A proposal for areanet or ncsoft concerning pets[edit]
As well as some you I too am quite unhappy with this whole generic staues things, and i bet whats going to happen is that "elite pets" are going to be carried on to gw2 and if you have a generic statue you get a choice of getting a wolf, bear or lynx, (something like this). I am quite annoyed about this because i want to carry on my dune lizard that im leveling up now on to gw2 and when i put it on to the hall in gw2 im going to get a crappy bear or something. Area net obviously wont make an update so you a staue each for of the "non elite pets" which i find quite annoying but atleat can they make an update so that when you view the generic statue it show you in a little window what species the pet was and what its name was so hopefullf youll get it back for your new charecters in gw2. I know they'll probably be more lizard like things that i can tame in gw2 but the hall of monuments is more about personalisation and charying on acheivements and charecteristics to gw2 so i think it should be possible to carry on all types of pets should be carried on. If areanet are so keen about elite pets that they can just have higher stas and have their own satatue (which they have but you know) but just have an info bar about the pet that was uploaded in the generic statue, its just an little update that will have a massive difference. please people propose this idea to other forums so it will catch areanet's or ncsoft's attention because your asking them to do too much by asking them for individual statues (it isnt actually too much but you know)--Rehanabey 11:11, 27 March 2008 (UTC)
- Do you honestly think that if you put a pet into your Hall of Monuments that 200 some years later it will still be alive? You wont be able to get any of your real items in Guild Wars 2, they will just slightly make your characters better. — ク Eloc 貢
Okkkkkkkk…….. first I what to say that what I said above about the transfer of pets is a guess and I know that may seem as the main point on proposal it isn’t. My main point is just no matter what the effect on gw2 the pet statues have, for the generic statue has a window should appear to record the species and the name. e.g. lets say black moa statue get your companion to grow black wings, rainbow phoenix get your companion to grow rainbow talons, the black widow gets your pet to grow 8 limbs while the generic statue just adds a bonus to stats, then at least this sort of enchantment thingy should say affect of legendary pet “lizzie” for the generic statue bonus (I’m not saying anything like this is going to happen or if it will even be enchantment). I AM JUST TALKING ABOUT RECORDING A PET’S NAME AND SPECIES ON A TABLE WHILE VIEWING A STATUE NO MATTER WHAT EFECTS PET STAUES HAVE ON GW2 THAT IS MY MAIN PROPOSAL.
My second point is about what you said against the popular idea of pet transfer between games. You said what makes you think your pet will be alive after 200 years; I think you should stop being realist about a storyline in a game about dragons rising from the dead. Guild wars haven’t crossed out the idea of pet transfer just armour, gold and weapons and they did say exclusive companions can be accessed through the hall. My assumptions on how this might work is probably they rise from the dead or the monument magically comes alive ( I know that sounded immature but its just an crazy example before anyone goes condescending on me) or your character just randomly goes “ ha! My ancestor (or idol if your character is a different species) had that pet then so should I” and a random NPC in the hall bring it for you or you go on a random quest to get it. Or it could just randomly appear when you click the monument. So the idea can’t be completely crossed out. And if this is the effect that there will be no problem with the popular idea of transferring normal pets, and my guess on the elite pets, is that nothing like them can be found in the new game.
