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This article is about the elite Mesmer skill. For the skill type of the same name, see Echo (skill type).
Elite Enchantment Spell. For 30 seconds, Echo is replaced with the next skill you use. Echo acts as this skill for 30 seconds.
- Concise description
Related skills[edit]
- See also: Copying skills
- Echo can copy powerful skills with long recharge times, doubling the rate at which they can be used.
- Use it to copy skills with short recharge times in order to spam them, e.g. adrenaline skills that have any recharge time.
- Combine Echo with Arcane Echo to create Echo chains, allowing you to have three copies of a skill at once. Add Arcane Mimicry to create multiple copies of a party member's elite.
- Use Auspicious Incantation to help manage energy costs (especially since Echo chains consume a lot of energy); the downside is mitigated since the disabled skill gets replaced shortly after.
- To capture Echo from a boss that has just copied a skill, wait 30 seconds (for the effect to wear off) before using your Signet of Capture.
- If used to copy a skill that can copy another skill or spell, the copy duration of that skill is used and will bypass Echo's 30-second copy duration.
- E.g., if used to copy Arcane Larceny/Thievery with Domination Magic rank 15, whatever spell that is stolen from a foe by the Echo version of Arcane Larceny/Thievery will remain as that stolen spell for 35 seconds and then revert back to Echo.
- E.g., if used to copy Arcane Larceny/Thievery with Domination Magic rank 0, whatever spell that is stolen from a foe by the Echo version of Arcane Larceny/Thievery will remain as that stolen spell for 5 seconds and then revert back to Echo.

- The skill icon has the same hand silhouette as Plague Touch.