Xunlai Archivist Argentum

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Xunlai Archivist Argentum
Xunlai agent m.jpg
Affiliation Xunlai
Type Human
Level(s) 2
Campaign Core



"Another Wayfarer's Reverie is upon us. You would think that, as an archivist, I'd get tired of poring over yesteryear. But it remains fascinating to me. If anything, I always hope this festival opens new eyes to the value of reflection.
Can you imagine how little progress we'd make if we didn't document where we'd been or failed to combine our knowledge? There's enough in our tomes to commemorate millions of adventures and hopefully spur millions more. Who could tire of that?
No, if there's anything I tire of, it's my peers asking about my past. Despite my love of documentation, some things are better lost and forgotten."



  • Argentum is the Latin word for silver.
  • Named after the wiki user Silver Edge.
  • Introduced in Wayfarer's Reverie 2013.