Talk:Warning the Angchu (Hard mode)
I see people are having trouble with this quest so I'll give you my build and tell you what I did (I completed it on my first HM try). My character (sin) build: OwFj0xfzITpi6POMMMHMNMxg7iA (you can change the first skill, probably won't use it) Heroe builds: OACjEyiM5MXzyJGrayMlmTuhJA , OANDUshvSbhyBVBoBVVQN1DBEA , OAhjYgHaIPPV7glQaO5GmXsxJA So what I did was that I went to the area with 7 minions (which became 9 after the conversation was finished). Just before the conversation was finishing, put SoS and Bloodsong spirit in the middle. Then target the cleric behind them and as soon as they become hostile, activate ebon vanguard assassin support and kill the cleric fast. After that, all the enemies will fall like flies while dagger spamming. Most of the first group will be finished before the second group of enemies come but at this point the mission is almost finished. You may fail once (Soar was under 25% hp like half the battle) but shouldn't have much trouble with the quest (and srsly, after finishing the "rescue at minister cho's estate" quest, any quest should be fairly easy. -- 23:19, 14 July 2012 (UTC)
My strategy[edit]
Alright, so, I was struggling really badly on this quest. It honestly took me three days and, although my ability to finish it may have been based purely on luck, I thought I would share my builds and strategy in case it can help anyone else. I did not use any cons/summoning stones and only one of my heroes has runes. I ran as an SoS assassin (OwhiAyiMRDWN5D+NVOdNBN1WCA) although the only class I can see having trouble with this build is a warrior or paragon because of energy regen. I feel like Technobabble was a key skill in helping me win this. I had a staff with +20 energy and channeling +1 (20% chance) and my runes were pretty much just 3 Radiant (Head, gloves, boots), 2 survivor (chest, legs) 2 vitae, (anywhere), 2 attunement (anywhere) and 1 minor vigor (anywhere). I had 555 HP and 52 energy. My first hero was a Searing flames fire ele with Mend Body and Soul and Spirit Light (OghjowMaIO0tx6uopJNncIDcBA). I brought those heals on all my heroes because I needed the ability to keep my team as well as Soar alive. Next was my ST prot Ritualist (OACjAyhIpOYTr3jLcaNdmSzJHA) and he was definitely needed for the extra spirits as well as the insane damage reduction. Definitely would have died without him. Again, I specced into restoration magic for the two heals. My last hero was a Xinrae's Weapon Necro healer (OAhiYwh8YtFeTOp5wccWVjmA). Tons of heals for a low cast and low cooldown. This is the only hero who had runes. 3 radiant (head, gloves, boots), 2 survivor (chest, pants), Minor Soul Reaping (head), minor vigor (anywhere), 2 attunement (anywhere), 1 vitae (anywhere). He has 545 HP and 47 energy.
My strategy was a bit different from what most people do because I kept failing at that. I'd always been flagging my heroes just behind the resurrection shrine however they would always grab aggro and we would have mobs all over us. Everyone says that the luck is based on not getting a ministry healer but I actually found the healer to be better and would prefer not to have ministry mages. I took my heroes and went West of the ministry mobs instead. There should be a lone ministry member at the back of the group (I think it's usually a medium or cleric) and this is the guy you want to kill first. I stood in front of my heroes and flagged them a little behind me. The only person in my aggro circle was the cleric which is good because I wanted my heroes and spirits to all target him ASAP. Wait until the dialogue reaches the point where you step into the conversation to say "The ministry has other plans" or whatever. At that point you want to summon all of your spirits (from your prot hero as well). This means that, even if your spirits do get wiped you should have them off cooldown quick enough that it shouldn't be too much of a problem. And, of course, you need the prot heroes spirits alive or you'll just die instantly. Wait until the last piece of dialogue comes up, where the ministry says to "kill the savage beasts!". At that point you want to spam the Technobabble skill so that when the ministry turns into enemy mobs you will instantly daze the healer. Cast Painful Bond and your teams and spirits should make quick word of the healer. I only aggroed about 2 other ministry mobs and they were also dropped quite quickly. At that point you want to unflag your heroes and move them forward so as not to aggro the ministry mobs behind you. That would suck. Your healers, the tengu healers and Soar should be able to keep her alive well enough but make sure you micro your heroes into healing Soar if you find she is dropping health too quick. If there are any other mages or dangerous casters around then make sure to cast technobabble on the and quickly spike them down. Don't over-use Painful Bond or you will run on of energy too quickly. I managed to finish this quest with a number of tengu allies still alive and Soar never dropping under 50% HP. 15:00, 13 May 2015 (UTC)
This quest on HM is giving me a lot of trouble. Any tips for a warrior?--Yojimaru 04:18, 1 October 2011 (UTC)
- I'm not a warrior but the strategy I used should be usable by everyone, as long as they use other humans or heroes. I used heroes. Bring atleast 1 MM, gather some minions (8+), and go to Aerie. Flag your MM in the middle of the Ministry npc's. Should be easy as they're still allied. Because they're allied they will cast Death Nova on your minions and party members. Heheheh. Exactly. As soon as they become enemies they will attack the minions, these will die and explode. This means the first group should be down very quick, making the second group very easy as you don't get overwhelmed. My other 2 heroes were a Panic mesmer and a healer necro. Waar Kijk Je Naar™
