User:Shadowblade Morik/General Info
General InformationName: Chris BackgroundI've been gaming since I was about five, starting with games like Magical Quest on the Super Nintendo, to Ocarina of Time on Nintendo64, to Jak and Daxter on PS2, to Runescape, and now Guild Wars. Of course, this isn't all I do, I'm also rather devout to Valve games(Half-life 2, Team Fortress 2, etc., etc.) Feel free to add me on Steam if you like. My name is Songsword.
GoalsBeat each individual character's initial campaign that they were born into. Friends |
Original template made by G0t w00t? Thank you!
- Users hours per day 3
- Users who play all Guild Wars games
- Users who play the Prophecies campaign
- Users who play the Factions campaign
- Users who play the Nightfall campaign
- Users who play the Eye of the North expansion
- Users who play both PvE and PvP
- Users who favor Cantha
- Users in a Luxon alliance
- Users who dwarven brawl
- Users who favor assassins
- Users who favor rangers
- Users who think Mhenlo is a pimp