Game updates/20080910
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Update #2 - Wednesday, September 10, 2008[edit]
Bug Fix[edit]
- Fixed functionality of the skill Order of Undeath to reflect the values listed in the update notes.
Update - Wednesday, September 10, 2008[edit]
Updated Zaishen Rewards[edit]
- Updated the Zaishen Chest drops to replace the Trapdoor Tonic with a new tonic for the month of September. More information on Zaishen Rewards can be found here.
Automated Tournaments[edit]
- Updated Automated Tournament map rotations.
Guild Battle Changes[edit]
- Added "Oath of Protection" to the Bodyguard: "While the bodyguard is alive, the Guild Lord takes 20% less damage."
Skill Updates[edit]
For more information on these changes, please see the Developer Updates page.
PvE and PvP[edit]
Glowing Gaze: functionality changed to: "Deals 5...41...50 fire damage. You gain 5 Energy plus 1 Energy for every 2 ranks of Energy Storage if target foe is Burning."
Glowing Ice: functionality changed to: "Deals 5...41...50 cold damage. You gain 5 Energy plus 1 Energy for every 2 ranks of Energy Storage if target foe is hexed with Water Magic."
Glowstone: functionality changed to: "Deals 5...41...50 earth damage. You gain 5 Energy plus 1 Energy for every 2 ranks of Energy Storage if target foe is Weakened."
Icy Shackles: Energy cost increased to 10.
Master of Magic: now ends whenever a non-Elementalist skill is used.
Mind Blast: recharge time reduced to 2 seconds.
Shock Arrow: functionality changed to: "Rapid projectile: deals 5...41...50 lightning damage. You gain 5 Energy plus 1 Energy for every 2 ranks of Energy Storage if you hit an attacking foe. 25% armor penetration."
Order of Undeath: functionality changed to: "Your minions deal +3...13...16 damage and you lose 2% of your maximum Health when a minion hits." Energy cost increased to 10, duration reduced to 5 seconds.
PvP Changes[edit]
Sloth Hunter's Shot (PvP): unconditional damage reduced to 5...17...20, conditional damage reduced to 5...21...25.
PvE Changes[edit]
Unyielding Aura: Now only works on party members within spell casting range.
Bug Fixes[edit]
- Fixed a bug that caused shields to display inside M.O.X.’s arm.
- Updated the FMOD sound library to correct several issues, notably a crash bug on multi-processor computers.
- Fixed a bug that caused players to stop moving when casting Ursan Force.
- Xunlai Tournament Agents now offer prizes for the August tournament. These agents can be found in the Great Temple of Balthazar, Lion's Arch, Kaineng Center, and Kamadan.
- Xunlai Tournament Agents in newly created districts will not hand out Tournament Reward Points until 15 minutes after the district is created.
- Shortened the distance that Justicar Thommis[sic] will chase fleeing characters in the Slaver’s Exile[sic] dungeon.
- Removed rats and oozes from Kamadan, Lion’s Arch, and Kaineng Center.
Guild Wars Wiki notes[edit]
- This update prevented players from gaining an additional Master of the North title track point from within the Golem Tutorial Simulation.
- This month's tonic is the Macabre Tonic.