User talk:Emily Diehl/Official information archive 2
Question regarding templates (branching from modding)
Emily, I wasn't sure where else to leave this, but I wanted to direct this question specifically to you.
When the skill templates first came out, I wrote support to ask about creating templates via an external program in the correct format, then using them in-game would be bannable. I am a programmer, and while I may not have graphical abilities, I was looking at creating a web-based tool (so no installation of anything on the computer, less security issues) similar to the well-used character-building tools that allow you to create a potential build, and experiment with attributes and equipment.
The specific program I wanted to create is something that I think the community would be very interested in seeing. (it would not be a straight build creation tool, but I don't want to get too specific because I don't want anyone to beat me too it lol)
Quite obviously you cannot support a 3rd party program or website. What NCSoft support told me is that over and above that, using a template code created by a 3rd party program is a bannable offense. At that point I ceased and desisted with all development.
What I was wanting to do is quite comprable, imho, to what the modders were wanting to do. When I read that they were indeed able (without running the risk of being banned for something like the health bar mod, or the pickle sword) to make those changes, it piqued my interest as to whether what I wanted to do would be allowed.
Because the system is in place that will not allow you to load a template and use skills that would be considered "illegal" I think that a code even created by hand shouldn't be a bannable offense.
So the question is: With this new information about the ability to modify some limited aspects of the client-side of GW, would it be a bannable offense to use template codes created by a third party program? (or from scratch using notepad) If not, I will take up development of this website once again, as I think it is something that the community would really enjoy. Thank you. 15:50, 6 July 2007 (UTC)
- Sounds like the support didn't really know what they were talking about and gave a generic response. I don't see how text generated outside of the game and pasted into the chat window can possibly be considered a bannable offence. --Lemming64 15:57, 6 July 2007 (UTC)
Hi, is me, Theosebes, I thought I was logged in - sorry bout that.
Well, Support for sure gave me a generic answer, but after corresponding with them, what they eventually said is that modifying, creating, or altering in any way the client files that GW.exe uses or the .exe itself (to include the template files - stored as text files on your computer) is what is bannable, I took them at thier word.
Since what I had planned would not post anything to the chat window, but rather create the text file that the user would then put into the appropriate directory, I felt it was similar to issue of the modding of the client.
While I don't think what I would present to the community would be nearly as useful as the health bar ticks or the spirit range circles on the UI, I think that what I have in mind would indeed be a positive influence.
In any event, I want something resembling an official word before I proceed. I don't want to risk a ban, much less cause someone else to be banned because they used something that I created.
- Surely that would imply that anyone who has ever used a build generated by gwBBcode is liable to a ban. Goodbye, top 100 guilds ^^ --Snograt
19:06, 6 July 2007 (UTC)
- Hi there, Theosebes! I'm checking into this for you so you can have a definite answer to address your concerns. I'll let you know what I hear back. --
Emily Diehl (talk) 19:22, 6 July 2007 (UTC)
- Hi there, Theosebes! I'm checking into this for you so you can have a definite answer to address your concerns. I'll let you know what I hear back. --
- Hello again. I've checked on this for you, and we don't see any problems with creating a website to allow people to calculate potential builds. It was mentioned that several websites have been doing this with skill templates for some time now (for example, [1]), so you might want to check those sites out to see if that is similar to what you are thinking about doing. If I've misunderstood your question, just let me know. --
Emily Diehl (talk) 19:29, 9 July 2007 (UTC)
- Thank you for double-checking this for me. What I was looking at putting together would be something along the lines of The Edge program, but with enough of a twist, or difference, to make the development of it worthwhile. Again, I don't want to go into too many details so that nobody beats me too it. Suffice it to say, nobody is doing exactly what I am planning on doing yet. (At least not fully) The two things that are absolutely key though to what I am doing are:
- 1. It's gotta be online, nothing installed on your computer. I don't want even the posibility of anyone thinking that a keylogger would be attached, and a program that gets installed can be modified and re-distributed.
- 2. (The most important) My website has to be able to create the template file so that it can easily be saved onto the target machine.
- Hello again. I've checked on this for you, and we don't see any problems with creating a website to allow people to calculate potential builds. It was mentioned that several websites have been doing this with skill templates for some time now (for example, [1]), so you might want to check those sites out to see if that is similar to what you are thinking about doing. If I've misunderstood your question, just let me know. --
- In a nutshell, #2 was what I was concerned about: If it was allowed or not for my website to create a template file that can be saved by a user to thier machine and used directly by GW, or alternatively, that they could save the text code into a file and create the template file on thier machine, saving the code my website created into it. I had been told by support that it would be bannable for someone to use a template file created by anything other than Guild Wars itself.
- An example of a site that does something similar is this site here: except that I would probably also have the file available to download in addition to the text code. That would only be part of what my site would do, but it is the key part of that site. The rest is what I will keep secret for the time being lol.
- Thank you again for checking this. Once I have the alpha site up and running I will send you a link so that you can take a look at it. I hope it will be something useful and fun for the community. Theosebes 20:25, 9 July 2007 (UTC)
- I don't see a problem at all and wouldn't probably even had bothered to ask if I would have been creating a tool like this. Remember that GuildWiki for example had template codes for the builds that they hosted? People could just copy-paste the template code and create the template themselves. Your tool would just bee a high-tech version of manual copy-pasting from GuildWiki. --
(gem / talk) 14:14, 10 July 2007 (UTC)
- I don't see a problem at all and wouldn't probably even had bothered to ask if I would have been creating a tool like this. Remember that GuildWiki for example had template codes for the builds that they hosted? People could just copy-paste the template code and create the template themselves. Your tool would just bee a high-tech version of manual copy-pasting from GuildWiki. --
GW:EN Leaked Armors
Hi! I thought you might be the perfect person to ask about this being you're part of the design team, right?
