Cleansing Haiju Lagoon/Guide

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Method 1: Keep Tsuriai alive[edit]

Focus on keeping Tsuriai alive; as long as she survives long enough to complete her ritual the quest will complete. For example, bring only healers and protectors. Use Party healing and health regeneration to counteract Corrupted Haiju Lagoon Water's environmental effect.

Method-specific skills

Method 2: Move her out of harm's way[edit]

Alternatively, you can exploit Tsuriai's AI to move her out of harm's way by getting her to follow an ally with low health. Although she will periodically stop moving, the Afflicted do not wander far from the water; she will be safe as long as you can move her north-east at least one aggro-bubble onto Teipao Island, allowing you to wait out the timer. Any party members that are not involved in this should head immediately towards the island or remain at the spawn point.

To get her to follow, you must provide her with an obvious target for Patient Spirit. Although there are many ways to do this, the easiest four are:

Blood is Power.jpg
"Fall Back!".jpg
  • Hard Mode: A simple, fast, and safe method for completing Cleansing Haiju Lagoon on any difficulty with any character. Have a player repeatedly use a sacrifice skill slightly out of Tsurai's range (using Blood is Power on a hero is ideal because of its quick recharge and large sacrifice). When she starts moving towards you, start running onto the island dragging her along. Repeat until you reach the desired spot. Make sure the hero you took with you doesn't use any healing skills (preferably the hero should only have "Fall Back!" and "Incoming!" to speed up the first part of the quest). (See: Example)
  • Have a hero sacrifice themselves.
  • Create a minion (whose natural health degeneration will be an attractive target for Tsuriai to heal). Aura of the Lich can do so without requiring a corpse.
  • Use Burning Speed, which applies Burning to the caster.

Which ever method you use, keep the target moving along, away from the lagoon and onto the island.

Other method-specific tips
  • She'll always leave her initial spot to heal players, but might not do the same for AI making those methods less appealing.
  • Make sure your heroes with healing capacities do not interfere, e.g. by flagging them away or doing the quest solo.
  • To reduce the time to reach Tsuriai, consider skills that improve movement speed.
  • This exploit is more difficult to execute than others in the game; some players might find it easier to focus on method one.

External links[edit]