04:52, 1 October 2011 (UTC)
- Thanks! That worked, but just barely. I was the only one left standing. I was using a Hundred Blades build and here are the build codes for the heroes I used. OQNEAosj96QDmemucQ9IDs8DIA OAhiYwh8YtzYSzJ3wccWVvYA OABDQYxmSLVVBoBbhKgQVdCVVA--Yojimaru 05:18, 1 October 2011 (UTC)
- After all, Soar is a total tank with Defy and Shadow refuge, and you rez literally in the middle of the battle so a wipe between waves is meaningless here :) --File:User Chieftain Alex Chieftain Signature.pngChieftain Alex 08:23, 1 October 2011 (UTC)
- MM tactic worked great, even with less minions! Though I did it with two rits due to fewer enemies. And to expand on the above, Soar will die in like 3 seconds with sufficient ministry around.Gummi 18:56, 4 October 2011 (UTC)
- Meh he can tank at least 4 ministry members for 10 seconds while you rez at the adjacent shrine.--File:User Chieftain Alex Chieftain Signature.pngChieftain Alex 19:19, 4 October 2011 (UTC)
- Out of the six attempts or so I did, Soar only managed to tank out a rez once >_> The other times, he died while we were still alive lol. I'd been using the recommended builds here, but I finally made it through when I decided to bring a higher DPS build on my sin. I stood next to their healer the entire dialogue and spiked him down as soon as they aggroed, lul :P76.88.127.158 05:01, 7 October 2011 (UTC)
- Meh he can tank at least 4 ministry members for 10 seconds while you rez at the adjacent shrine.--File:User Chieftain Alex Chieftain Signature.pngChieftain Alex 19:19, 4 October 2011 (UTC)
- MM tactic worked great, even with less minions! Though I did it with two rits due to fewer enemies. And to expand on the above, Soar will die in like 3 seconds with sufficient ministry around.Gummi 18:56, 4 October 2011 (UTC)
- After all, Soar is a total tank with Defy and Shadow refuge, and you rez literally in the middle of the battle so a wipe between waves is meaningless here :) --File:User Chieftain Alex Chieftain Signature.pngChieftain Alex 08:23, 1 October 2011 (UTC)
E/Mo Bonder player by a person. Then just 3 damage dealers or shut down. Prot bond on all 4 party members and on Soar (the NPC). This won the quest for me. --Supernick530 04:15, 25 January 2012 (UTC)
Saved Soar and killed all the Ministry and quest did not update!!!!
(Usaf1a8xx 21:41, 7 November 2011 (UTC))
- I just encountered the same bug. Any workarounds? Etaoin Shrdlu 22:00, 25 November 2011 (UTC)
- I just did the stupid thing all over again. (Usaf1a8xx 18:47, 30 November 2011 (UTC))
Same fucking bug...ArenaNet the ******insert what u wanna call them******..thought they would of fixed it...get stuffed -- 05:23, 15 February 2012 (UTC)
- Update, after contacting Anet to report the bug, they replied there is no bug until they can re-produce the same outcome, well i have COMPLETED this twice since the bug, even with a slight walkthrough posted below, but since there response and lack of caring, i am done with guilldwars, i will not be bothering with guildwars2(even though my country always gets excluded in stuff, i was gonna continue), so GL every1 else, i hope you do not get the same bug, it just seems to be random. -- 00:05, 28 February 2012 (UTC)
Just to let you know. I used exactly your build and done the quest so easy I barely believed when it was over. Thx for sharing dude. Of course a different Ministry spawn could mop the ground with me and my heroes, but...just to let you know your build worked like a charm. --Ajeemus 18:57, 10 March 2012 (UTC)
- I've had this bug twice in a row now. It seems that if you skip the second group of Ministry on your way to the village that they will aggro the reinforcements sometimes. Then the next spawn doesn't happen and the quest just sits there in limbo... 17:37, 17 March 2012 (UTC)
Thank you Usafla8xx for posting the screenie. Used your build and finished quest in HM without much trouble. This was after hours of frustration, trying different builds. I thought Arenanet learned some things from War in Kryta about sending players back into lowbie zones where you're severely disadvantaged because of party size. Guess not.-- 06:07, 22 March 2012 (UTC)Mars Quake
- I noticed on my run-through of this that one of the Ministry guys you need to kill sometimes gets stuck on a chest all the way down on the beach. Had to go down and kill him to get the reward for the quest. Amitiel 23:59, 27 May 2012 (UTC)
You have got to be kidding[edit]
This quest isn't hard mode, it's impossible mode. I've lost count of the times I've tried it, depending on the spawns near Soar I can wipe out almost instantly or last about a minuit before wipeout, I've tried lots of hero combinations but the 'luck' element of this quest is so strong that it seems broken to me. Can any of the devs do this quest HM, if so, HOW!?!? 12:39, 13 December 2011 (UTC)
- Well, while frustrating, it's not impossible, because others have done it. Look at my screen shot and perhaps try my team. Also I set up behind the Tengu because they tank pretty well. I precast all spirits before the enemies turned red. I also cast a couple spirits down the hill out of spirit range of each other so as to not make my new spirit casting erase the other ones down the hill. It provided a temporary distraction to the enemies running up the hill. With enough persistence, and yes luck, you can do it. It's not near as frustrating of a quest as some of the others in WoC. (Usaf1a8xx 14:50, 13 December 2011 (UTC))
- This quest's success depends entirely on composition of the Ministry vs composition of the Tengu (e.g. all elementalist tengu vs ministry > the other way around). I didn't consider using traps when i did this quest on my ranger, but I would if I'd thought about it. File:User Chieftain Alex Chieftain Signature.jpg Chieftain Alex 11:14, 25 January 2012 (UTC)
