Icon | Name | Description | |  |  |  | | Campaign |
Accumulated Pain |
Spell. Deals 15...63...75 damage. Inflicts Deep Wound condition (5...17...20 seconds) if target foe has 2 or more hexes. |
0 |
055  |
02.002  |
01212  |
| Factions |
Accumulated Pain (PvP) |
Spell. Deals 10...30...35 damage. Inflicts Deep Wound condition (5...17...20 seconds) if target foe has 2 or more hexes. |
0 |
055  |
02.002  |
01515  |
| Factions |
Air of Disenchantment |
Elite Hex Spell. Also hexes foes near your target (5...17...20 seconds). Remove one enchantment from target and nearby foes. Enchantments expire 150...270...300% faster on those foes. |
0 |
1010  |
01.001  |
01010  |
| Nightfall |
Ancestor's Visage |
Enchantment Spell. (4...9...10 seconds.) All adjacent foes lose all adrenaline and 3 Energy whenever a melee attack hits target ally. |
0 |
1010  |
01.001  |
02020  |
| Factions |
Aneurysm |
Spell. Target foe regains all Energy. For each point of Energy gained, target takes 1...3...3 damage and all adjacent foes lose 1 Energy (maximum 1...24...30). |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
0055  |
| Eye of the North |
Arcane Conundrum |
Hex Spell. Also hexes foes adjacent to target (5...13...15 seconds). Doubles spell casting time. End effect: you gain 1...6...7 energy. [sic] |
0 |
1010  |
02.002  |
02020  |
 | Core |
Arcane Echo |
Enchantment Spell. (20 seconds.) Arcane Echo becomes the next spell you use (20 seconds). This enchantment ends if you use any skill that is not a spell. |
0 |
1515  |
02.002  |
02020  |
| Core |
Arcane Languor |
Elite Hex Spell. (1...8...10 second[s].) Target foe's spells cause 10 Overcast. |
0 |
1010  |
02.002  |
01515  |
| Factions |
Arcane Larceny |
Spell. (5...29...35 seconds.) Disables one random spell. This skill becomes that spell. |
0 |
1010  |
01.001  |
0 |
| Factions |
Arcane Mimicry |
Spell. This skill becomes target ally's elite skill (20 seconds). Cannot self-target. No effect if target's elite skill is a form. |
0 |
1515  |
02.002  |
06060  |
| Core |
Arcane Thievery |
Spell. (5...29...35 seconds.) Disables one random spell. This skill becomes that spell. |
0 |
1010  |
01.001  |
0 |
 | Prophecies |
Auspicious Incantation |
Enchantment Spell. (20 seconds.) Your next spell gives you 110...182...200% of its Energy cost. That spell takes 10...6...5 seconds longer to recharge. |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
02525  |
| Factions |
Backfire |
Hex Spell. (10 seconds.) Target foe takes 35...119...140 damage whenever it casts a spell. |
0 |
1515  |
03.003  |
02020  |
 | Core |
Blackout |
Touch Skill. (2...5...6 seconds.) Disables skills. Your skills are disabled (5 seconds). |
0 |
1010  |
01.001  |
01212  |
 | Prophecies |
Blinding Snow |
Spell. Interrupts an action. Also inflicts Blindness (10 seconds.) |
0 |
0 |
00.250.25¼  |
01010  |
| Core |
Calculated Risk |
Hex Spell. Target foe does +10 damage with attacks (3...20...24 seconds). There is a 50% chance that the damage from each attack (maximum 15...83...100) will be done to that foe instead. |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
0077  |
| Eye of the North |
Calculated Risk (PvP) |
Hex Spell. Target foe does +10 damage with attacks (3...10...12 seconds). There is a 50% chance that the damage from each attack (maximum 10...50...60) will be done to that foe instead. |
0 |
1010  |
01.001  |
01212  |
| Eye of the North |
Celestial Haste |
Spell. (15 seconds.) Affects all party members. 50% faster casting. 25% faster skill recharge. |
0 |
0 |
01.001  |
morale boostmorale boost  |
| Factions |
Channeling |
Enchantment Spell. (8...46...56 seconds.) You gain 1 Energy for each foe in the area whenever you cast a spell. |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
01515  |
 | Prophecies |
Chaos Storm |
Spell. Deals 5...21...25 damage and causes 0...2...2 Energy loss each second (10 seconds). Hits foes adjacent to target's initial location. |
0 |
055  |
02.002  |
03030  |
 | Prophecies |
Clumsiness |
Hex Spell. (4 seconds.) Also hexes adjacent foes. Interrupts next attack. Interruption effect: deals 10...76...92 damage. |
0 |
1010  |
02.002  |
0088  |
 | Core |
Complicate |
Spell. Interrupt a skill. Interruption effect: disables interrupted skill (+5...11...12 seconds) for target foe and all foes in the area. |