Several GW:EN armors were leaked a week ago at GWO forum, the member who put it up had loaded up these armors via a private server using our current gw .dat file. What we saw were many reskins of many of the available armors, some posters believe that these are the "armor enhancements/effects" that were talked about during the e3 presentation, while others suggest that these are the actual EotN armors. Several threads are up on these topics but none have been given any confirmation by any Anet staff member as to what we are seeing.
For Example:
Leaked Saintly (Male) Reskin: Comparison to current:
Leaked Drakescale(Female) Reskin: Comparison to current:
Leaked Hydromancer (Female) Reskin: Comparison to current:
And many more. Are these real armors in EotN or enhanced versions? And if they are the actual EotN armors, is there any specific reason nearly all the EotN armor models leaked are reskins of old armor models and not new models? I'm guess what I'm trying to say is, I was kind of expecting the armor variation we had in the other chapters, and was somewhat disappointed to see very little variation with the upcoming armors. Xitoahc 17:44, 22 July 2007 (UTC))
- Chillax, I doubt they're all even finished yet. Besides, that male ranger one looks awesome :D --Santax (talk · contribs) 17:52, 22 July 2007 (UTC)
- I question linking to leaked content here. I think the links should go. This is really a user curious about something, not an actual wiki related question. I always prefer to punish leaks by not showcasing the leaked content in any way. --Karlos 17:54, 22 July 2007 (UTC)
- I only put them up to provide Emily with a visual look at what the leak was. Didn't think it would hurt, though I was kind of worried that might be against the rules. Xitoahc 18:02, 22 July 2007 (UTC)
- Ever considered it might have been someone joking around with you guys, Xitoahc? This seems like the kind of thing someone using TexMod would do, see Guide to modifying in-game graphics, and that'd explain why they look so similar to current armors, whoever did them just drew on top of existing textures. Just like the Terror Shield, it'd be someone simply modifying the graphics on his computer, nothing to do with ANet or GWEN. Just a possibility. --Dirigible 17:59, 22 July 2007 (UTC)
- Oh it was the first thing I considered, but I was proven wrong by another board member when they showed the comparison to the armors shown in the e3 presentation, I would think this is a lot of trouble to go through for just a hoax as over 25 armors were shown. Xitoahc 18:06, 22 July 2007 (UTC)
- Quote from Xitoahc: "[..] the member who put it up had loaded up these armors via a private server using our current gw .dat file" - Don't know if this is really meant as written but playing GW on a non-NCSoft server is not allowed:
- "20. You will not attempt to play Guild Wars on any server that is not controlled or authorized by NC Interactive or its designees." (from Rules of Conduct) poke | talk 18:08, 22 July 2007 (UTC)
- There was actually a picture of a warrior wearing what apeared to be a pair of gloves, that caused your hands to look like molten rock. Unfortunatly the forum has since been deleted so I cannot find a link to picture. Many people said that the picture was fake just like all the others. But there is an official picture of a dervish wearing these gloves in this picture here --Alien
18:20, 22 July 2007 (UTC)
- There was actually a picture of a warrior wearing what apeared to be a pair of gloves, that caused your hands to look like molten rock. Unfortunatly the forum has since been deleted so I cannot find a link to picture. Many people said that the picture was fake just like all the others. But there is an official picture of a dervish wearing these gloves in this picture here --Alien
- A little of topic but, the mask she is wearing looks awsome :) --Alien
18:25, 22 July 2007 (UTC)
- A little of topic but, the mask she is wearing looks awsome :) --Alien
- People, think a bit from Emily's point of view: someone used a forbidden tool (private servers) to display information Arena Net did not want the players to know so soon (otherwise they would have just told us themselves). That's a complex situation; I don't really think she's allowed to confirm or deny those images, at least not so soon after this whole situation began. Erasculio 19:37, 22 July 2007 (UTC)
- Good Point. Just wish we'd have some official word though or some more information regarding how armors will work in EotN, instead of all of this confusion. Especially when there is so many topics coming up with the same issue. Xitoahc 20:53, 23 July 2007 (UTC)
- Hi, there. As you know, we've had a lot of industrious individuals working on mods for Guild Wars. Some of them have been "poking around" in the .dat file--which in the interests of the benign modding we talked about is not something we would take action against. The images in this article and these forum posts may contain art from those files. The images could also be total spoofs, and believe me, I've seen some good ones. :) I just checked, though, and at least some of these are accurate. :) --Gaile
02:11, 25 July 2007 (UTC)
- Gaile first off thank you for your response! Being that they are accurate(at least the ones put up as examples), are they part of the 40 new armors advertised? Out of the clarifications you gave for the e3 messages on the Gaile News page, there really wasn't anything about what was said about the "armor effects". Which is where a lot of this confusion is coming from, there is uncertainty on whether what we're seeing is the new "armor effects" for our current armors, or if this is one of the 40 New Armors. This post on GWO kind of goes along with what I was trying to say at the start of this topic: Thanks in advance for any clarification you can give. Xitoahc 04:10, 25 July 2007 (UTC)
- In all honesty, I think "armor effects" was a misstatement. I only know of armors, not effects. Now, I could be wrong, and I certainly will ask tomorrow when I'm in the office (I'm at home now) but it seems to me that what we are seeing, at least in some images, is armor, pure and simple. And yes, of course those would be part of the 40 that were mentioned as being part of GW:EN. (I understand your comments, but you should appreciate that some of your expectations are based on previous campaigns and GW:EN is an expansion pack.)