- With Anet's latest patch this quest has become way easier. I used to feel miserable here, now I used 3 builds on my heroes that werent able to work properly due lack of other heroes, no cons, no stones and none died, I think one tengu died and thats it. Perhaps a little bit too easy... --Kilaa1000 22:17, 10 February 2012 (UTC)
- Too easy??? - I've tried this 20 times, 2 people and with all kinds of hero combinations AND with summoning stones. Only once did we even come near completing it. Sometimes Soar dies within 2 seconds of the Ministry becoming hostile. This isn't hard or challenging .. it's outright impossible without being plain lucky. --Manassas
12:28, 13 February 2012 (UTC)
- Fyi, after trying to beat this with an excessive number of 'balanced' teams, I went in with a full trapper team. Managed to get to the quest area via your normal trap + pull methods. Planted traps all throughout the ministry ranks. The ministry turned hostile and all blew up in a large cloud of yellow numbers. Next thing I know, Soar is dead. (Less than 2 seconds after the enemies turned hostile.) Not positive how she died so fast, but certainly didn't work as planned. 05:20, 14 February 2012 (UTC)
- Thats weird. I used to fail hard at this quest, as you two mentioned above he and the other tengu's dies quickly no matter what combo I tried. Since Anet's patch I managed to complete it with 2 half heal half mm necro's and 1 panic mes and me as SoS. Ah well perhaps I was just lucky then. --Kilaa1000 15:56, 14 February 2012 (UTC)
- My guildie and I ran a Starburster builds and we had an SoS/Resto Rit and a N/Mo minion bomber. We stomped them. So. Much. FUN. --Jyotir Managatim 18:37, 14 February 2012 (UTC)
- Thats weird. I used to fail hard at this quest, as you two mentioned above he and the other tengu's dies quickly no matter what combo I tried. Since Anet's patch I managed to complete it with 2 half heal half mm necro's and 1 panic mes and me as SoS. Ah well perhaps I was just lucky then. --Kilaa1000 15:56, 14 February 2012 (UTC)
- Fyi, after trying to beat this with an excessive number of 'balanced' teams, I went in with a full trapper team. Managed to get to the quest area via your normal trap + pull methods. Planted traps all throughout the ministry ranks. The ministry turned hostile and all blew up in a large cloud of yellow numbers. Next thing I know, Soar is dead. (Less than 2 seconds after the enemies turned hostile.) Not positive how she died so fast, but certainly didn't work as planned. 05:20, 14 February 2012 (UTC)
- Too easy??? - I've tried this 20 times, 2 people and with all kinds of hero combinations AND with summoning stones. Only once did we even come near completing it. Sometimes Soar dies within 2 seconds of the Ministry becoming hostile. This isn't hard or challenging .. it's outright impossible without being plain lucky. --Manassas
- With Anet's latest patch this quest has become way easier. I used to feel miserable here, now I used 3 builds on my heroes that werent able to work properly due lack of other heroes, no cons, no stones and none died, I think one tengu died and thats it. Perhaps a little bit too easy... --Kilaa1000 22:17, 10 February 2012 (UTC)
- This quest's success depends entirely on composition of the Ministry vs composition of the Tengu (e.g. all elementalist tengu vs ministry > the other way around). I didn't consider using traps when i did this quest on my ranger, but I would if I'd thought about it. File:User Chieftain Alex Chieftain Signature.jpg Chieftain Alex 11:14, 25 January 2012 (UTC)
Reset indent. Managed to complete this twice now. The key is indeed the composition of the forces. If there are no Ministry clerics in either group, you win. If there are clerics you loose. Composition of your own group matters less. This quest should be changed to have a fixed Ministry and Angchu spawn to make it manageable with skill and not just luck. --Manassas 08:22, 15 February 2012 (UTC)
ok now after all different hero set up's/attempt's(and 1 bug so quest didnt update), i found a strong hero team that allowed me to do this quest so easy in hard mode it made the NM time look hard, nearly all tengu survived aswell, now the builds i used are just scarp random and u all could do probably make better, so i'll give the basic set up a yarn: N/Mo= OANDUshvOyhqAaAPcXXJ1jDC Rt/Any=OACjEOiMJTXTlTYOVTdiOOOTXMA N/Rt=OAhiYghMZtJNN5wJOMNOVVdxAA, aslong as u deal decent constant dmg and take Pain Inverter for mages and illusionist ur class shouldnt matter,,, now i made my way threw the mantids, to build up a minion army, waited for kappas to start attacking the group of purity on the other side of the mantid bowl, i helped tag up on purity(kappas can spike nicely on purity with you distracting dmg on a different purity to out do the healers), if u see a mage...P.I it and laugh when it dies in seconds, as for illusionist, save P.I until they cast Chaos Storm and laugh as they die in seconds, so now purity dead, kill kappa, keep heading towards marker, u will encounter the 2nd group of kappa, there just minion fodder at this point, now last group of purity before marker, u can- A) wait until they group away from edge and sneak past(somtimes u will catch there aggro and have to fight anyway), or u can fight them, if fighting them, go to the side from a uphill rise flag SoS between tree and edge, flag MM behind him, put healer a quater aggro bubble offset to the side and back a lil, pick for a mage or the HB or Whirling axe purity's as P.I will take them down quick, mages should always be a priority over anything else, and the HB/Whirling Axe wars are a priority over illusionist anyday since they'll rape ur minions and reep havok to ur backline, now after the major damagers are P.I'd instantly target healers, wich can be any of the