Anniversary Axe "Engrave"

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Anniversary Axe "Engrave"
Runic Axe.jpg
Type Axe
Campaign Core
Energy Storage
Damage type(s) Cold damage
Inventory icon Runic Axe.png

Anniversary Axe "Engrave" is an inscribable gold rarity axe obtained from Ancient Anniversary Weaponsmith in Embark Beach during the Anniversary Celebration in exchange for 5 Proofs of Legend.


Cold Dmg: 6-28 (Requires 9 Energy Storage)
Inscription: None
Crafted in tribute to an enduring legend.


This axe uses the same skin as a Runic Axe dyed red, but cannot be dyed.


This item cannot be replicated, as no other axe has an Energy Storage requirement.


  • This weapon is automatically customized for the character that obtains it.
Anomaly Anomaly.This axe deals cold damage inherently, not as a result of an Icy axe haft. The axe can still be upgraded with a non-elemental damage Axe Haft without removing the cold damage.


Anniversary weapons (gallery)
Elementalist AxeRitualist FlatbowAssassin ShortbowParagon DaggersMonk HammerNecromancer ScytheMesmer ShieldWarrior SpearDervish StaffRanger Sword