- Please know that I have not followed every thread and every link or image within a thread, so I cannot put the "seal of accuracy" on all images. After all, people do get creative and clever, and some images that you see are more a flight of fancy of an adept PhotoShopper than a Guild Wars artist. :) That said, enjoy the preview of some of what you'll be able to acquire in Guild Wars: Eye of the North! --Gaile
04:22, 25 July 2007 (UTC)
- Teehee thank you for that clarification ^^; Given it wasn't quite what I was expecting but then like you said most of those expectations are from I've seen in other campaigns. In either case, I'm still giddy and impatiently waiting for EotN release(someone please send me a time machine ~.~) Xitoahc 04:27, 25 July 2007 (UTC)
Game Update
The update you posted, it isn't live yet, right? - anja 23:54, 20 July 2007 (UTC)
- Not just yet, but it's on the way :) --
Emily Diehl (talk) 23:56, 20 July 2007 (UTC)
- Ok, thanks, good to know. Some people have already asked :) - anja
23:57, 20 July 2007 (UTC)
- Ok, thanks, good to know. Some people have already asked :) - anja
- Yeah, unfortunately there was a bit of an unforeseen delay but everything should be ready to go shortly. --
Emily Diehl (talk) 23:59, 20 July 2007 (UTC)
- I'll post it here as it is related to updates: I started this discussion wether it is possible to include rough update size in update notes. We noticed that there are differences when using -image, I think this depends on users computer system. Are you able to get concrete values for update size that are made ready for download? Thanks for your response. - MSorglos (talk|contrib) 06:54, 21 July 2007 (UTC)
- Yeah, unfortunately there was a bit of an unforeseen delay but everything should be ready to go shortly. --
- I don't believe that I have access to the exact size of the updates to include. I should be able to mention if the update will be large due to a pre-launch content push, but as far as exact numbers go, our build process is such that I may not be able to get that data. I'll do some checking to see. I could always re-write the update notes to point out immediately when a build will be pushing larger amounts of content, but I'd have to discuss the topic with some other folks before I give a definite answer. --
Emily Diehl (talk) 20:21, 24 July 2007 (UTC)
- I don't believe that I have access to the exact size of the updates to include. I should be able to mention if the update will be large due to a pre-launch content push, but as far as exact numbers go, our build process is such that I may not be able to get that data. I'll do some checking to see. I could always re-write the update notes to point out immediately when a build will be pushing larger amounts of content, but I'd have to discuss the topic with some other folks before I give a definite answer. --
- Making a note wether an update will push pre-launch-content or otherwise large amounts of content would be great. I know that exact numbers are not difficult to obtain, rough update size (e.g. ~5MB, 50 MB) are enough to get a clue how long updating will take.
- As I stated in the linked talk, could it be that Character-Screen-Loading (log in and wait until update is complete) does not work? - MSorglos (talk|contrib) 17:48, 25 July 2007 (UTC)
Skill Icons
Just wondering if it can be possible to add all new skill icons to some kind of package that other guild wars fansites can use as current fan site kit on has no sunspear, luxon +++ skills. Thank you 04:39, 21 July 2007 (UTC)
- NEVER! Only GWW are allowed to use them lol.--§ Eloc § 04:43, 21 July 2007 (UTC)
- And why is that? Is it something wrong that there is more then 1 guild wars related fansite? 04:56, 21 July 2007 (UTC)
- Umm, GWW isn't a fansite. It's run and owned by ArenaNet.--§ Eloc § 05:32, 21 July 2007 (UTC)
- You're are wrong there it isn't run by arenanet technically it is a community project. But back on subject i'm sure at some point they will release the icons. They're probably just busy getting ready for GW:EN to go live. --ChronicinabilitY
05:40, 21 July 2007 (UTC)
- The servers are hosted by ANet. All non-ANet, non-fair use content on the wiki is owned by the individual editors and licensed under the GFDL. Details are at Guild Wars Wiki:Copyrights. -- Gordon Ecker 05:45, 21 July 2007 (UTC)
- yeah but if they do have time to put it on this wiki why don't release it for rest of the fan sites as well? It takes 30sec to zip and post. Gcardinal 06:15, 21 July 2007 (UTC)
- Two words: Exclusive Content. It is ANET's prerogative to be able to put stuff on their wiki that cannot be found anywhere else. Counciler 07:43, 21 July 2007 (UTC)
- yeah but if they do have time to put it on this wiki why don't release it for rest of the fan sites as well? It takes 30sec to zip and post. Gcardinal 06:15, 21 July 2007 (UTC)
- The servers are hosted by ANet. All non-ANet, non-fair use content on the wiki is owned by the individual editors and licensed under the GFDL. Details are at Guild Wars Wiki:Copyrights. -- Gordon Ecker 05:45, 21 July 2007 (UTC)
- You're are wrong there it isn't run by arenanet technically it is a community project. But back on subject i'm sure at some point they will release the icons. They're probably just busy getting ready for GW:EN to go live. --ChronicinabilitY
- Umm, GWW isn't a fansite. It's run and owned by ArenaNet.--§ Eloc § 05:32, 21 July 2007 (UTC)
- I would love to see reply from Emily Diehl, after all I post on