following: Cleric, Purger, Illusionist, some rit name i cant recall right now)...any but the illusionist are obvious healers mainly cus non clerics/illusionist have healing spirits around them, now just finish off the left overs, from here head towards the marker,the speech will start, set up time, plant ur MM smack dead in front of the purity and watch any necro's from anywhere(purity and tengu) put death nova on your minions constantly, the bond finally has a Soar(that is all), also have ur SoS flagged smack in front of the purity ready to sprout spirits after you intervene and the purity dude replies "YOU....", once he says that spawn spirits in this order:Bloodsong, Agony, SoS, Destruction and flag back behind tengu..Ur N/Rt healer should be flagged behing tengu aswell closer to the path u came from...look for any Mages, or healers, also the paragon purity's have a rez, so go for them aswell...these are ur targets to call and deal with ASAP, by the time the second group reaches u, there should be scrap all of purity left and ur newly made minions will be tanking them/bombing them when dying..its time for you to target there main dmg dealers, followed by healers, followed by rezagon purity(annoyingly weak foe might i add), finish off the scraps and double check it was in Hard mode, because it was that damn easy(i know i had to) will be...Good luck i hope this works as easy for you, as it did for me :), and purity team existed of, 1 cleric, 2 mages, 2 illusionist, 1 purger and a few wars, 2nd group had 1 purger healer alot of wars and 2 mages -- 08:24, 15 February 2012 (UTC)
One thing is certain: This quest's completion is pretty much luck based. On my lucky attempt, I've used this setup: SoS --- OghiwwiMh5UOdNVNxMJXuLOACA - Have Destruction up for at least 10 seconds before the Purity nasties turn hostile, and planted along with the other spirits in front of them (if you're a primary Rit, drop Bloodsong for Rupture, and try using that on Destruction and any other spirits still standing there, if energy allows). PI the enforcer (if any) and summon new spirits, once the ones in front are dead. Always make sure to have the Destruction dying in the middle of what foes are left :), MM --- OANEUrhd+4IHqCohqqWsecXNaA - The tactics described above worked wonders, even if there were no ministry or angchu necros, Healer - OQhjAkDZIP+UiQGo6NMlmTuxJA - Recuperation was disabled and precast before every challenging fight, Shutdown --- OQlkAkC5AaqTIc6hT7BZgRQN2HD - To get rid of the annoying KS Ministry fellows. Before this, I've tried E/Mo'ing but Diversion and enchantment removal didn't help me much in doing my job, and also a few fire builds (having the shutdown mesmer replaced with a 2nd ele, to maximize effects), but because of the KS Illusionist, we were the ones being shutdown most of the time. Good luck! Himenoinu 09:19, 16 February 2012 (UTC)
This strategy worked great for me in HM, Thanks so much for posting! -- 18:41, 27 December 2014 (UTC)
Any reason why the Ministry mobs are hostile against Kappa? I've seen them fight eachother, they seem to ignore the Mantids tho. -- 22:48, 27 January 2012 (UTC)
- Kappa are filthy demons, while Mantids are bugs? Aside from that, just weird game mechanics no one noticed while setting up the quest. *shrugs* 15:09, 14 February 2012 (UTC)
- Yeah, why wouldn't they be, if the Kappa attack humans on sight? (Which they obviously do being as they attack you). Would be stranger if the Kappa and the Ministry weren't hostile to one another. The funny thing is, the Ministry group on occassion actually loses to the Kappa group. Kinda lulzworthy seems I'm willing to bet for most players the Kappa are nothing more than a speedbump but the Ministry actually pose a rather relevant threat. 00:06, 16 February 2012 (UTC)
Good old past ...[edit]
I heard about the difficult in this quest, and in my first tries it affirm'ed. But i realized fast, how to make this a easy one: Trapping. The only problem is, to make it to the enemys. You have to do both: sneak and rush. Then happy trapping. I took two rangers (one with eoe), one healer and one defense Spirit-Spammer. No problem. But after the first group, you have to heal the Angchu Tengu, that they can do the damage, because you can barely take this part. --Maria Murtor 20:19, 13 February 2012 (UTC)
sounds good if u dont use a proffession with a crap energy pool/regen, wars and paras wouldnt have much luck at trapping, unless the war was a Victory trapper, wich we all know sucks, oh print screens help .;
Try protting or bonding Soar[edit]
Every time of about 15 I tried this quest in HM Soar died in seconds, so I finally resorted to helping him out. You'd think as a monk this might have occurred earlier, but noooo, I've been using sin's promise for so long now... oh well, putting prot spirit on him made all the difference. I had my rit pre-cast some spirits down the hill to slow up the second group, that does seem worth doing. But otherwise if you're stuck on this mission you might do worse than to try taking a prot build even if you're not a monk or at least micromanage your monk hero on him. FWIW I used OwYT0mHDZ6SLHclY6bTDZIgoeAA Bride of Reanimator 08:24, 17 February 2012 (UTC)
Typical WoC[edit]
WTF was ANET thinking with making these storyline quests so damned difficult?!?!? Yeah, I get that it's HM but come on. Neither vanquishing nor most dungeons are nearly this difficult! These are all setup like they're elite end-game missions like DoA or Duncan. Quite simply it really ruins the fun of playing and turns GW into an extremely frustrating progression of one grindfest quest after another.
Side note: if you're a ranger you can trap the crap out of it. This along with an Aura of Lich hero helps tremendously. There's still a fair amount of luck involved though as I only barely beat it this way.
