Zaishen Mission/cycles

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Note: This page is primarily for documentation purposes. For a more useful overview about recent activities, see Daily activities. This page shows dates in YY-MM-DD format.

Current cycle[edit]

The current cycle began in the middle of the day following the March 3, 2011 update.

Quest Days the quest is/was active
Augury Rock 11-03-03 11-05-11 (55 cycles omitted) 21-05-15 21-07-23 21-09-30 21-12-08 22-02-15 22-04-25 22-07-03 22-09-10
Grand Court of Sebelkeh 11-03-04 11-05-12 ... 21-05-16 21-07-24 21-10-01 21-12-09 22-02-16 22-04-26 22-07-04 22-09-11
Ice Caves of Sorrow 11-03-05 11-05-13 ... 21-05-17 21-07-25 21-10-02 21-12-10 22-02-17 22-04-27 22-07-05 22-09-12
Raisu Palace 11-03-06 11-05-14 ... 21-05-18 21-07-26 21-10-03 21-12-11 22-02-18 22-04-28 22-07-06 22-09-13
Gate of Desolation 11-03-07 11-05-15 ... 21-05-19 21-07-27 21-10-04 21-12-12 22-02-19 22-04-29 22-07-07 22-09-14
Thirsty River 11-03-08 11-05-16 ... 21-05-20 21-07-28 21-10-05 21-12-13 22-02-20 22-04-30 22-07-08 22-09-15
Blacktide Den 11-03-09 11-05-17 ... 21-05-21 21-07-29 21-10-06 21-12-14 22-02-21 22-05-01 22-07-09 22-09-16
Against the Charr 11-03-10 11-05-18 ... 21-05-22 21-07-30 21-10-07 21-12-15 22-02-22 22-05-02 22-07-10 22-09-17
Abaddon's Mouth 11-03-11 11-05-19 ... 21-05-23 21-07-31 21-10-08 21-12-16 22-02-23 22-05-03 22-07-11 22-09-18
Nundu Bay 11-03-12 11-05-20 ... 21-05-24 21-08-01 21-10-09 21-12-17 22-02-24 22-05-04 22-07-12 22-09-19
Divinity Coast 11-03-13 11-05-21 ... 21-05-25 21-08-02 21-10-10 21-12-18 22-02-25 22-05-05 22-07-13 22-09-20
Zen Daijun 11-03-14 11-05-22 ... 21-05-26 21-08-03 21-10-11 21-12-19 22-02-26 22-05-06 22-07-14 22-09-21
Pogahn Passage 11-03-15 11-05-23 ... 21-05-27 21-08-04 21-10-12 21-12-20 22-02-27 22-05-07 22-07-15 22-09-22
Tahnnakai Temple 11-03-16 11-05-24 ... 21-05-28 21-08-05 21-10-13 21-12-21 22-02-28 22-05-08 22-07-16 22-09-23
The Great Northern Wall 11-03-17 11-05-25 ... 21-05-29 21-08-06 21-10-14 21-12-22 22-03-01 22-05-09 22-07-17 22-09-24
Dasha Vestibule 11-03-18 11-05-26 ... 21-05-30 21-08-07 21-10-15 21-12-23 22-03-02 22-05-10 22-07-18 22-09-25
The Wilds 11-03-19 11-05-27 ... 21-05-31 21-08-08 21-10-16 21-12-24 22-03-03 22-05-11 22-07-19 22-09-26
Unwaking Waters 11-03-20 11-05-28 ... 21-06-01 21-08-09 21-10-17 21-12-25 22-03-04 22-05-12 22-07-20 22-09-27
Chahbek Village 11-03-21 11-05-29 ... 21-06-02 21-08-10 21-10-18 21-12-26 22-03-05 22-05-13 22-07-21 22-09-28
Aurora Glade 11-03-22 11-05-30 ... 21-06-03 21-08-11 21-10-19 21-12-27 22-03-06 22-05-14 22-07-22 22-09-29
A Time for Heroes 11-03-23 11-05-31 ... 21-06-04 21-08-12 21-10-20 21-12-28 22-03-07 22-05-15 22-07-23 22-09-30
