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Possible parameters[edit]

Befriending the Kurzicks: kbef (status: done, do, omit)
Befriending the Luxons: lbef (status: done, do, omit)
Arborstone: arborstone (status: done, do, omit)
The Eternal Grove: eternal (status: done, do, omit)
Boreas Seabed: boreas (status: done, do, omit)
Gyala Hatchery: gyala (status: done, do, omit)
Unwaking Waters for the Kurzick: kunwaking (status: done, do, omit)
Unwaking Waters for the Luxon: lunwaking (status: done, do, omit)
Urgoz: urgoz (status: done, do, omit)
Kanaxai: kanaxai (status: done, do, omit)
Scored 100 points in
Altrumm Ruins: altrum (status: done, do, omit)
Zos Shivros Channel: zos (status: done, do, omit)
Scored 100 points in
Amatz Basin: amatz (status: done, do, omit)
The Aurios Mines: aurios (status: done, do, omit)
Win a match in
Fort Aspenwood for the Kurzick: kfort (status: done, do, omit)
Fort Aspenwood for the Luxon: lfort (status: done, do, omit)
Win a match in
Jade Quarry for the Kurzick: kjade (status: done, do, omit)
Jade Quarry for the Luxon: ljade (status: done, do, omit)
Win an Alliance Battle for the
Kurzick: kab (status: done, do, omit)
Luxon: lab (status: done, do, omit)
Achieved rank 1 in / Additional ranks in Faction allegiance
Friend of the Kurzicks title track: krank (rank 0 to 12), kranks (status: done, do, raise, omit)
Friend of the Luxons title track: lrank (rank 0 to 12), lranks (status: done, do, raise, omit)
  • Notes:
if the status is omitted, the sign Ask will show.
if the rank parameter is omitted the rank will be assumed as zero.

Possible status[edit]

  • Yes Done
  • Arrow-up-16.png Raise
  • Quest To do
  • Ask argument omitted


{{User:Rcvf/AllegCap | kbef=done|lbef=done | arborstone=done|eternal=done|boreas=done|gyala=done|kunwaking=done|lunwaking=do |
urgoz=do|kanaxai=do | altrum=done|zos=do | amatz=do|aurios=do | kfort=done|lfort=done | kjade=done|ljade=do | kab=done|lab=do |
krank=2|kranks=do | lrank=3|lranks=raise}}
Achievement Faction cap increase Kurzick.png Luxon.png
Initial cap none no increase 10,000 10,000
Completed: Befriending the Kurzicks / Luxons 10,000 Yes Yes
Completed: Arborstone Yes

The Eternal Grove Yes

Boreas Seabed Yes

Gyala Hatchery Yes

7,000 Yes Quest
Yes Unwaking Waters Quest
Defeated: Urgoz / Kanaxai 10,000 Quest Quest
Scored 100 points in: Altrumm Ruins / Zos Shivros Channel 1,000 Yes Quest
Scored 100 points in: Amatz Basin / The Aurios Mines 1,000 Quest Quest
Win a match in Fort Aspenwood for the Alliance 5,000 Yes Yes
Win a match in Jade Quarry for the Alliance 5,000 Yes Quest
Win: an Alliance Battle for the Alliance 5,000 Yes Quest
Achieved rank 1 in the Faction allegiance title track 5,000 Yes Yes
Faction allegiance ( r > 1 ) Kurzick: 2 / Luxon: 3 1,000 Quest Arrow-up-16.png
Total (each): 70,000