- I give up on WoC. This is the quest that crushed my desire to continue with it. Sick of ridiculous odds. Should not require stupid gimmick builds tailored to exploit behavior in the AI just to make it to the point where the quest's action begins, only to fail because I can't seem to keep the utterly moronic NPC alive. My goal with Guild Wars is to have fun. This delivers only intense frustration after a long line of intensely frustrating quests that are periodically interrupted by quests that are not intensely frustrating and a few that you need to exploit the AI of healer NPCs to complete. I won't be picking up where I left off even if ANet goes so far as to render these quests trivial in difficulty. I would like to say thank the designers for Memories of Purity, without which I would have to further be exposed to this content in the event that I have to do something in Cantha. Kyubiko 07:25, 20 February 2012 (UTC)
- After reading all the comments here I was kinda scared to complete this quest but when I finally did it, I was amazed on how easy it was All it required was an SoS, an AoTL & ST Heroes & I as SH Ele. During the dialogue put the ST spirits behind Soar and the SoS spirits in front of her, and check the still allied ministry to see if there are eles, if there are keep them targeted and cast Pain inverter as soon as they turn hostile, the rest will be done by the spirits, heroes and the minions. --Mage
Montu 07:46, 20 February 2012 (UTC)
- After reading all the comments here I was kinda scared to complete this quest but when I finally did it, I was amazed on how easy it was All it required was an SoS, an AoTL & ST Heroes & I as SH Ele. During the dialogue put the ST spirits behind Soar and the SoS spirits in front of her, and check the still allied ministry to see if there are eles, if there are keep them targeted and cast Pain inverter as soon as they turn hostile, the rest will be done by the spirits, heroes and the minions. --Mage
- I can confirm this works on HM, but still depends on the luck element especially if you don't have massive AoE. To get there without fighting at all, go through the mantids and collect minions there. Then wait for the kappas to fight the 1 group of 4x ministry you have to fight to get there (the kappas begin walking towards the 4x ministry when you fight some mantids on the hill). Then, take out the ministry as they're fighting the kappas. The second aggro of ministry can be completely avoided by hugging the hill. YOU SHOULD ONLY HAVE TO FIGHT ONE GROUP OF MINISTRY TO GET TO THE BATTLE, the group that you gangbang with the kappas. Now you set it up. Put the MM in front of them and they will death nova and heal them. Manual cast the SoS and Soultwisting Shelter spirits. When the talking stops, the minions blow up and kill half the ministry. Here are my builds for warrior (human) : OQATEVKXR6qgnQ0LncHcqpvQAAA sts : OACjAyhLpNYTr3j7sJNncOTBAA aotl : OANDUspPOyhqwRFPgGqq1jAC sos : OACjEyiM5MXzyZ1EjN5kmDTBAA Notice the minor mod with res signet, because winning the battle depends on two things A. killing the first group of ministry before the second shows up and B. resing your aotl if it dies to make another 10+ minions. Sometimes the aotl will die after the first ministry group blows up, but if it is resed fast enough it will aotl when it is alive and It is still not easy and I would say impossible without yourself having AoE -- if you don't have AoE you will either have to get it (like my hundred blades build with the SoS having splinter). If you absolutely can't get AoE, aka para, you will probably have to go /RT and take the place of the SoS then bring an ele hero with 16 fire. Also summon stone and/or summon skill helps a lot. 18:12, 20 February 2012 (UTC)
- To the OP: There aren't anyone forcing you to do it in HM. Normal Mode is very well balanced to be playable - even a bit on the easy side - without being forced to use the optimal team builds. But this is "beyond" content targetted at players who have already done everything the game has to offer. For that purpose I find the Hard Mode which WoC offers just about right. It is VERY hard at some points (Tracking the Corruption, Warning the Angchu and Finding Jinnai), but it is not impossible and beating it gives a real sense of achievement. I don't reckon myself being more than an above average sesoned player - and I have already beaten WoC HM twice now. So it should be doable for all those the challenge was intended for. However .... I do agree that the amount of luck needed to complete THIS quest is a bit silly. But in the end, I have to say that the conclusion to WoC in both NM and HM has been one of the most enjoyable additions made to the game and it has certainly spurred my interest for the game again. Thank you A-Net. --Manassas
16:18, 21 February 2012 (UTC)
- To the OP: There aren't anyone forcing you to do it in HM. Normal Mode is very well balanced to be playable - even a bit on the easy side - without being forced to use the optimal team builds. But this is "beyond" content targetted at players who have already done everything the game has to offer. For that purpose I find the Hard Mode which WoC offers just about right. It is VERY hard at some points (Tracking the Corruption, Warning the Angchu and Finding Jinnai), but it is not impossible and beating it gives a real sense of achievement. I don't reckon myself being more than an above average sesoned player - and I have already beaten WoC HM twice now. So it should be doable for all those the challenge was intended for. However .... I do agree that the amount of luck needed to complete THIS quest is a bit silly. But in the end, I have to say that the conclusion to WoC in both NM and HM has been one of the most enjoyable additions made to the game and it has certainly spurred my interest for the game again. Thank you A-Net. --Manassas
- I can confirm this works on HM, but still depends on the luck element especially if you don't have massive AoE. To get there without fighting at all, go through the mantids and collect minions there. Then wait for the kappas to fight the 1 group of 4x ministry you have to fight to get there (the kappas begin walking towards the 4x ministry when you fight some mantids on the hill). Then, take out the ministry as they're fighting the kappas. The second aggro of ministry can be completely avoided by hugging the hill. YOU SHOULD ONLY HAVE TO FIGHT ONE GROUP OF MINISTRY TO GET TO THE BATTLE, the group that you gangbang with the kappas. Now you set it up. Put the MM in front of them and they will death nova and heal them. Manual cast the SoS and Soultwisting Shelter spirits. When the talking stops, the minions blow up and kill half the ministry. Here are my builds for warrior (human) : OQATEVKXR6qgnQ0LncHcqpvQAAA sts : OACjAyhLpNYTr3j7sJNncOTBAA aotl : OANDUspPOyhqwRFPgGqq1jAC sos : OACjEyiM5MXzyZ1EjN5kmDTBAA Notice the minor mod with res signet, because winning the battle depends on two things A. killing the first group of ministry before the second shows up and B. resing your aotl if it dies to make another 10+ minions. Sometimes the aotl will die after the first ministry group blows up, but if it is resed fast enough it will aotl when it is alive and It is still not easy and I would say impossible without yourself having AoE -- if you don't have AoE you will either have to get it (like my hundred blades build with the SoS having splinter). If you absolutely can't get AoE, aka para, you will probably have to go /RT and take the place of the SoS then bring an ele hero with 16 fire. Also summon stone and/or summon skill helps a lot. 18:12, 20 February 2012 (UTC)