0 |
1010  |
00.250.25¼  |
02020  |
| Factions |
Confusing Images |
Hex Spell. (2...8...10 seconds). Target foe takes twice as long to activate non-attack skills. |
0 |
1010  |
02.002  |
02020  |
| Eye of the North |
Conjure Nightmare |
Hex Spell. (2...13...16 seconds.) Causes -8 Health degeneration. |
0 |
1515  |
01.001  |
0055  |
| Factions |
Conjure Phantasm |
Hex Spell. (2...13...16 seconds.) Causes -5 Health degeneration. |
0 |
1010  |
01.001  |
0055  |
 | Core |
Crippling Anguish |
Elite Hex Spell. (5...17...20 seconds.) Target foe moves and attacks 50% slower and has -1...7...8 Health degeneration. |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
01212  |
| Core |
Crippling Anguish (PvP) |
Elite Hex Spell. (5...17...20 seconds.) Target foe moves 50% slower and has -1...4...5 Health degeneration. |
0 |
1515  |
01.001  |
02020  |
| Core |
Cry of Frustration |
Spell. If target foe is using a skill, that foe and all foes in the area are interrupted and take 15...63...75 damage. |
0 |
1010  |
00.250.25¼  |
01515  |
| Core |
Cry of Pain |
Spell. Interrupts a skill. If target foe had a Mesmer hex, deals 25...50 damage to target and foes in the area and causes 3...5 Health degeneration (10 seconds). |
0 |
1010  |
00.250.25¼  |
01515  |
| Nightfall |
Discharge Enchantment |
Spell. Removes one enchantment from target foe. 20...44...50% faster recharge if that foe was hexed. |
0 |
1010  |
01.001  |
01515  |
| Nightfall |
Distortion |
Stance. (1...4...5 second[s].) You have 75% chance to block. Block cost: you lose 2 Energy or Distortion ends. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
0088  |
 | Prophecies |
Distortion (Gwen) |
Stance. (4 seconds.) You have 75% chance to block. Block effect: you lose 2 Energy or Distortion ends. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
0055  |
| Bonus Mission Pack |
Diversion |
Hex Spell. (6 seconds.) Target foe's next skill takes +10...47...56 seconds to recharge. |
0 |
1010  |
03.003  |
01212  |
 | Core |
Drain Delusions |
Spell. Removes one Mesmer hex from target foe. Causes 1...4...5 Energy loss. You gain 4 Energy for each point lost. No effect unless a hex was removed. |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
01212  |
| Nightfall |
Drain Enchantment |
Spell. Removes an enchantment from target foe. Removal effect: you gain 8...15...17 Energy and 40...104...120 Health. |
0 |
055  |
02.002  |
02020  |
 | Core |
Echo |
Elite Enchantment Spell. (30 seconds.) Echo becomes the next skill you use (30 seconds). |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
01010  |
| Core |
Elemental Resistance |
Stance. (30...78...90 seconds.) You have +40 armor against elemental damage. You have -24...14...12 armor against physical damage. |
0 |
1010  |
0 |
02020  |
 | Prophecies |
Empathy |
Hex Spell. (5...13...15 seconds.) Target foe's attacks deal 1...12...15 less damage, and that foe takes 10...46...55 damage with each attack. |
0 |
1010  |
02.002  |
01010  |
 | Core |
Empathy (PvP) |
Hex Spell. (5...13...15 seconds.) Target foe takes 15...39...45 damage whenever it attacks. |
0 |
1010  |
02.002  |
01010  |
| Core |
Enchanter's Conundrum |
Elite Hex Spell. Causes 100...180...200% slower enchantment casting (10 seconds). Initial effect: deals 10...82...100 damage to target and adjacent foes if target foe is not enchanted. |
0 |
1010  |
02.002  |
01010  |
| Nightfall |
Enchanter's Conundrum (PvP) |
Elite Hex Spell. Causes 100...180...200% slower enchantment casting (10 seconds). Initial effect: deals 10...82...100 damage to target and adjacent foes if target foe is not enchanted. |
0 |
1010  |
02.002  |
02020  |
| Nightfall |
Energy Burn |
Spell. Causes 1...8...10 Energy loss. Deals 9 damage for each point of Energy lost. |
0 |
1010  |
02.002  |
02020  |
 | Core |
Energy Drain |
Elite Spell. Causes 2...8...9 Energy loss. You gain 3 Energy for each point of Energy lost. |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
03030  |
| Core |
Energy Surge |
Elite Spell. Causes 1...8...10 Energy loss. Deals 9 damage to target and nearby foes for each point of Energy lost. |
0 |
055  |
02.002  |
01515  |
| Core |
Energy Tap |
Spell. Causes 4...6...7 Energy loss. You gain 2 Energy for each point of Energy lost. |
0 |
055  |
02.002  |
03030  |
 | Core |
Epidemic |