hisher talk page. Thank you. Gcardinal 12:27, 21 July 2007 (UTC)- Just to make it more clear in terms of question it self: Where can other fan sites get skill icons for use on their websites? That includes both New AB L/K and PvE Sunspear as well as GW:EN skill icons. Gcardinal 12:37, 21 July 2007 (UTC)
- Keep in mind that no one who replied here speaks for Arena Net, and that it usually takes a small while between the game being released and all skill icons to be available at the Fansite Kits. If anything, I don't think the current icons for the GW:EN skills are set on stone yet; those are likely going to be made available after release. Erasculio 13:54, 21 July 2007 (UTC)
- It has been more then 30 days since sunspear skills was released. Anyway I just want to hear answer from the owner of this talk page, thats why I posted here and not on community talk page. Gcardinal 14:02, 21 July 2007 (UTC)
- "after all I post on his talk page" - just a note, it's her talk page. :)
(Aiiane - talk - contribs) 14:15, 21 July 2007 (UTC)
- Don't be so impatient GCardinal. Eventually Emily will respond, but you can't avoid other wiki contributors to respond to your question. Instead of feverishly trying to force everyone from responding to your question, just wait until Emily comes online, checks her talk page and responds. --
(CoRrRan / talk) 15:19, 21 July 2007 (UTC)
- Not inpatient at all, I just don't want simple request to end up in never ending discussion with many subjects :) (the usual wiki style :) Gcardinal 15:52, 21 July 2007 (UTC)
- Don't be so impatient GCardinal. Eventually Emily will respond, but you can't avoid other wiki contributors to respond to your question. Instead of feverishly trying to force everyone from responding to your question, just wait until Emily comes online, checks her talk page and responds. --
- "after all I post on his talk page" - just a note, it's her talk page. :)
- It has been more then 30 days since sunspear skills was released. Anyway I just want to hear answer from the owner of this talk page, thats why I posted here and not on community talk page. Gcardinal 14:02, 21 July 2007 (UTC)
- Keep in mind that no one who replied here speaks for Arena Net, and that it usually takes a small while between the game being released and all skill icons to be available at the Fansite Kits. If anything, I don't think the current icons for the GW:EN skills are set on stone yet; those are likely going to be made available after release. Erasculio 13:54, 21 July 2007 (UTC)
- Just to make it more clear in terms of question it self: Where can other fan sites get skill icons for use on their websites? That includes both New AB L/K and PvE Sunspear as well as GW:EN skill icons. Gcardinal 12:37, 21 July 2007 (UTC)
- And why is that? Is it something wrong that there is more then 1 guild wars related fansite? 04:56, 21 July 2007 (UTC)
- We will be expanding the Fansite Kit in the future, you can count on it. This is something that I'll work on with the web team, especially since the FSK is designed primarily for fansites, which all liaise with ArenaNet through the community team. Thanks for the reminder about the skill icons, though. Honestly, with the time constraints, we may wait and update the kit when we have the icons for GW:EN, too. This means it may be provided a bit after release of GW:EN, but I'll try for sooner rather than later! :) --Gaile
01:14, 22 July 2007 (UTC)
- OK, thank you. Gcardinal 02:42, 29 July 2007 (UTC)
Permission to use GW features.
Greetings, I'm thinking of making an open source java applet game for my school's assignment. It would be a mix between chess, and Guild Wars. You would have online 2-player 8v8 battles(works rather nicely on a 8x8 field, using all professions, skills and attributes. Of course, this will be ported to a turn-based battle system, turning seconds into rounds, fixing assassin skill chains so they're pretty useful and so forth.
Now here's the big question. Would A.Net or NCSoft allow the obvious use of their battle system? The game will be open source, I will not earn money through it. If yes, can I use this wiki to spread info about it? 12:51, 23 July 2007 (UTC)
- What exactly do you mean by "battle system"? Merely a general "this is a ritualist, this is an assassin, etc, or would each piece have a bar of 8 skills taken directly from guild wars?
- I don't think you'd have too much of a problem with the first part, especially if you changed the names of the professions a bit, but the latter would most definitely infringe IP and no way ANet would ever release that.
- That said, I think if you clarified a bit exactly what you want to use Emily should be able to give you an official answer. Eerie Moss 14:41, 23 July 2007 (UTC)
- Each pawn would have 8 skills, very much like GW has now. The goal is to take the real-time out of GW, pour it on a chess board and stick as close to the GW strategy/tactics system as I can.
- I don't see much of a problem, you can consider it a piece of fan-art. I'm not trying to make money out of this. It's an open source project for school, I can let other people do some work as well ( balancing issues etc. ) 16:44, 23 July 2007 (UTC)
- I think your best route for this being allowed is you must use skills, is make up your OWN skills. Take a little directly from the game as you can. The more is your work, the less it infringes on IP rights. Counciler 17:20, 24 July 2007 (UTC)
- True, I guess. Sticking to core skills might also be a good idea. The original idea however was to make GW on a chess board, not to do a lame remake.