And before any of you say this update I’m proposing it’s going to be problem for people who have already added a generic pet statue to their hall or means that monument would need to disappear. Guild wars have done an update similar to this e.g. I bought long ago some canthan cabalist amour for my necro, but then the ignisia update came (I’m guessing when nightfall came out but I’m not sure when), my canthan cabalist armour just became canthan armour and its effect went and I had to get the money to buy the ignisias to get that effect again. So my idea is probable. --Rehanabey 11:12, 27 March 2008 (UTC) 16:44, 26 March 2008 (UTC)
- I think the main reason for the generic pet is (1) people will expect a different reward for every type of monument erected, which means more work to design rewards instead of building more things to do and earn in GW2, and (2) it's enough work to collect 3 elite pets and level them to 20, I would not want to have to collect and level every single one of them just to have a complete collection. --
Alaris 14:27, 27 March 2008 (UTC)
As I said i dont want a statue for every pet and just a window and if you still feel obliged to get every pet, I think you really shoudn't make out that people who pet a unique pet record are an exception because its uncommon for people to get a full hall as a goal, the people who want a unique pet statue (or in my case a window) outnumbers the amount of people who aim for a full hall. (not want, i mean aim every one wants a completed acount but some people don't have the time)And what you said about the developers dont have time well it is just a window ( why just asked for the window not the statue is because i did think about that the developers might be busy)--Rehanabey 17:59, 27 March 2008 (UTC)
- Ah, so you still only get one generic statue, but it shows what pet you uploaded. I guess that uploading another pet would replace the old one? If so, then you've killed my counter-arguments. --
Alaris 18:16, 27 March 2008 (UTC)
- Ah, so you still only get one generic statue, but it shows what pet you uploaded. I guess that uploading another pet would replace the old one? If so, then you've killed my counter-arguments. --
Cheers Alaris you've just made my day a whole lot better! finally someone understands what im asking! If my idea gets across and the reward for the pet statues is exclusive companions, im guessing/hoping that for elite pets there will be nothing like them in guild wars 2, while genric pets there will be plenty of other things like the pet you've uploaded but hopefully you'll inherited them from the hall, however if the generic statue doesn't give you a companion and just a bonus i still want to see from the hall what i uploaded and when gw2 comes out i will still be able to see what i uploaded to the generic statue netherless of the effects --Rehanabey 11:36, 29 March 2008 (UTC)
- =D I think that one worry developers might have with that is that people would still expect different rewards for uploading different pets, even if it only shows up on a plate. Otherwise, sounds like a good idea. --
Alaris 23:20, 3 April 2008 (UTC)
Ok my basic overview of my request is this: The animal companion statue can be interacted with to display a window, the window acts like a tombstone for the pet added possibly saying "this statue has been dedicated to the animal companion (pet's name here).This window will appear on gw2 as well. If try to add another "non elite pet" to the monument of fellowship it will replace the original generic statue and the window will display the new pet's name. The same effect will happen if you rename your pet. For those who have already added the statue they can go back and dedicate it to one of their pets or the statue will go away. No matter what pet name is displayed on the window, the bonus for the generic statue in gw2 will stay the same. The point of this however is to create a feeling of personalisation and customisation to your hall and it is to benefit those who feel that their normal pets should have a special place in the hall while it doesn't make the developers to do a lot of work. So it is possible. (the name the pet appearing when pet the cursor on it or when you press “alt” is also an alternative)--Rehanabey 16:08, 7 May 2008 (UTC)
- Okay, I agree. I want a completely Luxon HoM, and that means allowing my Reef Lurker to have it's own statue :( 06:06, 10 July 2008 (UTC)
Gwen / Thackeray conversation[edit]
After adding my Black Moa to the monument, I witnessed the following conversation in the HoM. I couldn't find it anywhere else:
- *Luitenant Thackeray stands next to Gwen* (didn't see him enter)
- Luitenant Thackeray: Cold today, isn't it?
- Gwen: That's why you came in here? To give me a weather report?
- Luitenant Thackeray: No. I...I just came to see how you were doing.
- Gwen: If I need to know how I'm doing, I'll come tell you.
- Gwen: I'm fine, by the way. Thank you for asking.
- Luitenant Thackeray: You are a hard woman to figure out, Gwen.