Spell. Conditions on target foe transfer to adjacent foes. |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
0055  |
| Core |
Ether Feast |
Spell. Causes 3 Energy loss. You gain 20...56...65 Health for each point of Energy lost. |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
0088  |
 | Core |
Ether Lord |
Hex Spell. You lose all Energy. Target foe has -1...3...3 Energy degeneration and you have +1...3...3 Energy regeneration (5...9...10 seconds). |
0 |
055  |
02.002  |
02020  |
 | Prophecies |
Ether Nightmare |
Hex spell. Causes 5...8 Energy loss. Target and foes in the area have -1 Health degeneration for each point of Energy lost (10 seconds). |
0 |
1010  |
03.003  |
02525  |
| Factions |
Ether Phantom |
Hex Spell. (10 seconds.) Causes -1 Energy degeneration. Causes 1...4...5 Energy loss if this hex ends early. |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
01010  |
| Nightfall |
Ether Signet |
Signet. You gain 10...18...20 Energy. No effect unless you have less than 5...9...10 Energy. |
0 |
0 |
01.001  |
04545  |
| Factions |
Ethereal Burden |
Hex Spell. (10 seconds.) Target foe moves 50% slower. End effect: you gain 10...16...18 Energy. |
0 |
1515  |
01.5001.51½  |
03030  |
 | Prophecies |
Expel Hexes |
Elite Spell. Removes 2 hexes from target ally. |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
0088  |
| Factions |
Extend Conditions |
Elite Spell. Spread all conditions from target foe to foes near your target. Those [sic] durations of those conditions are increased by 5...81...100% (maximum 30 seconds). |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
0055  |
| Nightfall |
Feedback |
Spell. Removes one enchantment. Removal effect: target foe loses 4...9...10 Energy. |
0 |
1010  |
02.002  |
03030  |
| Factions |
Fevered Dreams |
Elite Hex Spell. (10...22...25 seconds.) Foes in the area also have any new conditions that target foe acquires. Inflicts Dazed on target foe (1...3...3 second[s]) if that foe has two or more conditions. |
0 |
1010  |
02.002  |
01010  |
| Prophecies |
Fevered Dreams (PvP) |
Elite Hex Spell. (5...13...15 seconds.) Foes in the area also have any new conditions that target foe acquires. |
0 |
1010  |
02.002  |
02020  |
| Prophecies |
Fragility |
Hex Spell. Also hexes foes adjacent to target (8...18...20 seconds). These foes take 5...17...20 damage each time they gain or lose a condition. |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
0055  |
 | Core |
Fragility (PvP) |
Hex Spell. (8...18...20 seconds.) Target foe takes 5...17...20 damage each time it gains or loses a condition. |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
0088  |
| Core |
Frustration |
Hex Spell. (5...17...20 seconds.) Causes 50% slower spell casting. Target foe takes 5...41...50 damage whenever interrupted. Deals double damage on skill interrupt. |
0 |
1010  |
01.001  |
0077  |
| Nightfall |
Frustration (PvP) |
Hex Spell. (5...17...20 seconds.) Causes 50% slower spell casting. Target foe takes 5...41...50 damage whenever interrupted. |
0 |
1010  |
01.001  |
01515  |
| Nightfall |
Guilt |
Hex Spell. (6 seconds.) Target foe's next spell fails and you steal 5...12...14 Energy. No effect unless this foe's spell targets one of your allies. |
0 |
055  |
02.002  |
02525  |
 | Prophecies |
Hex Breaker |
Stance. (5...65...80 seconds.) The next hex against you fails and the caster takes 10...39...46 damage. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
01515  |
 | Core |
Hex Eater Signet |
Touch Signet. Removes a hex from target and 2...4...5 adjacent allies. Removal effect: you gain 1...3...4 Energy for each hex removed. |
0 |
0 |
01.001  |
02525  |
| Factions |
Hex Eater Vortex |
Elite Spell. Removes one hex from target ally. Removal effect: deals 30...78...90 damage and removes one enchantment from foes near this ally. |
0 |
1010  |
01.001  |
01515  |
| Nightfall |
Hypochondria |
Spell. Transfer all conditions from foes in the area to target foe. |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
0077  |
| Nightfall |
Ignorance |
Hex Spell. (8...18...20 seconds.) Target foe cannot use signets. |
0 |
1515  |
01.001  |
01010  |
| Core |
Illusion of Haste |
Enchantment Spell. (5...10...11 seconds.) You move 33% faster. Initial effect: removes Crippled condition. End effect: you are Crippled (3 seconds). |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