- I think your best route for this being allowed is you must use skills, is make up your OWN skills. Take a little directly from the game as you can. The more is your work, the less it infringes on IP rights. Counciler 17:20, 24 July 2007 (UTC)
- Hi, this is a company policy question, so Emily asked that I respond. I will inquire about this project and answer as soon as I have more internal information. In the meantime, you might consult our Terms of Use for certain helpful info. There are certain elements within your proposed project that seem in keeping with the ToU, including the fact that this project is not-for-profit. However, I cannot relay a formal answer just yet, so thanks for your patience as we get an answer back to you. --Gaile
02:22, 25 July 2007 (UTC)
- Hello, I did find out some more information. As you know, we’re interested in making Guild Wars the best game possible, and when the fan community mods our game for the purpose of making it better, we support that. However, we regret that we cannot give permission for the game that you’ve described. We understand that this is a not-for-profit project, but using our assets in a project of this type – essentially creating a different game using our materials – is not something we’re able to allow. --Gaile
03:33, 25 July 2007 (UTC)
- when the fan community mods our game for the purpose of making it better, we support that
- Now wait a minute, you've been saying for quite sometime that you DIDN'T support it, you just didn't disallow it. Whats with the mixed messages? Counciler 05:00, 25 July 2007 (UTC)
- I believe that was directed at a technical reference, like if the mod messes up your GW .dat file they can't do anything about it. Xitoahc 05:11, 25 July 2007 (UTC)
- Hello, I did find out some more information. As you know, we’re interested in making Guild Wars the best game possible, and when the fan community mods our game for the purpose of making it better, we support that. However, we regret that we cannot give permission for the game that you’ve described. We understand that this is a not-for-profit project, but using our assets in a project of this type – essentially creating a different game using our materials – is not something we’re able to allow. --Gaile
- I agree that I think Gaile has used support in two separate contexts with different meanings. I think she means that when users have made mods ArenaNet have encouraged them, but not agreed to maintain those mods. LordBiro 07:00, 25 July 2007 (UTC)
[reset_indent] Yanman, that sounds like a great idea, and using "rules" of another game is free for all (like you can't protect the idea of rolling dice and moving a gamepiece so many spaces). However names and game-related phrases are protected to a degree until they become so common that everyone uses them. For instance Warrior is a pretty common character class and you anybody can use it in their own game. Mesmer, on the other hand, is really something A.Net made up. That is why so many collectible card games don't use the word "tap." So, your idea rocks, but make the game your own. Starting from Guild Wars is a great idea, just as A.Net probably looked at any number of games when making this masterpiece, just don't copy it. --Ravious 14:27, 26 July 2007 (UTC)
hey i got banned for 71 hour um?
yo i got banned for 71 hour because i was sending too much message woa tahts lame and it will be great if you know a way to pass over the ban so i can play. thank you in advance --The preceding unsigned comment was added by User: .
- Emily's page is not the place to inquire about such issues. If you think you were unjustly banned, you should contact Guild Wars Support (
(Aiiane - talk - contribs) 23:58, 27 July 2007 (UTC)
hey like i said like 5 min ago i got banned for injust reason well i think its injust and i cant call suport cause my internet go very bad so if you can help me or something well go ahead --The preceding unsigned comment was added by User: .
- You don't have to call support, you can always email them. There's not much we can do about in game bans over here. Emily is not a support team member, btw, so I don't think she could help you any more then most of us. Your best call is to contact the support team, they have all the tools for helping you :) - anja
00:10, 28 July 2007 (UTC)
- Yes, unfortunately there is nothing that I would be able to do on my end. As Aiiane and Anja mentioned, you should contact support and they will be able to assist you further. --
Emily Diehl (talk) 00:23, 28 July 2007 (UTC)
- Yes, unfortunately there is nothing that I would be able to do on my end. As Aiiane and Anja mentioned, you should contact support and they will be able to assist you further. --
- It was not an unjust ban. If you'd read the login screen announcements, you'll have noticed the warning about spamming messages. --
03:07, 28 July 2007 (UTC)
Ok, I couldn't find a page for this to put in the bug so here it is...--§ Eloc § 01:03, 21 July 2007 (UTC)
- Thanks, Eloc. I moved the bug to this page so it doesn't flag my page as a bug. I'll also pass it along in a bug report so people are aware of it. --
Emily Diehl (talk) 01:10, 21 July 2007 (UTC)
- Ya, it's quite easy to reproduce. I just pull the tab upwards really fast. I just do it out of habit.--§ Eloc § 01:28, 21 July 2007 (UTC)
- I mentioned this bug to the team and it was fixed. I'd imagine that the change will go through in a future live update. --
Emily Diehl (talk) 20:22, 24 July 2007 (UTC)
- I mentioned this bug to the team and it was fixed. I'd imagine that the change will go through in a future live update. --
- Ya, it's quite easy to reproduce. I just pull the tab upwards really fast. I just do it out of habit.--§ Eloc § 01:28, 21 July 2007 (UTC)
gw.dat file format
I posted this on Gaile's talk but then thought that this probably would've been a better place to ask. How do you folks feel about something like this Gw.dat file format page on GWW? Cloud 07:51, 21 July 2007 (UTC)
- I have asked for clarification, and my page is the right place for asking. I'll let you know when I have the information that you seek. Thanks. --Gaile
01:08, 22 July 2007 (UTC)
Guild Halls Music
When you get some free time, do you think you could take a look at the music files being used in the Guild Halls? Perhaps match the correct files to their proper region-themes? For example, Wizard's Isle does not use Pre-Searing music, despite the obvious theme. Imperial Isle could use the Divine Path music to hieghten atmosphere. Things like that. The 'correct' music for the corresponding theme. Thanks. I have talked to Linsey who said she can't help with this so she pointed me to Izzy, and someone on Izzy's page said you might be the better person to ask this. Counciler 01:05, 22 July 2007 (UTC)
- Unfortunately, I wouldn't be able to personally look at something like this either. I can mention the suggestion, but I'm really not sure how involved a music change would be. I know that the primary focus of the whole team right now is GW:EN, but it's possible that someone could look at it afterwards. I really can't promise anything, but I'll pass it along for you. --
Emily Diehl (talk) 20:28, 24 July 2007 (UTC)
- Okay, thanks; thats all I really want. It's not something superbly important, but it is something that I [as a role-playing perfectionist] feel needs to be fixed. Let me know what comes of it, eh? Counciler 05:03, 25 July 2007 (UTC)
Heros armors available for players ?