Consulate Docks 11-03-24 11-06-01 ... 21-06-05 21-08-13 21-10-21 21-12-29 22-03-08 22-05-16 22-07-24 22-10-01
Ring of Fire 11-03-25 11-06-02 ... 21-06-06 21-08-14 21-10-22 21-12-30 22-03-09 22-05-17 22-07-25 22-10-02
Nahpui Quarter 11-03-26 11-06-03 ... 21-06-07 21-08-15 21-10-23 21-12-31 22-03-10 22-05-18 22-07-26 22-10-03
The Dragon's Lair 11-03-27 11-06-04 ... 21-06-08 21-08-16 21-10-24 22-01-01 22-03-11 22-05-19 22-07-27 22-10-04
Dzagonur Bastion 11-03-28 11-06-05 ... 21-06-09 21-08-17 21-10-25 22-01-02 22-03-12 22-05-20 22-07-28 22-10-05
D'Alessio Seaboard 11-03-29 11-06-06 ... 21-06-10 21-08-18 21-10-26 22-01-03 22-03-13 22-05-21 22-07-29 22-10-06
Assault on the Stronghold 11-03-30 11-06-07 ... 21-06-11 21-08-19 21-10-27 22-01-04 22-03-14 22-05-22 22-07-30 22-10-07
The Eternal Grove 11-03-31 11-06-08 ... 21-06-12 21-08-20 21-10-28 22-01-05 22-03-15 22-05-23 22-07-31 22-10-08
Sanctum Cay 11-04-01 11-06-09 ... 21-06-13 21-08-21 21-10-29 22-01-06 22-03-16 22-05-24 22-08-01 22-10-09
Rilohn Refuge 11-04-02 11-06-10 ... 21-06-14 21-08-22 21-10-30 22-01-07 22-03-17 22-05-25 22-08-02 22-10-10
Warband of Brothers 11-04-03 11-06-11 ... 21-06-15 21-08-23 21-10-31 22-01-08 22-03-18 22-05-26 22-08-03 22-10-11
Borlis Pass 11-04-04 11-06-12 ... 21-06-16 21-08-24 21-11-01 22-01-09 22-03-19 22-05-27 22-08-04 22-10-12
Imperial Sanctum 11-04-05 11-06-13 ... 21-06-17 21-08-25 21-11-02 22-01-10 22-03-20 22-05-28 22-08-05 22-10-13
Moddok Crevice 11-04-06 11-06-14 ... 21-06-18 21-08-26 21-11-03 22-01-11 22-03-21 22-05-29 22-08-06 22-10-14
Nolani Academy 11-04-07 11-06-15 ... 21-06-19 21-08-27 21-11-04 22-01-12 22-03-22 22-05-30 22-08-07 22-10-15
Destruction's Depths 11-04-08 11-06-16 ... 21-06-20 21-08-28 21-11-05 22-01-13 22-03-23 22-05-31 22-08-08 22-10-16
Venta Cemetery 11-04-09 11-06-17 ... 21-06-21 21-08-29 21-11-06 22-01-14 22-03-24 22-06-01 22-08-09 22-10-17
Fort Ranik 11-04-10 11-06-18 ... 21-06-22 21-08-30 21-11-07 22-01-15 22-03-25 22-06-02 22-08-10 22-10-18
A Gate Too Far 11-04-11 11-06-19 ... 21-06-23 21-08-31 21-11-08 22-01-16 22-03-26 22-06-03 22-08-11 22-10-19
Minister Cho's Estate 11-04-12 11-06-20 ... 21-06-24 21-09-01 21-11-09 22-01-17 22-03-27 22-06-04 22-08-12 22-10-20
Thunderhead Keep 11-04-13 11-06-21 ... 21-06-25 21-09-02 21-11-10 22-01-18 22-03-28 22-06-05 22-08-13 22-10-21
Tihark Orchard 11-04-14 11-06-22 ... 21-06-26 21-09-03 21-11-11 22-01-19 22-03-29 22-06-06 22-08-14 22-10-22
Finding the Bloodstone 11-04-15 11-06-23 ... 21-06-27 21-09-04 21-11-12 22-01-20 22-03-30 22-06-07 22-08-15 22-10-23
Dunes of Despair 11-04-16 11-06-24 ... 21-06-28 21-09-05 21-11-13 22-01-21 22-03-31 22-06-08 22-08-16 22-10-24
