User:Crom The Pale

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Crom The Pale
PvX This user plays PvE and PvP.
Age 34 years old
Server America
Played 5245 hours in 36 month(s)
Campaign(s) Prophecies
Eye of the North
Guild Agies Ascending
Alliance Luxon
Best Title I'm Very Important
Favorite Profession Warrior Warrior
Favorite Campaign Prophecies
Favorite Skill Warrior Tiger Stance
North America 70x40.png This user plays in the
North American territory.
Guilt This user has spent 5245 hours in Guild Wars in 36 months (4.8 h/day).
GWW-shield.png This user plays all GW campaigns: Core, Prophecies, Factions, Nightfall, Eye of the North, and Beyond.
User Saxxon gwen.jpg This user plays the Eye of the North expansion.
This User is a member of the Luxon alliance.
Warrior-tango-icon-200.png This user is a Warrior by nature.
User Lensor TyriaMissionIcon.png This user is a Tyrian at heart!
Tiger Stance.jpg Tiger Stance is Crom The Pale's favorite skill.

User Crom The Pale Crom The Pale.jpg

Crom The Pale Character Info
"Relentless pursuit of victory . . . with 60% death penalty!"

Gender Male.png Male
Born in Tyria
Age 19 year(s),10 month(s)
Created: 30 April, 2005
Profession Warrior Warrior
Level 20 12.650.000 XP
Guild Agies Ascending
Armor Head: Blindfold
Chest: Warrior Asuran armor
Arms: Warrior Asuran armor
Legs: Warrior Asuran armor
Feet: Warrior Asuran armor
Weapon Obsidian Edge (Unique)
Draconic Aegis (Unique)
Titles TyrianProtector = 25 CanthanProtector = 13 ElonianProtector = 20 TyrianGuardian = 25 CanthanGuardian = 13 ElonianGuardian = 2 TyrianVanquisher = 28 CanthanVanquisher = 0 ElonianVanquisher = 4 TyrianCartographer = 100.0 CanthanCartographer = 93.2 ElonianCartographer = 89.6 TyrianSkillHunter = 90 CanthanSkillHunter = 120 ElonianSkillHunter = 141 Sunspear = 52655 Lightbringer = 50554 Asura = 160794 Deldrimor = 100776 EbonVanguard = 160000 Norn = 162534 Drunkard = 15 PartyAnimal = 604 SweetTooth = 1117 Lucky = 147914 TreasureHunter = 414 Wisdom = 1531 MasterOfTheNorth = 557 MaxedAccountTitles =
Miniatures Celestial Rat Jade Armor Thorn Wolf Jungle Troll Lich
Prince Rurik Shiro Tagachi Varesh Harpy Ranger Kirin
Hydra Necrid Horseman Whiptail Devourer Fungal Wallow Cloudtouched Simian
  • Elonian Missions in Hard mode
  • Vanquish Tyrian
  • Vanquish Cantha
  • Vanquish Elonian