Guild Wars HistoryI started playing when Nightfall when it was released, I have never heard of the game before and I wasn't much into MMO's really. I played runescape when I was 12, and I watched WoW at a friend's but I didn't liked the graphics. I bought Guild Wars without realising it was an MMO, but soon that changed. I spent the first few months online cluelessly trying to get trough Nightfall, I had no idea about the existence of the wikis. After I guildwiki, things turned for the better. I got Guild Wars Factions and Prophecies and started farming vermin to earn my first fortune. When I had enough cash I bought my first 'semi-elite' armor: warrior ancient Armor (thats how clueless I was :D). With this new acquisition I started farming the underworld, and step by step I got to where I am today: Leader of the Luxon guild and alliance called the Armada Of Doom (AOD) which I started with my litle brother and my girlfriend. MeI'm pretty much your average geek: I like computers and games, I study Computer Science (well, 'Informatica' actually, but that has no translation in english >.< ) at the 'Katholieke Universiteit Leuven' in belgium. More info on me can be found on my personal webpage.
- Users in a Luxon alliance
- Users who favor warriors
- Users in the European territory
- Users who play both PvE and PvP
- Users who play all Guild Wars games
- Users who play the Prophecies campaign
- Users who play the Factions campaign
- Users who play the Nightfall campaign
- Users who play the Eye of the North expansion
- Users who are fans of Polymock
- Users who collect miniatures
- Users who are packrats
- Users who are male
- Users who like 4chan
- Users who want full Hero teams
- Users who want the original AotL back
- Users who think Asura are not cute
- Users who favor Gwen
- Users who farmed Mini Bear
- Users whose girlfriends play GW