Vizunah Square 11-04-17 11-06-25 ... 21-06-29 21-09-06 21-11-14 22-01-22 22-04-01 22-06-09 22-08-17 22-10-25
Jokanur Diggings 11-04-18 11-06-26 ... 21-06-30 21-09-07 21-11-15 22-01-23 22-04-02 22-06-10 22-08-18 22-10-26
Iron Mines of Moladune 11-04-19 11-06-27 ... 21-07-01 21-09-08 21-11-16 22-01-24 22-04-03 22-06-11 22-08-19 22-10-27
Kodonur Crossroads 11-04-20 11-06-28 ... 21-07-02 21-09-09 21-11-17 22-01-25 22-04-04 22-06-12 22-08-20 22-10-28
G.O.L.E.M. 11-04-21 11-06-29 ... 21-07-03 21-09-10 21-11-18 22-01-26 22-04-05 22-06-13 22-08-21 22-10-29
Arborstone 11-04-22 11-06-30 ... 21-07-04 21-09-11 21-11-19 22-01-27 22-04-06 22-06-14 22-08-22 22-10-30
Gates of Kryta 11-04-23 11-07-01 ... 21-07-05 21-09-12 21-11-20 22-01-28 22-04-07 22-06-15 22-08-23 22-10-31
Gate of Madness 11-04-24 11-07-02 ... 21-07-06 21-09-13 21-11-21 22-01-29 22-04-08 22-06-16 22-08-24 22-11-01
The Elusive Golemancer 11-04-25 11-07-03 ... 21-07-07 21-09-14 21-11-22 22-01-30 22-04-09 22-06-17 22-08-25 22-11-02
Riverside Province 11-04-26 11-07-04 ... 21-07-08 21-09-15 21-11-23 22-01-31 22-04-10 22-06-18 22-08-26 22-11-03
Boreas Seabed 11-04-27 11-07-05 ... 21-07-09 21-09-16 21-11-24 22-02-01 22-04-11 22-06-19 22-08-27 22-11-04
Ruins of Morah 11-04-28 11-07-06 ... 21-07-10 21-09-17 21-11-25 22-02-02 22-04-12 22-06-20 22-08-28 22-11-05
Hell's Precipice 11-04-29 11-07-07 ... 21-07-11 21-09-18 21-11-26 22-02-03 22-04-13 22-06-21 22-08-29 22-11-06
Ruins of Surmia 11-04-30 11-07-08 ... 21-07-12 21-09-19 21-11-27 22-02-04 22-04-14 22-06-22 22-08-30 22-11-07
Curse of the Nornbear 11-05-01 11-07-09 ... 21-07-13 21-09-20 21-11-28 22-02-05 22-04-15 22-06-23 22-08-31 22-11-08
Sunjiang District 11-05-02 11-07-10 ... 21-07-14 21-09-21 21-11-29 22-02-06 22-04-16 22-06-24 22-09-01 22-11-09
Elona Reach 11-05-03 11-07-11 ... 21-07-15 21-09-22 21-11-30 22-02-07 22-04-17 22-06-25 22-09-02 22-11-10
Gate of Pain 11-05-04 11-07-12 ... 21-07-16 21-09-23 21-12-01 22-02-08 22-04-18 22-06-26 22-09-03 22-11-11
Blood Washes Blood 11-05-05 11-07-13 ... 21-07-17 21-09-24 21-12-02 22-02-09 22-04-19 22-06-27 22-09-04 22-11-12
Bloodstone Fen 11-05-06 11-07-14 ... 21-07-18 21-09-25 21-12-03 22-02-10 22-04-20 22-06-28 22-09-05 22-11-13
Jennur's Horde 11-05-07 11-07-15 ... 21-07-19 21-09-26 21-12-04 22-02-11 22-04-21 22-06-29 22-09-06 22-11-14
Gyala Hatchery 11-05-08 11-07-16 ... 21-07-20 21-09-27 21-12-05 22-02-12 22-04-22 22-06-30 22-09-07 22-11-15
Abaddon's Gate 11-05-09 11-07-17 ... 21-07-21 21-09-28 21-12-06 22-02-13 22-04-23 22-07-01 22-09-08 22-11-16
The Frost Gate 11-05-10 11-07-18 ... 21-07-22 21-09-29 21-12-07 22-02-14 22-04-24 22-07-02 22-09-09 22-11-17

Previous cycles[edit]

11 June 2009 – 3 March 2011[edit]

Quest Days the quest was active