0055  |
 | Core |
Illusion of Haste (PvP) |
Enchantment Spell. (5...10...11 seconds.) You move 33% faster. End effect: you are Crippled (3 seconds). |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
0088  |
| Core |
Illusion of Pain |
Hex Spell. (8 seconds.) Causes -3...9...10 Health degeneration and target foe takes 3...9...10 damage each second. End effect: that foe is healed for 36...103...120. |
0 |
1010  |
02.002  |
0055  |
| Factions |
Illusion of Pain (PvP) |
Hex Spell. (8 seconds.) Causes -3...9...10 Health degeneration and target foe takes 3...9...10 damage each second. End effect: that foe is healed for 36...103...120. Ends if reapplied. |
0 |
1010  |
02.002  |
0055  |
| Factions |
Illusion of Weakness |
Enchantment Spell. Lose 50...202...240 Health. End effect: you gain 50...202...240 Health. Ends if damage drops your Health below 25% of your maximum. |
0 |
1010  |
02.002  |
03030  |
 | Prophecies |
Illusionary Weaponry |
Elite Enchantment Spell. (30 seconds.) Deals 8...34...40 damage to foes in place of other damage or effects from melee attacks. You have +5 armor for each equipped Illusion Magic skill. Your melee attacks neither hit nor fail to hit. |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
02525  |
| Prophecies |
Illusionary Weaponry (PvP) |
Elite Enchantment Spell. (30 seconds.) Deals 8...34...40 damage to foes in place of other damage or effects from melee attacks. Your melee attacks neither hit nor fail to hit. |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
02525  |
| Prophecies |
Images of Remorse |
Hex Spell. (5...9...10 seconds.) Causes -1...3...3 Health degeneration. Initial effect: 10...44...52 damage if target foe is attacking. |
0 |
055  |
02.002  |
0055  |
| Factions |
Imagined Burden |
Hex Spell. (8...18...20 seconds.) Target foe moves 50% slower. |
0 |
1515  |
01.001  |
03030  |
 | Core |
Ineptitude |
Elite Hex Spell. (4 seconds.) Also hexes foes adjacent to target. Deals 30...114...135 damage. Inflicts Blindness condition (10 seconds). No effect unless hexed foe attacks. |
0 |
1010  |
01.001  |
01515  |
| Prophecies |
Inspired Enchantment |
Spell. Removes an enchantment from target foe. Removal effects: you gain 3...13...15 Energy; this spell is replaced with that enchantment (20 seconds). |
0 |
1010  |
01.001  |
0 |
 | Prophecies |
Inspired Hex |
Spell. Removes a hex from target ally. Removal effects: you gain 4...9...10 Energy; this spell is replaced with that hex (20 seconds). |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
0 |
 | Prophecies |
Keystone Signet |
Elite Signet. (20 seconds.) Your next 0...5...6 signet[s] interrupt [sic] and deal 15...51...60 damage to other foes adjacent to your target. Initial Effect: [sic] recharges all of your other signets. |
0 |
0 |
01.001  |
01515  |
| Prophecies |
Kitah's Burden |
Hex Spell. (10 seconds.) Target foe moves 50% slower. End effect: you gain 10...16...18 Energy. |
0 |
1515  |
01.5001.51½  |
03030  |
| Factions |
Leech Signet |
Signet. Interrupts an action. Interruption effect: you gain 3...13...15 Energy if the action was a spell. |
0 |
0 |
00.250.25¼  |
03030  |
 | Core |
Lyssa's Aura |
Elite Enchantment Spell. (10 seconds.) You have +0...4...5 Energy regeneration. Renewal: every time you cast a spell on an enemy. |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
03030  |
| Factions |
Lyssa's Balance |
Spell. Removes one enchantment from target foe. No effect if you have more enchantments than this foe. |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
01515  |
| Factions |
Mantra of Concentration |
Stance. (1...31...38 seconds.) The next time you would be interrupted, you are not interrupted. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
03030  |
| Prophecies |
Mantra of Earth |
Stance. (30...78...90 seconds.) Reduces earth damage you take by 26...45...50%. You gain 2 Energy when you take earth damage. |
0 |
1010  |
0 |
02020  |
 | Core |
Mantra of Flame |
Stance. (30...78...90 seconds.) Reduces fire damage you take by 26...45...50%. You gain 2 Energy when you take fire damage. |
0 |
1010  |
0 |
02020  |
 | Core |
Mantra of Frost |
Stance. (30...78...90 seconds.) Reduces cold damage you take by 26...45...50%. You gain 2 Energy when you take cold damage. |
