Icon | Name | Description | |  |  |  | | Campaign |
Arcane Zeal |
Elite Enchantment Spell. (10 seconds.) You gain 1 Energy (maximum 1...6...7) for each enchantment on you whenever you cast a spell. |
0 |
1010  |
01.001  |
0055  |
| Nightfall |
Armor of Sanctity |
Enchantment Spell. Inflicts Weakness condition on all adjacent foes (5...13...15). You take 5...17...20 less damage from foes with a condition. (15 seconds.) |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
01515  |
| Nightfall |
Attacker's Insight |
Flash Enchantment Spell. (3...9...10 seconds.) Gives 50% block chance while attacking. End Effect: Causes Weakness 3...13...15 seconds to adjacent foes. |
0 |
1010  |
0 |
01010  |
| Nightfall |
Aura Slicer |
Melee Attack. (5...13...15 seconds.)Inflicts [sic] Bleeding condition. Also inflicts Cracked Armor (1...8...10 second[s]) if you are enchanted. |
4  |
0 |
0 |
0 |
| Eye of the North |
Aura of Holy Might |
Enchantment Spell. (45 seconds.) Whenever you lose a Dervish enchantment, adjacent foes take 20...25 holy damage. |
0 |
1010  |
00.750.75¾  |
03030  |
| Factions |
Aura of Thorns |
Flash Enchantment Spell. (30 seconds.) Initial effect: inflicts Bleeding condition (5...13...15 seconds) on nearby foes. End effect: inflicts Crippled condition (3...7...8 seconds) on nearby foes. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
01010  |
| Nightfall |
Aura of Thorns (PvP) |
Flash Enchantment Spell. (30 seconds.) Initial effect: inflicts Bleeding condition (5...13...15 seconds) on nearby foes. End effect: inflicts Crippled condition (3...7...8 seconds) on nearby foes. |
0 |
1010  |
0 |
01010  |
| Nightfall |
Avatar of Balthazar |
Elite Form. (10...74...90 seconds.) You gain +20 armor against physical damage, you gain adrenaline 25% faster, your attacks deal holy damage, you inflict Burning (1...3...3 second[s]) on nearby foes whenever you lose a Dervish enchantment. This skill is disabled for 45 seconds. |
0 |
055  |
02.002  |
02020  |
| Nightfall |
Avatar of Dwayna |
Elite Form. (10...74...90 seconds.) You deal holy damage. Whenever you use a Dervish attack skill, you lose 1 hex. Heal allies in earshot for 5...41...50 Health when you lose a Dervish enchantment. This skill is disabled for 45 seconds. |
0 |
055  |
02.002  |
02020  |
| Nightfall |
Avatar of Dwayna (PvP) |
Elite Form. (10...74...90 seconds.) Deal holy damage. You lose 1 hex whenever you use a Dervish attack skill. Heal yourself for 5...41...50 Health whenever you lose a Dervish enchantment. This skill is disabled for 45 seconds. |
0 |
055  |
02.002  |
02020  |
| Nightfall |
Avatar of Dwayna |
Form. (30 seconds.) You are healed for 30 whenever you use a snowball skill. This skill is disabled (60 seconds). |
0 |
0 |
01.001  |
01010  |
| Nightfall |
Avatar of Grenth |
Elite Form. (10...74...90 seconds.) Your scythe attacks deal dark damage and steal 0...10...12 Health. You are immune to Disease. Apply Disease to all adjacent foes (3 seconds) when you lose a Dervish enchantment. This skill is disabled for 45 seconds. |
0 |
055  |
02.002  |
02020  |
| Nightfall |
Avatar of Grenth |
Form. (30 seconds.) Steal 15 Health whenever you use a snowball skill. This skill is disabled (60 seconds). |
0 |
0 |
01.001  |
01010  |
| Nightfall |
Avatar of Lyssa |
Elite Form. (10...74...90 seconds.) Your Dervish enchantments recharge 50% faster and deal chaos damage with attacks. Steal 1 Energy from nearby foes when you lose a Dervish enchantment. This skill is disabled for 45 seconds. |
0 |
055  |
02.002  |
02020  |
| Nightfall |
Avatar of Melandru |
Elite Form. (10...74...90 seconds.) You have +150 maximum Health, +30 elemental armor, and your attacks deal earth damage. Cure 1 condition from all party members in earshot whenever you lose a Dervish enchantment. This skill is disabled for 45 seconds. |
0 |
055  |
02.002  |
02020  |
| Nightfall |
Avatar of Melandru (PvP) |
