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Member of the Crimson Scourge [CDG] Guild

Yamato Edge[edit]

Passively observing migrating Dolyak in the Shiverpeaks

Born into Royalty, Yamato Edge was among the finest of women in all of Vabbi. Unlike the other women however, she had a wild side. She constantly seeked adventure and excitement even going as far as to take secret lessons from her Father's Weapon trainer. Although she was a woman she was one of the best fighters that her trainer had seen in his lifetime. She was graceful and swift and was naturally proficient with small light weapons as well as the Scythe.

Her Father however was less impressed and after finding out about her secret training, ordered the Weapons Master to be executed for trespassing in his estate at a late hour. This caused much grief to Yamato but, it also hardened her emotions. She became cold and calculating. Even after her mentor had been slain she continued to secretly train. Waiting for one day to show her father that he had been too arrogant to have noticed her potential.

However the tables had turned. Her Father was removed from his position of Royalty after having been found dabbling in the antics of Smugglers. While she was training the citizens of Kodash had ransacked their family home and taken her Father to be executed. She returned to the courtyard of the Kodash bazaar to find her Father Hanging from the side of a building. Strangled on a makeshift noose. Cruel Justice by the Citizen's of Kodash.

She felt no sadness however. No regret. No anger. Instead she felt free. Free from her father's will and ways. Free to live her life and seek adventure wherever she found it. Her royalty gone she became another Citizen in the land of Elona. Another peasant.

Over the years to follow she made a name for herself as a Rogue Dervish, protecting the Bazaar from the wildlife outside. Many beasts fell to her Scythe. Many men fell to her blades and still she had no emotion. No anger in her eyes or fury in her heart. Until one fateful day, Some Rock Beetles had attacked a Trade Caravan coming from the south. Yamato sprung into action slicing their armored hides from their bodies in single swipes of her scythe.

The owner of the Caravan came out to thank her for her work. It was at this moment all the years of Anger and Sadness came gushing out like a torrent of pain, for the owner was none other than her old Weapons master. Her Father was never a cruel man and although he had said to her he was to be executed, he was merely exiled from the kingdom. Her pain and anguish came to her in one rush all her hatred spilled onto her scythe as did the blood of her former mentor. Her scythe lodged in his shoulder, she had let her emotions consume her after all these years and ended the life of the man she wanted to protect.

Her head filled with confusion, she could not stay. She would be branded a murdered by the people and then hanged just like her father. She could not bear that. She was not like him.

Yamato Travelled from Vabbi to the Sunspear sanctuary. Hoping that she could recieve training to control herself. Better herself. So that one day she would be able to redeem herself of the guilt. This day came sooner than she thought. Her sunspear regiment was sent to train in the wilderness to the west of the sanctuary.

It was a regular training exercise. However this time they had disturbed a mandragor nest. The rose up through the ground like demons from the realm of torment, tearing through each of the sunspear recruits and heading straight for Yamato. Calling upon her emotions like a coming storm her power of the earth shot through her body for what seemed like a lifetime. Things slowed down. The Scream of the Mandragor infront of her became faint, Is this the end?

Unknown to her that the situation had became known to two weary travellers and that her power of earth had blinded the attacking horde before they could get near her. She stood in a dust cloud surely thinking she would die. When the two travellers cut down the Mandragor's before her in a wave of fury.

This was the day she met Lamont Blitzer and Dragonite Ninja. This was the day she knew her calling was at hand. Joining with the companions she knew that with these allies she could find a way to redeem herself, Protect the innocent people that she so easily could take the life of and show her mentor in the afterlife that she was the person he thought she was.

Weapons and Armour[edit]

Yamato adorns Vabbian armour, crafted and woven in the heart of Vabbi at the Kodash Bazaar. Also brandishing Chaos Gloves forged using Ectoplasm salvaged from the corpses of many a ghoul in her frequent pilgrimages to the Underworld to aid the restless ghosts that reside there.

She also wields a hefty Destroyer Scythe weapon crafted from the very flesh and elements of that of a Destroyer Creature, in the depths of Slaver's Exile.

Destroyer Scythe

The Crimson Scourge[edit]

While an Officer of the Crimson Scourge, Yamato never really saw herself as an authoritive figure, contrary to her upbringing. She always seems to find herself acting as "one of the guys" and more than happy jump into a skirmish with other Guild Members. Most notably seen as of late as a strategist, and acting pretty much as the Guild's source for tactical advice on skill specifics in certain continents and situations. Whilst not the most prosperous when compared to other members such as Mr. Cropse and Haseo Mikami, she is somewhat a tad lucky in terms of valuables found on the battlefield. And quite adept at Stygian Hunting, til the Lords grew wise of her spirit based antics and banished or limited the use of certain spirits in the Stygian Veil.

She does however have the guilty pleasure of gambling, in this case with Coffer of Whispers. After trading and successfully hunting Stygians, Titans, and the like in the Domain of Anguish, she has a nasty habit of trading them with the rather mysterious Keeper of Whispers merchant at the Gate of Anguish. Sometimes her luck would ring true and the gift of gemstones would be bestowed upon her. On one occassion twice in a row, 5 Titan Gemstones were placed in her path because of such luck. However, more often than nought, the rewards have been less than stellar. Useful, but on the open trade quite useless. Everytime she vows to stop, it seems to sneak back into contention, and sometimes, just sometimes, its worth it.

Maybe one day she will get something that makes all the lesser rewards more worthwhile. Until then, new hunting and venturing opportunities await.

Miscellaneous Tidbits[edit]

Avatar of Dwayna.jpg Avatar of Dwayna is Sureshot's favorite skill.
Dervish-tango-icon-200.png This user is a Dervish by nature.
This User is a member of the Luxon alliance.
PvE This user enjoys PvE.
European flag.png This user plays in the
European territory.
GWW-shield.png This user plays all GW campaigns: Core, Prophecies, Factions, Nightfall, Eye of the North, and Beyond.
NightfallMissionIcon.png This user has a character that has achieved the title Protector of Elona gaining all 20 Master's Rewards in the Nightfall campaign.
Heart of the Norn.jpg This user has a character that has achieved the title Slayer of All with 161000 Norn reputation points.
User Livia fan.jpg This user is a member of the Livia Fan Club.