Deldrimor Staff

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Disambig icon.png This article is about the non-unique item. For the unique item of the same name, see Deldrimor Staff (unique).
Deldrimor Staff
Deldrimor Staff.jpg
Type Staff
Campaign Prophecies
Divine Favor
Healing Prayers
Protection Prayers
Smiting Prayers
Blood Magic
Death Magic
Soul Reaping
Domination Magic
Fast Casting
Illusion Magic
Inspiration Magic
Air Magic
Earth Magic
Energy Storage
Fire Magic
Water Magic
Channeling Magic
Restoration Magic
Spawning Power
Damage type(s) Dependent on attribute
PvP reward class Fancy
8 Silver Zaishen Coin

Inventory icon Deldrimor Staff.png

The Deldrimor Staff was introduced in the April 24, 2008 game update and is part of the Deldrimor set. It is available for any caster attribute. It is inscribable.


Crafted by Grand Mason Stonecleaver in Droknar's Forge (explorable area) for: 10 Platinum, 10 Deldrimor Steel Ingot(s), and 10 Steel Ingot(s).


<Type> damage: 11-22 (Requires 9 <attribute>)
Energy +10
Halves skill recharge of spells (Chance: 20%)
Inscription: None


Dye affects both the gem in the head of the staff and the wrapping at the base of the staff. The default colour can be closely replicated with brown dye.

Deldrimor Staff dye chart.jpg


Other items with this appearance:

Deldrimor weapons (gallery)
Non-unique (gold) AxeDaggersFlatbowFocusHornbowLongbowMaulRecurve BowScepterScytheShieldShortbowSpearStaffSword
Unique (green) AxeBladesDaggersKnivesFlatbowFocusHornbowLongbowMaulRecurve BowScepterShieldShortbowStaffReaperScytheShearImpalerJavelinSpearSword