Guild:Archangels Fury

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Archangels Fury [AF]

Archangels Fury [AF]
Guild Archangels Fury cape.jpg
Territory America
Language Typonese
Leader Tia of Tia
Faction Luxon
Type PvX
No. of members 60 (in flux)
Time zone EST
Archangels Fury Guild Hall
Warrior's Isle.jpg
Location Warrior's Isle
Expansion Progress 13/13
Acquired NPCs
Xunlai Agent icon.png Xunlai Agent Tick green.png
Dye Trader icon.png Dye Trader Tick green.png
Material Trader icon.png Material Trader Tick green.png
Rare Material Trader icon.png Rare Material Trader Tick green.png
Rune Trader icon.png Rune Trader Tick green.png
Scroll Trader icon.png Scroll Trader Tick green.png
Skill Trainer icon.png Skill Trainer Tick green.png
Priest of Balthazar icon.png Priest of Balthazar Tick green.png
Merchant icon.png Merchant Tick green.png
Weaponsmith icon.png Weaponsmith Tick green.png
Guild Emblemer icon.png Guild Emblemer Tick green.png
Canthan Ambassador icon.png Canthan Ambassador Tick green.png
Festival Hat Keeper icon.png Festival Hat Keeper Tick green.png

Created in 2007 by Tia and a Greasd Up Def Guy, AF is a friendly, mature Guild that welcomes any age as long as you are respectful to others and do not use profane language.


Guild Membership
Contact any officer to request membership to our guild.

email Archangels Fury

Guild Membership Requirements

  1. Be respectful to others.
  2. No profanity allowed.
  3. Enjoy your game experiance and do not criticize other game play.

Alliance Membership
Contact Tia of Tia to get membership into our alliance. If you cannot get a hold of Tia, contact any officer and they will direct your request to her.

Alliance Membership Requirements

  1. All AF Guild rules apply to Alliance Chat and while visiting any other Guild's Hall that is in the Alliance.
  2. Any violation of the Alliance rules will result in the following
    1. If an Alliance Guild's member violates the rules, the member will be warned, if the offense continues, an officer of that guild will be asked to remove that person from their guild.
    2. If an officer of that guild is not on and the member continues to violate the rules, the guild will be removed from the Alliance.
    3. Once the offensive member has been removed from that guild, the guild leader can request to be let back in the alliance, but must pay the join fee this time.

Guild Announcements

AF's website has had a makeover. Come visit at

Next Party Date:
Currently Unknown

Archangels faction: 561,996 as of 9/06/09
Alliance Faction: 1,138,018 as of 9/06/09


Guild Leader

Tia of Tia (last joined 1/30/2007)


To become an officer:

  1. Officer spot is earned
  2. Must have at least 3 of 4 of the games
  3. Have several level 20's
  4. Have a good knowledge of the game
  5. Help fellow guildies and alliance members

Pluto The Wise (last joined 1/8/07)
Pestilence Divine(last joined 1/30/07)
Shawndra Fox (last joined 8/9/07)
Coastal Rum Runner (last joined 10/13/07)a.k.a. Silent Fist of Fury
P A I N Killer (last joined 3/27/08)
Orfas the not-so Great(last joined 11/11/08)
Rafaya Mikel (last jined 4/1/08)
Joe Outlaw (last joined 9/14/2009)
Luna The Silver (las joined 10/27/2009)
Completly Fubar (last joined 12/5/2009)
Ray of Golden Suns (Last joined 1/30/2010)
Shalandra Johr (last joined 2/16/2010)
Dervish Alissa (last joined 2/28/2010)

Our Officer's Profile Page :

Members of Note

Here are our members who have been with us on and off for a while or are just wonderful people in our guild

Make It Better Monk (12/29/07)
Tormentor Oddball (last joined 5/10/08)
Pests Hero (last joined 7/13/08)
Crank Bo (last joined 8/7/08)
Lari B Bomber (last joined 8/17/08)
Kowboy Karl (last joined 8/21/08)
Jack Duk (last joined 8/30/08)
Ben Stokes (last joined 7/15/09)
Brock The Bandit (Last joined 6/1/08)

Archangels Fury Alliance
Leader Archangels Fury
Members None at this Time