Hall of Monuments Reward Calculator

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Hall of Monuments Reward Calculator
Calculator 50.jpg
Campaign Core
Title type Account

The Hall of Monuments Reward Calculator, located at hom.guildwars2.com, allows players to view the rewards for which they are eligible in Guild Wars 2 (GW2). You can earn points by dedicating achievements in your Guild Wars (GW1) Hall of Monuments (HoM), which will enable your characters to obtain in-game rewards in GW2 after you link accounts of the two games. You can earn up to 50 reward points: four of the monuments offer up to 8 points and the fifth offers up to 18.

Rewards points are account-wide; you earn points for each unique statue dedicated by any character from your account. You can earn all your points through the achievements of a single character or a combination of multiple characters. Each new point unlocks one of the pets, miniatures, or items. Every fifth point unlocks a title that can be displayed in GW2. Although you can earn up to 50 points, only the first 30 points give in-game rewards, and the last 20 give just titles.


Points Requirement
Guild Wars 2 Reward Points Yellow.png
Any Miniature Statue
Guild Wars 2 Reward Points Yellow.png
Rare Miniature Statue
Guild Wars 2 Reward Points Yellow.png
Unique Miniature Statue
Guild Wars 2 Reward Points Yellow.png
20 Miniature Statues
(Full Display)
Guild Wars 2 Reward Points Yellow.png
30 Miniature Statues
Guild Wars 2 Reward Points Yellow.png
40 Miniature Statues
Guild Wars 2 Reward Points Yellow.png
50 Miniature Statues
Total points: 8
Points Requirement
Guild Wars 2 Reward Points Yellow.png
Any Hero Statue
Guild Wars 2 Reward Points Yellow.png
Any Pet Statue
Guild Wars 2 Reward Points Yellow.png
Any Rare Pet Statue
Guild Wars 2 Reward Points Yellow.png
5 Companion Statues
(Full Display)
Guild Wars 2 Reward Points Yellow.png
10 Companion Statues
Guild Wars 2 Reward Points Yellow.png
20 Companion Statues
Guild Wars 2 Reward Points Yellow.png
30 Companion Statues
Total points: 8
Points Requirement
Guild Wars 2 Reward Points Yellow.png
Accounts Linked
Guild Wars 2 Reward Points Yellow.png
Any Statue
Guild Wars 2 Reward Points Yellow.png
1 PvP Statue
Guild Wars 2 Reward Points Yellow.png
5 Statues
(Full Display)
Guild Wars 2 Reward Points Yellow.png
10 Statues
Guild Wars 2 Reward Points Yellow.png
15 Statues
Guild Wars 2 Reward Points Yellow.png
20 Statues
Guild Wars 2 Reward Points Yellow.png
25 Statues
Guild Wars 2 Reward Points Yellow.png
30 Statues
Guild Wars 2 Reward Points Yellow.png
35 Statues
Guild Wars 2 Reward Points Yellow.png
40 Statues
Total points: 18
Points Requirement
Guild Wars 2 Reward Points Yellow.png
Any Armor Statue
Guild Wars 2 Reward Points Yellow.png
3 Armor Statues
Guild Wars 2 Reward Points Yellow.png
5 Armor Statues
(Full Display)
Guild Wars 2 Reward Points Yellow.png
7 Armor Statues
Guild Wars 2 Reward Points Yellow.png
Kurzick or Luxon Armor Statue
Guild Wars 2 Reward Points Yellow.png
Vabbian Armor Statue
Guild Wars 2 Reward Points Yellow.png
Obsidian Armor Statue
Total points: 8
Points Requirement
Guild Wars 2 Reward Points Yellow.png
Any Weapon Statue
Guild Wars 2 Reward Points Yellow.png
Destroyer Weapon Statue
Guild Wars 2 Reward Points Yellow.png
Tormented Weapon Statue
Guild Wars 2 Reward Points Yellow.png
Oppressor Weapon Statue
Guild Wars 2 Reward Points Yellow.png
5 Weapon Statues
Guild Wars 2 Reward Points Yellow.png
11 Weapon Statues
(Full Display)
Guild Wars 2 Reward Points Yellow.png
15 Weapon Statues
Total points: 8


