Feedback:Game updates/20110217
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Update #2 - Thursday, February 17, 2011[edit]
Bug Fixes[edit]
- Fixed a text bug that caused “Flash Enchantment Spell” to display as “....”
Update - Thursday, February 17, 2011[edit]
Skill Balance[edit]
For more information on these changes, please see the Developer Updates page.
- Mysticism: functionality of this attribute changed to: "Each rank in Mysticism reduces the cost of your Dervish enchantments by 4%. You have +1 armor per rank of Mysticism while you are enchanted."
- Scythe critical hits: reduced the amount of damage done by scythe critical hits.
- Scythe attack speed: increased scythe attack speed.
- Adrenaline cost: many scythe skills now cost adrenaline instead of Energy.
- Scythe bonus damage: scythe attacks that do not remove an enchantment have had their bonus damage reduced or their functionality changed.
General Dervish Changes[edit]
- All avatars: decreased Energy cost to 5; decreased recharge to 10 seconds; decreased disable time to 45 seconds.
- Enchantment-removal skills: enchantment-removal skills now only remove Dervish enchantments. Dervish enchantments are now indicated by a blue border in your effects monitor.
- Flash enchantments: a flash enchantment has no casting time or aftercast, but disables all other flash enchantments for 1 second when cast.
Dervish Skills[edit]
Attacker's Insight: increased Energy cost to 10; decreased duration to 3...10 seconds; decreased recharge to 10 seconds; changed functionality to: "For 3...10 seconds you have a 50% chance to block while attacking. When this enchantment ends, you inflict Weakness on all adjacent foes for 3...15 seconds."
Aura of Holy Might: increased duration to 45 seconds; increased recharge to 30 seconds; changed functionality to: "For 45 seconds, you deal 20...25 holy damage to all adjacent foes whenever you lose a Dervish enchantment."
Aura of Thorns: changed to flash enchantment; decreased recharge to 10 seconds.
Aura Slicer: changed attribute to Mysticism; removed Energy cost; added adrenaline cost of 4 strikes; changed functionality to: "Melee Attack. If this attack hits, you inflict Bleeding for 5...15 seconds. If you are enchanted, you also inflict Cracked Armor for 1...10 seconds."
Avatar of Balthazar: changed functionality to: "Elite Form. For 10...90 seconds, you gain +20 armor against physical damage, you gain adrenaline 33% faster, your attacks deal holy damage, and whenever you lose a Dervish enchantment, nearby foes are set on fire for 5 seconds. This skill is disabled for 45 seconds."
Avatar of Dwayna: changed functionality to: "Elite Form. For 10...90 seconds, your attacks deal holy damage. Whenever you cast a Dervish enchantment, you lose 1 hex. Whenever you lose a Dervish enchantment, all allies in earshot are healed for 5...50 Health. This skill is disabled for 45 seconds."
Avatar of Dwayna (PvP): changed functionality to: "Elite Form. For 10...90 seconds, you deal holy damage with attacks. Whenever you cast a Dervish enchantment you lose 1 hex. Whenever you lose a Dervish enchantment, you are healed for 5...50 Health. This skill is disabled for 45 seconds."
Avatar of Grenth: changed functionality to: "Elite Form. For 10...90 seconds, your scythe attacks deal dark damage and steal 0...15 Health. You are immune to Disease and inflict Disease on all adjacent foes for 5 seconds whenever you lose a Dervish enchantment. This skill is disabled for 45 seconds."
Avatar of Grenth (PvP): merged with PvE version; this skill now functions the same in PvE and PvP.
Avatar of Lyssa: changed functionality to: "Elite Form. For 10...90 seconds, your Dervish enchantments recharge 50% faster and your attacks deal chaos damage. Whenever you lose a Dervish enchantment, steal 1 Energy from all nearby foes. This skill is disabled for 45 seconds."
Avatar of Melandru: changed functionality to: "Elite Form. For 10...90 seconds, you have +150 Health, +30 elemental armor, and your attacks deal earth damage. Whenever you lose a Dervish enchantment, all party members in earshot lose 1 condition. This skill is disabled for 45 seconds."