0 |
1010  |
0 |
02020  |
 | Core |
Mantra of Inscriptions |
Stance. (5...21...25 seconds.) Signets you successfully activate while in this stance recharge 10...34...40% faster. |
0 |
1010  |
0 |
02020  |
| Core |
Mantra of Inscriptions (Saul D'Alessio) |
Stance. (17...18 seconds.) Signets you successfully activate while in this stance recharge 28...30% faster. |
0 |
1010  |
0 |
02020  |
| Bonus Mission Pack |
Mantra of Lightning |
Stance. (30...78...90 seconds.) Reduces lightning damage you take by 26...45...50%. You gain 2 Energy when you take lightning damage. |
0 |
1010  |
0 |
02020  |
 | Core |
Mantra of Persistence |
Stance. (5...21...25 seconds.) Illusion hexes you cast last 10...34...40% longer. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
01515  |
 | Core |
Mantra of Recall |
Elite Enchantment Spell. (20 seconds.) End effect: you gain 10...22...25 Energy. |
0 |
1010  |
01.001  |
03030  |
| Prophecies |
Mantra of Recovery |
Elite Stance. (5...17...20 seconds.) Your spells recharge 33% faster. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
01515  |
| Core |
Mantra of Resolve |
Stance. (30...78...90 seconds.) Prevents interrupts against you. Prevention cost: lose 10...5...4 Energy or Mantra of Resolve ends. |
0 |
1010  |
0 |
02020  |
| Core |
Mantra of Resolve (PvP) |
Stance. (5 seconds.) Prevents interrupts against you. Prevention cost: lose 10...5...4 Energy or Mantra of Resolve ends. |
0 |
1010  |
0 |
02020  |
| Core |
Mantra of Signets |
Stance. (10...34...40 seconds.) You have +3 armor for each signet. You gain 5...49...60 health each time you use a signet. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
02020  |
| Prophecies |
Mantra of Signets (PvP) |
Stance. (10...34...40 seconds.) You gain 5...49...60 Health each time you use a signet. |
0 |
055  |
0 |
02020  |
| Prophecies |
Migraine |
Elite Hex Spell. (5...17...20 seconds.) Causes -1...7...8 Health degeneration and doubles skill activation time. |
0 |
1010  |
02.002  |
01212  |
| Prophecies |
Migraine (PvP) |
Elite Hex Spell. (3...10...12 seconds.) Causes -1...7...8 Health degeneration and doubles skill activation time. |
0 |
1010  |
02.002  |
01212  |
| Prophecies |
Mind Wrack |
Hex Spell. (5...33...40 seconds.) Causes 1 Energy loss each time foe is the target of your non-hex Mesmer skills. Deals 5...21...25 damage per point of Energy lost. If target foe's Energy drops to 0, it takes 15...83...100 damage and Mind Wrack ends. |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
0077  |
 | Core |
Mind Wrack (PvP) |
Hex Spell. (5...33...40 seconds.) Causes 1 Energy loss each time foe is the target of your non-hex Mesmer skills. If target foe's Energy drops to 0, Mind Wrack ends and that foe takes 15...83...100 damage. |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
0077  |
| Core |
Mirror of Disenchantment |
Spell. Removes one enchantment from target foe. That foe's party members also lose this enchantment. |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
01515  |
| Nightfall |
Mirror of Disenchantment (PvP) |
Spell. Removes one enchantment from target foe. That foe's party members also lose this enchantment. |
0 |
1515  |
01.001  |
02020  |
| Nightfall |
Mistrust |
Hex Spell. (6 seconds.) The next spell that target foe casts on one of your allies fails and deals 10...82...100 damage to target and nearby foes. |
0 |
1010  |
02.002  |
01212  |
| Nightfall |
Mistrust (PvP) |
Hex Spell. (6 seconds.) The next spell that target foe casts on one of your allies fails and deals 10...62...75 damage to target and nearby foes. |
0 |
1010  |
02.002  |
01212  |
| Nightfall |
Overload |
Hex Spell. (5 seconds.) Causes -1...3...3 Health degeneration. If target foe is using a skill, that foe and all adjacent foes take 15...63...75 damage. |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
0055  |
| Factions |
Panic |
Elite Hex Spell. Also hexes foes near your target (1...8...10 second[s]). Interrupts all other nearby foes whenever a hexed foe successfully activates a skill. |
0 |
1010  |
01.001  |
01515  |
| Prophecies |
Persistence of Memory |
Enchantment Spell. (5...17...20 seconds.) Your interrupted spells recharge instantly. |
0 |
1010  |
01.001  |
02020  |
| Nightfall |
Phantom Pain |
