Tsumei Village (mission 2)

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Disambig icon.png This article is about a mission. This name is also used for an outpost. For first mission, see Tsumei Village (mission).
Tsumei Village
Tsumei Village (mission 2) map.jpg
Event Dragon Festival
Region Shing Jea Island
Type Cooperative
Party size 4

A special mission that is only available during the final day of the Dragon Festival.

Mission information[edit]


  • Defend Tsumei Village from the attacking "enemy forces." [0...9] of 9 waves destroyed.



Enter via Captain Rujiyo in Shing Jea Monastery.

Each individual "wave" is actually four separate waves, each from a different portal and mostly consisting of single foes, with each enemy killed resulting in another foe spawning at the far northeastern end.

Each of the four portals have a separate spawn pattern:

  • Pattern 1: Each wave is a single foe, with waves 7 and 9 being bosses (The Darkness (actor) and The Fury (actor), respectively).
  • Pattern 2: The first four waves are single foes but wave 5 and onwards spawn two foes per wave. Additionally, both foes in wave 6 spawn new waves, making it easy to accidentally face waves 7 and 8 at the same time. Wave 9 only spawns once both of these waves have been defeated.
  • Pattern 3: Each wave is a single foe but waves 7 and 8 spawns almost at the same time.
  • Pattern 4: The waves are mostly single foes, except waves 4 and 9 which instead spawn two foes. Also, waves 5 and 6 spawn at the same time, as do waves 7 and 8.

Pulling waves separately[edit]

As dealing with the constantly spawning enemies can be rather difficult it may be best to pull them one-by-one.

This can be done by immediately heading forwards as the mission starts and running over the bridge to the right before the enemies arrive (this is also a good spot to retreat to if the pulled enemies start to overwhelm you, so that subsequent spawns run past the group). If you are using Binding Rituals such as Shelter for protection, try to place them so that the Canthan Guards are outside of their range so as to not slow down the Demons.

After the Guards have been killed (or when they are fighting, but that is riskier) it is possible to Pull a single enemy and deal with the following waves before pulling a new one and dealing with their waves. Be wary that while the enemy aren't considered to be in the same party they will still sometimes follow if very close to the pulled foe.











Introductory Dialogue[edit]

Captain Rujiyo: "Places, everyone, places. *Ahem* Canthans, our troops report enemy forces arriving en masse. Check in with me to receive battle orders!"
Imperial Guard Musashi: "Captain, the enemy is regrouping to assault Tsumei Village!"
Imperial Guard Musashi: "We have reports of massive troop concentrations en route."
Captain Rujiyo: "Can't you ever be the bearer of good news, Musashi? Mobilize anyone willing to fight. Assign villagers to defend the walls. Tsumei must not fall!"
Imperial Guard Musashi: "Yes, Captain!"

Entry dialogue[edit]

Captain Rujiyo
"Enemy forces have regrouped following our victories yesterday. They are pushing to retake lost territory; as we speak they march on Tsumei Village. We cannot let them succeed. Will you join us?"
Accept: "Yes, I am ready to help the emperor."
Decline: "Not right now, I'm busy."


Bug Bug.The "waves destroyed" counter doesn't always update when the last enemy in a wave is killed.
  • The "waves destroyed" counter updates when that amount of enemies as been killed from each portal (meaning that if each portal's foes are pulled separately it will not start counting until the last portal's spawned creatures are being killed).
  • This mission is only available for a 30 minute period on the schedule set for the Dragon Festival.
  • The usual exit portals from Tsumei Village can be found in this instance. Going through them teleports the player back to Shing Jea Monastery.
  • The actors share the same racial traits as the creatures they imitate and thus only corpses from Demon and Wurm actors are exploitable.


  • 100 Jade Wind Orbs was the reward in 2006.
  • In addition to the monsters listed above, Terrorweb Dryders also appeared during Dragon Festival 2006.
  • In subsequent years, all quests and missions were re-enactments of the first year's events. As such, the original monsters were replaced with actors.