Not Luck, Just common sense[edit]
it doesn matter the set up, i have done this 3 times in HM now, its just common sense(UPDATE:100B War(use splinter weapon over spirit rift(i only left spirit rift in originally with the idea casters would be doing this aswell, just forgot to make mention of the skill swap for Physical damagers), E-surge mesmer, necro SS>>>Freinds it worked for=Barrage Ranger, Scythe Sin, AoG scythe dervish, Imbagon Physical(<<having splinter weapon on rit hero for all),,//// HB monk and 100B monk(i laughed aswell), Knock locker Earth Ele and Searing Flames Ele, SoS rit(replacing SoS hero with ST hybrid build i gave them :OACjAyhDJPYTr3jbz9NtmOzLGA), all did it 1 shot after i gave builds/instructions SPAWN has nothing to do with it as far as im concerned at this point)
ok now after all different hero set up's/attempt's(and 1 bug so quest didnt update), i found a strong hero team that allowed me to do this quest so easy in hard mode it made the NM time look hard, nearly all tengu survived aswell, now the builds i used are just scarp random and u all could do probably make better, so i'll give the basic set up a yarn: N/Mo= OANDUshvOyhqAaAPcXXJ1jDC Rt/Any=OACjEOiMJTXTlTYOVTdiOOOTXMA N/Rt=OAhiYghMZtJNN5wJOMNOVVdxAA, aslong as u deal decent constant dmg and take Pain Inverter for mages and illusionist ur class shouldnt matter,,, now i made my way threw the mantids, to build up a minion army, waited for kappas to start attacking the group of purity on the other side of the mantid bowl, i helped tag up on purity(kappas can spike nicely on purity with you distracting dmg on a different purity to out do the healers), if u see a mage...P.I it and laugh when it dies in seconds, as for illusionist, save P.I until they cast Chaos Storm and laugh as they die in seconds, so now purity dead, kill kappa, keep heading towards marker, u will encounter the 2nd group of kappa, there just minion fodder at this point, now last group of purity before marker, u can- A) wait until they group away from edge and sneak past(somtimes u will catch there aggro and have to fight anyway), or u can fight them, if fighting them, go to the side from a uphill rise flag SoS between tree and edge, flag MM behind him, put healer a quater aggro bubble offset to the side and back a lil, pick for a mage or the 100B or Whirling axe purity's as P.I will take them down quick, mages should always be a priority over anything else, and the 100B/Whirling Axe wars are a priority over illusionist anyday since they'll rape ur minions and reep havok to ur backline, now after the major damagers are P.I'd instantly target healers, wich can be any of the following: Cleric, Purger, Illusionist, some rit name i cant recall right now)...any but the illusionist are obvious healers mainly cus non clerics/illusionist have healing spirits around them, now just finish off the left overs, from here head towards the marker,the speech will start, set up time, plant ur MM smack dead in front of the purity and watch any necro's from anywhere(purity and tengu) put death nova on your minions constantly, the bond finally has a Soar(that is all), also have ur SoS flagged smack in front of the purity ready to sprout spirits after you intervene and the purity dude replies "YOU....", once he says that spawn spirits in this order:Bloodsong, Agony, SoS, Destruction and flag back behind tengu..Ur N/Rt healer should be flagged behing tengu aswell closer to the path u came from...look for any Mages, or healers, also the paragon purity's have a rez, so go for them aswell...these are ur targets to call and deal with ASAP, by the time the second group reaches u, there should be scrap all of purity left and ur newly made minions will be tanking them/bombing them when dying..its time for you to target there main dmg dealers, followed by healers, followed by rezagon purity(annoyingly weak foe might i add), finish off the scraps and double check it was in Hard mode, because it was that damn easy(i know i had to) will be...Good luck i hope this works as easy for you, as it did for me :), and purity team(at marker) existed of, 1 cleric, 2 mages, 2 illusionist, 1 purger and a few wars, 2nd group had 1 purger healer alot of wars and 2 mages,, done with a War, mesmer, and necro..none of wich are above average, im not a seasoned player, i just use common sense on how to ball aggro properly and what wide AoE to use....Fire ele's...if u want...but we have been opened to so much more high AoE that doesnt cause scatter, like minions blowing up with death nova -- 17:47, 21 February 2012 (UTC)
- Thanks, this strategy and build worked on my first try in HM - after lot of frustration with other builds. 11 August 2012
Soar Honorclaw = tank[edit]
...that's a funny joke. ha. --Ph03n1x 01:46, 29 February 2012 (UTC)
- No, seriously. He died with prot spirit and spirit bond on him. This is ridiculous. I've tried a soul twister, a tank, a minion master, panic, ineptitude, SoS, an emo...and I'm still lucky if I even get past the first ministry group I have to fight. I don't know how you guys did it, but I've tried community-accepted builds for hours now with success in the amount of, "Well, at least I've memorized the route." -- 06:50, 29 February 2012 (UTC)
- Tried bonding her? --Mage
Montu 10:05, 29 February 2012 (UTC)
- If she'll die with prot spirit + spirit bond I'd say she'll die with prot bond. I ended up getting it by some stroke of luck with SoS, E/Mo, and a minion master. I was running Ineptitude. I honestly don't know what was different that time from the others. I think it was a combination of the enemy spawns, the ally spawns and where the enemies grouped up. Luck shouldn't be the sole reason one is able to complete a quest -.- --Ph03n1x 04:49, 1 March 2012 (UTC)
- Tried bonding her? --Mage
Well... I've gotta call Bullshit in this.
I've done it so far on six characters, and can say that it is totally dependent on luck. The exact same build can totally fail, or totally dominate this quest.
