User:Mighty Dominatrix

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Mighty Dominatrix
Species Human
Profession Warrior-tango-icon-20.png Warrior
Level(s) 20
Campaign Prophecies


Female.png This user is Female.
OMG I'm a gamer chick!
File:User Mrs Kuan Shroomie.JPG This user is a child of the 80's.
Ranger-tango-icon-200.png This user is a Ranger by nature.
North America 70x40.png This user plays in the
North American territory.
This user is a member of the Kurzick alliance.
PvE This user enjoys PvE.
Miniature Ghostly Hero.png This user collects miniatures.
User Lensor gw2.jpg This user plans to buy Guild Wars 2
User Nian Melandru.jpg This user trusts in the guidance of Melandru.
CPT This user tracks their progress on Rohar's Roughnecks Character Progress Tracker.

My Ranger Stats

Gender Female.png Female
Born in Tyria
Age 19 year(s),4 month(s)
Created: 20 October, 2005
Profession Ranger Ranger
Level 20 7.120.000 XP
Guild Just Us Loners
Armor Head: Mask of the Mo Zing
Chest: Ranger Norn armor
Arms: Ranger Norn armor
Legs: Ranger Norn armor
Feet: Ranger Norn armor
Weapon Drago's Flatbow (Unique)
Titles CanthanCartographer = 100 | ElonianCartographer = 100 | TyrianProtector = 25 | CanthanProtector = 13 | ElonianProtector = 20 | TyrianSkillHunter = 90 | CanthanSkillHunter = 120 | ElonianSkillHunter = 141 | Delver = 10
Miniatures Fungal Wallow Hydra Jade Armor Jungle Troll Necrid Horseman
Temple Guardian Whiptail Devourer Burning Titan Heket Warrior Juggernaut
Mandragor Imp Wind Rider Pig Celestial Rat Celestial Pig
  • Drunkard
  • Defeat Mallyx