Avatar of Melandru (PvP): changed functionality to: "Elite Form. For 10...90 seconds, you have +100 Health, +30 elemental armor, and your attacks deal earth damage. Whenever you lose a Dervish enchantment you lose 2 conditions. This skill is disabled for 45 seconds."
Balthazar's Rage: changed to flash enchantment; decreased recharge to 10 seconds; changed functionality to: "All nearby foes are set on fire for 1...3 seconds. For 20 seconds afterward, this enchantment does nothing. When this enchantment ends, you gain 1...2 strikes of adrenaline if any foes are within earshot."
Banishing Strike: changed attribute to Mysticism; decreased activation time to 1 second; decreased recharge to 3 seconds; change functionality to: "If it hits, this attack deals 10...60 holy damage. It deals double damage to summoned creatures."
Banishing Strike (PvP): changed attribute to Mysticism; decreased recharge to 3 seconds; changed functionality to: "If it hits, this attack deals 10...60 holy damage. It deals double damage to summoned creatures."
Chilling Victory: removed Energy cost; added adrenaline cost of 6 strikes; changed functionality to: "Scythe Attack. If it hits, this attack strikes for +3...15 damage. For each foe hit who has less Health than you, that foe and all adjacent foes are struck for 10...30 cold damage."
Chilling Victory (PvP): merged with PvE version; this skill now functions the same in PvE and PvP.
Conviction: decreased duration to 10 seconds; decreased recharge to 10 seconds; changed functionality to: "For 10 seconds, you have +10 armor if you have a condition and gain 1...3 Health regen for each condition you have. When this enchantment ends, you are cured of 1...2 conditions."
Conviction (PvP): merged with PvE version; this skill now functions the same in PvE and PvP.
Crippling Sweep: changed functionality to: "Scythe Attack. If this attack hits a foe, that foe is Crippled for 3...12 seconds. This skill deals +10...30 extra damage if that foe is moving."
Crippling Victory: removed Energy cost; added adrenaline cost of 5 strikes; changed functionality to: "If this attack hits a foe, that foe is Crippled for 3...8 seconds. If you have more Health than target foe, all adjacent foes are also Crippled and take 10...30 earth damage."
Dust Cloak: changed to flash enchantment; decreased damage to 10...40; decreased Blindness duration to 1...4 seconds; decreased recharge to 6 seconds.
Ebon Dust Aura: changed to flash enchantment; decreased recharge to 10 seconds; changed duration to 20 seconds; changed functionality to: "When you cast this enchantment, all nearby foes are Blinded for 1...7 seconds. For 20 seconds, if you are wielding an earth weapon, your melee attacks deal +5...20 earth damage. When this enchantment ends, you are cured of Blindness."
Enchanted Haste: removed attribute dependence; changed to flash enchantment; decreased duration to 8 seconds; increased Energy cost to 10; changed functionality: "For 8 seconds, you move 25% faster. If this enchantment ends prematurely, you lose 1 condition."
Eremite's Attack: increased recharge to 6 seconds; removed fast activation; changed functionality to: "If it hits, this attack deals +1...10 damage and removes a Dervish enchantment. If an enchantment is removed, you do an additional +1...10 damage and strike all adjacent foes."
Eremite's Attack (PvP): merged with PvE version; this skill now functions the same in PvE and PvP.
Eremite's Zeal: decreased activation time to 1/4 second; increased recharge to 15 seconds; changed functionality to: "You gain 1...3 Energy for each foe within earshot, maximum 8 Energy. For 10 seconds afterward, this enchantment does nothing. When this enchantment ends, you gain 1...3 Energy for each foe within earshot, maximum 8 Energy."
Eternal Aura: increased casting time to 4 seconds; changed Energy cost to 15; changed to infinite duration; changed functionality to: "You have +100 max Health. When this enchantment ends, all party members in the area are resurrected with 40...50% Health and 20...30% Energy."
Extend Enchantments: change skill type to skill; removed activation time; decreased recharge to 10 seconds, changed functionality to: "For 10 seconds, your next Dervish enchantment lasts 10...150% longer."