Elite Form. (10...74...90 seconds.) You have +100 maximum Health, +30 elemental armor, and your attacks deal earth damage. Cure 2 conditions from yourself whenever you lose a Dervish enchantment. This skill is disabled for 45 seconds. |
0 |
055  |
02.002  |
02020  |
| Nightfall |
Balthazar's Rage |
Flash Enchantment Spell. (20 seconds.) Initial Effect: Inflicts burning (1...3...3 second[s]) on nearby foes. End effect: gain 1...2...2 strike[s] of adrenaline if any foes are within earshot. |
0 |
1010  |
0 |
01010  |
| Nightfall |
Banishing Strike |
Melee Attack. Deals 10...50...60 holy damage. Deals double damage to summoned creatures. |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
0033  |
| Nightfall |
Banishing Strike (PvP) |
Melee Attack. Deals 10...50...60 holy damage. Deals double damage to summoned creatures. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
0033  |
| Nightfall |
Chilling Victory |
Scythe Attack. Deals +3...13...15 damage. Deals 10...26...30 cold damage to each foe hit who has less Health than you and foes adjacent to those targets. |
6  |
0 |
0 |
0 |
 | Nightfall |
Conviction |
Flash Enchantment Spell. (10 seconds.) Gain +10 armor while conditioned. Gain 1...3...3 Health regeneration for each condition you have. End Effect: Remove 1...2...2 condition[s]. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
01010  |
| Nightfall |
Crippling Sweep |
Scythe Attack. (3...10...12 seconds.) Inflicts Cripple [sic] condition. Deals +3...13...15 damage to moving foes. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
0066  |
 | Nightfall |
Crippling Victory |
Scythe Attack. (3...7...8 seconds) Cripples target foe. If your health is greater than target foe's, all adjacent foes take 10...26...30 earth damage. |
6  |
0 |
0 |
0 |
| Eye of the North |
Dust Cloak |
Flash Enchantment Spell. (30 seconds.) Your attacks deal earth damage. Initial effect: deals 10...34...40 earth damage to adjacent foes. End effect: inflicts Blindness condition (1...3...4 second[s]) on adjacent foes. |
0 |
1010  |
0 |
0066  |
| Nightfall |
Dust Cloak (PvP) |
Flash Enchantment Spell. (30 seconds.) Your attacks deal earth damage. Initial effect: deals 10...34...40 earth damage to adjacent foes. End effect: inflicts Blindness condition (1...3...4 second[s]) on adjacent foes. |
0 |
1010  |
0 |
01010  |
| Nightfall |
Dwayna's Touch |
Touch Spell. Heals for 15...51...60 (maximum 150) for each enchantment on you. |
0 |
055  |
00.750.75¾  |
0055  |
| Nightfall |
Ebon Dust Aura |
Elite Flash Enchantment Spell. (30 seconds.) Deal +3...13...15 earth damage with your melee attacks. Initial Effect: Blinds nearby foes for 1...6...7 second[s]. End Effect: removes Blindness. No effect unless wielding an earth weapon. |
0 |
1010  |
0 |
02020  |
| Nightfall |
Enchanted Haste |
Flash Enchantment Spell. (7 seconds). You move 25% faster. Lose 1 condition if this enchantment ends prematurely. |
0 |
1010  |
0 |
01515  |
| Nightfall |
Eremite's Attack |
Scythe Attack. Deals +1...8...10 damage and removes a Dervish enchantment. Removal Effect: Deals +1...8...10 damage and strikes all adjacent foes. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
0066  |
| Nightfall |
Eremite's Zeal |
Enchantment Spell. (10 seconds.) Initial effect: you gain 1...3...3 Energy (maximum 8) for each foe in earshot. End effect: you gain 1...3...3 Energy (maximum 8) for each foe in earshot. |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
01515  |
| Nightfall |
Eternal Aura |
Enchantment Spell. You have +100 max Health. End effect: all party members in the area are resurrected with 40...50% Health and 20...30% Energy. |
0 |
1515  |
044  |
03030  |
| Nightfall |
Extend Enchantments |
Skill. (10 seconds.) Your next Dervish enchantment lasts 10...122...150% longer. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
01010  |
| Nightfall |
Faithful Intervention |
Enchantment Spell. You gain 30...126...150 Health the next time damage drops your Health below 50%. |
0 |
055  |
02.002  |
02020  |
| Nightfall |
Farmer's Scythe |