Even after beating it with only one Angchu dying then abadoning it to see what would happen. It took me six moe tries before I could beat it again with the exact same build.
So, yeah, it's luck.
I have been trying to do this for 5 hours, and i can't even get past the first ministry group at soar. Is it possible for me to hire someone here? I have been trying every way this page says, and they aren't working -_-.
- Finnally, got it with an Sos rit healer mm and esurge. it is purely luck, because ive tried the exact same way 5-7 times. --
Thon Ghul Talk 23:13, 21 March 2012 (UTC)
This quest destroys my will to live[edit]
As posted by many - success is down to luck, and I AM NOT LUCKY. I have done this HM on 3 characters now, but it was the most tedious and frustrating grind I've ever endured in Guild Wars. Bonding and Protting Soar has not helped me. I have tried any number of builds and tactics. When I have succeeded it was either with one other human player (Imbagon)... or making the biggest EoE bomb I could:
I took everything I could, that I could pre-cast before the Ministry went hostile. Minions of course, with MM standing in the middle of the mob. Then Radiation field, Destruction, Black Powder Mine, whatever. pewpew spirits scattered around. Edge of Extinction out of aggro range on the hill behind the Angchu. Earth ele with wards and Shockwave seemed good. Everything is pre-cast so that it all goes boom as soon as the Ministry goes hostile. Pain Inverter to help ensure an initial kill to trigger EoE. The two times I did this (no consumables, no summoning stones), the first mob vaporised instantly. And so did my half party of course. But by then, the Angchu could hold their own for a few seconds until I rezzed, and the incoming waves are smaller and not nearly so dangerous. I probably should have used Tengu Support Flares just to be sure, but it worked without.
Had to run around the outside of the map, down along the river bank, and sneak past the two ministry groups on the way to the Aerie. This can take a few tries. Only aggro'd and killed the Kappas to make minions. 09:12, 22 March 2012 (UTC)
What Worked For Me[edit]
I tried a number of the above tactics, nothing worked. In desperation, I started other combos. What finally worked for me was: an MM Bomber, an SoS rit, an SoGM rit, and myself (an assassin) took some Wilderness Survival Traps, Black Powder Trap, disrupting Accuracy and Way of the Master, and my elite was Ursan Blessing.
During my approach to the trigger zone, I used a bow with way of the master and disrupting accuracy... trapped against melee guys running at my casters. The big action, with the Ministry while still allies, was to trap the hell out of the area while my casters were flagged just behind the Tengu. The moment they turned hostile, I turned on Ursan Blessing and performed the Ursan Roar - you know, Weaken all enemies in the area, and all allies do +5-15 damage.
Note, it doesn't say all non-spirit allies. It says all allies. If this is accurate, all undead minions, all tengu, and all spirits got the buff while the core group suffered weakness plus all the traps.
It... was... simple. It went so fast I almost didn't realize it was over. After all the times I beat my head against the wall, this finished the quest so fast I was taken aback.
Frankly, I suspect it was mostly the traps, but still, Ursan Roar may have contributed a great deal. I'd love to experiment and see what kind of difference it did in fact make, but I have no desire to go through that again, lol!
Still haveing Problums?[edit]
I tired a mixture of tactics from up above and what i found that worked was building a team like this
RT1 OAajkYgM5OO7v5m7sFtfFWTnJA
my build on for my warrior but if my war can run it and have the energy to do it any class can do this
my build OQgiExiMdNVO5D2JWNhLyMNACA
what you do if you read any of the above is fight your way to the place while you get minions around 8 is good before you go to quest area when there cast protective bond on honorclaw he needs to live. flag your nec infront of the ministry of purity they will heal/deathnova your minions flag your healing nec behind the tengu and have you and your rit stand next to each other infront of the tengue behind your mm and when their talking and when all they say is "You.." cast your spirits and your rits siprits and wait for the battle to start and continue to cast spirits when you can becaues they do die even when useing summon spirits to move them out of aoe. --ViredSwordhammer 20:32, 22 April 2012 (UTC)
- Thanks for that one, I tried all the possibilities described on this page, and this one just worked - I replaced the Rt with a Panic Mesmer, though. And no need to waste a summoning stone. Honorclaw was almost dying several times - I'm getting too old for this. Guess I also got lucky with the spawn, the initial Ministry mob was mainly bladesmen and Illusionists. As it must really have been my lucky day, I also got a pink dye, and a ministerial commendation dropped from the first mob - never got that dropped before since I started WoC. But that won't keep me from thinking this quest is really no fun at all and just a PitA. Korgelen 17:52, 30 November 2013 (UTC)
- This build looked promising so I had high hopes, but I have to say it didn't get me past the first mob without a summoning stone. – josəph 02:08, 10 September 2015 (UTC)
No ruby reward?[edit]
just completed the hard mode, but it only gave an onyx, no rubies. --The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) at 12:37, 11 May 2012 (UTC).
