Leaving a Legacy
Leaving a Legacy | |
Section | Primary Quests |
Campaign | Nightfall
(Elonian only) |
Given by | First Spear Dehvad in Churrhir Fields or Kamadan, Jewel of Istan (Istan) |
Preceded by | Choose Your Secondary Profession |
Followed by | The Honorable General Diamond in the Rough Quarry Quandry Skree Hatchling Season To Dye For |
Type | Primary quest |
Map(s) | |
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Kormir has convinced Elder Suhl to begin excavating First City under the watchful eye of the Sunspears. Now we need to recruit some diggers.
Quest information[edit]
- Talk with Quarrymaster Bohanna about manning the excavation.
- Meet with Dunkoro on the Cliffs of Dohjok.
- Explain the plan to Hamar and start the assault.
- Lead Hamar against the skree harpies holding Dohjok quarry. [5...0] of 5 harpy groups remaining.
- See Digmaster Gatah for your reward.
- 2,000 Experience
- Dunkoro joins your party.
- 125 Gold
- 20 Sunspear Promotion Points
Head to Champion's Dawn to talk to Quarrymaster Bohanna. She will tell you to locate Dunkoro. Just follow the quest marker into Cliffs of Dohjok and find Dunkoro to continue the quest. Dunkoro will provide new information on the situation and inform you to join up with Hamar, the quarry supervisor. Just keep following the quest marker until you get to Hamar and a group of Diggers. Talking to Hamar will have them all follow your party as allies.
The next part of the quest involves clearing out the groups of Skree harpies from the quarry area. There are about five groups in total. Remember to grab the Skree Battle bounty from the nearby resurrection shrine before proceeding. Follow the quest marker down a slope towards the lower quarry area.
The first group of harpies is on the bridge along the downward path. With all the allies with you, the fighting will be relatively quick and easy. Beyond the first group, the second and third group are somewhat close together. Be wary of attracting too much attention. Each group of harpies consists of about 3 or 4 harpies of mixed professions. Once all five groups are cleared, the quest will update and you can head to Jokanur Diggings for your reward.
10 Hamar
10 Digger x4
- Order of the Sunspears
6 Dunkoro
Initial dialogue[edit]
- First Spear Dehvad
- Kormir feels it's time we reclaimed the First City, which has been lost for longer than anyone can remember. If she can pull this off, it will certainly fortify her legacy as the greatest Spearmarshal in Sunspear history. The Istani had ordered the area off limits, but Kormir convinced Elder Suhl to begin excavating under the watchful eye of the Sunspears. Now we need to recruit some diggers. Talk to Quarrymaster Bohanna about that. Since you'll be in the area make sure to meet up with Dunkoro. He's at the Cliffs of Dohjok, and I'm sure his expert planning skills will come in handy.
Accept: "Right away!"
Decline: "Recruiting diggers? Can't I go kill something instead?"
Ask: "Go speak with Quarrymaster Bohanna at Champion's Dawn."
- Kormir feels it's time we reclaimed the First City, which has been lost for longer than anyone can remember. If she can pull this off, it will certainly fortify her legacy as the greatest Spearmarshal in Sunspear history. The Istani had ordered the area off limits, but Kormir convinced Elder Suhl to begin excavating under the watchful eye of the Sunspears. Now we need to recruit some diggers. Talk to Quarrymaster Bohanna about that. Since you'll be in the area make sure to meet up with Dunkoro. He's at the Cliffs of Dohjok, and I'm sure his expert planning skills will come in handy.
Intermediate dialogue[edit]
- Quarrymaster Bohanna
- Some of my family is from Chahbek, hero, so it's an honor to meet you. I would love to give Kormir all the diggers she needs. But I can't help her excavate the First City until I get my own quarry under control. Skree harpies have overrun the equipment and my workers have their hands full just keeping them in check. Meet Hamar at the edge of the quarry, and bring some backup if you can. With your help we can help retake the quarry. That will free up my men for Kormir's task. You know who can really help you? Dunkoro. He's a master at planning and has served Kormir for years. I think he's in the Cliffs of Dohjok.
- Dunkoro
- Hello there, [Character Name]! I've wanted to meet you since I heard about your success at Chahbek Village. Kormir asked me to watch your back during your first few missions. I guess there's trouble at the Dohjok Quarry, eh? Blasted harpies. We have our work cut out for us on this one. We'll need a strategy; can't just blunder around in there. Luckily, planning is what I do best. Now, let's go see what we can do about those harpies. Kormir needs those diggers if we're going to reclaim the First City.
- Hamar
- "Finally some help! Bohanna ordered work to stop as soon as we lost our first man. We've done our best to rid the quarry of these pests, but once a skree harpy queen lands and claims an area it's near impossible to get her to leave! If you can help us get rid of that queen, we can free up some men for Kormir. Let me know when you're ready, and we'll back you up!
Let's go!
Reaching the quarry:
- Dunkoro
- "Harpies are social creatures. If you attack one, the rest will rush into the fray."
- "Harpies nest in cliffs, but scavenge for prey in wide, flat plains and tidal areas."
- "Take out the skree hatchling first to prevent it from healing others of its kind."
Completing quest:
- Hamar
- "Thank you, Sunspears, for saving my quarry! I'll make sure to send Kormir my best diggers. Wait, before you go I should tell you that Digmaster Gatah was looking for you. You'd best see what he wants."
Reward dialogue[edit]
- Digmaster Gatah
- Excellent work! I've received word from Bohanna that he'll [sic] be sending some of his best diggers over to help. With their aid we'll make quick work of this old temple.
- Kormir mentioned that several Kournan and Vabbian dignitaries have arrived. She needs you and Dunkoro to keep them happy while they're here. I have the orders here somewhere.... Here, take this for a job well done. Oh, and before I forget...Kormir asked me to tell Dunkoro that he's to work with you from now on. She says you work well together.
- This quest can be done at the same time with a part of Identity Theft and Scholarly Affairs.