Hex Spell. (10 seconds.) Causes -1...3...4 Health degeneration. End effect: inflicts Deep Wound condition (5...17...20 seconds). |
0 |
055  |
02.002  |
01515  |
 | Prophecies |
Physical Resistance |
Stance. (30...78...90 seconds.) You have +40 armor against physical damage. You have -24...14...12 armor against elemental damage. |
0 |
1010  |
0 |
02020  |
| Prophecies |
Power Block |
Elite Spell. If target foe is casting a spell or chant, that skill and all skills of the same attribute are disabled (1...10...12 seconds) and that skill is interrupted. |
0 |
1515  |
00.250.25¼  |
02020  |
| Prophecies |
Power Drain |
Spell. Interrupts a spell or chant. Interruption effect: you gain 1...25...31 Energy. |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
02020  |
| Core |
Power Flux |
Elite Hex Spell. Interrupts a spell or chant. Interruption effect: -2 Energy degeneration (4...9...10 seconds). |
0 |
1010  |
00.250.25¼  |
01010  |
| Nightfall |
Power Leak |
Spell. Interrupts a spell or chant. Interruption effect: causes 3...14...17 Energy loss. |
0 |
1010  |
00.250.25¼  |
02020  |
 | Prophecies |
Power Leech |
Elite Hex Spell. Interrupt a spell or a chant. Interruption effect: steal 5...13...15 Energy whenever target foe casts a spell (10 seconds). |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
02020  |
| Factions |
Power Lock |
Spell. Interrupts a spell or chant. Interruption effect: interrupted spell or chant is disabled for +5...11...13 seconds. |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
01212  |
| Eye of the North |
Power Return |
Spell. Interrupts a spell or chant. Interruption effect: target foe gains 10...6...5 Energy. |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
0077  |
| Factions |
Power Spike |
Spell. Interrupts a spell or chant. Interruption effect: deals 30...102...120 damage. |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
01212  |
 | Core |
Price of Pride |
Hex Spell. (5...17...20 seconds.) Causes 1...6...7 Energy loss the next time target foe uses an elite skill. |
0 |
055  |
02.002  |
0088  |
| Nightfall |
Psychic Distraction |
Elite Spell. Interrupts a skill. Interruption effect: disables interrupted skill (+5...11...12 seconds). Your other skills are disabled (8 seconds). |
0 |
1010  |
00.250.25¼  |
0022  |
| Factions |
Psychic Instability |
Elite Spell. Interrupts an action. Interruption effect: if the action is a skill, cause knockdown for 2...4...4 seconds on target foe and all nearby foes. 50% failure chance unless Fast Casting 5 or higher. |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
01212  |
| Factions |
Psychic Instability (PvP) |
Elite Spell. Interrupts an action. Interruption effect: if the action is a skill, causes knockdown for 2...3...3 seconds on target foe and all adjacent foes. 50% failure chance unless Fast Casting 5 or higher. |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
01212  |
| Factions |
Recurring Insecurity |
Elite Hex Spell. (10 seconds.) Causes -1...4...5 Health degeneration. Renewal: if target foe has another hex when Recurring Insecurity would end. |
0 |
1010  |
01.001  |
01010  |
| Factions |
Revealed Enchantment |
Spell. Removes an enchantment from target foe. Removal effects: you gain 3...13...15 Energy; this spell is replaced with that enchantment (20 seconds). |
0 |
1010  |
01.001  |
0 |
| Factions |
Revealed Hex |
Spell. Removes a hex from target ally. Removal effects: you gain 4...9...10 Energy; this spell is replaced with that hex (20 seconds). |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
0 |
| Factions |
Shame |
Hex Spell. (6 seconds.) Target foe's next spell fails and you steal 5...12...14 Energy. No effect unless this foe's spell targeted one of its allies. |
0 |
1010  |
02.002  |
03030  |
| Prophecies |
Shared Burden |
Elite Hex Spell. Also hexes foes near your target (5...17...20 seconds). These foes attack, cast spells, and move 50% slower. |
0 |
055  |
02.002  |
01515  |
| Factions |
Shared Burden (PvP) |
Elite Hex Spell. Also hexes foes near your target (5...17...20 seconds). These foes attack, cast spells, and move 33% slower. |
0 |
1010  |
02.002  |
02020  |
| Factions |
Shatter Delusions |
Spell. Removes a Mesmer hex from target foe. Removal effect: 15...63...75 damage to target and all adjacent foes. |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
0066  |
 | Prophecies |