Hi, Emily! Some heros armors have definitively a great appearance, especialy Jora, the warrior hero *smile* Well... Jora's body and common warrior body (female) seems identical. Could we hope that some heros armors be worn by players soon ? Here is a photo manipulation, with Jora's body + armor, and the head of my warrior. Not so bad, isn't it ? (sorry for my so crappy english's level) :D --Alexia Ombrepierre 05:04, 1 August 2007 (UTC)
- Hi Alexia! I'm sorry I don't have more information for you on this topic, but I honestly don't know if there are plans for allowing players to obtain hero armor. I'm guessing not because hero models are actually different than player models, but I don't know. I also agree that the art team did an amazing job with Jora. She's absolutely stunning both in her concepts and in game :) --
Emily Diehl (talk) 22:30, 1 August 2007 (UTC)
- Thanks for your response, Emily :) When I talk about these armors, that's because some people feel in trouble after leaked armors's publication. Thus, I thought heros armors could help them to feel much better. Jora is very popular in the Guild Wars community, and her armor is an esthetic success *smile* I'm sure that a lot of warrior players would be really happy to wear this model. That'd be a great gift for community (for example as bonus when someone buys a new slot in online store, Emily :D) --Alexia Ombrepierre 23:33, 1 August 2007 (UTC)
Minister Cho
Hi Emily, I may be wrong but in both the existing screenshot here and on Guildwiki I double checked by minister cho looks more like Image:Canthan noble m blue.jpg. The render is lovely though, but is it a redundant model? --Lemming 22:37, 7 August 2007 (UTC)
- Hm, that's what I saw the render name as. It's possible that this was an old version though. Let me go into some spreadsheets and check. --
Emily Diehl (talk) 22:38, 7 August 2007 (UTC)
- Well, that's the model that he's supposed to be using. Let me go double check and see what's going on. --
Emily Diehl (talk) 22:42, 7 August 2007 (UTC)
- Heh I'm doing the mission :) --Lemming
22:45, 7 August 2007 (UTC)
- Yeah, I ran to see and you're right on that. We ran through on the dev servers and found that he was spawned with a different model for some reason. As this isn't a show stopping bug or anything, I'll have to talk to some people and see if it's something we'll be changing or if it's something that we'll just leave as is. Until then, you guys can either delete the render or leave it up for the time being until we know if it will change or not. --
Emily Diehl (talk) 22:52, 7 August 2007 (UTC)
- Heh just got there myself, woohoo I found a bug :) I'll figure out some way of keeping the render in case it gets changed later :) --Lemming
22:56, 7 August 2007 (UTC)
- Heh just got there myself, woohoo I found a bug :) I'll figure out some way of keeping the render in case it gets changed later :) --Lemming
- Yeah, I ran to see and you're right on that. We ran through on the dev servers and found that he was spawned with a different model for some reason. As this isn't a show stopping bug or anything, I'll have to talk to some people and see if it's something we'll be changing or if it's something that we'll just leave as is. Until then, you guys can either delete the render or leave it up for the time being until we know if it will change or not. --
- Heh I'm doing the mission :) --Lemming
- Yes, definitely leave this I'd say. I believe this issue is something that we do plan to fix, but most likely not until after GW:EN ships. Good catch nonetheless :) I don't think we'd have even know it was an issue without you pointing it out, so thanks! --
Emily Diehl (talk) 18:01, 15 August 2007 (UTC)
- Yes, definitely leave this I'd say. I believe this issue is something that we do plan to fix, but most likely not until after GW:EN ships. Good catch nonetheless :) I don't think we'd have even know it was an issue without you pointing it out, so thanks! --
GW:EN Armor Renders ?
A friend sent me this link: Allegedly GW:EN armor renders
Either someone has spent a lot of time setting up a hoax, or some tester needs to get his head crunched for violating NDA I guess ...
Confirm/deny/more info soon ??
