Hello!. This page is going to be as much for me as it is for anyone else. As I find it virtually impossible to keep track of everything! :-)
I'm Raxous, and have been for a looooooooong time. "Raxous" originates in a book I am writing so it's very personal and (hopefully) unique. I have looked for many a long year for a MMORPG that satisfies my criteria of;
- 1. Cost: Fair and sustainable for player and developer(s).
- 2. Graphics: Hi-end, flexible and DEFINATELY NOT cartoonish.
- 3. Locality: Global.
- 4. Depth: Immersive, but adaptable to accelerated multi character play.
- 5. Freshness: Events, updates, bug fixes, etc.
- 6. Fairness: No noob hunting, No impossible to afford items that affect gameplay, etc.
And I found it... Guild Wars... and it's STILL the only game to satisfy the above.
Anyway, I like to understand ALL aspects of a game and so, after "beating the game" I have striven for a max level character of each class, fully equiped / "Heroed" and with all skills required to satisfy any build of that class. So below are my progress, experiences, thoughts and tips on doing this!!!
Active Since: May 2005 |
- All stats last updated on Wednesday the 2nd of January 2008.
Flagrean Raxous (Elementalist)[edit]
Ayuda Raxous (Monk)[edit]
Milagros Raxous (Mesmer)[edit]
Angelous Raxous (Necromancer)[edit]
Lox Raxous (Ranger)[edit]
Ehuguro Raxous (Ritualist)[edit]
Silencio Raxous (Assasin)[edit]
Aprisa Raxous (Dervish)[edit]
Vamos Raxous (Paragon)[edit]
Just a few usefull bits of info I've picked up during my travels;
Accelerating Additional Character Progression[edit]
- (This Mini-Guide assumes this is NOT your first character and that you have ALL available expansions)
- Due to the fact that there are only VERY few skills which can be "quested" for in Factions, it is most cost effective to gain as many as possible via Prophecies quests. This method is also the easiest for gaining access to as many outposts as possible, globally, as quickly and cheaply as possible
Primary War, Mon, Ran, Nec, Mes or Ele[edit]
1. Create them in Prophecies.
2. Follow ALL quests until they are lvl 7 (minimum).
3. Ensure you have aquired ALL skills which are aquireable Pre-Searing, for BOTH your classes.
4. Move onto Post-Searing.
5. Pay for someone (may need multiple people) to run you to Lion's Arch.
6. Complete the quest Mhenlo's Request.
7. Now you are in Kaineng Center craft yourself your chosen maximum armour. Add desired runes.
8. Aquire a maximum collectors weapon(s), (using your existing high lvl character).
9. Complete as many quests as possible within the Kaineng area, they are very easy and very high reward. You should be lvl 20 in a matter of hours.
10. Aquire all desired standard skills. (By returning to Kryta you can generally get them free as quest rewards).
11. Hunt any elites you require.
12. Run the early areas / missions of Kryta. (You "should" be able to run via EVERY outpost to Sanctum Cay by this point, regradless of class(es)).
13. Play remaining parts of Prophecies as normal. Remembering to:
a) Complete the 2 x 15 point attribute quests ASAP.
b) Do the Secondary class change quests in the desert. (Aquiring additional secondary classes in Factions costs you 500gp each, whilst in prophecies you can gain this for free, for the prophecies classes at least, saving you 2K).
Primary Ritualist or Assasin[edit]
1. Create them in Factions (You have no choice anyway!).
2. Take ALL Profession Quests BUT DO NOT COMPLETE this will allow you to return later an unlock a number of skills for other secondary classes for free later.
3. Eventually you will end up in Kaineng Center, craft yourself your chosen maximum armour. Add desired runes.
4. Aquire a maximum collectors weapon(s), (using your existing high lvl character).
5. Complete as many quests as possible within the Kaineng area, they are very easy and very high reward. You should be lvl 20 in a matter of hours.
6. Aquire all desired standard skills.
7. Hunt any elites you require.
8. Play remaining parts of Factions as normal.
9. Whenever you fancy a change or when you "finish" Factions travel to Lion's Arch and get someone to run you from there to Ascalon City, From there you can follow the Prophecies storyline.
- REMEMBER: Faction is ACCOUNT based, so for the "Befriending" quests, make sure you put all characters through one side BEFORE completing other side with any, otherwise you will have to RE-EARN the 10,000 faction for each side with EVERY CHARACTER. (This allows you to finish both sides with all characters for a net 20,000 faction, rather than the 20,000 PER CHARACTER! (This has saved me having to earn an additional 140,000 faction!!!)).
Ok, I LOVE Guild Wars, it is a near perfect game, but very simply this is where I think Guild Wars should evolve; (Some of these may need to cost in-game / real world money, and that's absolutely fine by me.)
Realistic / Simple[edit]
- Hero / Henchman Obstruction Intelligence: Ranged Heroes / Henchmen have NO idea how to move to avoid obstructions between them and their target.
- Character Re-ordering: Ability to change order of charaters displayed on "Select a Character" screen MANUALLY.
- Character Swapping: Ability to change charaters WITHOUT LOGGING OFF.
- Commentable Friends: Keep a note of WHY particular people are your friend, 1 line of text?
- Storage: More, it's silly, I know it's a bit drag on resources, but please! (Guess you can never have enough!).
- Vote Kicking: It's just GOT to be done!.
Dramatic / Complex[edit]
- Saveable Builds: Within GUI. (Dropdown list?) (Not having to up / download them as per Nightfall).
- In-game Journal: Make notes about stuff; account & character based.
- Appearance: Ability to change character's appearance (beyond armour) Hair style, even body shape, skin tone?
- Skill Teaching: Ability to copy skills between characters on same account.
- Self Running: OR Allow any character on same account to access any outpost unlocked by any other?
- Housing: In addtion to / in conjuction with Guild Halls. Maybe as way to allow extra "Storage".
- Pets: Make them more like "Heroes" in Nightfall, i.e. more customisable.
- Controllable Henchies: Commands, etc (Nightfall may fix this).
- Auctioning: Complicated but would be fun. On & Offline.
(Or; All my drivel that doesn't go anywhere else).
People who need thanking! Thanx peeps![edit]
GuildWiki's "Soqed_hozi".
Stuff that makes me laugh (or cry?)[edit]
- All living Krytan / Canthan entities ventriloquistic talents!
- Lvl 10 NPC's running toward 13 x Lvl 24 mobs! Erm... survival instinct anyone?
- NPCs being slaughtered whilst hugely outnumbered, RIGHT next to a town portal.
- NPCs / Characters seemingly being hacked to bits whilst non-chalantly chatting during cutscenes.
Stuff that makes me cry (or scream)[edit]
- That annoying, selfish, rude player who STILL gets ALL the Gold / Green drops. If only merit could somehow play a part in drop allocations!
- "I was sure I was infused!"
- "But I didn't have room for a res signet".
- " 7 of 8 characters have chosen to skip this cinematic ". Ah... time to make tea. :-(
- Gold/Purple items appearing in the middle of an intense fight. Right next to a chest. Erm, maybe leave that till AFTER THE FIGHT TO THE DEATH?!?!?!
- When in a Mission : "Quick, hurry, I only have 10 minutes!".
- 2 minutes later : "Sorry, gotta go now...".
- 35 minutes after that : Remaining members struggle to finish mission and leaver gets misison completion despite 35 minutes of AFK!!!
- My Site:
- My Guild's Site: