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Disambig icon.png This article is about the Asura named Oggy. For the hero Ogden Stonehealer, see Ogden Stonehealer.
Oggy leaves.jpg
with and without his leaves
Affiliation Not specified
Type Asura
Level(s) 20
Campaign Eye of the North
Oggy map.jpg
Oggy's location from the Magus Stones portal.
Oggy Map2.jpg
Oggy's location from the Tarnished Haven.

Oggy is having trouble impressing girls, and can be found interacting with Jezza and Florggi. He will happily take a Red Iris Flower and Taro Leaves from you. The leaves, as he claims, are for him to wear to make his small ears look bigger.

After giving him the Taro Leaves, the next time you enter Alcazia Tangle you will see that he has attached the leaves to his ears. Giving him a Red Iris Flower as well will earn you 100 Asura reputation points.



"My whole life I've been telling myself that size doesn't matter. Um, try telling that to the ladies. I mean, What healthy female goes for a guy with tiny ears? If only there was a way I could naturally enhance them..."

Before you give him Taro Leaves

Oggy: "Hello ladies. How you doin'?"
Florggi: "Oh Oggy, not again. How many times do I have to tell you? I'm not interested!"
Oggy: "Who said I was even talking to you? I was directing my query at this fine young lady with you. Hey there darlin'. How YOU doin'?"
Jezza: "*giggle*"
Florggi: "Jezza, please. This scrawny little ooze ball isn't worth a second glance. Beat it, Oggy. Come on, let's go."
Jezza: "Sorry. I have to go now. Nice meeting you, Oggy."
Oggy: "Ladies, ladies, please. Why the cold shoulder? The Oggmeister's boiling over with a potful o' love ready to thaw out these frigid hearts."
Florggi: "Because you're weird, smelly, and have teeny-tiny ears. That's why. Jezza, let's go!"

If you have Taro Leaves in your inventory

"You know, taro leaves look an awful lot like a big sexy pair of ears."
Yes Give Oggy the taro leaves.
"Hmm...you think it'll work? Perhaps with some tasteful fasteners they could be quite fetching. What have I got to lose, right? Are you sure you don't mind parting with them?"
Yes Take them. They make my head look fat, anyway.
"Sweet! Once I'm done, no female will resist me. The next time you see me, I'll have one on each arm. Just you wait!"
No I changed my mind. Find your own pair.
"Way to get a guy's hopes up. Jerk."

If you have a Red Iris Flower in your inventory

"Whoa, what's that flower you have? It's amazing. I've never seen something so beautiful. Can I have it? To give to Jezza? Please?"
Yes Here. Take them.
"This flower is sure to win me her love!"
No Forget it. I like the way they smell.
"Ugh. You humans are such teases. I'll just go pick my own, then."

After you've given him Taro Leaves

Florggi: "Oggy, what in the heck do you have on your head? Did you get attacked by a salad? You look ridiculous!"
Oggy: "Ladies, no need to stare. I realise not everyone can carry off this look as well as I can. Tell you what. If you're nice, maybe I'll let you come a little closer and touch 'em."
Florggi: "..."
Jezza: "They're very cute, Oggy"
Oggy: "Ha! Score one for the Oggmeister."
Florggi: "Ew, gross! You don't actually like this creep, Jezza?"
Jezza: "What? A girl can't compliment another Asura on his impeccable taste?"
Oggy: "Yeah! Alright! That's what I'm talkin' about!"
Florggi: "Disgusting! Don't encourage him. Ugh...I don't know if I can be friends with you anymore."
Jezza: "Oh blow it out your floppy ears."
Oggy: "Flawless victory! Uh huh! Who's the man? Me, thats who."
Jezza: "Okay, Oggy. You can shut up now."
Oggy: "Yes, Ma'am."



  • "How you doin'?" is the pick-up line of Joey Tribbiani, a fictional character of the television series Friends.
  • "Meister" is German for "master."
  • Despite the dialogue, he's not the only Asura with small ears; Iggon (Umbral Grotto) also has a pair of small ears.