Fleeting Stability: changed to flash enchantment; decreased Energy cost to 5; changed functionality to: "For 2...7 seconds, you cannot be knocked down and move 25% faster. This enchantment ends prematurely if it prevents a knockdown."
Grenth's Grasp: changed to flash enchantment; decreased Cripple duration to 1...11; added the following functionality: "Transfers 1 condition from you to your foe."
Grenth's Aura: changed to flash enchantment; decreased Energy cost to 10; increased duration to 20 seconds; decreased recharge to 10 seconds; changed functionality to: "For 20 seconds, you deal 5...25 less damage and steal 5...25 Health whenever you hit with a scythe attack. When you cast this enchantment you steal 5...25 Health from all adjacent foes."
Grenth's Fingers: changed to flash enchantment; decreased Energy cost to 5; changed functionality to: "Flash Enchantment Spell. All nearby foes are struck for 10...40 cold damage. For 30 seconds, your attacks deal cold damage. When this enchantment ends, you transfer 1...2 conditions to all nearby foes."
Guiding Hands: increased Energy cost to 10, reduced recharge to 10 seconds; changed functionality to: "For 20 seconds, your next 0...3 attacks cannot be blocked. When activated, this skill removes the Blindness condition."
Guiding Hands (PvP): split for PvP; increased Energy cost to 10, changed functionality to: "For 20 seconds, your next 0...3 attacks cannot be blocked. When activated, this skill removes the Blindness condition."
Harrier's Grasp: changed to flash enchantment; decreased duration to 5...20 seconds; decreased recharge to 15 seconds; added the following functionality: "When you cast this spell, you lose Cripple and 1 other condition."
Harrier's Haste: changed to flash enchantment; decreased duration to 3...12 seconds; increased Energy cost to 10; decreased bonus damage against moving foes to 3...12; decreased recharge to 10 seconds.
Heart of Fury: changed skill type to stance; removed Energy cost; added adrenaline cost of 4 strikes; removed recharge; changed functionality to: "For 2...12 seconds, you attack 25% faster."
Heart of Holy Flame: changed to flash enchantment; increased Burning duration to 2...5 seconds; decreased holy damage to 5...30; decreased recharge to 10 seconds.
Intimidating Aura: changed attribute to Mysticism; changed functionality to: "For 60 seconds you have +40...100 max Health and take 1...10 less damage from foes with less Health than you."
Irresistible Sweep: increased recharge to 6 seconds; changed functionality to: "Scythe Attack. Deal +3...15 damage and lose 1 Dervish enchantment. If you lose an enchantment in this way, Irresistible Sweep cannot be blocked, removes a stance, and deals +3...15 additional damage."
Irresistible Sweep (PvP): removed Energy cost; added adrenaline cost of 5 strikes; removed recharge; changed functionality to: "Scythe Attack. Deal +3...15 damage and lose 1 Dervish enchantment. If you lose an enchantment in this way, Irresistible Sweep cannot be blocked and removes a stance."
Lyssa's Assault: decreased Energy cost to 5; decreased activation time to 1/2 second; increased recharge to 15 seconds; changed functionality to: "Scythe Attack. This attack interrupts an action if it hits. If you are enchanted, any skill you interrupt is disabled for an additional 1...10 seconds. This attack does 50% of normal damage."
Lyssa's Haste: changed to flash enchantment; increased Energy cost to 10; changed functionality to: "Enchantment Spell. For 3...15 seconds, your Dervish enchantments recharge 33% faster. When you activate this enchantment, all adjacent foes are interrupted. When this enchantment ends, all adjacent foes are interrupted. 50% failure chance unless Wind Prayers 5 or higher."
Meditation: increased recharge to 20 seconds; increased Energy cost to 10; decreased activation time to 1/4 second; changed functionality to: "Enchantment Spell. Lose all adrenaline. For 20 seconds, you gain 1...4 Energy every time an enchantment on you ends."
Mirage Cloak: changed to flash enchantment; decreased Energy cost to 10; decreased duration to 1...7 seconds; increased recharge to 10 seconds; changed functionality to: "For 1...7 seconds, you have a 40...80% chance to block incoming attacks. When you cast this enchantment, all nearby foes are struck for 10...40 earth damage."