Destruction's Depths 09-06-11 09-08-18 09-10-25 10-01-01 10-03-10 10-05-17 10-07-24 10-09-30 10-12-07 11-02-13
Venta Cemetery 09-06-12 09-08-19 09-10-26 10-01-02 10-03-11 10-05-18 10-07-25 10-10-01 10-12-08 11-02-14
Fort Ranik 09-06-13 09-08-20 09-10-27 10-01-03 10-03-12 10-05-19 10-07-26 10-10-02 10-12-09 11-02-15
A Gate Too Far 09-06-14 09-08-21 09-10-28 10-01-04 10-03-13 10-05-20 10-07-27 10-10-03 10-12-10 11-02-16
Minister Cho's Estate 09-06-15 09-08-22 09-10-29 10-01-05 10-03-14 10-05-21 10-07-28 10-10-04 10-12-11 11-02-17
Thunderhead Keep 09-06-16 09-08-23 09-10-30 10-01-06 10-03-15 10-05-22 10-07-29 10-10-05 10-12-12 11-02-18
Tihark Orchard 09-06-17 09-08-24 09-10-31 10-01-07 10-03-16 10-05-23 10-07-30 10-10-06 10-12-13 11-02-19
Finding the Bloodstone 09-06-18 09-08-25 09-11-01 10-01-08 10-03-17 10-05-24 10-07-31 10-10-07 10-12-14 11-02-20
Dunes of Despair 09-06-19 09-08-26 09-11-02 10-01-09 10-03-18 10-05-25 10-08-01 10-10-08 10-12-15 11-02-21
Vizunah Square 09-06-20 09-08-27 09-11-03 10-01-10 10-03-19 10-05-26 10-08-02 10-10-09 10-12-16 11-02-22
Jokanur Diggings 09-06-21 09-08-28 09-11-04 10-01-11 10-03-20 10-05-27 10-08-03 10-10-10 10-12-17 11-02-23
Iron Mines of Moladune 09-06-22 09-08-29 09-11-05 10-01-12 10-03-21 10-05-28 10-08-04 10-10-11 10-12-18 11-02-24
Kodonur Crossroads 09-06-23 09-08-30 09-11-06 10-01-13 10-03-22 10-05-29 10-08-05 10-10-12 10-12-19 11-02-25
G.O.L.E.M. 09-06-24 09-08-31 09-11-07 10-01-14 10-03-23 10-05-30 10-08-06 10-10-13 10-12-20 11-02-26
Arborstone 09-06-25 09-09-01 09-11-08 10-01-15 10-03-24 10-05-31 10-08-07 10-10-14 10-12-21 11-02-27
Gates of Kryta 09-06-26 09-09-02 09-11-09 10-01-16 10-03-25 10-06-01 10-08-08 10-10-15 10-12-22 11-02-28
Gate of Madness 09-06-27 09-09-03 09-11-10 10-01-17 10-03-26 10-06-02 10-08-09 10-10-16 10-12-23 11-03-01
The Elusive Golemancer 09-06-28 09-09-04 09-11-11 10-01-18 10-03-27 10-06-03 10-08-10 10-10-17 10-12-24 11-03-02
Riverside Province 09-06-29 09-09-05 09-11-12 10-01-19 10-03-28 10-06-04 10-08-11 10-10-18 10-12-25 11-03-03
Boreas Seabed 09-06-30 09-09-06 09-11-13 10-01-20 10-03-29 10-06-05 10-08-12 10-10-19 10-12-26
Ruins of Morah 09-07-01 09-09-07 09-11-14 10-01-21 10-03-30 10-06-06 10-08-13 10-10-20 10-12-27
Hell's Precipice 09-07-02 09-09-08 09-11-15 10-01-22 10-03-31 10-06-07 10-08-14 10-10-21 10-12-28
Ruins of Surmia 09-07-03 09-09-09 09-11-16 10-01-23 10-04-01 10-06-08 10-08-15 10-10-22 10-12-29
Curse of the Nornbear 09-07-04 09-09-10 09-11-17 10-01-24 10-04-02 10-06-09 10-08-16 10-10-23 10-12-30
Sunjiang District 09-07-05 09-09-11 09-11-18 10-01-25 10-04-03 10-06-10 10-08-17 10-10-24 10-12-31
Elona Reach 09-07-06 09-09-12 09-11-19 10-01-26 10-04-04 10-06-11 10-08-18 10-10-25 11-01-01
