Sparky Darkcast is my first and only(so far) Survivor.
Sparky Darkcast
Sparky Darkcast was born in the Kupungu Village and spent most of his childhood fishing. Being bored of fishing he joined the Order of the Sunspears to help dealing with Corsairs. He made some friends, got some money and new clothes and now he fighting his way to Varesh to stop her.
Armor collection
Weapon collection
Achievements & Goals
Maxed Titles
- He is still a survior; He never died...yet.
- This is my 3rd necromancer. I wanted a necromancer survivor so I rerolled the character each time after first death.
- 1st time died at level 13 during a Mano a Norn-o duel.
- 2nd time died close to rank 2 Survivor in Fronis Irontoe's Lair; left computer in a hurry for 30 sec (was more than enough).