Shatter Delusions (PvP) |
Spell. Removes a Mesmer hex from target foe. Removal effect: 15...63...75 damage to target and all adjacent foes. |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
01010  |
| Prophecies |
Shatter Enchantment |
Spell. Removes an enchantment from target foe. Removal effect: deals 14...83...100 damage. |
0 |
1010  |
01.001  |
02020  |
 | Core |
Shatter Hex |
Spell. Removes a hex from target ally. Removal effect: deals 30...102...120 damage to foes near this ally. |
0 |
1010  |
01.001  |
01010  |
 | Core |
Shatter Storm |
Elite Spell. Removes all enchantments. Removal cost: Shatter Storm is disabled for +7 seconds for each enchantment removed. |
0 |
1010  |
01.001  |
0 |
| Factions |
Shrinking Armor |
Hex Spell. (10 seconds.) Causes -1...3...4 Health degeneration. End effect: inflicts Cracked Armor condition (5...17...20 seconds). |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
0088  |
| Eye of the North |
Signet of Clumsiness |
Signet. Interrupts an attack for target foe and all adjacent foes. Interruption effect: deals 15...51...60 damage; knocks down foes using attack skills. |
0 |
0 |
00.250.25¼  |
0088  |
| Nightfall |
Signet of Clumsiness (PvP) |
Signet. Interrupts an attack for target foe and all adjacent foes. Interruption effect: deals 15...51...60 damage; knocks down foes using attack skills. |
0 |
0 |
00.250.25¼  |
01212  |
| Nightfall |
Signet of Disenchantment |
Signet. Removes one enchantment. You lose all Energy. |
0 |
0 |
01.001  |
01515  |
| Factions |
Signet of Disruption |
Signet. Interrupts a spell. Can interrupt any skill if target foe is hexed. Interruption effect: deals 10...43...51 damage. |
0 |
0 |
00.250.25¼  |
01515  |
| Factions |
Signet of Distraction |
Signet. Interrupts a spell. Interruption effect: target foe's spell is disabled for 1...4...5 seconds for each signet you have equipped. |
0 |
0 |
00.250.25¼  |
01515  |
| Eye of the North |
Signet of Humility |
Signet. Disables elite skill (1...13...16 second[s]). Disables your non-Mesmer skills (10 seconds). |
0 |
0 |
03.003  |
02020  |
| Core |
Signet of Illusions |
Elite Signet. Your next 1...3...3 spell[s] use your Illusion attribute instead of its normal attribute. |
0 |
0 |
02.002  |
0055  |
| Nightfall |
Signet of Midnight |
Elite Touch Signet. (15 seconds.) Inflicts Blindness condition. You suffer from Blindness (15 seconds). |
0 |
0 |
02.002  |
01010  |
| Prophecies |
Signet of Recall |
Signet. (10 seconds.) You have -4 Energy regeneration. End effect: you gain 13...19...20 Energy. |
0 |
0 |
01.001  |
02020  |
| Eye of the North |
Signet of Weariness |
Signet. Also affects foes near your target. Causes 3...7...8 Energy loss and inflicts Weakness (1...10...12 second[s]). |
0 |
0 |
02.002  |
03030  |
| Prophecies |
Simple Thievery |
Elite Spell. Interrupts an action. Interruption effect: If a skill was interrupted, that skill is disabled and Simple Thievery becomes that skill (5...17...20 seconds). |
0 |
1010  |
00.250.25¼  |
01010  |
| Nightfall |
Soothing Images |
Hex Spell. Also hexes foe adjacent to target. (8...18...20 seconds). These foes cannot gain adrenaline. |
0 |
1515  |
02.002  |
0088  |
| Core |
Spirit Shackles |
Hex Spell. (5...17...20). Target foe loses 5 Energy whenever it attacks. |
0 |
1010  |
03.003  |
0088  |
 | Core |
Spirit of Failure |
Hex Spell. (30 seconds.) Target foe has 25% chance to miss. You gain 1...3...3 Energy whenever this foe misses. |
0 |
1515  |
03.003  |
02020  |
 | Prophecies |
Spiritual Pain |
Spell. Deals 15...63...75 damage. Deals 25...105...125 damage to hostile summoned creatures in the area of your target foe. |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
0077  |
| Nightfall |
Spiritual Pain (PvP) |
Spell. Deals 5...33...40 damage. Deals 25...105...125 damage to hostile summoned creatures in the area of your target foe. |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
01212  |
| Nightfall |
Stolen Speed |
Elite Hex Spell. Also hexes adjacent foes (1...8...10 seconds). Doubles spell casting time. Spells cast by you or your allies have -50% casting times. |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
01212  |
| Factions |
Stolen Speed (PvP) |
Elite Hex Spell. Also hexes adjacent foes (1...8...10 second[s]). Doubles spell casting time. Spells you cast on hexed foes have -50% casting time. |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