Gate of Pain 09-07-07 09-09-13 09-11-20 10-01-27 10-04-05 10-06-12 10-08-19 10-10-26 11-01-02
Blood Washes Blood 09-07-08 09-09-14 09-11-21 10-01-28 10-04-06 10-06-13 10-08-20 10-10-27 11-01-03
Bloodstone Fen 09-07-09 09-09-15 09-11-22 10-01-29 10-04-07 10-06-14 10-08-21 10-10-28 11-01-04
Jennur's Horde 09-07-10 09-09-16 09-11-23 10-01-30 10-04-08 10-06-15 10-08-22 10-10-29 11-01-05
Gyala Hatchery 09-07-11 09-09-17 09-11-24 10-01-31 10-04-09 10-06-16 10-08-23 10-10-30 11-01-06
Abaddon's Gate 09-07-12 09-09-18 09-11-25 10-02-01 10-04-10 10-06-17 10-08-24 10-10-31 11-01-07
The Frost Gate 09-07-13 09-09-19 09-11-26 10-02-02 10-04-11 10-06-18 10-08-25 10-11-01 11-01-08
Augury Rock 09-07-14 09-09-20 09-11-27 10-02-03 10-04-12 10-06-19 10-08-26 10-11-02 11-01-09
Grand Court of Sebelkeh 09-07-15 09-09-21 09-11-28 10-02-04 10-04-13 10-06-20 10-08-27 10-11-03 11-01-10
Ice Caves of Sorrow 09-07-16 09-09-22 09-11-29 10-02-05 10-04-14 10-06-21 10-08-28 10-11-04 11-01-11
Raisu Palace 09-07-17 09-09-23 09-11-30 10-02-06 10-04-15 10-06-22 10-08-29 10-11-05 11-01-12
Gate of Desolation 09-07-18 09-09-24 09-12-01 10-02-07 10-04-16 10-06-23 10-08-30 10-11-06 11-01-13
Thirsty River 09-07-19 09-09-25 09-12-02 10-02-08 10-04-17 10-06-24 10-08-31 10-11-07 11-01-14
Blacktide Den 09-07-20 09-09-26 09-12-03 10-02-09 10-04-18 10-06-25 10-09-01 10-11-08 11-01-15
Against the Charr 09-07-21 09-09-27 09-12-04 10-02-10 10-04-19 10-06-26 10-09-02 10-11-09 11-01-16
Abaddon's Mouth 09-07-22 09-09-28 09-12-05 10-02-11 10-04-20 10-06-27 10-09-03 10-11-10 11-01-17
Nundu Bay 09-07-23 09-09-29 09-12-06 10-02-12 10-04-21 10-06-28 10-09-04 10-11-11 11-01-18
Divinity Coast 09-07-24 09-09-30 09-12-07 10-02-13 10-04-22 10-06-29 10-09-05 10-11-12 11-01-19
Zen Daijun 09-07-25 09-10-01 09-12-08 10-02-14 10-04-23 10-06-30 10-09-06 10-11-13 11-01-20
Tahnnakai Temple 09-07-26 09-10-02 09-12-09 10-02-15 10-04-24 10-07-01 10-09-07 10-11-14 11-01-21
The Great Northern Wall 09-07-27 09-10-03 09-12-10 10-02-16 10-04-25 10-07-02 10-09-08 10-11-15 11-01-22
Dasha Vestibule 09-07-28 09-10-04 09-12-11 10-02-17 10-04-26 10-07-03 10-09-09 10-11-16 11-01-23
The Wilds 09-07-29 09-10-05 09-12-12 10-02-18 10-04-27 10-07-04 10-09-10 10-11-17 11-01-24
Unwaking Waters 09-07-30 09-10-06 09-12-13 10-02-19 10-04-28 10-07-05 10-09-11 10-11-18 11-01-25
Chahbek Village 09-07-31 09-10-07 09-12-14 10-02-20 10-04-29 10-07-06 10-09-12 10-11-19 11-01-26
Aurora Glade 09-08-01 09-10-08 09-12-15 10-02-21 10-04-30 10-07-07 10-09-13 10-11-20 11-01-27
A Time for Heroes 09-08-02 09-10-09 09-12-16 10-02-22 10-05-01 10-07-08 10-09-14 10-11-21 11-01-28
Consulate Docks 09-08-03 09-10-10 09-12-17 10-02-23 10-05-02 10-07-09 10-09-15 10-11-22 11-01-29