Scythe Attack. Deals +5...17...20 damage. Instant recharge if you hit more than one foe. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
01212  |
| Eye of the North |
Featherfoot Grace |
Enchantment Spell. (5...17...20 seconds.) You move 25% faster, and conditions expire 25% faster. |
0 |
1010  |
00.250.25¼  |
01515  |
| Nightfall |
Fleeting Stability |
Flash Enchantment Spell. (2...5...6 seconds.) You cannot be knocked down and move 25% faster. Ends if knockdown prevented. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
01010  |
| Nightfall |
Grenth's Aura |
Flash Enchantment Spell. (20 seconds.) You deal 5...21...25 less damage and steal 5...21...25 Health when you hit with a scythe. Initial effect: steal 5...21...25 Health from all adjacent foes. |
0 |
1010  |
0 |
01010  |
| Eye of the North |
Grenth's Fingers |
Flash Enchantment Spell. (30 seconds.) Your attacks deal cold damage. Initial effect: hits nearby foes for 10...34...40 cold damage. End effect: transfers 1...2...2 condition[s] to all nearby foes. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
01010  |
 | Nightfall |
Grenth's Grasp |
Elite Flash Enchantment Spell. (20 seconds.) Inflicts Crippled condition (1...9...11 second[s]) with your attack skills and transfer 1 condition. No effect unless wielding a cold weapon. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
01010  |
| Nightfall |
Guiding Hands |
Enchantment Spell. (20 seconds.) Your next 0...2...3 attack[s] cannot be blocked. Initial effect: removes Blindness. |
0 |
1010  |
00.250.25¼  |
01010  |
| Nightfall |
Guiding Hands (PvP) |
Enchantment Spell. (20 seconds.) Your next 0...2...3 attack[s] cannot be blocked. Initial effect: removes Blindness. |
0 |
1010  |
00.250.25¼  |
03030  |
| Nightfall |
Harrier's Grasp |
Flash Enchantment Spell. (5...17...20 seconds.) Attacks on moving foes also Cripple them. [sic] Ends after you apply Cripple 1...3...3 times. [sic] Initial Effect: you lose Cripple and 1 other condition. |
0 |
1010  |
0 |
01515  |
| Nightfall |
Harrier's Haste |
Flash Enchantment Spell. (2...7...8 seconds.) You move 25% faster and deal +3...10...12 damage to moving foes. |
0 |
1010  |
0 |
01010  |
| Nightfall |
Heart of Fury |
Stance. (2...8...10 seconds.) You attack 25% faster. |
4  |
0 |
0 |
0 |
| Nightfall |
Heart of Fury (PvP) |
Stance. (2...8...10 seconds.) You attack 25% faster. |
4  |
0 |
0 |
0066  |
| Nightfall |
Heart of Holy Flame |
Flash Enchantment Spell. (30 seconds.) Your attacks deal holy damage. Initial effect: deals 5...25...30 holy damage to nearby foes. End effect: inflicts Burning condition (2...4...5 seconds) on nearby foes. |
0 |
1010  |
0 |
01010  |
 | Nightfall |
Imbue Health |
Spell. Heals for 5...41...50% of your current Health (maximum 300). Cannot self-target. |
0 |
1010  |
00.250.25¼  |
01010  |
 | Nightfall |
Intimidating Aura |
Enchantment Spell. (60 seconds.) You have +40...88...100 max Health and take -1...8...10 damage from foes with less Health than you. |
0 |
1010  |
00.750.75¾  |
02020  |
| Nightfall |
Irresistible Sweep |
Scythe Attack. Deals +3...13...15 damage. Remove 1 of your Dervish enchantments. Removal effect: unblockable, removes a stance, deals +3...13...15 additional damage. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
0066  |
| Nightfall |
Irresistible Sweep (PvP) |
Scythe Attack. Deals +3...13...15 damage. Remove 1 of your Dervish enchantments. Removal effect: unblockable, removes a stance. |
5  |
0 |
0 |
0 |
| Nightfall |
Lyssa's Assault |
Scythe Attack. Interrupts an action. If you are enchanted, the interrupted skill is disabled for an additional 1...8...10 second[s]. This attack does 50% of normal damage. |
0 |
055  |
00.500.5½  |
01515  |
| Nightfall |
Lyssa's Haste |
Flash Enchantment Spell. (3...13...15 seconds.) Your Dervish enchantments recharge 33% faster. Initial Effect: interrupts all adjacent foes. End Effect: interrupts all adjacent foes. 50% failure chance unless Wind Prayers 5 or higher. |
0 |
1010  |
0 |
01515  |
| Nightfall |
