Feedback:Bug reports/Art bugs/Undetermined status (final archive)
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Map: Diessa Lowlands
Issue: Piece of map 1 inch away from Ascalon Foothills portal (west) is not lined up with actual character location
How to fix: Shift pieces of map to compensate
Additional info: None
- If possible, can you describe the problem more in detail and link a screen shot showing the exact spot the disparity occurs. This would be very helpful! Thanks! --Michelle Juett 22:35, 4 January 2010 (UTC)
Spirit: Spirit of Life
Current Spirit of Life / What it should be
Issue: This spirit uses the "attacking" spirit model but doesn't actually attack
How to fix: Make it use the "passive" spirit model
Additional info: None
NPC: Dwarven Sage
Issue: During Wintersday, a Dwarven Sage is stuck in a wall in Droknar's Forge.
How to fix: Move him out of the wall.
Additional info: None.
Non Player Charater Art: Luxon Diplomat
Issue: teh hairpin is visible if you face him but not if viewin from behind
How to fix: dunno how a texture is only visivle from one side
Additional info: true for every other npc with taht model like coran the gtob costume man
NPC: Temple Acolyte (Prophecies)
Issue: He has a Floating head shadow
How to fix: He should has a complete Shadow
Additional info: He is on Temple of Ages
- This Bug shares the model,Lions arch and Ascalon(pre searing) Share it,not just the one in Temple of the Ages--Neil2250
17:53, 28 January 2010 (UTC)
Dwayna Statue bug
Statue: Dwayna's Statue
Issue: While being AFK in Sardelac Sanitarium , i noticed that the Shining beam of light that comes from The base of the dwaynas statue was slightly off, i hasten to take a guese it was because of how the searing tilted Everything within an 100 mile radius.
How to fix: Tilt the statue back a few degrees
Additional info: Only happens in this town within asclon,i think.
--Neil2250 17:07, 1 February 2010 (UTC)
EotN quest completion banner
Banner: Eye of the North quest completion banner
Issue: There is a row of stray pixels at the bottom of the graphic.
How to fix: Remove the extra pixels.
Additional info: None.
Kinya Province Tree Bug
Tree: Kinya Province Tree
Issue: A leaf is outside of the tree.
How to fix: Delete or move the leaf back to the tree.
Additional info: Seen overlooking the water in Kinya Province
- /facepalm...
Rose Of Kali 02:21, 1 March 2010 (UTC)
Missing Ferndale polygons
Terrain: Ferndale
Issue: A bit of the rock face seems to be missing.
How to fix: Add a polygon or two to cover it up.
Additional info: None.
Gunnar's Hold Flames
Tent: Rune Trader's Tent in Gunnar's Hold
Issue: Graphical flickering, see top middle/right of screenshots. Last screenshot is how "normally" looks between the flickers.
How to fix: No idea.
Additional info: None.
- I'm unable to reproduce this. For me, a thin strip at the top of the tent's valance disappears depending on viewing angle and distance, but the game is full of "bugs" like that (female monk's knees showing through one of the pants at a distance, some hair styles glitching at a distance showing stuff through, other inanimate objects and scenery looking different at a distance, and I'm not talking just the fuzzy until you get close enough to render it) and trust me, those aren't getting fixed, ever. The "flickering" in your screenshots looks very much like a graphics card issue. I had things like this happen when my old power supply was dying and when the graphics card was overheating.
Rose Of Kali 11:05, 8 March 2010 (UTC)
Snowy surfaces blocking foreground objects
Terrain: Snowy patches in EotN
Issue: The snowing coating on the ground and railings occasionally seems to obscure objects, particularly enemy NPCs, that are closer to the camera.
How to fix: Change the drawing order for the snowy patches, I suppose.
Additional info: The enemies' weapons are not obscured. In the second screenshot, you can see that the snow blocks out the Chilling Wisp in front of it but not Zho.
- That's an issue with the creatures themselves being transparent. Take the mini water djinn or celestial and let it walk around in some grass or water - it disappears completely. Same with Chaos gloves. And plenty of other objects. That's an issue with the game engine and how it renders overlapping transparencies. In those cases, the problem is that under that snow they have a layer of transparent ice, so the snow is being rendered on top of a transparent object and the wisps get covered also. Not sure of the exact mechanics, but this is a recurring "theme" with transparencies everywhere, including armor such as the female Paragon Vabbian skirt. The vaettir just looks to be physically inside that wall and is a different "cup o' tea."