Mystic Corruption: changed to flash enchantment; increased Energy cost to 10; decreased recharge to 10 seconds; changed functionality to: "All adjacent foes suffer from Disease for 1...3 seconds. For 20 seconds, nothing happens. Disease duration is doubled if you are enchanted when you activate this skill. When this enchantment ends, all party members in earshot are cured of Disease."
Mystic Healing: increased recharge to 4 seconds; changed functionality to: "Heals you for 5...65 Health and all enchanted party members for 5...65 Health."
Mystic Healing (PvP): Increased recharge to 20 seconds; changed functionality to: "You are healed for 5...65 Health. Also heals all enchanted party members for 5...65 Health."
Mystic Regeneration: increased recharge to 10 seconds.
Mystic Sandstorm: removed Energy cost; added adrenaline cost of 5 strikes; increased casting time to 1; changed functionality to: "Create a Sandstorm at your location that lasts 3 seconds. Each second, foes nearby this location take 10...20 earth damage. Attacking foes take an additional 10...20 earth damage. If you are enchanted when you cast this spell, it lasts twice as long."
Mystic Sweep: changed attribute to Mysticism; increased activation time to 1 second; increased recharge to 6 seconds; changed functionality to: "If this attack hits, you deal +3...12 damage. If you are enchanted, this attack deals an additional +3...12 damage."
Mystic Twister: removed Energy cost; added adrenaline cost of 5 strikes; decreased recharge to 8 seconds; changed functionality to: "Deals 10...60 cold damage to all nearby foes. If you are enchanted, this spell deals an additional +10...60 cold damage."
Mystic Vigor: Increased healing to 3...15 per enchantment.
Natural Healing: increased casting time to 2 seconds; increased recharge to 6 seconds; changed functionality to: "You are healed for 30...150 Health. If you are not enchanted, this spell activates 50% faster."
Onslaught: changed to flash enchantment; decreased duration to 3...15; increased Energy cost to 10; decreased recharge to 10; changed functionality to: "For 3...15 seconds, you attack, move, and gain adrenaline 25% faster."
Pious Assault: decreased Energy cost to 5; changed functionality to: "If it hits, this attack deals +10...20 damage and removes 1 Dervish enchantment. If a Dervish enchantment was removed, this skill recharges 75% faster and adjacent foes take 10...30 damage."
Pious Assault (PvP): decreased Energy cost to 5; changed functionality to: "You lose 1 Dervish enchantment. If a Dervish enchantment was removed, this skill recharges 75% faster and adjacent foes take 10...30 damage."
Pious Concentration: now only removes Dervish enchantments.
Pious Fury: changed functionality to: "Remove 1 Dervish enchantment. For 1...7 seconds, you attack 33% [sic] faster. If an enchantment was removed, this stance lasts twice as long."
Pious Haste: changed duration to 1...7 seconds; increased recharge to 12; changed functionality to: "You remove 1 Dervish enchantment and for 1...7 you move 25% faster. If an enchantment was removed, you run 50% faster instead."
Pious Renewal: changed to flash enchantment; changed functionality to: "For 8 seconds, nothing happens. When this enchantment ends, Pious Renewal is recharged and you gain 0...5 Energy and 0...30 Health."
Pious Restoration: now removes only Dervish enchantments; decreased number of hexes removed to 1...2.
Radiant Scythe: removed Energy cost; added adrenaline cost of 6 strikes; removed recharge; changed functionality to: "This attack strikes for +1 damage for each point of Energy you currently have, maximum 5...30 damage. You gain 1...7 Energy if this attack hits."
Reap Impurities: removed Energy cost; added adrenaline cost of 4 [sic] strikes; removed recharge; changed functionality to "Scythe Attack. If this attack hits, you deal +3...15 damage. Each foe you hit loses 1 condition. For each foe who loses a condition, all foes adjacent to that target foe take 10...40 holy damage."
Rending Aura: changed to flash enchantment; increased duration to 30 seconds; decreased recharge to 6 seconds; changed functionality to: "When you cast this enchantment, all nearby foes take 10...40 cold damage. For 30 seconds, your attack skills remove enchantments from knocked-down foes. When this enchantment ends, nearby foes are affected by Cracked Armor for 1...10 seconds."