Lyssa's Haste (PvP) |
Flash Enchantment Spell. (3...13...15 seconds.) Your Dervish enchantments recharge 33% faster. Initial Effect: interrupts all adjacent foes. End Effect: interrupts all adjacent foes. 50% failure chance unless Wind Prayers 5 or higher. |
0 |
1010  |
0 |
02525  |
| Nightfall |
Meditation |
Enchantment Spell. (20 seconds.) Lose all adrenaline. Gain 1...3...4 Energy whenever an enchantment on you ends. |
0 |
1010  |
00.250.25¼  |
02020  |
| Nightfall |
Mirage Cloak |
Flash Enchantment Spell. (1...6...7 second[s].) You have 40...72...80% chance to block. Initial Effect: deals 10...34...40 earth damage to nearby foes. |
0 |
1010  |
0 |
01010  |
| Nightfall |
Mystic Corruption |
Flash Enchantment Spell. (20 seconds.) Initial Effect: all adjacent foes are Diseased (1...2...2 second[s].) Double duration if you are already enchanted. End Effect: party members in earshot lose Disease. |
0 |
1010  |
0 |
01010  |
| Nightfall |
Mystic Healing |
Spell. Heals you for 5...53...65. Heals all enchanted party members for 5...53...65 Health. |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
0044  |
| Nightfall |
Mystic Healing (PvP) |
Spell. Heals you for 5...53...65. Heals all enchanted party members for 5...53...65 Health. |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
02020  |
| Nightfall |
Mystic Regeneration |
Enchantment Spell. (5...17...20 seconds.) You have +1...3...4 Health regeneration for each enchantment (maximum of 8) on you. |
0 |
1010  |
00.250.25¼  |
01010  |
| Nightfall |
Mystic Regeneration (PvP) |
Enchantment Spell. (5...17...20 seconds.) You have +1...3...4 Health regeneration for each enchantment (maximum of 3) on you. |
0 |
1010  |
00.250.25¼  |
01212  |
| Nightfall |
Mystic Sandstorm |
Spell. (3 seconds.) Deals 10...18...20 earth damage each second. Deals an additional 10...18...20 damage to attacking foes. Hits foes nearby your initial location. Lasts twice as long if you are enchanted. |
5  |
0 |
01.001  |
0088  |
| Nightfall |
Mystic Sweep |
Melee Attack. Deals +3...10...12 damage. Deals an additional +3...10...12 damage if you are enchanted. |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
0066  |
| Nightfall |
Mystic Twister |
Spell. Deals 10...50...60 cold damage to all nearby foes. Deals 10...50...60 more cold damage if you are enchanted. |
5  |
0 |
01.001  |
0088  |
| Nightfall |
Mystic Vigor |
Enchantment Spell. (20 seconds.) You gain 3...13...15 Health (maximum 25) for each enchantment on you whenever you hit with an attack. |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
01515  |
| Nightfall |
Natural Healing |
Spell. Heals you for 50...146...170. This skill activates 50% faster if you are not enchanted. |
0 |
055  |
02.002  |
0066  |
| Nightfall |
Onslaught |
Elite Flash Enchantment Spell. (3...13...15 seconds.) You attack, move and gain adrenaline 25% faster. |
0 |
1010  |
0 |
01010  |
| Nightfall |
Onslaught (PvP) |
Elite Flash Enchantment Spell. (2...7...8 seconds.) You attack and gain adrenaline 25% faster. |
0 |
1010  |
0 |
01010  |
| Nightfall |
Pious Assault |
Melee Attack. Deals +10...18...20 damage. Removes 1 of your Dervish enchantments. Removal Effect: this skill recharges 75% faster and adjacent foes take 10...26...30 damage. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
01212  |
| Nightfall |
Pious Assault (PvP) |
Melee Attack. Removes 1 of your Dervish enchantments. Removal effect: this skill recharges 75% faster and adjacent foes take 10...26...30 damage. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
01212  |
| Nightfall |
Pious Concentration |
Stance. (5...17...20 seconds.) Prevents interrupts. Prevention cost: you lose one Dervish enchantment or Pious Concentration ends. |
0 |
1010  |
0 |
01010  |
| Nightfall |
Pious Fury |
Stance. (1...6...7 second[s].)You [sic] attack 25% faster and remove 1 of your Dervish enchantments. Removal effect: this stance lasts twice as long. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
01010  |