Rose Of Kali 12:54, 21 March 2010 (UTC)
- That explanation made a frightening amount of sense. Thanks Rose! --Irgendwer 13:55, 23 March 2010 (UTC)
Vanishing wall in Sunjiang District (explorable)
Terrain: Sunjiang District (explorable area)
Issue: A disconcertingly large piece of wall disappears in Sunjiang District when you face more than a few degrees east of north.
How to fix: Make the wall a little more persistent.
Additional info: None.
Floating Tree(s) in Grothmar Wardowns (explorable)
Terrain: Grothmar Wardowns
Issue: Specific tree(s) missing trunk or whatever is meant to go below that which is floating.
How to fix: Check model(s) or possible surroundings that might clip the model(s).
Additional info: None.
Female Elem. Hair Style
Player Character Art: Female Elementalist Hair Style
Issue: Hairstyle adds a shadow on character's face that is still visible when wearing some hats/masks like shown on the picture.
How to fix: I'm not a specialist but I guess shadow was added for purpose. But maybe It could just disappear when wearing hats such as bandanna/Rudi Mask/Dwayna's Diadem etc.
Additional info: None
- This is not just Female Elementalist, other "over the face" Nightfall hairstyles have this too, but haven't noticed any with Factions or Prophecies hair. Female Necro hairstyles number 6, 7, 8 are also particularly bad.
Rose Of Kali 14:50, 16 April 2010 (UTC)
William Stafford's weapon racks
scenery behind: William Stafford
Issue: The weapon racks behind him have White Mantle logos on them. Seems rather odd in the middle of a Shining Blade camp, eh? They could have at least defiled the logos if the racks were supposedly looted from the enemy...
How to fix: Replace with a generic rack or add Shining Blade logos or defile the White Mantle logos
Additional info: None
Tanned runes
Material Icon: Tanned Hide Square
Issue: Shows the Icon of a rune instead of the tanned hides
How to fix: Just minor art error, just need to make sure that tanned hides icon show instead of runes.
Additional info: Was crafted from Corsair Raiment after taking off Minion Master's Insignia.
- Can some one fix my post?--??Sweet ? Sweet?? 02:12, 22 April 2010 (UTC)
- Fixed. --Silver Edge 02:34, 22 April 2010 (UTC)
- The image isn't there. O_o
Rose Of Kali 02:44, 22 April 2010 (UTC)
- Fixed, the image was moved. --Silver Edge 02:50, 22 April 2010 (UTC)
- The image isn't there. O_o
- Fixed. --Silver Edge 02:34, 22 April 2010 (UTC)
White Mantle Warrior male model Bug
NPCs: [[White Mantle Warriors ]]
Issue: The Leg on the NPC's left side looks to be cut from the model below the waist.
How to fix: Connect the leg and skin to the rest of the model.
Additional info: This issue is only on the male model and it even more noticable when the NPC dies face down. Also The White Mantle Warrior Male model is used on the White Mantle Engineer, White Mantle Justiciar, White Mantle Knight, and the White Mantle Zealot. Their are more NPCs that use this model listed here [1] Under the White Mantle section.
Rocktail's Stinger
Sword: Rocktail's Stinger
Issue: The wind animation when swinging the blade is rather broken. I don't know if this is an issue with the Wyvern Blade skin in general, since I don't have one to test.
How to fix: The blade appears to be swung like other blades, so the animation should probably match that of other blades.
Additional info: Since Turai's Sword has a similar problem because it was meant for a different model than the player's, maybe this sword wasn't originally meant for the player?
Consumables: Sparkler
Issue: Above a certain part of the floor in Tahnnakai Temple (outpost) the sparkler appears to be under the floor.
How to fix: Make the sparkler appear above the floor.
Additional info: None.
--~Noseless 18:01, 30 April 2010 (UTC)
Into the North Cinematic Missing Essential Graphical Effects
Cinematic: Into the North
Issue: The fire next to Jora does not render, the lights on the Asuran gate do not render (see first image for perfect version, second image for bugged version)
How to fix: Make those effects appear!
Additional info: You can watch the video capture of a perfectly working version of the cinematic at YouTube. Without the fire and the lights on the Asuran gate, it is hard to make sense of the cinematic.
- Uchiha.Madoka 06:42, 3 May 2010 (UTC)
Colossal Pick
Hammer: Colossal Pick
Issue: In "Colossal Pick" there is the word colossal.