01212  |
| Factions |
Sum of All Fears |
Hex Spell. (1...8...10 second[s].) Target foe moves, attacks, and casts spells 33% slower. |
0 |
1010  |
02.002  |
01010  |
| Eye of the North |
Sum of All Fears (Gwen) |
Hex Spell. (17 seconds.) Target foe moves, attacks, and casts spells 20% slower. |
0 |
1010  |
02.002  |
01010  |
| Bonus Mission Pack |
Symbolic Celerity |
Enchantment Spell. (36...55...60 seconds.) Your signets use your Fast Casting attribute. |
0 |
1515  |
01.001  |
03030  |
| Nightfall |
Symbolic Posture |
Stance. (5...17...20 seconds.) Your next signet recharges 20...68...80% faster. |
0 |
1010  |
0 |
02020  |
| Nightfall |
Symbols of Inspiration |
Elite Skill. (1...25...31 seconds.) This skill becomes the Elite of target foe. Elite spells you cast use your Fast Casting attribute instead of their normal attributes. |
0 |
055  |
01.001  |
01515  |
| Nightfall |
Sympathetic Visage |
Enchantment Spell. (4...9...10 seconds.) All adjacent foes lose all adrenaline and 3 Energy whenever a melee attack hits target ally. |
0 |
1010  |
01.001  |
02020  |
| Prophecies |
Tease |
Elite Spell. Interrupts a skill. Interruption effect: also interrupts other foes in the area, and you steal 0...4...5 Energy from all foes in the area. |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
01515  |
| Nightfall |
Time Ward |
Elite Ward Spell. (3...13...15 seconds.) Allies in this ward cast spells 15...19...20% faster and recharge skills 15...19...20% faster. Allied spirits are not affected. PvE Skill |
0 |
1010  |
02.002  |
03030  |
| Core |
Unnatural Signet |
Signet. Deals 15...63...75 damage. Deals 5...41...50 damage to other adjacent foes if the target is hexed or enchanted. |
0 |
0 |
01.001  |
01010  |
| Factions |
Unnatural Signet (PvP) |
Signet. Deals 10...50...60 damage. Deals 10...50...60 damage to other adjacent foes if the target is hexed or enchanted. Your non-Mesmer skills except signets are disabled (10 seconds). |
0 |
0 |
01.001  |
02020  |
| Factions |
Unnatural Signet (Saul D'Alessio) |
Signet. Deals 43...47 damage. Deals 26...29 damage to other adjacent foes if the target is hexed or enchanted. |
0 |
0 |
01.001  |
01010  |
| Bonus Mission Pack |
Visions of Regret |
Elite Hex Spell. Also hexes foes adjacent to target (10 seconds). These foes take 15...39...45 damage whenever they use a skill and 5...41...50 additional damage if not under the effects of another Mesmer hex. |
0 |
1010  |
02.002  |
02020  |
| Nightfall |
Visions of Regret (PvP) |
Elite Hex Spell. Also hexes foes adjacent to target (10 seconds). These foes take 10...26...30 damage whenever they use a skill and 5...33...40 additional damage if not under the effects of another Mesmer hex. |
0 |
1010  |
02.002  |
03030  |
| Nightfall |
Wandering Eye |
Hex Spell. (4 seconds.) Interrupts target foe's next attack. Interruption effect: 30...94...110 damage to nearby foes. |
0 |
055  |
02.002  |
01212  |
| Eye of the North |
Wandering Eye (PvP) |
Hex Spell. (4 seconds.) Interrupts target foe's next attack. Interruption effect: 10...76...92 damage to nearby foes. |
0 |
1010  |
02.002  |
01212  |
| Eye of the North |
Waste Not, Want Not |
Spell. You gain 8...12...13 Energy if target foe is not attacking or casting a spell. |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
01515  |
| Eye of the North |
Wastrel's Demise |
Hex Spell. (5 seconds.) Each second while hexed, target foe and all foes adjacent to that foe take 1...8...10 damage. Foes take +1...8...10 damage each second this hex is in effect. Ends early if target foe uses a skill. |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
0033  |
| Nightfall |
Wastrel's Worry |
Hex Spell. (3 seconds). End effect: causes 20...84...100 damage to target and adjacent foes. No effect and ends early if target foe uses a skill. |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
0011  |
 | Prophecies |
Web of Disruption |
Hex Spell. (10 seconds.) Initial effect: interrupts a skill. End effect: interrupts a skill. |
0 |
055  |
00.250.25¼  |
01515  |
| Nightfall |
Web of Disruption (PvP) |
Hex Spell. (10 seconds.) Initial effect: interrupts a skill. End effect: interrupts a skill. |
0 |
1010  |
00.250.25¼  |
01515  |
| Nightfall |