- dare I suggest you completed Honorable Combat in the same day, and therefore have 2 rubies in your inventory, when you were expecting them to form a new pile? File:User Chieftain Alex Chieftain Signature.jpg Chieftain Alex 12:40, 11 May 2012 (UTC)
Take a Panic Mez, Aotl Minion Master, and a N/rt full healer, w/ Xinrae's weapon.You go Any/Rt Sos: with the skills, Spirit Siphon, Painful Bond, Signet of Spirits, Blood Song, Pain, Vampirism, Armor of Unfeeling, and Summon Spirits, or Spirit Boon Strike.Get There. Once there, Use an Imperial Guard Requisition OrderImperial Guard Reinforcement Order then pound the brains out of them. Done. Target The mages, then healers, then its a piece of cake. Good Luck. p.s. if you have 6+ minions, all with Death Nova on them, stick into middle of ministry group, and more Kaboom. --Thon Ghul Talk 13:56, 16 May 2012 (UTC)
- You mean a Tengu Support Flare? And I still think, with how many times I tried it, that it depends on luck ultimately. --Ph03n1x 04:53, 17 May 2012 (UTC)
- I've tried this with tengu support flare, but the difficulty is you get equally random tengu to the already existing ones.. meaning you're more than likely to have a duplicate. The Imperial Guard allies are great in the defending Kaineng/Shing Jea Monastery quests, so since they share builds I think they might be quite effective for this quest with their triple chop/splinter barrage builds. :) File:User Chieftain Alex Chieftain Signature.jpg Chieftain Alex 17:37, 17 May 2012 (UTC)
- Ugghh, I meant Imperial Guard Reinforcement Order. My spawns were 2 eles, 2 purgers, 1 cleric, and that was in the first group, I didn't check the 2nd group. I crushed them, didn't die once. and i had 2 rangers and 1 warrior ( from the imperial guard reinforcement order). And my Tengu Spawns were a rit, a couple wars, i think a mez, but no eles, and a ranger. If for some reason it doesn't work the first time?, you know what they say...
- ...Try...Try...Again... --
Thon Ghul|Talk 18:22, 24 May 2012 (UTC)
- Ugghh, I meant Imperial Guard Reinforcement Order. My spawns were 2 eles, 2 purgers, 1 cleric, and that was in the first group, I didn't check the 2nd group. I crushed them, didn't die once. and i had 2 rangers and 1 warrior ( from the imperial guard reinforcement order). And my Tengu Spawns were a rit, a couple wars, i think a mez, but no eles, and a ranger. If for some reason it doesn't work the first time?, you know what they say...
- I've tried this with tengu support flare, but the difficulty is you get equally random tengu to the already existing ones.. meaning you're more than likely to have a duplicate. The Imperial Guard allies are great in the defending Kaineng/Shing Jea Monastery quests, so since they share builds I think they might be quite effective for this quest with their triple chop/splinter barrage builds. :) File:User Chieftain Alex Chieftain Signature.jpg Chieftain Alex 17:37, 17 May 2012 (UTC)
- Reset indent: this advice worked perfectly. Mango 02:28, 20 August 2012 (UTC)
I have to thank Thon for this one, I probably would have been stuck with my normal builds... but this seemed the least gimmicky and most efficient, and it did work.--Saera Serena 00:14, 15 November 2012 (UTC)
The Solution to the problems[edit]
Ok so I've read alot of these hints and they all seem so complicated and too specific. 1- Bring a MM, and death nova all the minions before the battle (honestly does around 400 dmg minimum to everything I was a warrior and just brang a HB monk and Ineptitude mesmer. Maybe i did get lucky and have good tengu/bad ministry, but it was simple. I tried all the other combinations but this one worked the best -- 16:35, 17 May 2012 (UTC)
Need More Than Luck[edit]
So far, I have spent over 24 hours and ALL of the above combos, and wasted a con set and 3 requisitions on a 3-guard summon. The only time I beat them stupid Soar died in the battle! Someone MUST know a team build that works each time regardless of the enemy professions. Let's be honest here, the ONLY reason I need to get through anything after [EotN] is for the Heroes, because quests are boring. I still have many titles to grind! /rant over – josəph 05:10, 9 September 2015 (UTC)
- If you don't like it then don't do it. You can build a good team without Miku and Zei Ri. On a side note, you can also do it with a human player for more PvE-only titles.--Ruine
Eternelle 07:48, 9 September 2015 (UTC)
- Ahh, I love Ritualists, and I will get all my heroes including Zei Ri. I am spurred on by the Destroyer Core farm called Glint's Heroway...– josəph 01:41, 10 September 2015 (UTC)
- Did it on first attempt with good old fashioned 3 Hero Discordway. No summon or cons or candy, as I forgot to use them. I had death-nova'd the minions, and as an Mo/A, used as my 4 optionals: SoA, RoF, PS, and bonded Soar with Protective Bond which I had to keep recasting. I forgot to add attribute points so I had 14 DF and 0 Prot (12 in Dagger). So this rates as my weirdest quest win ever in the whole game! – josəph 02:38, 10 September 2015 (UTC)
- Ahh, I love Ritualists, and I will get all my heroes including Zei Ri. I am spurred on by the Destroyer Core farm called Glint's Heroway...– josəph 01:41, 10 September 2015 (UTC)
How to On Rit[edit]
Hello. Here's an update from 2016.
Me: SoGM Rt/Me with pain, vampirism, shadowsong, the works
Xandra: SoS/spirit light kaolai Rt
Razah: ST shelter/union/displacement/armor of unfeeling/signet of creation
MoW: Minion Mancer/spirit light kaolai N/Rt
Strategy: Overwhelming strength of numbers. Just spam every spirit you can. With a build like this, calling targets just does nothing, let the war of attrition play out. I've never really liked using MM's since the minions never attack who I want them to, but seriously. Strength in numbers. Build army using mantids, and make sure you don't leave your minions behind. Put Xandra left of the ministry, Razah by the res shrine, MoW by Soar. Have EVERYTHING pre-summoned and make sure to re-summon if you did it too early. ESPECIALLY keep an eye on shelter/union, given the minions. I'm too lazy to keep buying/making cons so i risked this mission without anything and it still worked.
Again, probably an element of luck involved but it's late and I can't remember the exact comp of both sides. Had to deal with a ministry earth ele. There were 2 spirit spammers on their side. (sidenote) MAN am I glad they didn't give the ministry eles churning. That skill kicked my butt so many times on DoA. 09:04, 21 November 2016 (UTC)