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Male.png This user is Male.
Prepared Shot.jpg This user likes girls who play Guild Wars.
European flag.png This user plays in the
European territory.
Monk-tango-icon-200.png This user is a Monk by nature.
AFK This user spends a lot of time in the game away from the keyboard.
GWW-shield.png This user plays all GW campaigns: Core, Prophecies, Factions, Nightfall, Eye of the North, and Beyond.
GWW-shield.png This user owns the Collector's Edition of Prophecies, Factions and Nightfall.
User Lensor gw2.jpg This user plans to buy Guild Wars 2
User Livia fan.jpg This user is a member of the Livia Fan Club.
User Livia fan2.jpg This user is a member of the Livia's Cleavage Fan Club.
User Andal Herta.jpg This user is a member of the Herta's Cleavage Fan Club and thinks it's better than Livia's.
GwCynn.jpg This user is a member of the Cynn's Thong Fan Club.
Miniature Ghostly Hero.png This user collects miniatures.
The Frog (miniature).png This user loves minipets.
Backpack.png This user is a packrat with never enough storage space!
Faction (Luxon).jpg This user is a member of the Luxon alliance but doesn't care about the Alliances.
Hunt Rampage (Asura).png This user thinks Asura are not cute.
New-download-thing.png This user likes game updates.
Yes This user LOVES user boxes and can't get enough of em'; SEND THEM DOWN HERE!!!
Guilt This user has spent 2506 hours in Guild Wars in 31 months (2.7 h/day).
Gwen (disguise).jpg This user thinks Gwen is really cute.
User Gwen fan.jpg This user has a thing for Gwen. The adult version. No, really.
User That Sounds Risky 7Heroes.jpg This user wanted seven Hero teams and got it!
Glob of Ectoplasm.png This user is saving up for Obsidian Armor and has <20> Ectos and <10> Shards.

Last Update : 05/04/2011 > 21:02