- *Luitenant Thackeray walks away*
Is it random? -- Karasu (talk) 13:22, 27 April 2009 (UTC)
- This is a random occurrence after the completion of the Wintersday quests - even after Wintersday. -- Azazel The Assassin\talk 06:41, 29 April 2009 (UTC)
What happens if you have a prestige pet in your menagerie? Can you add it?-- Cyberman 19:12, 29 April 2009 (UTC)
- If it is level 20, then yes. However, there is little point to it since the HoM is account based now ^_^ -- Azazel The Assassin\talk 20:07, 29 April 2009 (UTC)
- Well, what I meant was "add it without giving up your current pet". By now I was able to try - not possible :-/ So I'll have to drag an alt up to HoM.--
Cyberman 14:18, 13 June 2009 (UTC)
- Well, what I meant was "add it without giving up your current pet". By now I was able to try - not possible :-/ So I'll have to drag an alt up to HoM.--
5* livia ftw - Wuhy 04:49, 11 July 2009 (UTC)
Does the armor matter for HoM and GW2?[edit]
I'm fairly sure there hasn't been an answer by A-net, and I doubt we will know until it's released. I'm trying to get armor for all my heroes, and I'm wondering, if you dedicate a hero in say Sunspear armor, can you re-dedicate them in Primeval armor? same question for the EotN armors. I'm wondering because if the HoM doesn't take that into account, it'll make getting all the heroes a lot easier. ~Farlo Talk 00:43, 18 July 2010 (UTC)
Can't Remove Heros?[edit]
So, if you place a hero/pet in the monument, is there no way to replace it w/ something else? You can only put 5 of anything ever in it, and you can't change your mind, that's just what's stuck in there forever?Zeke64 04:31, 17 August 2010 (UTC)Cul
- You can add all of the heroes to the monument. To change which hero statues are displayed, talk to the monument again and either cycle the display or rearrange. — Tennessee Ernie Ford (TEF) 23:12, 4 November 2010 (UTC)
Adding pets[edit]
i have loads of pets level 20 and added them to the menagerie, and completely forgot about adding them to the hall of monuments so i've tried taking out some level 20 pets to add them to the hall of monuments and it wont let me add any of the pets i've tried. do i need to level the pet my self instead of just taking a level 20 out of the menagerie?
—The preceding unsigned comment was added by User: at 21:45, 4 November 2010 (UTC).
- It doesn't matter how the pet became L20. Talk to Wynn at the menagerie, get an L20 copy, and bring it to the HoM. Keep in mind that the only pets that you need are the Black Moa, the Black Widow, and the so-called Imperial Phoenix (yeah, you can present other pets, but you won't get any additional statues). — Tennessee Ernie Ford (TEF) 23:17, 4 November 2010 (UTC)
- For a while, pets obtained at level 20 from Wynn couldn't be added to the HoM. I don't know if this was intentional or a bug, but it was changed a while back so I'll remove the bug note. --
Kirbman 16:37, 23 September 2011 (UTC)
- For a while, pets obtained at level 20 from Wynn couldn't be added to the HoM. I don't know if this was intentional or a bug, but it was changed a while back so I'll remove the bug note. --
Anybody knows if you will be able to add Keiran to this monument at some point? Gaia 13:33, 24 January 2011 (UTC)
- John Stumme has suggested yes. See Keiran Thackeray#Armor for the source. — Tennessee Ernie Ford (TEF) 18:04, 24 January 2011 (UTC)
Reward points table on the "Fellowship" page, "Companion statue" meaning[edit]
What does the term "companion statue" refers to in this table is a bit confusing, since most of the times a companion means, basically, a pet. In this case "companion" means hero or both hero and pet? --The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs) at 08:30, 13 April 2011 (UTC).
