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GWW-shield.png Assassin.png Ranger.png Paragon.png Warrior.png Mesmer.png Necromancer.png Monk.png Dervish.png

General Information

I first started when my friend showed me the game about 2 1/2 years back. I've been hooked ever since. My oldest character is my Ranger, at 2 years 3 months, but my favourite by far is my Assassin.


User:Qilersquirel (talk) (Sandbox)

Assassin-tango-icon-200.png This user is an Assassin by nature.
Moebius Strike.jpg Moebius Strike is Suicidal Sally's favorite skill.
European flag.png This user plays in the
European territory.
PvX This user enjoys mostly PvE, but also enjoys some PvP.
User Lensor TyriaMissionIcon.png This user is a Tyrian at heart!
This user is a member of the Kurzick alliance.
"Retreat!".jpg This user is a Wikinewb. Stay well away (unless you want to help)!
"Dervish Lyssa Avatar" concept art.jpg This user's matron goddess is Lyssa.
GWW-shield.png This user plays all GW campaigns: Core, Prophecies, Factions, Nightfall, Eye of the North, and Beyond.
Guilt This user has spent 21300 hours in Guild Wars in 28 months (25 h/day).

Elements of this userpage were inspired by
Diablos, Fallen Eagle and Serpy :p
UPL Feel free to use my user page layout, but please give credit.


Guild Name: Dont Follow Us We Are

Alliance: Luxon

Founded: N/A

Total Members: 15

Last Updated: October 2009