User:Nay the One and Only

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Male.png This user is Male.
Necromancer-faded-large.png This user is a Necromancer by nature.
Celestial Compass.png This user favors caster professions.
User Ocravia Poison.png The user has infinite deaths on his main character.
PvX This user enjoys both PvE and PvP.
User Lensor TyriaMissionIcon.png This user plays the 1st Guild Wars campaign: Prophecies.
User Lensor CanthaMissionIcon.png This user plays the 2nd Guild Wars campaign: Factions.
User Lensor ElonaMissionIcon.png This user plays the 3rd Guild Wars campaign: Nightfall.
43px‎ This user plays the Guild Wars expansion: Eye of the North.
User Lensor gw2.jpg This user plans to buy Guild Wars 2
Melandru mural (Gandara).jpg This user is a devoted follower of Melandru's teachings.
User Nian Grenth.jpg This user is a bloodsworn servant of Grenth.
Fertile Season.jpg This user likes exploring
User Haydafan.jpg This user is a member of the Hayda's Fan Club.
User Livia fan2.jpg This user is a member of the Livia's Cleavage Fan Club.
Livia-icon.jpg This user's favorite hero is Livia.
Shadow Strike.jpg This user likes to steal userboxes from other users.
Spirit Light.jpg This user saw an alien! z0mg!
Wielder's Strike.jpg This user broke his sword.. again..
Channeling.jpg This user promotes gaming calmness!
Platinum.png This user's had 999Platinum.png as his highest amount of gold.
Guilt This user has spent 4445 hours in Guild Wars in 56 months (2.6 h/day).
Vista-icon.png This user is a Windows gamer.
User Empty Skull imanoob.jpg This User thinks they are a wikinoob.
Lightbringertitle.jpg This user is a title hunter
Yes This user LOVES user boxes and can't get enough of em'; SEND THEM DOWN HERE!!!
European flag.png This user plays in the
European territory.
North America 70x40.png This user plays in the
North American territory.
Earth Shaker.jpg This user has a different way of opening chests....
User Lensor TyriaMissionIcon.png This user is a Tyrian at heart!
User Eloc Jcg 55.jpg This User has a 55 monk
Lightbringer's Gaze.jpg You visited at 18:13, 21 February 2025 (UTC/GMT). Yes, I AM watching YOU!
Angorodon's Gaze.jpg Subliminal Messages. I Am Controlling What You Think. Give Me 100k, and Pie.
Faction (Kurzick).png This user is a member of the
Kurzick alliance.
User HeavenMonkey GW Auctions logo.png This user actively trades on GW Auctions
Crate of Fireworks.png This user wishes he could get more Crates of Fireworks.
Shadow Form.jpg This user believes Shadow Form is a weak way to tank.
User King Keberos antiperma.jpg This user feels that Perma's are destroying GW's economy and compromising the Warrior's role as tank.