- Animal companion = pet, but companion by itself doesn't have a definition (official or otherwise). So, in this case, as you surmise, it refers to any of the 30 NPCs that you can add to your party that happen to have a statue in the HoM. — Tennessee Ernie Ford (TEF) 08:41, 13 April 2011 (UTC)
Cannot add heroes anymore[edit]
Well, I seem to have come across a problem. I need to add just one more hero to my HoM to end up with 40/50, but the game wouldn't allow me to add Pyre to the HoM despite meeting the conditions. So I wasted some gold to get Livia brotherhood armor as well, but the problem persists. The game just doesn't show me the option to add either. Am I missing something here? (screenie: 23:08, 21 August 2012 (UTC)
- Have you added that hero before? Did you bring that hero along when you entered HoM? --
09:29, 22 August 2012 (UTC)
- Nope, Neither Livia nor Pyre are in my HoM progress thing either, and as you can see in the screenie they both have brotherhood armor on them and are in my party. Going in with one separate didn't work either. They're both level 20, I've finished the main quest on the character, so I'm really just stumped here. 10:00, 22 August 2012 (UTC)
- Then we fall back to the usual problem - are you certain that your HoM is in character-mode, rather than account-mode? --snograt
12:11, 22 August 2012 (UTC)
- Welp. Completely forgotten about that. It's been added to HoM, and i'm 40/50! See you guys in GW2 :) 15:22, 23 August 2012 (UTC)
- Then we fall back to the usual problem - are you certain that your HoM is in character-mode, rather than account-mode? --snograt
- Nope, Neither Livia nor Pyre are in my HoM progress thing either, and as you can see in the screenie they both have brotherhood armor on them and are in my party. Going in with one separate didn't work either. They're both level 20, I've finished the main quest on the character, so I'm really just stumped here. 10:00, 22 August 2012 (UTC)
"Pets must be [...] evolved from tier 6 to 7 before they can be displayed"[edit]
I found the "pet must be evolved" notation more confusing than helpful, because it seemed to say that only Tier 7 pets could be added. However, I was able to add both a Tier 6 black moa and a Tier 6 black widow without any trouble. (Both charmed at menagerie after having been acquired by heroes.) 12:08, 2 September 2013 (UTC)
- I believe that I agree with you. Hope someone can fix the notation. Rodan (talk) 22:02, 2 September 2013 (UTC)
- Thanks for your help. I changed "from at least tier 6" to "to at least tier 6" because "from" seemed to indicate further work was necessary. (Added: I feel that the last section of the sentence on hero pets should read something like "and charm the pet she releases without disposing of your hero's pet" because the phrasing was left over from the previous version of the sentence and seems awkward in its current context.) 06:12, 8 September 2013 (UTC)
- That helpful? I'm not sure I like how it's worded, but I hope it can get the point across. Rodan (talk) 06:29, 8 September 2013 (UTC)
- Yes, thank you. I couldn't come up with a satisfactory way to phrase it either, or I would have changed it directly. 06:39, 8 September 2013 (UTC)
- That helpful? I'm not sure I like how it's worded, but I hope it can get the point across. Rodan (talk) 06:29, 8 September 2013 (UTC)
- Thanks for your help. I changed "from at least tier 6" to "to at least tier 6" because "from" seemed to indicate further work was necessary. (Added: I feel that the last section of the sentence on hero pets should read something like "and charm the pet she releases without disposing of your hero's pet" because the phrasing was left over from the previous version of the sentence and seems awkward in its current context.) 06:12, 8 September 2013 (UTC)
This is flat-out wrong. I was able to add a lv20 Elder Black Moa and Black Widow to the monument with no problem, even in account view. Also, the following advice to give hero pets to Emryd seems unnecessary; you just have to show her the hero pet (without handing it in) to get her to expand your collection for Wynn to spawn. 14:24, 3 September 2013 (UTC)
- According to the table:
Tier | Minimum level | Evolution requirement | Unlocked pets |
1 | n/a | n/a | Level 5 unevolved |
2 | 12 | n/a | Level 12 unevolved |
3 | 12 | evolved1 | Level 12 evolved |
4 | 15 | n/a | Level 15 Elder2 |
5 | 15 | evolved | Level 15 evolved |
6 | 20 | n/a | Level 20 Elder |
7 | 20 | evolved | Level 20 evolved |
- 1 Aggressive and Playful (levels 12 to 14) or Aggressive, Dire, Hearty and Playful (levels 15 to 20).
- 2 Same stats as unevolved.
- Level 20 pets can be displayed from tier 6 to 7, they both are level 20. If this is wrong or not, I don't know. But then the mistake would be at Animal_companion#Zaishen_Menagerie_Grounds, thus the discussion should take place in that page, not here.
¥oshida Keiji(talk) 15:04, 3 September 2013 (UTC)
- I added in the other two missed discussions to this that were not archived or added here and I see the page is fixed. - Rodan 16:01, 4 September 2013 (UTC)