| Eye of the North |
Pious Fury (PvP) |
Stance. (1...4...5 second[s].)You [sic] attack 25% faster and remove 1 of your Dervish enchantments. Removal effect: this stance lasts twice as long. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
01515  |
| Eye of the North |
Pious Haste |
Stance. (1...6...7 second[s].) Lose 1 Dervish enchantment and move 25% faster. Removal Effect: Run 50% faster instead. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
01212  |
| Nightfall |
Pious Renewal |
Elite Flash Enchantment Spell. (8 seconds.) End Effect: recharges itself and you gain 0...4...5 Energy and 0...24...30 Health. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
0088  |
| Nightfall |
Pious Restoration |
Spell. Gain 80...136...150 Health and remove 1 Dervish enchantment. Removal effect: lose 1...2...2 hex[es]. |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
0088  |
| Nightfall |
Radiant Scythe |
Scythe Attack. Deals +1 damage (maximum 5...25...30) for each point of Energy you have. Gain 1...6...7 Energy. |
6  |
0 |
0 |
0 |
| Eye of the North |
Reap Impurities |
Melee Attack. Deals +3...13...15 damage. Struck foes lose 1 condition. Removal Effect: all foes adjacent to those struck take 10...34...40 holy damage. |
5  |
0 |
0 |
0 |
| Nightfall |
Reaper's Sweep |
Elite Scythe Attack. (3...13...15 seconds.) Cause Cripple. Lose 1 Dervish enchantment. Removal Effect: cause knockdown for 2...3...3 seconds. |
8  |
0 |
0 |
0 |
| Nightfall |
Rending Aura |
Flash Enchantment Spell. (30 seconds.) Your attack skills remove enchantments from knocked-down foes. Initial effect: deals 10...34...40 cold damage to all nearby foes. End effect: nearby foes have Cracked Armor for 1...8...10 second[s]. |
0 |
1010  |
0 |
0066  |
| Nightfall |
Rending Sweep |
Scythe Attack. Deals +5...17...20 damage. You lose 1 Dervish enchantment. Removal effect: struck foes lose an enchantment. |
6  |
0 |
0 |
0 |
| Nightfall |
Rending Touch |
Touch Spell. Deals 15...55...65 cold damage. Lose 1 Dervish enchantment. Removal effect: target foe loses 1 enchantment and you gain 1 strike of adrenaline. |
0 |
055  |
00.750.75¾  |
01212  |
| Nightfall |
Sand Shards |
Flash Enchantment Spell. (30 seconds.) Deal 10...50...60 earth damage to all other adjacent foes whenever you hit with your scythe. Ends after 1...4...5 hit[s]. |
0 |
1010  |
0 |
01010  |
| Nightfall |
Shield of Force |
Flash Enchantment Spell. (1...13...16 second[s].) Blocks the next 1 attack against you. Knocks down and inflicts Weakness (5...17...20 seconds) on all adjacent attacking foes. |
0 |
1010  |
0 |
01212  |
| Eye of the North |
Signet of Mystic Speed |
Signet. (30 seconds.) Your next 1...3...3 self-targeted enchantments [sic] cast instantly. Flash enchantments do not consume uses of this skill. |
0 |
0 |
01.001  |
02020  |
| Eye of the North |
Signet of Pious Light |
Signet. Heals for 30...126...150. Removes one of your Dervish enchantments. Removal effect: recharges 75% faster. |
0 |
0 |
01.001  |
02020  |
| Nightfall |
Signet of Pious Restraint |
Signet. Inflicts Crippled condition (5...13...15 seconds). Remove one of your Dervish enchantments. Removal effect: also causes Cripple to foes nearby your target and recharges 75% faster. |
0 |
0 |
01.001  |
02020  |
| Eye of the North |
Signet of Pious Restraint (PvP) |
Signet. (5...13...15 seconds.) Cripples target foe and removes 1 of your Dervish enchantments. Removal effect: recharges 75% faster. |
0 |
0 |
01.001  |
02020  |
| Eye of the North |
Staggering Force |
Flash Enchantment Spell. (30 seconds.) Your attacks deal earth damage. Initial effect: deals 10...34...40 earth damage to nearby foes. End effect: inflicts Cracked Armor condition (1...8...10 second[s]) on nearby foes. |
0 |
1010  |
0 |
0066  |
| Nightfall |
Test of Faith |
Touch Spell. Deals 15...55...65 cold damage and removes 1 enchantment. Target foe is Dazed for 1...3...4 second[s] if that foe was not enchanted. |
7  |
0 |
00.750.75¾  |
0055  |
| Nightfall |
