- Guild Wars Campaign(s)/Expansion(s):
Prophecies / Factions / Nightfall / Eye of the North
- Account titles:
Renowned Hero (9)
Fierce Gladiator (2)
Savior of the Luxons (12)
Savior of the Kurzicks (12)
Golden (5)
Tragic (4)
Oracle of Wisdom (6)
Expert Treasure Hunter (4)
Ally of the Zaishen (4)
- Leader of: The Overachievers [Club]
Co-Founder of The Killer Clan Musketeers {TKCM}
- PvE Tidbits:
Most Played Character Name: Vela Iviana, Class : Warrior
Most Loved Character Class: Monk
Most Enjoyable Mission(s): Vizunah Square (HM)
- PvP Tidbits::
Most Played PvP Classes: Elementalist, Paragon, Mesmer, Necromancer
Unlock Status: UAX
Balthazar Factions: 3.5M+
- Other Games:
Diablo & Diablo2
Final Fantasy Series
- Useful Wiki Links:
User Talks -- Gaile Gray / Linsey Murdock / Andrew Patrick / Isaiah Cartwright
Game Chat -- Gaile Chat Logs / Dev Updates
GW2 Info -- Guild Wars 2 Official Wiki / Basic GW2 Info
- Location: Maryland, U.S.A.
- Realm: America
- Time Zone: EST(GMT-05:00)
- Gender: Male