  |
| Factions |
Way of the Fox |
Enchantment Spell. (10...30...35 seconds.) Your attacks are unblockable. Ends after 1...5...6 attack[s]. |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
04545  |
| Factions |
Way of the Lotus |
Enchantment Spell. (20 seconds.) You gain 5...17...20 Energy the next time you hit with a dual attack. |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
02020  |
| Factions |
Way of the Master |
Enchantment Spell. (60 seconds.) While holding a non-dagger weapon, you have +3...27...33% chance to land a critical hit. |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
03030  |
| Eye of the North |
Wild Strike |
Off-Hand Attack. Deals +10...30...35 damage. Removes target foe's stance. Unblockable. Must follow a lead attack. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
0044  |
| Factions |
Wild Strike (PvP) |
Off-Hand Attack. Deals +10...30...35 damage. Removes target foe's stance. Unblockable. Must follow a lead attack. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
0066  |
| Factions |