Rending Sweep: removed Energy cost; added adrenaline cost of 6 strikes; changed functionality to: "Scythe Attack. You deal +5...20 damage and lose 1 Dervish enchantment. If an enchantment was lost, you remove an enchantment from each foe you hit."
Rending Touch: changed attribute to Mysticism; changed functionality to: "Deals 15...65 cold damage to target foe. You lose 1 Dervish enchantment. If an enchantment was removed, target foe loses 1 enchantment and you gain 1 strike of adrenaline."
Sand Shards: changed to flash enchantment; increased Energy cost to 10; decreased recharge to 10 seconds; changed functionality to: "For 30 seconds, the next 1...5 times you hit with a scythe, all other adjacent foes take 10...60 earth damage."
Shield of Force: changed to flash enchantment; increased Energy cost to 10; changed functionality to: "Enchantment Spell. For 1...16 seconds, blocks the next 1 attack against you. If an attack is blocked, all adjacent attacking foes are knocked down and suffer from Weakness for 5...20 seconds."
Signet of Pious Light: now removes only Dervish enchantments; increased healing to 30...150; now recharges 75% faster if an enchantment was removed.
Signet of Pious Restraint: now removes only Dervish enchantments; now recharges 75% faster if an enchantment was removed; now Cripples nearby foes in addition to your target, if an enchantment was removed.
Signet of Pious Restraint (PvP): now removes only Dervish enchantments; now recharges 75% faster if an enchantment was removed.
Staggering Force: changed to flash enchantment; decreased recharge to 6 seconds; changed functionality to: "All nearby foes are struck for 10...40 earth damage. For 30 seconds, your attacks deal earth damage. When this enchantment ends, all nearby foes have Cracked Armor for 1...10 seconds."
Test of Faith: removed Energy cost; added adrenaline cost of 7 strikes; decreased recharge to 5 seconds; changed functionality to: "Deals 15...65 cold damage and takes 1 enchantment from target foe. If that foe was not enchanted, that foe is Dazed for 1...4 seconds."
Twin Moon Sweep: removed Energy cost; added adrenaline cost of 7 strikes; removed recharge; changed functionality to: "You lose 1 Dervish enchantment and gain 10...50 Health. If an enchantment is lost in this way, you cannot be blocked, you strike twice, and you gain an additional 10...70 Health."
Twin Moon Sweep (PvP): removed Energy cost; added adrenaline cost of 7 strikes; removed recharge; changed functionality to: "You lose 1 Dervish enchantment and gain 10...20 Health. If an enchantment is lost in this way, you cannot be blocked, you strike twice, and you gain an additional 10...30 Health."
Veil of Thorns: changed to flash enchantment; increased duration to 5...25; decreased recharge to 15 seconds; changed functionality to: "When you cast this enchantment, all nearby foes are struck for 5...50 piercing damage. For 5...25 seconds, you take 5...35% less damage from spells."
Victorious Sweep: decreased damage to +5...25.
Vow of Piety: changed skill type to enchantment; added activation time of 1/4 second.
Vow of Strength: increased recharge to 20 seconds; changed functionality to: "Elite Enchantment Spell. For 15 seconds, whenever you attack a foe with your scythe, you deal 10...25 slashing damage to all adjacent foes."
Wearying Strike: removed Energy cost; added adrenaline cost of 5 strikes; removed recharge; changed functionality to: "Scythe Attack. You remove 1 Dervish enchantment. If an enchantment was removed, you inflict a Deep Wound for 3...10 seconds. You suffer from Weakness for 10 seconds if an enchantment is not removed."
Whirling Charge: changed to flash enchantment; decreased recharge to 6 seconds; changed functionality to: "For 1...6 seconds, you move 33% faster than normal. The next time you strike a foe, all other nearby foes take 10...60 cold damage and this enchantment ends."
Winds of Disenchantment: increased Energy cost to 10; now removes only Dervish enchantments; reduced recharge to 15 seconds.