Twin Moon Sweep |
Melee Attack. Remove 1 of your Dervish enchantments. Gain 10...42...50 Health. Removal effect: unblockable, attack twice, and gain 10...58...70 more Health. |
7  |
0 |
0 |
0 |
| Nightfall |
Twin Moon Sweep (PvP) |
Melee Attack. Remove 1 of your Dervish enchantments. Gain 10...18...20 Health. Removal effect: Unblockable, attack twice, each strike doing 25% less damage, and gain 10...26...30 more Health. |
7  |
0 |
0 |
0 |
| Nightfall |
Veil of Thorns |
Flash Enchantment Spell. (5...21...25 seconds.) Spell damage is reduced by 5...29...35%. Initial Effect: nearby foes are struck for 5...41...50 piercing damage. |
0 |
1010  |
0 |
01515  |
| Nightfall |
Victorious Sweep |
Melee Attack. Deals +5...21...25 damage. You gain 30...70...80 Health for each foe you hit that has less Health than you. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
0044  |
| Nightfall |
Vital Boon |
Enchantment Spell. (20 seconds.) You have +40...88...100 maximum Health. End effect: Heals you for 75...175...200. |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
0088  |
 | Nightfall |
Vow of Piety |
Enchantment Spell. (20 seconds) +24 armor and +1...3...4 Health regeneration. Renewal: Whenever an enchantment on you ends. |
0 |
1515  |
00.250.25¼  |
04545  |
| Nightfall |
Vow of Revolution |
Elite Enchantment Spell. (3...9...10 seconds.) Gain +1...4...5 energy regeneration. Renewal: whenever you use a non-Dervish skill. PvE Skill |
0 |
1010  |
01.001  |
02020  |
| Core |
Vow of Silence |
Elite Enchantment Spell. (5...9...10 seconds.) Spells cannot target you. You cannot cast spells. |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
01010  |
| Nightfall |
Vow of Strength |
Elite Enchantment Spell. (15 seconds.) When you attack with a scythe, deals 10...22...25 slashing damage to adjacent foes. |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
02020  |
| Nightfall |
Watchful Intervention |
Enchantment Spell. (60 seconds.) Heals for 50...170...200 the next time damage drops target ally's Health below 25%. |
0 |
1010  |
01.001  |
01515  |
| Nightfall |
Wearying Strike |
Scythe Attack. Remove 1 Dervish Enchantment. Removal Effect: Inflicts Deep Wound condition (3...9...10 seconds). You are Weakened (10 seconds) if an enchantment is not lost. |
6  |
0 |
0 |
0 |
| Nightfall |
Whirling Charge |
Flash Enchantment Spell. (1...5...6 second[s].) You move 33% faster. Deal 10...50...60 cold damage to all other nearby foes the next time you hit a foe and this enchantment ends. |
0 |
1010  |
0 |
0066  |
 | Nightfall |
Winds of Disenchantment |
Spell. Remove one of your Dervish enchantments. Removal effect: all nearby foes lose 1 enchantment and take 20...68...80 cold damage. |
0 |
1010  |
00.750.75¾  |
01515  |
| Nightfall |
Wounding Strike |
Elite Scythe Attack. Deals +5...17...20 damage and inflicts Bleeding condition (5...17...20 seconds). Remove 1 Dervish enchantment. Removal Effect: inflicts Deep Wound condition (5...17...20 seconds). |
0 |
055  |
0 |
0033  |
| Nightfall |
Wounding Strike (PvP) |
Elite Scythe Attack. Inflicts Bleeding condition (5...17...20 seconds). Removes 1 Dervish enchantment. Removal effect: inflicts Deep Wound condition (5...17...20 seconds). |
0 |
055  |
0 |
0033  |
| Nightfall |
Zealous Renewal |
Flash Enchantment Spell. (5...21...25 seconds.) Initial effect: deals 5...25...30 holy damage to nearby foes. You have -1 Energy regeneration and gain 1 Energy when you hit. Gain 1...4...5 Energy if this enchantment ends early. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
01010  |
| Nightfall |
Zealous Sweep |
Scythe Attack. Deals +5...17...20 damage. You gain 3 Energy and 1 adrenaline for each foe you hit. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
01010  |
| Eye of the North |
Zealous Vow |
Elite Enchantment Spell. (20 seconds.) You gain 1...5...6 Energy each time you hit with an attack. You have -3 Energy regeneration. |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
01212  |
| Nightfall |