How to fix: Make the pick colossal.
Additional info: none
Yseron - 20:46, 28 May 2010 (UTC)
dyeing a weapon
Makeing a Nightbringer from Adept Bishu [Collector] in Zin Ku Corridor,I was able to do it but it won't let me dye it like I should be able 2.It even tells u to so it can be compleat.I just wanted it to mach my armor.I know the Nightbringer can't be dyed thats why i made this one.
Various Graphic Bugs
I've decided to report these here in hopes that this time around the report will actually do something, though after years of nothing having been done on these bugs that I reported back then I've lost a bit of hope on fixes. :/ Imaginos 18:48, 18 June 2010 (UTC)
In World Graphic Glitch: Kodash Bazaar Stair Bug
Issue: Stairs in Kodash Bazaar have an extra polygon sticking out of them.
How to fix: Go in to the world file for kodash bazaar and remove the stray polygon.
Additional info: This bug is located behind Baram the skill trainer and has been there since release, which is when I first reported this bug. It can only be seen from the right hand side as the back of the polygon has no texture. Click image for bigger pic.
Stygian Daggers are asymmetrical
Daggers: Stygian Daggers
Issue: Stygian Daggers are not mirrored from one hand to the other
How to fix: Flip the 3D model for the character's right dagger to be mirrored.
Additional info: None
Tyrian / Leather Female Ranger Armor Bug
Armor: Ranger Tyrian armor
Issue: Clipping issue on the left shoulder of the female ranger.
How to fix: Fix the clipping.
Additional info: This bug has been on the Ranger Tyrian armor page forever.
Sanderevers 06:20, 3 July 2010 (UTC)
Cape clips with weapons and elbow
Cape: Cape
Issue: The guild cape can clip with various weapons including all Spears and Staves. The cape also clips with the female monk's right elbow
How to fix: Modify the cape model and/or the other models
Additional info: There have been reports of something clipping with the guild cape on all professions except Paragon.
War_Pig5 21:58, 20 July 2010 (UTC)
Oppressor's Spear does not dye like the other Oppressor's weapons
Issue: The red glass parts of the shaft do not dye. They properly change color on the Oppressor's Staff, Oppressor's Axe, Oppressor's Hammer, etc.
How to fix: Make the shaft dye like the other Oppressor's weapons, e.g. the Staff.
Additional info:
Rose Of Kali 22:04, 29 January 2011 (UTC)
Rollo Lowlo
Henchman Graphical Glitch: Rollo Lowlo
Issue: no visible model, just an illuminated grid visible. detected while watching ha-match
How to fix: draw the right model
Additional info: none
Oppressor's Staff opacity
weapon art bug: Oppressor's Staff
Issue: Whole "pole" part of the staff is transparent. The head and ending are normal
How to fix: Make the pole texture fully opaque
Additional info: This bug was observed on energy storage staff, but I assume the other ones have the same issue. --Goniek Talk 20:53, 5 February 2011 (UTC)
Actually, it's only the part that's red by default, and it looks to be by design, like it's made of glass. As you can note, the other parts of the shaft are fully opaque.Edit: My bad, it's more or less visible, depending on the dye color. The other weapons seem to have fully opaque shafts. This is the second bug with Oppressor's weapons, along with the spear described above.Rose Of Kali 21:51, 6 February 2011 (UTC)
Mercenary hero stick figure
Non player character: Mercenary Hero
Issue: Mercenary heroes get turned into a stick figure when they are outside of your compass range.
How to fix: Make it so the normal hero appears.
Additional info: Is only visible in the inventory (i) tab.
Waar Kijk Je Naar 11:11, 7 March 2011 (UTC)
Mercenary Armor color
Non player character: Mercenary Hero
Issue: Mercenary heroes's armors don't dye correctly if the character they are generated from has armor pieces dyed with the dye system predating Nightfall. They always take the default color of the armor in the old dye system.
How to fix: Make it so the color is correctly copied, or give some sort of warning to users if this fix is not possible.
Additional info: It appears this is the same issue (or a very similar one) with the coloring of the armors showed in the Hall of Monuments if the player wears an armor dyed before the dye update.
Beacon of the Unseen clipping
Offhand: Beacon of the Unseen
Issue: Clips into leg with male Ritualists
How to fix: make it float more to the left
Additional info: See Talk:Luminescent Lantern. (talk) 18:41, 28 July 2011 (UTC)