Points Icon Reward(s) Reward type Title
1 Heritage Shoes.jpg Heritage Boots.jpg Heritage Warboots.jpg Heritage Shoes, Boots, Warboots Armor/costume
2 Heritage Pants.jpg Heritage Legguards.jpg Heritage Legplates.jpg Heritage Pants, Legguards, Legplates Armor/costume
3 Heritage Great Coat.jpg Heritage Jerkin.jpg Heritage Warplate.jpg Heritage Great Coat, Jerkin, Warplate Armor/costume
4 Heritage Gloves.jpg Heritage Armguards.jpg Heritage Gauntlets.jpg Heritage Gloves, Armguards, Gauntlets Armor/costume
5 Heritage Mantle.jpg Heritage Shoulderpads.jpg Heritage Pauldrons.jpg Reward Title.jpg Heritage Mantle, Shoulderpads, Pauldrons Armor/costume Traveler
6 Heritage Masque.jpg Heritage Bandana.jpg Heritage Warhelm.jpg Heritage Masque, Bandana, Warhelm Armor/costume
7 Gnarled Walking Stick.jpg Gnarled Walking Stick Weapon
8 Living Shortbow.jpg Living Shortbow Weapon
9 Orange Tabby Cat.jpg Orange Tabby Cat Miniature
10 Fiery Dragon Sword gw2.jpg Reward Title.jpg Fiery Dragon Sword Weapon Guild Warrior
11 Diamond Aegis gw2.jpg Diamond Aegis Shield Weapon
12 Baroque Mask.jpg Baroque Mask Armor/costume
13 Centurion's Claw.jpg Centurion's Claw Weapon
14 Wheelock Rifle.jpg Wheelock Rifle Weapon
15 Orrian Baby Chicken.jpg Black Moa gw2.jpg Reward Title.jpg Orrian Baby Chicken
Black Moa
Animal companion
Rift Warden
16 Wayward Wand gw2.jpg Wayward Wand Weapon
17 Seathunder Pistol.jpg Seathunder Pistol Weapon
18 Heavenly Bracers.jpg Heavenly Bracers Armor/costume
19 Deldrimor Mace.jpg Deldrimor Mace Weapon
20 Chimeric Prism gw2.jpg Rainbow Jellyfish.jpg Reward Title.jpg Chimeric Prism
Rainbow Jellyfish
Animal companion
21 Rockfur Raccoon.jpg Rockfur Raccoon Miniature
22 Ithas Longbow.jpg Ithas Longbow Weapon
23 Fellblade gw2 hom reward.jpg Fellblade Weapon
24 Icelord's Diadem.jpg Icelord's Diadem Armor/costume
25 Ice Breaker gw2.jpg White Raven Skin.jpg Reward Title.jpg Ice Breaker
White Raven Skin [sic]
Animal companion
26 Flaming Beacon.jpg Flaming Beacon Weapon
27 Red Servitor Golem.jpg Red Servitor Golem Miniature
28 Stygian Reaver gw2.jpg Stygian Reaver Weapon
29 Mountaincall Warhorn.jpg Mountaincall Warhorn Weapon
30 Fire God's Vambraces.jpg Black Widow Spider gw2.jpg Reward Title.jpg Fire God's Vambraces
Black Widow Spider
Animal companion
Closer to the Stars
35 Reward Title.jpg Ghostly Hero
40 Reward Title.jpg Flameseeker
45 Reward Title.jpg Legend of the Mists
50 Reward Title.jpg Champion of the Gods


  • You can use the calculator to determine if a character's name is in-use without logging into the game.
Calculator notes
  • Before dedicating any statue, each character must place a tapestry at the relevant HoM monument.
  • The calculator code is very solid and stable; to resolve issues, first check the FAQ, the notes here, and those on the articles for the individual monuments.
    • You must log out of your character in order to see newly added statues reflected in your HoM Calculator score.
    • Some players will also need to restart their browser or refresh its cache, particularly after changing characters.
    • There's a rare bug where the calculator's CSS doesn't load properly.
  • Everyone will earn three automatic HoM points for Accounts Linked — since you cannot receive any rewards without linking accounts, the calculator assumes that you will have linked your GW1 and GW2 accounts.
Reward notes (Hall of Monuments/Guild Wars 2)
  • The GW2 rewards are available for all the characters on your GW2 account; they are free to generate and infinite amounts of each item can be created.
  • Your calculator score is based on all dedicated achievements across your account, e.g. you can dedicate statues for armor on one character and weapons on another. However, you only receive points for each unique achievement, e.g. each miniature counts only once, each weapon counts only once.
  • You cannot trade HoM reward items with other accounts.
  • You are able to continue to earn points in GW1 even though GW2 has been released.
    • The player can link their game accounts from the ArenaNet website.
    • To access your HoM in GW2 use a Hall of Monuments Portal Stone.
    • You do not have to re-use character names to link accounts or to receive the HoM benefits.
    • You are only able to link one GW1 account to a single GW2 account and vice-versa.
    • You are not able to link a GW1 account to a Steam GW2 account.
Bug Bug.When adding "Animal Companion" to the calculator, it does not add the "Any Pet" point but instead adds 1 to "Any Hero" statue. It still counts in-game correctly, this is purely a calculator visual bug.

See also[edit]


  • The Hall of Monuments Reward Calculator was introduced in October of 2010 and officially left the beta stage in May 2017.

External links[edit]

Hall of Monuments
Reward CalculatorGuide to earning rewards