Clan Yumemiru 14:37, 15 August 2007 (UTC)
- That subject has been mentioned here some time ago, as seen on Emily's archives. Gaile replied there, but if you don't mind me trying to answer your question: what happened was that the same tools that may be used to make Guild Wars mod were used to "look around" the gw.dat archive, and that's where (some) of the armor renders you mentioned came from. So this isn't a matter of a tester violating NDA (no one is getting his head crunched :D). No one has confirmed that all those images are the real thing - Gaile stated that "at least some of these are accurate", and we have seen some of those images in official media (for example, in the GW:EN trailers and at some of the Video Interviews Arena Net did to some gaming sites), but it's unknown if all of those are real. My guess is that yes, all those are the real, but that's just a player's guess. Erasculio 15:01, 15 August 2007 (UTC)
- Thank you, Erasculio, for the answer -- and my apologies for not fully investigating the matter. Clan Yumemiru 15:13, 15 August 2007 (UTC)
- No need to apologize, that wasn't something easy to find - I only found it because I knew where it was : ) Erasculio 15:15, 15 August 2007 (UTC)
- Thank you, Erasculio, for the answer -- and my apologies for not fully investigating the matter. Clan Yumemiru 15:13, 15 August 2007 (UTC)
Filenames in Gw.dat
Hey, I asked Andrew Patrick and as he didn't know he told me to ask you. Are there filenames in Gw.dat? Some people are working on the format of Gw.dat here, would be nice if you could help. :)--Pablo24 06:08, 10 August 2007 (UTC)
- Emily referred the question to me, since a discussion of this sort of thing would involve a company policy decision. I pursued a response, and I'm afraid we're just not able to provide information about the inner workings of the GW.dat file. --Gaile
04:47, 13 August 2007 (UTC)
Sealed Deck Cards
The last update on this was some time ago, and there hasn't been any response in the archived subject.
A sealed play tournament is coming up pretty soon (PAX), are the NF skill cards going to be available for download? Or, alternatively, will there at least be an updated document showing all of the rarity levels and updated rules? (The PDF on the main site is a bit outdated) Theosebes 18:32, 10 August 2007 (UTC)
- Hiya Theo! I checked with Mike and Izzy, and they mentioned that we do have plans to release the Nightfall cards and the updated documents in the near future. I'm not sure of an exact date, but I know they are coming. --
Emily Diehl (talk) 18:58, 10 August 2007 (UTC)
Razah's other armor
In addition to Razah's default (Mysterious) armour set and his Primeval armour set, there is a screenshot of Razah wearing a third, unidentified armour set. Is Razah supposed to be able to obtain a third armour set from one of the challenge missions, or is it just an earlier, alternate version of his default or Primeval set? -- Gordon Ecker 01:04, 13 August 2007 (UTC)
- Hm, I'm not sure what's going on here. I'll do some checking around for you. --
Emily Diehl (talk) 18:22, 15 August 2007 (UTC)
- Hi Gordon! We've determined that not being able to get this set is a bug, and we will most likely be fixing it after GW:EN ships. Thanks for noticing this and pointing it out :) --
Emily Diehl (talk) 22:25, 15 August 2007 (UTC)
- Hi Gordon! We've determined that not being able to get this set is a bug, and we will most likely be fixing it after GW:EN ships. Thanks for noticing this and pointing it out :) --
Lightbringer rank 6, confused with Commander?
Hi Emily, Is Lightbringer rank 6 supposed to be "Conquering Commander" ? It looks like someone meant that title to fall under the Commander title track, not lightbringer. Check out the progression, r6 sticks out like a sore thumb. --Tankity Tank 20:56, 18 August 2007 (UTC)
- Was that a subtle reference to the "Command & Conquer" games? If it's not a trivia out of that, I think it could have been a mistake...Erasculio 00:38, 19 August 2007 (UTC)
- This question was asked on Gaile her talk page before User_talk:Gaile_Gray#Lightbringer_rank_6.2C_bug.3F - Damadmoo 18:40, 21 August 2007 (UTC)
- Yeah, I asked the same question on Gaile's page and was redirected here - then Gaile responded. This is resolved, if you feel the need to archive don't be bashful ^_^ --Tankity Tank 05:05, 22 August 2007 (UTC)
- This question was asked on Gaile her talk page before User_talk:Gaile_Gray#Lightbringer_rank_6.2C_bug.3F - Damadmoo 18:40, 21 August 2007 (UTC)
Odd armor
See Talk:Mesmer Elite Sunspear armor - are the boots and hose meant to be identical? - BeX 12:50, 19 August 2007 (UTC)
- Hm, from what I am seeing they seem to be. I will go talk to the character artists to check for sure though. --
Emily Diehl (talk) 18:57, 21 August 2007 (UTC)
- Hiya Bex! I found out that this is a bug that was unintentional, so we will be fixing the issue soon. I'm not sure if it will be before of after GW:EN's ship, but it will be soon nonetheless :) --
Emily Diehl (talk) 01:12, 22 August 2007 (UTC)
- It's great that people are noticing these things! I'm looking forward to seeing the change. :) - BeX
03:54, 22 August 2007 (UTC)
- It's great that people are noticing these things! I'm looking forward to seeing the change. :) - BeX
EotN manual
Hello, Emily. First of all, thanks for the update on ConfirmEdit. Lets hope the next MW upgrade does fix the issue.