Ring of Fire 09-08-04 09-10-11 09-12-18 10-02-24 10-05-03 10-07-10 10-09-16 10-11-23 11-01-30
Nahpui Quarter 09-08-05 09-10-12 09-12-19 10-02-25 10-05-04 10-07-11 10-09-17 10-11-24 11-01-31
The Dragon's Lair 09-08-06 09-10-13 09-12-20 10-02-26 10-05-05 10-07-12 10-09-18 10-11-25 11-02-01
Dzagonur Bastion 09-08-07 09-10-14 09-12-21 10-02-27 10-05-06 10-07-13 10-09-19 10-11-26 11-02-02
D'Alessio Seaboard 09-08-08 09-10-15 09-12-22 10-02-28 10-05-07 10-07-14 10-09-20 10-11-27 11-02-03
Assault on the Stronghold 09-08-09 09-10-16 09-12-23 10-03-01 10-05-08 10-07-15 10-09-21 10-11-28 11-02-04
The Eternal Grove 09-08-10 09-10-17 09-12-24 10-03-02 10-05-09 10-07-16 10-09-22 10-11-29 11-02-05
Sanctum Cay 09-08-11 09-10-18 09-12-25 10-03-03 10-05-10 10-07-17 10-09-23 10-11-30 11-02-06
Rilohn Refuge 09-08-12 09-10-19 09-12-26 10-03-04 10-05-11 10-07-18 10-09-24 10-12-01 11-02-07
Warband of Brothers 09-08-13 09-10-20 09-12-27 10-03-05 10-05-12 10-07-19 10-09-25 10-12-02 11-02-08
Borlis Pass 09-08-14 09-10-21 09-12-28 10-03-06 10-05-13 10-07-20 10-09-26 10-12-03 11-02-09
Imperial Sanctum 09-08-15 09-10-22 09-12-29 10-03-07 10-05-14 10-07-21 10-09-27 10-12-04 11-02-10
Moddok Crevice 09-08-16 09-10-23 09-12-30 10-03-08 10-05-15 10-07-22 10-09-28 10-12-05 11-02-11
Nolani Academy 09-08-17 09-10-24 09-12-31 10-03-09 10-05-16 10-07-23 10-09-29 10-12-06 11-02-12

23 April 2009 – 11 June 2009[edit]

Quest Days the quest was active
Blood Washes Blood 09-04-23
Blacktide Den 09-04-24
Thunderhead Keep 09-04-25
Raisu Palace 09-04-26
The Elusive Golemancer 09-04-27
Ring of Fire 09-04-28
Consulate Docks 09-04-29
Divinity Coast 09-04-30
Nahpui Quarter 09-05-01
Curse of the Nornbear 09-05-02
Dzagonur Bastion 09-05-03
Boreas Seabed 09-05-04
Riverside Province 09-05-05
G.O.L.E.M. 09-05-06
Venta Cemetery 09-05-07
The Dragon's Lair 09-05-08
Tahnnakai Temple 09-05-09
Dasha Vestibule 09-05-10
Assault on the Stronghold 09-05-11
Gates of Kryta 09-05-12
Zen Daijun 09-05-13
Fort Ranik 09-05-14
The Eternal Grove 09-05-15
Moddok Crevice 09-05-16
Thirsty River 09-05-17
Jokanur Diggings 09-05-18
Sunjiang District 09-05-19
Borlis Pass 09-05-20
Against the Charr 09-05-21
Gate of Pain 09-05-22
Aurora Glade 09-05-23
Grand Court of Sebelkeh 09-05-24
Minister Cho's Estate 09-05-25
Elona Reach 09-05-26
Nundu Bay 09-05-27
Sanctum Cay 09-05-28
Chahbek Village 09-05-29
Iron Mines of Moladune 09-05-30
Tihark Orchard 09-05-31
Arborstone 09-06-01
Finding the Bloodstone 09-06-02
The Frost Gate 09-06-03
Kodonur Crossroads 09-06-04
Gyala Hatchery 09-06-05
Destruction's Depths 09-06-06
The Wilds 09-06-07
Unwaking Waters 09-06-08
Ruins of Morah 09-06-09
Nolani Academy 09-06-10
Jennur's Horde 09-06-11