Wounding Strike: changed functionality to: "If this attack hits, you do +5...20 damage, target foe suffers from Bleeding for 5...20 seconds, and you lose 1 Dervish enchantment. If an enchantment was removed, target foe also suffers from a Deep Wound for 5...20 seconds."
Zealous Renewal: decreased Energy cost to 5; reduced recharge to 10 seconds; changed functionality to: "All nearby foes take 5...30 holy damage. For 5...25 seconds, you have -1 Energy regeneration and gain 1 Energy whenever you hit a foe. If this enchantment ends prematurely, you gain 1...5 Energy."
Zealous Sweep: added the following functionality: "You gain 1 strike of adrenaline for each foe you hit."
Zealous Vow: decreased Energy gain to 1...6.
Elementalist Skills[edit]
Intensity: changed skill type to skill; removed casting time; decreased recharge to 10 seconds; changed functionality to: "For 10 seconds, the next time you deal elemental damage with a spell to a target, you deal 40...50% of that damage to all other nearby foes."
Warrior Skills[edit]
Body Blow: decreased Deep Wound duration to 0...15.
General PvE Skills[edit]
Asuran Scan: changed functionality to: "For 9...12 seconds your attacks cannot miss target foe. Killing a foe hexed with Asuran scan removes 5% death penalty."
"By Ural's Hammer!": increased recharge to 60 seconds; changed functionality to: "For 30 seconds, all dead party members in earshot are resurrected with full Health and Energy. Resurrected party members deal 25...33% more damage. When this effect ends, affected party members die. This skill does not incur a death penalty."
Creature Skill Updates[edit]
Rebalanced skill bars for the following creatures:
- Avatar of Balthazar
- Becalmed Djinn
- Black Beast of Aaaaaarrrrrgggghhh
- Chilling Wisp
- Corsair Berserker
- Crypt Keeper
- Dementia Titan
- Destroyer of Compassion
- Enchanted Scythe
- Golem
- Golem Sentry
- Kournan Elite Zealot
- Kournan Zealot
- Madness Titan
- Maelstrom Djinn
- Malfunctioning Golem
- Margonite Anur Ruk
- Peacekeeper Enforcer
- Peacekeeper Sibyl
- Rampaging Ntouka
- Sapphire Djinn
- Sapphire of Ahdashim
- Scythe of Chaos
- Sentry Golem
- Shaemoor Gate Guard
- The Black Beast of Arrgh
- Thorn Beetle
- Unstable Golem
- Water Djinn
- Whirling Wisp
- White Mantle Devotee
- Worker Golem
- Acolyte of Dwayna
- Acolyte of Melandru
- Bubahl Icehands
- Carin the Berserker [sic]
- Captain Denduru
- Captain Mhedi
- Chundu the Meek
- Corporal Suli/Taskmaster Suli
- Dabineh Deathbringer
- Emissary of Dhuum
- Facet of Spirit
- Fahralon the Zealous
- Haioss, Blessed Wind
- Hajok Earthguardian
- Justiciar Kasandra
- Leilon, Tranquil Water
- Lord Yama the Vengeful
- Myish, Lady of the Lake
- Onslaught of Terror
- Sehlon, Beautiful Water
- The Black Beast of Arrgh [sic]
- Vahlen the Silent
- Water Lord
Guild Wars Wiki notes[edit]
These skills were also changed:
Mystic Sweep (PvP): merged with PvE version; this skill now functions the same in PvE and PvP.
Reaper's Sweep: removed Energy cost; added adrenaline cost of 8 strikes; removed recharge; changed functionality to: "If this attack hits, you Cripple your target for 3...13...15 seconds. You lose 1 Dervish enchantment. If an enchantment was removed, this attack knocks down for 2...3...3 seconds."
Signet of Mystic Speed: added activation time of 1 second; changed functionality to: "For 30 seconds, your next 1...3...3 self-targeting enchantments cast instantly. Flash enchantments do not consume uses of this skill."
This update also changed the following:
- Summoned creatures from summoning stone now display as allies in the party window, under most circumstances.
- The /deaths special command now reads "You have died X times and gained experience since death". [sic]
- Nagozi's dialogue was changed to describe flash enchantments and teardown skills.