To the topic at hand, I was wondering whether we are permitted to quote/copy content from the EotN manuscript to the wiki articles for the NPCs and events described there? I imagine we'd use some kind of special formatting to make these passages stand out from the rest of the articles, making it clear where they were taken from. Cheers, --Dirigible 18:07, 23 August 2007 (UTC)
- We've been using text from manuals for quite a while now - see Ascalon and Devona. There's a discussion here about the implementation, if you're interested. --Santax (talk · contribs) 18:10, 23 August 2007 (UTC)
- Content obtained from Guild Wars, its web sites, manuals and guides, concept art and renderings, press and fansite kits, and other such copyrighted material, may also be available from this site. All rights, title and interest in and to such content remains with ArenaNet or NCsoft, as applicable, and such content is not licensed pursuant to the GFDL.
- Me thinks it's alright. - File:Drago-sig.gif Drago 18:26, 23 August 2007 (UTC)
- Hey there. Emily asked me to comment, and yes, you are welcome to use the content of the manual for pages on the Guild Wars Wiki. There is an error in the manual, however, and I will put the corrected text on my discussion page for now, until I figure out where best to place it. (We had a printing error, and content not yet finalized and subsequently changed was included in one (thankfully only one) paragraph. --Gaile
22:15, 23 August 2007 (UTC)
- Hey there. Emily asked me to comment, and yes, you are welcome to use the content of the manual for pages on the Guild Wars Wiki. There is an error in the manual, however, and I will put the corrected text on my discussion page for now, until I figure out where best to place it. (We had a printing error, and content not yet finalized and subsequently changed was included in one (thankfully only one) paragraph. --Gaile
- Me thinks it's alright. - File:Drago-sig.gif Drago 18:26, 23 August 2007 (UTC)
- Content obtained from Guild Wars, its web sites, manuals and guides, concept art and renderings, press and fansite kits, and other such copyrighted material, may also be available from this site. All rights, title and interest in and to such content remains with ArenaNet or NCsoft, as applicable, and such content is not licensed pursuant to the GFDL.
Heros Bug
It seems heroes can't acess they're Primary profession specialty, example would be Norgu can't acess Fast Casting.--§ Eloc § 22:17, 24 August 2007 (UTC)
- Thanks Eloc. I'll pass this along. --
Emily Diehl (talk) 17:25, 26 August 2007 (UTC)
GW:EN naming
Hi, Emily. Now that we've finally had our first taste of GW:EN, and discovered she's a hero AND a main protagonist helping fight the Charr for the Ebon Vanguard, I want to ask a question. Is the abbreviation for Guild Wars: Eye of the North an intentional allusion to the name Gwen, or is it sheer coincidence? Maybe someone asked you somewhere else, but I didn't see it. Calor 19:52, 25 August 2007 (UTC)
- Most likely a coincidence. If you think about it, they should have ebreviated the name GW:EotN, not GW:EN because why remove 2 words?--§ Eloc § 20:48, 25 August 2007 (UTC)
- of/the are minor words - hence lowercase - so they are often meant to be ignored in abbreviations. Just so you know... So GW:EN is still a valid abbreviation. They DO add things with reason ALOT. there's no way they didnt see the connection. and they re added her... i'm guessing that we'll see how important the Gwen is in GWEN and that should be enough to show it... Midnight08 23:46, 25 August 2007 (UTC)
- Midnight's right, of/the are minor words. The FBI is the Federal Bureau of Investigation, but it's still called the FBI, not the FBoI. Personally, I think the allusion was intentional, because Eye of the North doesn't seem to be an amazingly fitting name for the town. Calor 02:56, 26 August 2007 (UTC)
- It's not like we cal all the games like GW:FACTIONS, GW:PROPH or GW:NF. Instead, we call it Factions, Proph and NF.--§ Eloc § 05:02, 26 August 2007 (UTC)
- I call it Prophecies and Nightfall... poke | talk 10:59, 26 August 2007 (UTC)
- Yes, we actually did intend for the title of the game to match up with Gwen's name, and we all refer to it around the studio as "Gwen" (for the most part). You guys are free to abbreviate it and refer to it as you'd like, of course, but the naming scheme was no accident :) --
Emily Diehl (talk) 17:05, 26 August 2007 (UTC)
- Ok, thanks. I had a feeling it was intentional, but didn't want to go saying unconfirmed stuff. Calor 00:53, 28 August 2007 (UTC)
- Yes, we actually did intend for the title of the game to match up with Gwen's name, and we all refer to it around the studio as "Gwen" (for the most part). You guys are free to abbreviate it and refer to it as you'd like, of course, but the naming scheme was no accident :) --
- I call it Prophecies and Nightfall... poke | talk 10:59, 26 August 2007 (UTC)
- It's not like we cal all the games like GW:FACTIONS, GW:PROPH or GW:NF. Instead, we call it Factions, Proph and NF.--§ Eloc § 05:02, 26 August 2007 (UTC)
- Midnight's right, of/the are minor words. The FBI is the Federal Bureau of Investigation, but it's still called the FBI, not the FBoI. Personally, I think the allusion was intentional, because Eye of the North doesn't seem to be an amazingly fitting name for the town. Calor 02:56, 26 August 2007 (UTC)
- of/the are minor words - hence lowercase - so they are often meant to be ignored in abbreviations. Just so you know... So GW:EN is still a valid abbreviation. They DO add things with reason ALOT. there's no way they didnt see the connection. and they re added her... i'm guessing that we'll see how important the Gwen is in GWEN and that should be enough to show it... Midnight08 23:46, 25 August 2007 (UTC)